If You Only Do One Thing This Week… Quit Sugar With Calgary Avansino!

Consuming sugar does absolutely nothing good for our bodies, our health or our mood; it is empty calories, contains no nutrients and sends us on a rollercoaster, in which we eventually crash desperate for the next ‘fix’. From 2009-2010, we consumed 154.1 million metric tons of sugar globally. Fast forward half a decade to 2014-2015, and worldwide consumption has exceeded 176.83 million tonnes. We are eating WAY too much sugar!

Right now in 2016, this is the situation we are in: 1.9 billion adults around the world are categorised as overweight and 650 million are categorised as obese. The statistics are damning. But we can make change, person-by-person, day-by-day. Here are my top eight tips for making changes to your relationship with sugar!


Read the packaging

It’s time we start reading the labels and finding out for ourselves exactly what we’re eating. Manufacturers will use a variety of words to hide sugar into our foods – think fruit juice concentrate, golden syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, maltose, molasses, rice syrup, sorbitol, sucrose, xylose… The list is endless. It is also important to know this equation: 4 grams of sugar = 1 teaspoon of sugar. Keep this in your memory at all times. When we see sugar listed in grams, we struggle to visualise what we’re eating – but everyone knows what a teaspoon looks like.


Look out for hidden sugar

Sugar is everywhere, from the more obvious: chocolate, soda, candy, donuts etc., to the lesser-known items, like tomato sauce, fruit juice, yoghurts, ‘healthy’ snack bars, pasta sauce, soups and salad dressings. It is almost unavoidable in processed foods, no matter how good they appear to be. Reading the labels means you hunt it out in every unexpected place. Keep your eyes peeled – even with the seemingly ‘healthy’, ‘low-fat’, ‘diet’ foods.


Know your limit

According to a 2012 NHS report, the average Britain eats approximately 20 teaspoons of sugar per day. That’s 700g or 140 teaspoons per week. However, numerous doctors and health organisations say our bodies can only cope with, and process, 7 teaspoons of sugar per day, which is the equivalent of 30 grams. Some even say this should be as low as 25 grams (6 teaspoons) for adults and 20 grams (5 teaspoons) for children. Hopefully it will have just clicked for you quite how much we all need to start cutting down.


Clear your cupboards – and don’t refill them

There is only one way you’re going to truly cut sugar out of your life – and that’s by getting rid of it completely. Clear out your cupboards, handbag, desk drawer, and car – absolutely everywhere that you stash your sugary fixes. Then make a commitment to yourself that you won’t re-buy it all. When you get a craving, if there is nothing there for you to reach for, you simply can’t eat it.


Cut out fruit juice

Hopefully you’ve already banished sugary soda drinks and flavoured waters from your life. Next on your list should be fruit juice. Aside from added sugars, fruit juice contains naturally occurring fructose. In whole fruit, the fructose is bound up in fibre and carbohydrates which have to be broken down by the digestive system first, thus meaning you never get the ‘hit’ of pure fructose. However, when fruit is juiced, any positives are literally squeezed out of it. This is why fruit juice is often referred to as ‘sugar water’ by many nutritionists. Start by cutting out that glass of orange juice with breakfast for starters….


Make good swaps

Always have good choices around; why not have some carrot and celery sticks with hummus, or some apple with almond butter at 3pm? Or instead of a sweet milkshake, why not whizz up a naturally sweet almond milk smoothie? Rather than buying a ready-made soup, why not sauté off some vegetables, onion and garlic with vegetable stock and water, blitz together, and make your own delicious soup? Start prepping a bit on Sunday, so you have loads to eat throughout the week or freeze into batches for busy days.


Eat more plants and whole foods

Food is not just something we put in our mouths to satiate hunger; it is the fuel our bodies use to stay healthy and function well. And guess what, if you don’t put quality fuel into your body, you don’t feel well, function well or look well. It is almost unavoidable that we will find sugar in processed foods, no matter how good they appear to be. The answer is eating more plants and whole foods – what I like to call ‘real’ food – fresh, nutritious, unprocessed food that grows in the soil, on trees and on bushes with the sun’s energy. Think about what your great-grandparents would have recognised as food – that’s what is real. It should be coming straight from grocery aisles, farmers’ markets and vegetable stalls, not out of plastic packaging or found within ready-made meals.


Find a sugar buddy

Now you’ve made this commitment to cut out sugar, shout it from the rooftops. Tell everyone. Be proud. Get everyone involved in your new way of eating so you don’t have to keep explaining yourself when they offer round the cakes at work. If you have one key person who you can get on board to join you, even better. It’ll be so great to have their support when the 3pm cravings or 9pm munchies hit – and doing it together will feel twice as rewarding when you both see how well you’re doing.


