Natasha Corrett’s 7 Tips For Being Healthy In A Hurry!

Natasha Corrett, Queen of alkaline reveals her top 7 tips for being healthy even when you’re in a hurry!

Prepping ahead on a Sunday night
To stay healthy during a busy week, the number one thing to start doing is to get your prep done on a Sunday night. Roast up lots of different vegetables, cook some grains, pulses and make some delicious salad dressings. So that each night it takes only few minutes to pull a delicious meal together.


Batch cooking
If you are making a soup, curry, stew or sweet treats like brownies or energy balls. Make 4 times the recipes. Freeze it in portion size freezer bags so that you can defrost when you are tired in a hurry and don’t have time to cook.


Blend your smoothie when you brush your teeth
If, like me you like to start your day with a wonderful green smoothie but don’t have much time in the morning, rushing to work or getting the kids ready for school. Put all your ingredients into a blender the night before with the water and then put into the fridge. In the morning all you have to do is blend and put into a bottle and take with you to work or on the school run.


Make a batch of Bircher on a Sunday
Breakfast is such an important meal of the day so if you are in a hurry make a big batch of bircher muesli in the morning. It will keep for up to 5 days and gets sweeter and sweeter as the week goes on. Either put them into small pots so you can grab and go in the morning or enjoy with the rest of the family


Quick flavour tips
Making a batch of pesto and freezing it into ice-cubes means you can add delicious herby flavours to stocks, stews, hummus or pasta within minutes of defrosting


Make your own stock cubes
If you make your own stock cubes it saves time chopping and weighout things like onion, garlic and all your spices as you just need to freeze them into ice-cube trays and pop one out to create the base of any dish.


Quick dishes for the whole family
By prepping for the family you can create dishes for everyone. Roasting a sweet potato for example can be used for the adults in all sorts of recipes, however if you have little ones you can even use the roasted potato and blend it into a purée for weaning. Mash it for mash potato as a side, mix it in with pasta or rice noodles, make into pancakes for kids or use it as a topping for a pie. It takes less time at the end of a long day.


Pre-order Natasha’s 4th book, Honestly Healthy In A Hurry, here!

May’s Guest Editor – Natasha Corrett Of Honestly Healthy

This week we are super pumped to announce that May’s Guest Editor is the wonderful and inspirational Natasha Corrett (AKA Boss Lady at Honestly Healthy!). With her 4th Book Honestly Healthy In A Hurry launching any moment, we’re kicking things off with her Fitspiration!


We are so exited for your new book Honestly Healthy in a Hurry! Would you tell us a bit about what we can expect?
Over the last couple years I have realized that people find it hard to commit to cooking from scratch every night and wanted to show that doing a ‘prep night’ can be a big game changer to save you time, save you money and reduce your food waste to zero. The recipes are delicious, easy and all can be made from your prep night veg, grains and greens.

There is a very concise table at the front of the book with raw and cooked weights of all ingredients I use in the book which means you can still follow my method of prep night cooking using other peoples recipes as well.

Honestly Healthy in a Hurry is about making life easy for you so you can eat delicious food that is going to make you feel fantastic.


What are your top three favourite recipes from the book?
My gluten free crumpets have to be top of the list as they taste like the real deal and are so simple to make. We have even created them as a baking pack called TastyBase on our website and everyone is already making them!

The cauliflower protein brownies are delicious too, I created them as I had half a cauliflower left over in my fridge and didn’t know what to do with it!

The butternut tagine has the insanely delicious flavours of morocco and if you have pre-roasted veg from your prep night, it only takes 10 minutes to make!


Have you always had a passion for healthy cooking?
I have always had a passion for food and wanting to feel good so the healthy cooking I suppose had to happen! I love cooking and always have… my father from a young age got me cooking in his restaurant and I have loved it ever since!


We often get tummy rumbles mid morning… what breakfast could you recommend for sustained energy until lunch time?
I think it depends on the person. If I train in the morning and have eggs, I don’t feel full so I need some carbs! Porridge with some avocado or nuts is great for me or just a simple protein green smoothie really sets me up for the day.


…And when 4pm slump hits, would kind of snacks are best for pepping us up until dinner?
Definitely things like dips with chickpeas or butter beans or a boiled egg mashed up on some rice cakes or gluten-free bread.


We know you are an advocator of the alkaline diet; what are your favourite alkaline foods and how can we incorporate them in our diets?
Lemon is key! I have it every morning in hot water and I use it a lot in cooking as it’s got such a wonderful flavour and love using the rind as well.

I love avocado like most people – I add it to smoothies and soups to thicken them up, in salalds and even in porridge!


What’s your favourite way to get your sweat on at the moment?
A big HIIT session is always on the cards! Lots of burpees, pushups, sprints and mountain climbers! I follow our Green and Lean workouts about three times a week then do a strength session and one big run.


Do you think exercise is just as important as nutrition?
Yes, exercise is so important for health and wellbeing. When I don’t exercise I find my mood gets really bad and I start feeling quite low and end up in a slump. It takes a lot to pull myself out of it.


What three things have you learnt about being your own boss and running your own business?
Delegate. Get someone to help you look at the bigger picture as it is hard to see where you are going when you are in it. And get a good accountant!


How do you de-stress at the end of a busy day?
Either go to the gym or walk with my dog.


Where do you see Honestly Healthy in five years from now?
We are about to launch our Green Machine tuk tuks, which is healthy on the go food, so I would like to see them at all the tube stations and major train stations in the UK!

Pre-order Natasha Corrett’s 4th book, Honestly Healthy In A Hurry here!

Is this the only supplement you need?

These days, it seems you can’t step foot in your local health food shop without seeing a new superfood powder sitting proudly on the shelves! Superfood supplements have quickly become part of our regular morning routines and the industry is turning into a bit of a phenomenon! We have so many different brands to choose from and they all claim, more or less, to do the same thing. The problem with this? Apart from struggling to decide which one to opt for, it’s sometimes hard to know exactly what your body needs and what will provide your body with all the correct nutrients and vitamins it needs in order to cope with our bustling lives. Here at Hip and Healthy, we have recently discovered a new super hero powder that we’re completely addicted to and we just had to share it with you!

Equi London, a buzzing new company set up by expert nutritionist Alice, and high flying business women Rosie, understand all to well, the stressful and toxic world we live in. These two inspirational women realised that in order to keep their bodies healthy, happy and strong, they needed to find a formula that nourished and enriched every cell. So forget the hassle of having to take dozens of vitamins a day, with a single dose of Equi, which delivers the nutritional support to the equivalent of 15-20 vitamin tablets a day, your body will begin to replenish itself. All the Equi products use the purest ingredients (with no nasty fillers) and adopt an Equi eight philosophy; energy, digestion, hormones, stress, structure, brain, immunity and detox. Through the harmonisation and nourishment of each aspect of the body, we can say goodbye to depleted energy levels, blemished, dull skin, poor concentration and low immunity. Equi are introducing two innovative products; Equi Fundamental and Equi Beautiful.


Get lean


The Equi, ‘Fundamental’, is filled with antioxidants, omegas, probiotics and amino acids – these nourishing wonders are a blend of nature’s most potent minerals and vitamins, helping to detoxify and boost our immunity. Another key and vital feature is Equi’s hormone balancing and digestion-soothing properties. As well all know, if we want to have glowing and lean, healthy bodies, it is essential we balance our hormones. To top it all off, not only does Equi help improve our immunity, skin, mood and digestive problems, it also, does wonders for your concentration and energy levels. We all have those days where we coast along in a slump, but with Equi we can all say goodbye to those dull and unproductive days and look forward to an improvement in our energy and vitality.


Equi have also formulated a supplement specifically to help us target and achieve beautiful, resilient and dewy skin. It’s unique complex of absorbable marine collagens and amino acids, kick start your skins rejuvenation. Equi’s, ‘Beautiful’ complex goes far beyond the benefits of anti-aging – their formula of probiotics, enzymes, zinc, silica, vitamin C and adaptogenic herbs, all contribute to reducing irritation and imbalances, strengthening and repairing your delicate skin.

Equi’s transformative complex’s, combined with a healthy and active lifestyle is sure way to enliven the healthiest, happiest and hottest version of ourselves.

Shop here!

words by Olivia Fantoni

Swap Your Morning Coffee For Pukka Matcha Tea!

Matcha isn’t exactly old news but it’s certainly been on the health block for a while now and you definitely can’t walk past a smoothie bar these days without seeing it feature in at least three juice or smoothie concoctions! But do you REALLY know what it’s all about? Sure, you’ve heard your Barry’s trainer wax lyrical about how he’s (or she’s) a matcha convert but what’s so special about the green stuff? Well stick around because we’re about to reveal all with a little helping hand from Pukka!


Before we convince you to swap your morning coffee for matcha, let us explain how Pukka have made drinking matcha even more accessible and hassle free! First off, forget the fancy whisk… it might be fun at first, but when you’ve over slept and you’re scrambling around to find your favourite Nike’s that go with the leggings you’ve chosen, you don’t want to be faffing around whisking your little cup of matcha. Pukka have created a solution – matcha tea bags (genius, we know!). Pop one in your handbag or slip one into your toxin free thermal (try our S’well Bottles!) and get out the door!


Benefits of drinking Pukka’s Matcha tea…


Immunity Boosting

Keeping your immune system in check isn’t as easy as doing a cleanse and expecting it to last forever. It’s something we have to consistently work on to stay healthy and hopefully illness free. By simply introducing Pukka’s Matcha tea into your lifestyle, you’ll be giving your body a serious immunity kick. The catechins found in the leaves have been shown to contain antibiotic properties and you’ll be ingesting really great quantities of Potassium, Vitamins A and B, Iron and Calcium to name a few, which all contribute to a healthy, strong immune system.


Provides steady energy levels…

You know that horrible feeling you get after too much coffee? That jittery, sometimes anxious feeling which make’s you swear never to take a sip of the stuff ever again. You need matcha in your life! While it naturally contains caffeine, it’s another secret component that really helps steady and prolong the effects. L-Theanine (an amino acid) enhances the production of alpha waves in the brain, which induces a more relaxed, calm and focused state of mind. Perfect for those who need an afternoon pick-me-up to make it through until dinner time.


Enhances your workout

We’ve touched on this briefly already but it’s a great thing to reiterate again, especially for all you fitness bunnies. Not only do you experience sustained energy levels that can last up to six hours, but matcha will also help increase your endurance right before a sweat session. Samurai warriors are known to have drunk matcha tea before their battles in order to boost their physical endurance. So why not get a little more from your workouts with a small but mighty Pukka Matcha tea bag?!

Can Matcha Tea Make You Fitter?

So as you may know, at Hip and Healthy we have all been on our Pukka Matcha Makeover cleanse, and we are feeling incredibly energized and detoxified! So if you haven’t been fully introduced to the wonders of matcha green tea, then let our good friends at Pukka entice you into trying the metabolism boosting, immune boosting, cleansing and stress busting tea of joy. Not only, does Pukka’s Matcha green tea give us all an extra kick of vitality and an antioxidant boost, the benefits of matcha are also helping us get our summer bodies into shape. Here’s why!


20160323 - Pukka Matcha Launch at the October Gallery in London. Image credit to: ... Twitter: @JonCraig_Photos


Fat Burning!