Written for Hip & Healthy by Calgary Avansino

Check our Calgary’s new book, Keep It Real, here!

Healthy Office Gadgets We Swear By!

Hydrate In Style – S’well Bottle

Our favourite healthy office gadgets has to be our wonderful S’well Bottles, as they make such a great alternative to plastic ones which contain harmful toxins like BPA. Treating yourself (and your family) to a S’well Bottle is an investment you won’t regret! These eco friendly bottles are BPA free and are made with non-leaching stainless steel. The vacuum-seeled screw caps will keep your drinks super fresh and thier clever thermal properties means your summer smoothie will stay cold for 24 hours, and your morning matcha tea hot for 12 hours! We stock them in just about every pattern under the sun so we know you will find one to suit you!


Improve Your Posture – Office Fitness Exercise Ball Chair

Get fit while you sit! … By sitting and balancing yourself on a stability ball seat rather than a standard chair, you will benefit from a noticeable improvement in your core strength and posture.

Wherever you spend time sitting, in the office, at your computer, even in front of the television, by simply replacing your chair with the Office Fitness Exercise Ball Chair, you will enhance your balance and strengthen in your lumbar spine and abdominal muscles, meaning you’ll stand straighter, look leaner, and feel happier! At just 21″ wide by 22″ deep, the Office Fitness Exercise Ball Chair doesnt take up more space than a conventional desk chair. It is however, much more than just a chair, and will enable you to enjoy micro-workouts throughout your day!


Non-Toxic Tupperware – The Life Facotry

We all know that taking in our own lunch to work rather than dashing to wholefoods or Pret is certainly a cost-saving and often healthier way to eat lunch. But have you thought about the harmful substances that may be lurking within your tupperware? We love The Life Factory, a Californian company who are committed to creating a safer way to eat and drink. Their BPA/BPS free glass food storage collection delivers functional utility match with chic, colourful style. You can find a selection of their range at Planet Organic or you can order them online.


Standing Desk – Varidesk Soho Standing Desk

They say sitting is the new smoking… a worrying statement for all office workers out there. Studies show most of us sit for over seven hours a day but even balancing that out by going to the gym won’t necessarily reverse all of the negative effects. This standing desk from Varidesk is the perfect way to get off your bottom and stretch your legs, while at the same time, benefiting your health, boosting your energy levels as well as your creativity. Who says you can’t stay fit whilst answering emails?!


Soothe Your Eyes – Laptop eye-screen protector

Do you get tired, sore eyes, staring at your screen all day long? Try investing in a protective film, which you can place over your screen. This will effectively filter away any nasty UV rays and protect those beautiful eyes as well as reducing tjose mid afternoon headaches. What’s great about these protectors is that during prolonged work hours at your computer, it will counteract fatigue which will ultimately keep you focused and productive. The screen’s upper surface is matte and anti-reflective, which will aid your eyes when you are working under strong lighting. The screen film will also mean that scratches and any forms of damage to your screen will be a thing of the past!

words by Flora Crighton

Raw Berry Layered Cake – Livia’s Kitchen


My Mum’s favourite birthday cake for as long as I can remember was a strawberries and cream layered cake. Each year my Dad would buy her one from their favourite patisserie. My family are all huge supporters of my new lifestyle, often adopting the way I eat, but I was still suprised when my Mum asked me to create a new recipe for her last birthday, replacing her favourite cake. I was excited by this challenge and came up with this raw cashew-layered ‘cheesecake’. Seeing how quickly the cake disappeared at her birthday meal filled me with such happiness.

Makes an 18cm Cheesecake


Softened coconut oil, for greasing the tin

Sticky Nut Crust (page 49)

Fresh berries and coconut flakes (optional), to serve

Vanilla layer

500g cashews (soaked overnight)

125ml maple syrup

2 teaspoons vanilla powder

Juice of ½ lemon

120g melted raw coconut oil

Strawberry layer

125g frozen strawberries

1 tablespoon melted raw coconut oil

35g strawberries, thinly sliced

Blueberry layer

75g frozen blueberries

15g finely desiccated coconut



Grease an 18cm deep cake tin. Press the crust into the bottom of the tin to make the vanilla layer

Soak the cashews overnight or for a minimum of 4–6 hours. Drain and rinse.

Put all the ingredients for the vanilla layer except the coconut oil in a food processor. Mix well for about 3 minutes until the mixture is really smooth and creamy. Add the coconut oil and mix again.

Separate the mixture into three equal portions.

To make the strawberry layer…

With a third of the mixture, make the strawberry layer by adding the frozen strawberries and blending again. Add the tablespoon of coconut oil and mix again.

Spoon this mixture on top of the base in the cake tin, and then place the thinly sliced strawberry pieces on top.

Place in the freezer for 30 minutes–1 hour, if you have time, in order to firm it up before adding the second layer.

Once it has firmed up a little, put the second third of the mixture on top of this – the vanilla layer.

Return to the freezer again for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

To make the blueberry layer…

With the remaining third, return it to the food processor again and add the blueberry layer ingredients, mixing well. Spoon this layer on top of the vanilla layer.

Leave the cheesecake to set in the freezer for 2–3 hours, taking out at least 30 minutes before serving with fresh berries and coconut flakes, if using.

Best stored in the fridge.

Extracted from Livia’s Kitchen by Olivia Wollenberg (Ebury Press, hardback £20)
Photography | Tara Fisher

Must-Read Books That Will Change Your Life

Every once in a while we all need a little inspiration and few words of wisdom. So we’ve rounded up some our must-read books which will send you on your way to being the best version of yourself and change the way you live your life for good!


Grit, Angela Duckworth

Our first recommendation is ‘Grit’. This New York Time’s bestseller written by pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth shows anyone striving to succeed, be it parents, students, educators, athletes, or business people that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a special blend of passion and persistence. Drawing on her own powerful story as the daughter of a scientist who frequently noted her lack of genius, Duckworth, now a celebrated researcher and professor, describes her early eye-opening stints in teaching, business consulting, and neuroscience, which led to the hypothesis that what really drives success is not genius but a unique combination of passion and long-term perseverance.

The Inner Fix clear background copy

The Inner Fix, Persia Lawson & Joey Bradford

The Inner Fix is a unique and practical step-by-step guide to help you dramatically improve your relationships, feel more confident and satisfied with your work, confront your financial blocks and become the best version of yourself – both inside and out. Having been caught in a cycle of self-destructive behaviour and come out the other side, Persia and Joey – friends, life coaches and founders of Addictive Daughter – colourfully chart their lives from childhood insecurities to adolescent obsessions. With tools and exercises to work through at your own pace, The Inner Fix is guaranteed to teach you how to stop worrying and start living.

tidying up

The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up, Mari Kondo

This next book is one for the hoarders amongst us, ‘The Life Changing of Tidying’ will transform your home into a permanently clear and clutter-free space with the incredible KonMari Method. Japan’s expert declutterer and professional cleaner Marie Kondo will help you tidy your rooms once and for all with her inspirational step-by-step method. The KonMari Method will not just transform your space though. Once you have your house in order you will find that your whole life will change. You can feel more confident, you can become more successful, and you can have the energy and motivation to create the life you want. You will also have the courage to move on from the negative aspects of your life: you can recognise and finish a bad relationship; you can stop feeling anxious; you can finally lose weight.

Marie Kondo’s method is based on a ‘once-cleaned, never-messy-again’ approach. If you think that such a thing is impossible then you should definitely read this compelling book.


One to watch out for…

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The Goddess Revolution, Melissa Wells

If you’ve ever struggled with diets, food, body image or your weight, then The Goddess Revolution (out June 7th) will be your new handbook for life. Imagine how much you would fall in love with your life again if you weren’t so consumed by negative thoughts about food, your weight and your body. Imagine if you could effortlessly find yourself at your perfect weight, in your perfect body and feel happier and freer around food than ever before.

Written by Melissa Wells with honesty and passion, The Goddess Revolution shows how it is possible to have a healthy, satisfying and guilt-free relationship with our bodies without any dieting or strict regimes. Tackling modern issues like the unrealistic strive for perfection caused by celebrity culture and magazine airbrushing – Mel shows us how we can truly start to show our body the love it deserves, take back our power around food and, in return, feel better than ever. You can pre-order your copy here!

words by Olivia Fantoni

Festival Packing Essentials!

What should one pack for a festival? It’s a tricky question – Pack too much and it becomes a faff, pack too little and your trip could turn out rather disastrous! We’ve highlighted below just a few handy bits and bobs we’ll be packing in our festival luggage this year to help inspire you!


Cleanse – Neals Yard Organic Facial Wipes
These are a god-send when you are away from your beloved bathroom! Having some gorgeous smelling wet wipes to hand is super helpful to remove makeup in a flash (because a deep hot cloth cleanse isn’t exactly easy in a tent) and they are also great for freshening up the body and just giving a sense of overall cleanliness! These Neal’s Yard ones are our fave because not only do they contain soothing aloe vera and antioxidant-rich white tea, but they are made with 100% biodegradable cotton. Win win!