Matcha tea is known to increase fat oxidation! In 1999 an American journal of clinical nutrition discovered that matcha green tea has thermogenic properties which promotes fat oxidation. These thermogenic properties boost the number of calories your body uses from 8-10% to 35-43%. Another study has also proven that exercising immediately after drinking a matcha resulted in 25% increase in fat burning during exercise and it’s also especially known to prevent the formation of new fat cells and for reducing our bodies fat accumulation, particularly abdominal fat.


Metabolism Boosting!

If you’re not already running to the shops to buy your Pukka Matcha tea, then here’s another reason which may persuade you. Matcha tea contains some of the highest levels of catechin polyphenols, which, not only, have cancer-fighting properties, they also, help boost your metabolism, as well as increasing your fat burning. So sip on that matcha and head to a HIIT class!


Increased Endurance

So you now know how Pukka’s Matcha green tea can help you with your bikini bodies, but matcha can also help increase endurance during your workout! Did you know Samurai warriors drank matcha green tea before their battles, in order to boost their physical endurance? It is also thought that matcha tea can improve your physical endurance by up to 24%.


Now, by this point, we are certain that we have persuaded all of you to head to your shops to by your Pukka Matcha tea, but for those of you who aren’t quite there yet, here are a couple more reasons your should swap your coffee for a matcha tea! Matcha not only helps boosts memory and concentration, but it also contains L-theanine, which produces dopamine and serotonin, both of which are responsible for our moods, as well as promoting better memory. Another interesting fact about matcha is that for the final weeks before the leaves are harvested, they are covered and left in darkness. By covering the leaves, their chlorophyll levels increase by a huge amount, which in turn aids your body in detoxifying and removing heavy metals and chemical toxins from your body!

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Day 3 Of Our 3-Day Pukka Matcha Makeover!

So were now coming to the end of our Pukka matcha makeover! We’ve relaxed and detoxed our bodies, but sometimes, day three can leave us feeling a little zapped for energy! So, whatever you do, do not throw in the towel and ruin all that hard work you’ve put in over the last two days. The secret to being happy and healthy doesn’t lie just in a three day cleanse, it starts with a three day cleanse and then it turns into a lifestyle. So for those of you who are feeling that third day slump, take a deep breath and have a cup of Pukka’s ‘Ginseng Matcha Green’ tea. These little tea bags pack a huge energy punch! The blend of organic green matcha tea, lemongrass, ginger and pure red ginseng is the perfect concoction to give you a boost of vitality. Alongside, stimulating mental and physical activity; lifting your spirits, Ginseng’s properties are also known to help boost your immune system, act as an anti-inflammatory, lower blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels, help treat diabetes, reduce stress and it has even be proven to help inhibit the growth of cancerous tumours. So, take a moment and make yourself a Pukka ‘Ginseng Matcha Tea’, it will reboot you in no time!

pukka energy

Our top tips for staying energised!


Snack on protein-rich foods

Foods containing plenty of protein will really help you in your bid to staying energised throughout the day. Things like nuts and seeds are super high in plant protein and contain lots of fibre too which is great for your digestive system. Remember, a sluggish digestive system can also zap your energy levels.


Go for a walk

Nothing makes us feel more awake and energised than a brisk walk, especially as we come closer to the summer months! Just getting some fresh air to your face and getting your heart rate up ever so slightly can really benefit your mind and body. It’s the perfect way to beat that afternoon slump!


You guessed it, water!

A running theme in our 3-Day Matcha Makeover is drinking more water. It not only helps cleanse and detoxify your system but it is also vital to keeping your energy levels up! So often we misread thirst for hunger so its super important to always have a bottle of water to hand. Of course we don’t just mean any bottle! Why not treat yourself to one of our stylish S’well Bottles from our activewear store? Whether you want one for your desk or a mini one to shove in your handbag, they are made with 100% toxin-free materials so you can sip away without compromising your health.


Your energy makeover plan

Try this sample menu plan, filled with the perfect foods for supporting your energy, maximising your workout and helping you to burn fat.

On rising: One cup of Ginseng Matcha Green tea.

Porridge made with whole rolled oats, blueberries, cinnamon and walnuts. Use half a cup of porridge oats and 200ml of almond milk. When hot, stir in half a teaspoon of cinnamon and sprinkle with a handful of blueberries and a tablespoon of chopped walnuts. Sip one cup of Ginseng Matcha Green tea.

Why? Porridge oats are a great source of slow-releasing energy. Walnuts provide protein, healthy fats and fibre to help to temper that energy release. Blueberries give an antioxidant boost, and cinnamon can help to balance blood sugar.


Two slices of rye toast with two or three poached eggs, wilted spinach and mushrooms. Sauté three to four medium chopped mushrooms in a knob of ghee or coconut oil until soft. Wilt one handful of baby spinach in a tablespoon of water. Poach the eggs and serve on the toast with the wilted spinach and the mushrooms. Sip one cup of Ginseng Matcha Green tea.

Why? Rye bread is a great way of getting your slow-releasing carbs. Eggs are a fantastic source of easily-digested protein, vitamins B2 and B12 to support energy release, and healthy fats. Spinach is one of our best sources of magnesium, which helps your muscles to work and supports energy and hydration.


Tuna and quinoa salad, with cherry tomatoes, avocado and green beans. Mix one cup of cooked quinoa (prepared from half a cup of raw) with a half or whole can of drained tuna, 10 halved cherry tomatoes, half a sliced avocado, and sugar snap peas. Dress with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil. Sip one cup of Ginseng Matcha Green tea.

Why? Quinoa is a great pasta alternative, as it’s higher in protein and provides slower-releasing energy. Tuna is a fantastic source of lean protein – an ideal fat loss food. Avocado provides healthy fats to help keep you full for longer. Sugar snap peas and tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which also supports energy and helps to keep your skin looking young!