Snack – MightyBee Coconut Jerky
Ok so this does sound a little strange but coconut jerky is actually really tasty! Especially the Chocolate and Hazelnut flavour from MightyBee! Packing portable snacks like this will be a real saviour when you’re needing a bit of a healthy energy boost!


Hygiene – Dr. Bronnor’s Lavendar Hand Sanitizer
Another serious must have for us at any festival has to be hand sanitizer! Muddy fields, public toilets… It’s just a no-brainer! But of course we want something super natural, pleasant-smelling and kind to our skin so we always opt for Dr. Bronnor’s Lavendar Hand Sanitizer. You can also double it up as a deodorant too!


Style – Faby’s Nature Collection Nail Polish
Summer festivals wouldn’t be the same without some pretty nails to finish off your outfit! We are loving Faby’s new natural nail polishes that are 87% natural and use ingredients derived from wood pulp, cotton, maize, cassava and other raw vegetable materials. Cool right? Known for being quick drying and chip resistant, we think packing a couple of colours is a great way to mix up your looks!


Sweat – Mara Hoffman Yoga Mat
Now, we all know that staying up all night dancing and festivals, go hand-in-hand, but, we all need a little beauty sleep to relax and unwind and this Mara Hoffman yoga mat is the perfect tent essential. Not only will it give you a super comfy base to lie down on and recuperate, it will also come in handy when the frantic nature of a festival gets a little to much and you want to do a little yoga to regenerate.


Sleep – Tisserand Sweet Dreams Aromatherapy Roller Ball
Let’s face it – Getting quality sleep at any festival is going to be difficult, so we advise to pack a gorgeously fragrant Sweet Dreams Aromatherapy Roller Ball from Tisserand. As the name suggests, this nifty product will help calm the mind after a tired day of partying and help soothe you to sleep with it’s lavender and jasmine essential oils. Simply rub at your pulse points and let it work it’s magic. You’ll be dreaming in no time!


Hydrate – S’well Bottle
We also cannot forget to stay hydrated! Our beautiful selection of S’well bottles from our store are definitely a must have for festivals as they’ll keep your drinks hot for 12 hours and cold for up to 24 hours! Choose your colour here!


words by Molly Jennings

Get The Festival Look!

With such amazing festivals on the horizon, we’ve come up with a chic and cheerful festival look that will carry you from the mosh pits to the glam and exclusive backstage parties!


The Legs – Mara Hoffman Voyager Blue Leggings – £130

Let’s face it, you want to be comfy at a festival as they usually entail a lot of standing and walking around… but, of course, you want to remain as stylish as possible whilst doing so! Look no further than our utterly gorgeous Mara Hoffman Voyager Blue Leggings! We adore the tribal, feather-like print and they are certain to lengthen your pins and turn heads!


The Top – Varley Brentwood Tank, White – £50

Varley’s Brentwood Tank will make the perfect accompaniment to your wild and wonderful Mara Hoffman leggings! Super lightweight, this tank has a totally relaxed vibe and will go with any festival out fit!


The Bag – Jardin Del Cielo Hand Woven Bag – £60

With the hustle and bustle of festivals, we think it’s essential to have a gorgeous, colourful and practical bag to keep all your must haves safe, and we’ve found the perfect one. This quirky, turquoise blue shoulder bag from Jardin Del Cielo (found on ASOS) is the bag for the job as it’s lightweight, surprisingly spacious and with a pretty, tribal print down the side, we could not have found a better addition to your perfect festival look!


The Hair – Duck And Dry Instant TLC – £18

If you’re anything like us, then you’ll be worrying about how to keep your hair glossy and fresh thought your festival days. Duck And Dry have the solution! With coconut and honey extracts, Duck and Dry’s instant TLC leave-in conditioner will keep your hair smooth and frizz-free all weekend and will give your hair that added shine, that even Gigi Hadid would be jealous of! For an added boho chic touch, you can also head to Duck and Dry in Chelsea, London for authentic feather extensions; perfect for giving your locks an extra touch of glam!


Body Art – Temporary Tattoo’s From Accessories – £5

Now, no festival look would be complete without the addition of some pretty, tribal body art! These temporary tattoo’s from Accessories will see you through the festival, adding a quirky edge to your look!




Words by Olivia Fantoni

Image – Rocky Barnes

Top Wellbeing Festivals To Book This Summer!