Roast chicken slices with roasted sweet potato wedges and peppers. Pre-roast the chicken, sweet potatoes and peppers the night before, and combine to make a fantastic energy-balancing healthy lunch. Sip one cup of Ginseng Matcha Green tea.

Why? Chicken provides high-quality lean protein, to support muscle tone and fat loss. Sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest sources of easy-to-digest carbohydrates, and provide lots of skin-loving vitamin A.


Mid-afternoon snack
Green smoothie. Half a ripe pear, half a banana, one small handful raw kale or spinach, two teaspoons of almond butter, two teaspoons of superfood powder (such as Pukka’s Vitalise powder). Blend with 300ml unsweetened almond milk, or enough to achieve desired consistency.

Why? The pear and banana provide energy to help get you through the afternoon. Kale provides fibre and magnesium, and almond butter contains protein and healthy fats to help keep you full until your evening meal. The superfood powder provides concentrated vitamins, minerals and plant nutrients to help optimise your energy.


Two oatcakes with one to two tablespoons of guacamole.

Why? Oatcakes provide slow-releasing carbohydrates. Guacamole is a great source of healthy fats to help fill you up and keep your skin healthy. Chilli pepper in the guacamole may also help to burn fat and support circulation!


Evening meal
Teriyaki salmon with brown rice and broccoli. For one person, marinade one salmon fillet in a tablespoon of teriyaki sauce for a minimum of one hour. Seal in a parcel and bake for 15 minutes in the oven. Cook about 60 grams (four tablespoons) of brown rice, or up to 90 grams (six tablespoons) if you’ve done a long workout. Steam or roast half a head of broccoli, and serve all together, sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Why? Plenty of muscle-restoring and energy-restoring carbohydrates and proteins. Salmon contains omega-3 fats, which may help to reduce inflammation after a workout, as well as a range of B vitamins.


Chicken and veggie stir-fry. For the stir-fry, for one person: two teaspoons of ghee or coconut oil; one small onion (chopped); one clove of garlic (finely chopped or crushed); one thumb of ginger (grated); one organic chicken breast (thinly sliced); two cups of colourful chopped mixed vegetables (e.g. broccoli florets, sugar snap peas, thinly sliced carrot, sliced red pepper); two teaspoons of fish sauce; one tablespoon of tamari sauce. Cook about 60 grams (four tablespoons) of brown rice, or up to 90 grams (six tablespoons) if you’ve done a long workout. While it’s cooking, make the stir-fry. Melt the ghee or coconut oil in a wok or frying pan, add the chopped onions and sauté until translucent. Add the garlic, ginger, chicken and the other vegetables, then the sauces, and stir-fry for four to five minutes until the chicken is cooked through. Serve the stir-fry on the rice, or mix together in the pan before serving.

Why? Chicken is a great source of vitamins B3 and B6, which are vital for energy release. The colourful veggies provide antioxidants and vitamin C to help balance and reduce inflammation after a workout. Ginger is one of the amazing ingredients in Ginseng Matcha Green tea that supports circulation. The balance of carbs and protein is ideal to help to restore muscles and energy after a workout.

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Day 2 Of Our 3-Day Pukka Matcha Makeover!

Tuesday: Day 2 of our 3-Day Pukka Matcha Makeover

Focus: Soothing digestion and bloating

Ok, so you spent yesterday detoxing and cleansing your system and are hopefully ready for day 2 of your Pukka Matcha Makeover! Today is all about beating the bloat, soothing digestion and getting you on your way to a flatter tum! With the help of our good friends over at Pukka, we’vre going to be sharing some of our top tips to help you feel lean, happy and energized! Every single day our bodies come into contact with a huge amount of toxins, all these toxins, combined with our stressful lives and sometimes bad eating habits, eventually cause us not only to bloat and feel lethargic, but, we also become far more prone to falling ill. We all know that bloated feeling we get after over indulging on the office cake or after a jam packed weekend, and let’s be honest, sometimes we need a few days to reset our systems!


pukka matcha mint


So, here are our top tips on beating that bloat and flushing out those toxins!

Every morning upon waking, don’t be tempted to rush for the coffee, and yes, we know that’s a tough one! Instead, start your day with a hydrating and de-bloating Mint Match Green this little tea bag is filled to the brim with antioxidants and cleansing properties, as well as the key ingredient, mint, which is known to help ease bloating and soothe digestion.

Steer clear of sugars – Just for today try and avoid all sugars (natural and not) as when it comes to detoxifying and aiding digestion, sugar just gets in the way of the flat tummy process!

The importance of staying hydrated can not be stated enough! So often, we feel hungry when, in fact we are simply thirsty. As you can imagine, this is disastrous when were trying to de-bloat, especially if were diving into sugary snacks to satisfy our cravings. If you are one of those people who tend to stray towards the sweet side of life then Pukka’s ‘Sweet Vanilla Green’ tea or Pukka’s ‘Peppermint and Liquorice’ tea, are the perfect solutions to cure those sweet cravings. Both these tea’s will give you that hint of sweetness, whilst nourishing you with their de-bloating properties.

SUGGESTED EXERCISE: A stretch session

You won’t reap any benefits from over doing it on day 2 of your matcha makeover, so we suggest a relaxing, rejuvenating stretch session. Now stretching isn’t just good for lengthening muscles and reducing injury, it’s also extremely helpful when you’re feeling a bit congested in your digestive system.

Your digestive makeover plan

This sample menu plan is based on low-FODMAP foods. ‘FODMAP’ stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols – these are types of sugars that are poorly digested and may trigger symptoms for people with digestive problems such as bloating and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Eating low-FODMAP foods can be a great way to get your digestion back on track.

On rising: One cup of Mint Matcha Green tea.


Poached eggs on sourdough spelt bread, with grilled sliced tomatoes. Sip one cup of Mint Matcha Green tea.