If the typical Glastonbury and Reading type festivals aren’t your thing, then don’t worry! We have rounded up a few of our favourite wellbeing festivals that will tickle your hip and healthy taste buds! These buzzing events are jammed to the brim with delicious food, boutique camping and inspirational health and wellness scenes.


Wilderness, 4th – 7th August
Nestled in the beautiful Oxfordshire countryside, Wilderness, is going to be alive and brimming with hot yoga, pilates and mediation classes. Something the H&H team are really looking forward to is ‘Nine Lives Yoga Rave’; a seriously awesome way of incorporating the physical benefits of yoga with heart pumping tracks! Nine Lives Yoga, is only one of the many types of yoga classes that will be on offer here – hotpod, hatha, ballet and vinyasa yoga classes will be running throughout the festival. Another unique yoga class, which we will definitely be checking out is Acro yoga. Acro yoga is a beautiful connecting practice that combines yoga with acrobatics and the healing art of thai yoga massage.

Not only, will there be lots of classes to attend, there will also be fantastic wellness workshops running through out the weekend. Neal’s Yard, in particular, will be hosting a plethora of workshops including; aromatherapy and massages, facials, reflexology, and the Neal’s Yard’s Festival SOS skincare workshop. In this workshop you will be able to create your own festival skincare, from face mists to sea salt spray for your hair, so you can say goodbye to the usual grotty festival feeling and hello to feeling beautiful, fresh and fragrant. There will also be various mindfulness workshops including; morning mindfulness sessions, a meditative musical adventure workshop and many, many more.

To go alongside all the amazing classes and workshops, this year, Wilderness will be serving up some delicious and nourishing food. In our eyes, the star of the food scene for 2016 will be the Mae Deli by Deliciously Ella. Mae’s amazing food will be on offer throughout and we will certainly be at the front of that queue! Innocent will also be there with their Coconut Water treehab stand!


Wave Week, 13th – 20th August
Another wellbeing festival, which we think sounds amazing, is Wave Week! Forget the typical English festivals and opt for luxury, sun, sea and excitement! Sail down the celestial Croatian coast on your choice of yacht or catamaran. Throughout the week you will stop at seven babylonian destinations. This exclusive week will be filled with delicious nourishing food, a buzzing nightlife, exclusive access to some of Croatia’s most beautiful places and incredible people!

As you sail down the stunning coastlines, you will be joined by a convoy of 40 other boats, each heading to the same parties, sites and scenes as you. The drinks will be flowing, the sun will be shining, and who knows, you may just have a hot summer fling along the way!


The Lost Village Festival, 27th – 29th May
The next festival we want to flag up promises to offer ‘A kaleidoscopic dreamscape of sights, sounds, secret hideaways, banquets of fine food and rituals of the weird and wonderful all await those who dare to enter this mysterious place”. The description alone is enticing. However, for those who want a little more information, The Lost Village Festival, will not only offer a stellar music scene, there will also be a ‘lake of tranquility’ which sounds right up our healthy alley. This glorious lake of tranquility, nestled in the woods, surrounded by beautifully still waters, will feature wood-fired hot tubs, indian head massage, holistic therapy, yoga to name but a few.


Obonjan, 28th July – 6th September
There’s one final festival which has definitely grabbed our attention; Obonjan. Hosted on a beautiful island in Croatia, this festival will be running from the 28th of July to the 6th of September, giving you the opportunity to stay for as long or as little as you like. Obonjan promises to be “All the things we love in one place. It’s a place for arts, wellbeing, ecology, music, sports, talks, natural beauty and super comfy beds!” Doesn’t that sound amazing? Deep in the Obonjan woods there will be a wellbeing centre offering all sorts of wondrous treatments, hot tubs, yoga classes, sauna’s, not to mention all the delicious fresh juices and healthy and refreshing food. As you may have guessed, here at Hip and Healthy, we love our fitness and Obonjon offers a range of exciting sporty adventures; free-diving, sea-kayaking, snorkelling and paddle boarding, to name a few.

Now to decide which one to book!

words by Olivia Fantoni

Superfood Spotlight – Turmeric

Say hello to turmeric, the ultimate superfood spice for gorgeous skin

What you eat can play a vital role in helping you achieve clear, hydrated and gorgeous skin that glows with good health. As well as simple changes such as increasing your vegetable intake and cutting back on coffee, sugar and processed foods (see more advice on this below), adding some skin-protective foods – such as the super-spice turmeric – to your daily regime can reap huge beauty-boosting rewards.

How to get the golden glow?