Why? Traditional spelt sourdough bread can be much easier to digest than standard wheat bread, as the sourdough process breaks down the sugars in the grains. Eggs contain little or no carbohydrate so are generally gentle on the digestion, and tomatoes are a low in FODMAPs (the fermentable carbohydrates) too.


Porridge made with 50g (½ cup) of gluten-free jumbo oats, unsweetened almond milk (or lactose-free milk) and chopped pecan nuts, topped with sliced strawberries. Sip one cup of Mint Matcha Green tea.

Why? Oats are considered low in FODMAPs and are generally a much better alternative to wheat-based cereals for those with digestive problems. They’re also great for slow-releasing energy! Lactose can be a problem, so avoid it by going for almond milk, oat milk or lactose-free milk.


Corn tacos with shredded chicken, tomato and rocket. Shred a cooked chicken breast or thigh and divide between two or three gluten-free corn tortillas (taco-sized) – or use one larger gluten-free wrap. Sprinkle over chopped tomato, a quarter teaspoon of chilli flakes, rocket leaves and fresh herbs – e.g. coriander, basil or chives. Drizzle with fresh lime or lemon juice and season with black pepper. Wrap up and enjoy. Sip one cup of Mint Matcha Green tea.

Why? Wheat-based bread can cause digestive problems and bloating for some people – this is particularly common in those who suffer with bloating or IBS. But corn flour is generally better tolerated – although look for tortillas that are gluten-free or at least have no added wheat flour. Chicken and the vegetables and herbs chosen are all low in FODMAPs.


A large Greek salad with olives, feta cheese, tomatoes, sliced red or green pepper, cucumber, and olive oil. If you’re making it at home, sprinkle over a tablespoon of chopped mint too. Avoid onions, however, as they are high in FODMAPs and can be difficult to digest for some people. Sip one cup of Mint Matcha Green tea.

Mid-afternoon snack

Gentle digestive smoothie. Half a ripe banana, 1 small handful of baby spinach, 3–4 sprigs of mint (leaves removed), 1 handful of blueberries, and 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds (if you have a high-powered blender). Blend with 300ml unsweetened almond milk or oat milk.

Why? Again, this amazing smoothie contains only low-FODMAP ingredients. The mint – like that in the Mint Matcha Green – may help to soothe digestion and relieve bloating.


Goat’s milk natural yoghurt with raspberries and chopped walnuts stirred in.

Why? Although some dairy foods can be high in lactose, which causes digestive problems for some individuals, goat’s milk yoghurt tends to be lower in lactose and more easily digested. It can also contain some natural ‘friendly bacteria’. Walnuts and pecan nuts are among the low-FODMAP nuts and therefore a good choice.


Baked salmon with rice noodles, pak choi and green beans. Make a foil parcel with one fillet of salmon per person seasoned with sea salt and pepper and topped with a couple of lemon slices – bake for 10–12 minutes. Cook the rice noodles (about 60g per person dry weight) as per pack instructions. Sauté or stir-fry in ghee a handful of green beans and half a pack of pak choi (chopped). Serve the cooked and drained rice noodles topped with the veggies and the cooked salmon.

Why? Rice noodles are another good carbohydrate choice for those who tend to get bloated when eating other grains or pasta. Pak choi and green beans are low-FODMAP vegetables.


Spicy roast chicken thighs with roasted vegetables. Serves 2–3. Coat four skinless organic chicken thighs in gentle spices – try turmeric, cumin, coriander, dried oregano, and pinch of cinnamon. Leave to marinate for a couple of hours or roast straight away, as per pack instructions. Wash and chop into 1-inch pieces 4 carrots, 2 parsnips, 4 baby potatoes, 1 courgette and 1 red pepper. Coat the veg with 1 or 2 teaspoons of melted ghee or coconut oil, and sprinkle with sea salt. Roast the carrots, parsnips and potatoes for 1 hour at 200°C, adding the courgette and pepper in for the last 25 minutes. Serve with a side salad of rocket and watercress drizzled with lemon juice.

Why? The vegetables and spices chosen here are all low in FODMAPs. Best avoided during your digestive makeover are sweet potatoes, butternut squash and beetroot, which are amazingly nutritious and brilliant for roasting, but unfortunately higher in FODMAPs! The bitterness in watercress and rocket can help stimulate digestive juices, so are great to include with any meal.


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Stuffed Aubergine Recipe

Stuffed aubergines by Davina McCall

“I haven’t always been a fan of stuffed vegetables, but the filling for these aubergines is really tasty and juicy and I love it. The pine nuts are delish, but they do add an extra 40 calories or so to each portion. Add a green salad on the side and that’s supper. Big tick for this one!”

Serves 4


2 large aubergines

olive oil spray

1 tbsp olive oil

1 small onion

½ large red pepper (about 100g)

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 tsp dried oregano

zest of 1 lemon

½ tsp chilli flakes (optional)

200g canned tomatoes

25g black olives, sliced

2 tbsp capers, rinsed

400g can of chickpeas, drained

and rinsed or 240–250g cooked

chickpeas (see p.205)

4 tbsp finely chopped parsley

25g pine nuts, lightly toasted

Optional Topping Ingredients 

25g Parmesan cheese, grated (remove if vegan)

25g wholemeal breadcrumbs

salt and black pepper



Preheat the oven to 220°C/200°C Fan/Gas 7.

Cut the aubergines in half, lengthways, then cut a border, ½–1cm thick, around the cut side of the aubergine and scoop out all the flesh. Dice the cut flesh and set it aside.

Spritz the hollowed-out aubergines with spray oil and place them in a roasting tin. Cover them with foil and roast for 20 minutes until they have softened slightly.

To make the filling, heat the tablespoon of oil in a wide saucepan.