You probably know turmeric as being one of the spices used in Indian and Asian cooking. It adds depth of flavour and a vibrant yellow-orange colour to dishes such as curries. But research shows that it does much more than just making our food taste amazing. In India, turmeric is also known as ‘the Golden Goddess’ and has been used for over 4,000 years as a medicinal herb to protect the body and increase vitality.   When it comes to turmeric’s beauty benefits, modern studies have shown that this remarkable spice contains a unique range of beneficial compounds that can enhance our skin: from protecting us against premature ageing, to clearing skin, to supporting skin healing and cell renewal. It’s a true natural beauty all-rounder!

How can turmeric protect and enhance the appearance of skin?

Antioxidant – anti-ageing

One of the primary reasons for skin ageing – including wrinkles – is free radical damage. This can come from processes inside the body (our cells make free radicals just from producing energy!) and from outside the body, such as from UV damage. 
As well as protecting our skin from the outside, we can take steps that will help reduce this damage by consuming plenty of antioxidants in our food. Studies suggest that natural constituents of turmeric – especially curcumin – may possess particularly strong antioxidant activity and may directly reduce skin ageing – including preventing moisture loss and protecting against wrinkles. 
But it’s not only ageing skin that could benefit from this superfood. The antioxidant activity of turmeric may also help those with skin diseases such psoriasis and vitiligo, which can involve free radical damage.


In addition to free radical damage, inflammation is also a big factor in many skin problems, from acne to psoriasis, eczema and other skin rashes. It’s what causes the unwanted redness and swelling, as well as the soreness and heat. So calming down the inflammation is vital to help soothe and restore the skin. Again, it’s turmeric to the rescue! One of this superfood’s best-known properties is its anti-inflammatory activity, as shown in numerous research studies.

Liver-supporting and blood-cleansing

One of the traditional uses of turmeric in herbal medicine is as a ‘blood purifier’. Modern research suggests that turmeric could actually help to clear toxins from the blood, in at least two different ways. Firstly, it’s thought that turmeric can increase the activity of certain enzymes responsible for removing toxins from the blood (known as phase II detoxification enzymes). Secondly, this wonder spice is thought to stimulate bile flow from the gallbladder into the digestive tract. As well as helping to digest our food, bile is the primary way in which our liver gets rid of fat-soluble toxins and wastes from our blood; it’s made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder, ready to be excreted. Turmeric seems to help with this process!
 So how does this apply to maintaining healthy, glowing skin? A build-up of toxins in the body is one of the potential reasons for problematic skin, including dull-looking or sallow skin, skin reactions such as rashes, and even increased skin aging. In our modern environment we’re exposed to many more chemicals and toxins than our bodies were designed to deal with – in the air, in our food and water, on our furniture and in the products we use on our skin and in our homes. We need to give our body’s detoxification processes all the help it can get – to support general health and vitality, as well as great skin.

Enhancing circulation

Good circulation to the skin allows nutrients to be delivered to our skin cells, and waste products to be flushed away. With optimal circulation, our skin has all it needs to be healthy, and can more efficiently get rid of clogging, dullness-producing toxins.
You guessed it, Turmeric may support healthy blood flow and circulation to the skin. Curcuminoids in turmeric have been shown to have ‘anti-platelet’ activity – which basically means they can help to keep our blood flowing more easily. In a clinical trial, giving a curcumin supplement to patients was found to increase their micro-circulation – the circulation to the smallest blood vessels such as those in the skin! 
A true definition of superfood!

turmeric pukka

Give yourself a turmeric beauty boost with brand new Pukka Herbs’ organic Turmeric Gold tea and organic Wholistic Turmeric capsules!

To help your skin benefit from the many wonders of turmeric, you can now enjoy a cup of Pukka Herbs organic Turmeric Gold tea (£2.39 for 20 sachets) and a daily capsule of Pukka Herbs organic Wholistic Turmeric (£15.95 for 30 days supply). When combined together, these high-potency organic herbal formulations offer many health and beauty benefits.

Pukka Turmeric Gold tea and Pukka Wholistic Turmeric capsules are available from selected health food stores across the UK and to purchase online from www.pukkaherbs.com.

Healthy Picnic Recipes From The Yoga Kitchen!

Written by Kimberly Parsons, a trained naturpath and chef, The Yoga Kitchen follows the yogic principle that by combining our diet with our holistic health, we can unite and strengthen our entire system. These delicious, healthy picnic recipes are perfect for summer time!


Enjoy all of these components together. Picking and mixing is my favourite way to eat these small dishes. This is the perfect example of when the sum is greater than its individual parts.