Sauté the onion, pepper and reserved aubergine flesh for a few minutes until they’re starting to soften, then add the garlic. Stir for another minute, then add the oregano, half the lemon zest, the chilli flakes, the tomatoes and 100ml of water.

Season with salt and pepper.

Bring the mixture to the boil, then cover the pan, turn the heat down to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes until the vegetables are tender.

Stir in the olives, capers and chickpeas, then half the parsley. Cook, uncovered, for another 5–10 minutes until the sauce has reduced, then stir in the pine nuts, if using.

Divide the filling between the aubergine halves – there’ll be enough to create a nice domed effect.

Mix the Parmesan (if using) and breadcrumbs with the remaining parsley and lemon zest, then sprinkle this mixture on top of each aubergine half.

Turn the oven down to 200°C/180°C Fan/Gas 6. Put the filled aubergines in the oven and bake them for 15–20 minutes until the filling is piping hot and the tops are browned.



Davina will be at the BBC Good Food Eat Well Show featured as part of the BBC Good Food Show Summer in the City on Friday 20th May

Need A Pukka Matcha Makeover? Join Our 3-Day Cleanse!

Monday: Day 1 of our 3-Day Matcha Makeover

Focus: Cleansing

After a weekend of, let’s face it, too much coffee, sugar and probably the odd glass (read bottle) of wine, we love to start the week as we mean to go on with a much needed cleanse. But cleansing needn’t be boring, calorie restricting (we literally hate those words) or limited to juicing, water and some obscure vegetable soup, which is why we have teamed up with the experts at PUKKA to bring you an enjoyable three day guide to getting greener (and leaner) with the good stuff: matcha.

So, what’s the deal on matcha: Amongst an array of different health benefits including boosting your metabolism, being a powerhouse of antioxidants, rich in fibre chlorophyll and vitamins, matcha also has the super power of being able to assist the body with cleansing as all these amazing properties help fight off and expel toxins. And now this superfood has never been easier to get hold of with Pukka’s delicious range of matcha teas… and today we want you to introduce at least two cups of the Pukka Clean Matcha Green Tea into your day. Like all of Pukka’s teas it is 100% organic and totally fair trade, not to mention it actually makes matcha tea taste good (they add a hint of lemon!).




Cleansing Tips:

Drink lots of water! This can be with Pukka herbal teas or just from your tap but whatever you do make sure you stay hydrated!

Take a bath with Epsom salts. They help rid the body of toxins by absorbing the magnesium and sulphate through the skin causing reverse osmosis to take place, which means toxins are drawn out of the skin as the goodness goes in! They are also said to have a very calming effect.

Meditate to cleanse the mind and rid yourself of negative thoughts. Try downloading the Headspace app – whether you’re new to meditation or guru standard this app is a great help.



Yoga will be gentle on the body and on the mind too, which is important when cleansing. But it is so important to stay hydrated even when doing the gentlest of yoga sessions; Steffy White, yoga instructor to famous foodies such as Deliciously Ella says “When it comes to hydration, even in the most soft of yoga classes you must hydrate before and after because the work is very deep even if it doesn’t feel strenuous.  Think about when you get a massage, the therapist always says you must hydrate when you get home, yoga is the same, it’s an internal massage and the work is very deep, shifting and moving lots of energy and stimulating areas that perhaps haven’t been focused on or tapped into for a long time, if ever!”. Make sure you take your water bottle or herbal tea to class to reap the full benefits and help flush those toxins out!


 Your cleansing makeover plan!

This sample menu plan is based on delicious foods that can support the body’s natural cleansing and detoxification processes. Go organic with all your ingredients if possible, to help minimise exposure to pesticides and other chemicals.


On rising: One cup of Clean Matcha Green tea.



Cleansing green smoothie. Blend together a handful of baby spinach, 1 kiwi fruit (peeled), half a green apple, the juice of half a lemon, 1 rounded teaspoon of greens powder (such as Pukka’s Clean Greens powder), and 1 tablespoon of hemp protein powder, with 300ml of water or enough to reach the desired consistency. Add a couple of tablespoons of oats if you want, to make your smoothie more filling. Sip one cup of Clean Matcha Green tea.

Why? Apple is rich in a fibre called pectin, which can support digestive transit to ensure proper excretion of toxins. Hemp protein provides valuable amino acids (components of protein) that are needed by the liver to bind and excrete toxins from the body. Lemon juice can help to stimulate the digestive system, supporting elimination of toxins through the gut. Spinach is rich in minerals including manganese, and kiwi fruit is one of the best sources of vitamin C – both these nutrients have antioxidant activity, helping to protect us from free radicals that are produced during detoxification.


Chia seed pudding with coconut milk and berries. Prepare the night before. For one person, use 2 tablespoons of whole chia seeds, half a cup (120ml) of coconut milk (or use unsweetened almond milk for a ‘lighter’ version), ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon and a small handful of raspberries or chopped strawberries. Stir the chia seeds and cinnamon into the coconut milk in a bowl and leave overnight in the fridge. In the morning, top with – or mix in – the berries.

Why? Chia seeds provide fibre to support digestive transit, as well as protein and omega-3 fats. They’re also said to be higher in protective antioxidants than other seeds or nuts. Berries are especially good sources of antioxidants too, of course. Coconut or almond milk are ideal alternatives to dairy milk during a cleanse; dairy can be difficult to digest and cause food sensitivity reactions for some people.



Three-egg frittata with broccoli and red pepper. Sauté 1 small chopped onion and 1 clove of finely chopped garlic in 2 teaspoons of ghee for a couple of minutes, until translucent. Add the half a chopped pepper and 5 halved broccoli florets and sauté for around 3–5 minutes, until starting to soften. Beat the eggs and add to the pan. Cook until starting to turn white around the edges, then transfer to a grill until the top is cooked and starting to brown gently. Sprinkle with parsley, and serve with a side salad of watercress and rocket. Sip one cup of Clean Matcha Green tea.