Serves 8

Tabouli (V)

1 cucumber, peeled and diced into .5cm cubes

5 tomatoes, washed and diced into .5cm pieces

½ red onion, peeled and very finely diced

50g fresh flat leaf parsley leaves, finely chopped

25g fresh mint leaves, finely chopped

25g fresh coriander leaves, finely chopped

juice of 1 lemon

1 tbsp pomegranate molasses

4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

¼ tsp sea salt

Combine all ingredients together in a medium mixing bowl. Adjust seasoning to your taste buds and set aside.



150g white quinoa, rinsed

220ml filtered water

100g fresh baby spinach leaves

50g fresh parsley

50g fresh mint leaves

200g frozen peas, lightly blanched

2 garlic cloves

1 tsp sea salt

½ tsp ground cumin

½ tsp ground coriander

½ tsp ground sweet paprika

½ tsp ground turmeric

2 eggs

100g buckwheat flour

Sesame seeds, to garnish, sprinkle on top

Preheat oven to 180°C.

To cook the quinoa, combine the quinoa, filtered water and a pinch of sea salt in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over a medium heat. Once simmering, lower the heat and allow the quinoa to cook for about 15 minutes uncovered. Watch to check the water level and stir occasionally. Once all the water has been absorbed and evaporated the quinoa should be cooked. Place a clean tea cloth over the top of the saucepan and replace lid trying to create a tight seal. Let rest for 10 minutes before continuing. This will make the quinoa light and fluffy. Allow quinoa to cool.

In the meantime, place the spinach, herbs, peas, garlic and spices into a food processor and pulse until combined. You want to keep the mix a little rough so refrain from blending together until smooth.

Lightly whisk two eggs at the bottom of a large mixing bowl and then add the quinoa. Mix to coat and then add the pea mix from the food processor and mix until thoroughly combined. Mix with a little more or less of the buckwheat flour to bind and form a soft but not sticky mixture. Taste for seasoning.

Using wet hands, roll into walnut sized balls and place onto a baking paper lined baking tray. If you are short of time, you can always use an ice cream scoop instead of your hands to portion the falafel onto the baking trays.

Sprinkle falafel with sesame seeds.

Bake for 15 minutes or until the falafel feel firm but not hard. Remove from the oven either enjoy warm or allow to cool and eat cold.



½ cucumber, washed and grated

2 pinches sea salt

250g full fat greek yoghurt (Can use coconut yogurt)

6 fresh mint leaves, finely chopped

juice of ½ a lemon

¼ tsp sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper

Place the grated cucumber into a fine sieve, place over medium bowl. Sprinkle the sea salt over the grated cucumber and allow to sit for 30 minutes. The salt will help to bring the water out of the cucumber and intensify its flavour.

In a separate medium mixing bowl, add the greek yoghurt, lemon juice and mint. Stir to incorporate. Then using your hands squeeze the remaining liquid from the cucumber and then place into the yoghurt mixture. Stir to incorporate again and then add the seasoning. Taste and adjust accordingly. You may like to add a little more lemon juice, mint or seasoning. Set aside.


Hummus (V)

400g organic chickpeas, drained

40ml liquid from chickpeas

juice of 1 lemon

1 tbsp tahini

30g fresh coriander leaves, washed

2 garlic cloves

2 tsp ground cumin

3 tbsp olive oil

2 tsp sea salt

Cracked black pepper to taste

Throw ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth. Adjust to taste.


Omega Crackers (V) 

Makes 4 trays crackers

50g sunflower seeds

50g pumpkin seeds + more for garnishing

200g buckwheat flour

200g quinoa flakes

2 tsp poppyseeds

150g flaxseeds/linseed

150g sesame seeds

2 tsp fine sea salt

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp ground coriander

1 tsp ground cumin

2 tsp paprika

2 tsp fennel seeds

500ml filtered water

dash of olive oil

sprinkle of sea salt flakes

Preheat oven to 175°C. Line 4 flat baking trays with greaseproof baking paper.

Mix all dry ingredients together in a large mixing bowl, stir to combine. Then using your hands make a well in the middle of the mixture and pour the water into the well and start to combine the mixture to create a paste.

Once incorporated start to spread the mixture onto the baking trays using clean, wet hands. The mixture should be no thicker than 2-3mm. It should be as thin as you can spread it out on the trays. Add water if you need to help spread the paste out.