Why? Eggs may be unexpected in a cleansing makeover, but they’re included because they’re a fantastic source of choline, which is vital for healthy liver function. They also provide protein to support liver detoxification, with high levels of an amino acid called L-cysteine that plays a particularly important role.  Broccoli provides compounds called glucosinolates, which have been found to support detoxification. The bitterness of watercress and rocket can stimulate the digestive juices and flow of bile from the liver and gallbladder – bile is the primary way the liver gets rid of the toxins it filters out of the blood.


Grilled cod with griddled asparagus and vegan pesto. Make sure you buy cod that’s not coated in breadcrumbs or batter! Simply grill (or bake) the cod fillet as per pack instructions. To prepare the asparagus, snap the woody ends from the asparagus, boil for 2–3 minutes in water, drain, and then griddle on a griddle pan in a single layer for 3–4 minutes, turn and repeat. Serve the fish drizzled with lemon juice, topped with a tablespoon of vegan (i.e. dairy-free) pesto.

Why? White fish such as cod is a high-quality source of protein that’s easy on the digestion. Asparagus, like eggs and onion-family vegetables, contains sulphur compounds that may be supportive for liver detoxification. Vegan pesto provides a tasty addition, while avoiding dairy in standard pesto; and the garlic it contains can also provide an extra boost for the liver.


Mid-afternoon snack

Green juice made with cucumber, apple, celery, ginger and watercress. Juice one small organic cucumber, 1 green apple, 2–3 sticks of celery, a 2-cm piece of ginger and a small handful of watercress.

Why? Green juices are rich in nourishing vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed without taxing the digestion or the liver. Ginger can act as a digestive tonic that may help to stimulate ‘bowel motility’ – i.e. keeping food and wastes moving through the gut. Watercress again provides bitterness to stimulate digestion and bile flow.


Carrot sticks with guacamole. If you’re using shop-bought guacamole, go for one with the simplest ingredients and that’s free from additives and e-numbers. Or make your own simple guacamole with ripe avocado, diced ripe tomato, fresh coriander, lime juice, chilli and sea salt.

 Why? A light snack that’s high in antioxidants and healthy fats.


Evening meal

Sumptuous avocado salad. A big salad made with a handful of rocket, 5–6 halved radishes, 1 small or half a large ripe avocado, 1 small grated raw beetroot, 2 finely chopped spring onions, and a tablespoon or so of alfalfa sprouts. Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds, and drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice.

Why? It’s best to eat lightly in the evening to support better detoxification overnight. Healthy fats in the olive oil and avocado help to stimulate bile flow from the liver and gallbladder to encourage elimination of toxins. Rocket and radishes provide bitterness to stimulate digestion and bile flow. Beetroot contains unique substances called betalains, which have been found to support the liver. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc, which also has antioxidant activities.


Butternut squash and lentil soup. Makes 4 servings. 1 butternut squash, 1 onion, 2 cloves garlic, 2 teaspoons of ghee or coconut oil, ½ teaspoon turmeric, 2 teaspoons ground cumin or cumin seeds, 1 litre of vegetable stock and 250g (half a standard pack) of red lentils. Peel and chop the squash into 1-inch pieces, and chop the onion and garlic. Fry the onion and garlic in 2 teaspoons of coconut oil or ghee in a large saucepan for a few minutes, until translucent. Add the spices and the chopped butternut squash and stir to coat, then add in the stock and lentils. Leave to simmer for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Leave to cool for a few minutes, then purée using a stick blender or food processor.

Why? This is also a light meal and a great alternative to a salad for a colder evening. Onions and garlic contain those valuable sulphur compounds that support detoxification. Lentils provide protein and minerals including zinc and manganese. Butternut squash is rich in antioxidant carotenoids including beta-carotene. Turmeric, as also featured in the Clean Matcha Green, has blood-cleansing and liver-supporting activity too.

Stay tuned for day 2 and 3!

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The Morning Routines Of 6 Successful Women

How you start the morning can be a key deciding factor in setting the right tone for the rest of your day. Think about the routine you’ve created for yourself – perhaps you rush around like crazy from the get go, fuelled by multiple cups of coffee; maybe you’re more of a tranquil meditation morning person, or it could be that you simply can’t seem to get out of bed!

Of course there’s no one-fits-all solution to starting the day, however there are certainly small changes we can all make which may well make us happier and our days run that little bit smoother. We were lucky enough to get a glimpse into the morning routines of 6 women we admire across the health and lifestyle scene – read on for some fresh inspiration on how to master your mornings like a pro.

Carole Bamford: Founder of Daylesford Organic and natural clothing, body and skincare label Bamford

My morning usually begins at about 6:00am, I am most definitely an early riser. I like to start the day with a cup of hot water with lemon, I find it refreshing and cleansing. The first thing I do in the morning is to take my dogs for a walk when it is still crisp and fresh outside. When I get back home, I adore fresh fruit, so depending on what is in season, I have a bowl of fruit with some yoghurt or maybe some homemade Bircher muesli to keep me going through the morning. Then I either do half an hour of yoga with Vettri, a Pranayama yoga specialist, or I go to the gym.

As you may know I believe that what you put on the body, is as important as what you put inside. So when I am getting ready for my day I like to use our Bamford Organic skincare and body products, maybe I am biased but I find they really do work and leave my skin feeling nourished. I know it’s so often said but I do also believe it is important to drink plenty of water and get as much sleep as possible each night too.

Before I know it, it is 9am and I am heading to my office looking forward to what the day will bring – whether that be a food tasting or reviewing our latest clothing collection.