Once evenly spread onto the baking trays, Sprinkle with a few extra pumpkin seeds and the sea salt flakes. Score with a knife into desired sizes and shapes and then place in the oven for 45 minutes. The trick to these crackers is to make sure you open the oven door every 10 minutes for 10 seconds to allow the moisture to evaporate from the oven. The crackers should start to lift away from the sides of the baking trays once cooked. Depending on how thinly you spread the paste out onto the trays, your crackers may need a little more time to cook through.

Once cooked through the centre of the baking trays, remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before breaking into the desired crackers.

Recipe from Kimberly’s book The Yoga Kitchen – Buy here!

Is This The New Way To Take Vitamins?

Nosh detox company was founded in 2008 by Geeta Sidhu-Robb, a former lawyer, whose son’s health struggles, as a baby, saw the making of a successful brand and a successful remedy to the everyday ailments we all face. So often we are all bogged down with work, illness, stress and toxins, leaving us somewhat deflated and uninspired. Nosh detox company have risen to the challenge and have produced two brilliant new products which will change the way you take supplements for good.


Their first new product they are launching is called the Fitamin infusion. This innovative intravenous infusion gives you a boost of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to help support and strengthen the immune system. The cocktail of vitamins and minerals can help keep illnesses at bay (because who has time for a cold?!), as well as maximising your body’s ability to thrive. The Vitamin intravenous infusion is ideal for those who have particularly stressful lifestyles and need to really hit the re-set button and give their bodies and extra dose of TLC.

Find out how to book your session here! There’s an exclusive Hip & Healthy reader offer!


Their next new product is the vitamin B12 booster. We all strive to bounce out of bed with countless amounts of energy and radiate a gorgeous glow, but sometimes we need a little booster to get us on our way. Vitamin B12 deficiency can manifest in many different ways; depression, mood disorders, fatigue, memory failure, anaemia and low blood pressure, being the most common symptoms. So, for any sufferers of these conditions, the new Nosh booster could be the answer you’re looking for to help you on your way to a more vibrant you. Vitamin B12 is also needed to help your body convert the food you eat into energy, as well as helping you maintain healthy skin, hair and nails… this really is beauty in a bottle!

Click here for your exclusive Hip & Healthy offer!

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Middle Eastern Sweet Potato Salad, Honestly Healthy

I love using spices in all my dishes, especially in rice dishes as I am hugely influenced by Middle Eastern cooking. This salad is so simple and really punches with favour!


Serves 2-4


350g roasted sweet potato, cooked and cooled (550g raw sweet potato, quartered lengthways)

10g parsley, chopped

pomegranate seeds, to garnish (optional)


for the dressing:

½ tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp ground cumin

¼ tsp Himalayan pink salt

250g goats’ or sheeps’ milk yoghurt


First make the dressing by mixing the cinnamon, cumin, pinch of salt and yoghurt together.

Arrange the cooled sweet potato on a platter, pour the dressing over it and sprinkle with the chopped parsley. Serve with a salad or as a side dish, garnished with the pomegranate seeds if you like.


© Natasha Corrett. Recipe taken from HONESTLY HEALTHY IN A HURRY published by Hodder & Stoughton £25

Honestly Healthy In A Hurry – Out Now!

Today is the day! After much anticipation, Honestly Healthy In A Hurry ( the 4th in a series of recipe books written by Natasha Corrett) is now available to order! Hooray!

If we take a trip back in time, Natasha was one of the first to identify the (lasting) trend of eating an alkaline diet. Her first book really educated us all about what eating an alkaline-rich diet could do for our bodies and how we could incorporate more alkaline foods into our meals. This was just the beginning for Natasha and her Honestly Healthy empire. Fast forward to present time, with four best-selling books under her belt, she’s managed to maintain her prestigious title, Queen of alkaline, whilst showing us how to do it all in a hurry!

Our fast-paced world certainly isn’t slowing down anytime soon so her latest book, Honestly Healthy In A Hurry should definitely be on any busy food lover’s hit list! It’s ideal for all sorts of people – busy mum’s, pushed-for-time city workers, hustling entrepreneurs… the lot!

In this book, Natasha really hits home about how choosing to neglect our health because of our busy lifestyles is extremely detrimental to our over all wellbeing and even happiness. How many of you find yourselves all too often dashing out of the house without having breakfast? We’ve all done it, but it’s definitely a bad habit that needs to be kicked, fast! The quote “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” was famously said by Benjamin Franklin and is Natasha’s moto when it comes to maintaining a healthy and alkaline diet in a hurry. From Sunday prep nights to clever batch cooking, Honestly Healthy In A Hurry covers it all so you can thrive and enjoy nutritious meals in no time at all!

Order your copy here!