Tara Stiles: Yoga Instructor and author of Make Your Own Rules Diet and Make Your Own Rules Cookbook

I’m usually up at 6am and try to spend a little time rolling around in bed with some easy stretches and meditation before I pop up for a shower and hop on the agenda for the day. I know if I don’t give myself 5 minutes to be with my thoughts I’ll get caught up in everything else. Honestly, I don’t meditate perfectly every morning like this, but it’s a goal to do it as often as I can. If I’m in NYC, I head to the studio for morning class, or practice, or shooting some yoga videos. The light is so warm and cozy in the studio in the AM so I love spending a bit of time doing some easy-going yoga that feels great for me, before the day starts. But again, not perfect and this doesn’t happen always. Before the studio, Mike (the hubs) and I go for a walk to our favorite coffee shop, Ground support and spend some quality time together which is nice. I’ll usually have breakfast after a bit of yoga. I love cooking so will have whatever is currently in the house, from some homemade soup, to a smoothie, salad, or eggs and toast. I like the variety and not sticking to the same breakfast every day keeps me feeling healthy and in the moment with what I need to fuel myself.


Julie Montagu: Yoga Instructor and author of blog The Flexi Foodie

Mornings have become a bit easier this year as my youngest was old enough to take the school bus.  So, not having to do the school run for the first time in nearly 14 years was sort of shocking!!! (but I’m not complaining!)  So, once I get all 4 kids out of the house around 7:45am – my day begins!  For breakfast I really alternate between granola topped with almond milk and berries and avocado on toast with red pepper chili flakes.  Then, I hop on my bike to teach my yoga class or to do a yoga class but I’m always cycling first thing in the morning.  I would have cycled at least 5 miles before 10am so that’s my exercise every single morning plus a yoga class.  Most days, I have meetings where I can’t really wear yoga clothes to the meeting, so the secrets now out…. I wear yoga clothes every morning but then roll up in ‘normal clothes’ and put them in my backpack.  I seem to always end up changing at triyoga Chelsea back and forth b/w yoga clothes and normal clothes.  A good example is that I recently went to the Hemsley & Hemsley book launch and had just taught a yoga class beforehand.  So, I reached into my backpack and changed into a dress!  I’ve learned that rolling your clothes helps to stop them from wrinkling! As far as morning beauty routine…. let’s remember that I have four kids so my morning beauty routine is as quick as they come, but it works! I literally splash my face with cold water and then apply Caroline Forbes, The Facial Oil.  It’s a lightweight easily absorbed facial oil that’s packed with skin-loving nutrients.  I swear by it. 


Georgie Coleridge Cole: Founder and editor of online lifestyle magazine SheerLuxe

My morning routine is anything but inspiring. It is a rush – daily – as I race around getting the children ready for school, my hair and make up done and the house tidy before traffic, a school drop, nursery drop, quick dog walk and myself at my desk by 9.15am.

If I’m going to the gym (I go 4-5 times a week religiously and would love it always to be first thing but sadly that isn’t possible) then I’m up at 6.15am to be there when the door opens to do 40 mins of cardio and back in time for my husband to leave for work at 7.20am.

If I’m not gyming then I get up at 7.15am, check my emails, get my children up and dressed for school and nursery and myself ready for work. My children are big sleepers so I always leave them until the last minute, which doesn’t help the hustle!

Breakfast is quick and I’m a creature of habit so it’s a couple of pieces of gluten free bread and nut butter for me plus a 1000mg effervescent vitamin c that I take daily – my PA was saying how remarkable it is that I have never get ill and I swear it is down to the Vit C!


Madeleine Shaw: Nutritional health coach, author of Get The Glow and creator of The Glow Guides app

My typical morning begins waking up around 6:30 am – I normally wake up before my alarm and love to start my day with a yoga routine. I love to get a workout done in the morning so I can have the rest of my day feeling pretty smug and energised!

I’ll then make myself some yummy breakfast, usually consisting of eggs and avocado… I’m pretty obsessed! If not then I will have some buckwheat porridge or an almond milk, spinach and banana smoothie. Then I get to work with emails, sort out my diary and often I am shooting so run out the door to get to the shoot.

I’ll wear my yoga clothes for exercise and breakfast then change into something casual but chic – I love to wear loose white blouses, jeans or casual t-shirts. I have a classic style and love to incorporate this into my everyday attire. I also love a coat and think it really completes an outfit – I’ve got a great one from Theory at the moment which I love.

For skincare I really do take my time over it, I love this part of the day! I cleanse, moisturize and use facial oils, serums and have just started using eye cream. I tend to use all natural ingredients as this works best for my skin. I wear minimal make up as love to let my skin breathe!


Niki Rein: Founder and CEO of Barrecore

The alarm goes off between 5:30am and 6am depending on the day ahead. I aim to meditate for 15 minutes or so but it doesn’t always happen and I sure feel my monkey-mind take over when I don’t. I let my dog, Bruno, outside while I boil bone broth (I love slow cooked beef broth). First thing is the best time to try to tackle as many emails as possible and set my goals for the day head while I sip my nourishing broth. Savoury broth may not sound enticing but is actually delicious and makes my energy soar and has made huge improvements to my digestion, hair, skin and nails. I like to workout early in the day so I often go for a run or take a barrecore class followed by having a black or a Bulletproof coffee (organic coffee with coconut oil and grass-fed butter).

I am very rigid with my skincare routine. Each morning I use an exfoliating glycolic cleanser by Exuviance followed by evening primrose pressed across my face, neck and decolletage. My makeup, Oxygenetix foundation, is light, breathable and safe to wear during teaching and training. I also use Chantecalle blush and and lip conditioning Lip Chic which gives me an all natural colour pop.

Article constructed by Meryn Turner

Let’s Get Physical…

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A guide to getting intimate when you suffer from intimate dryness

We have all been there, that feeling of disconnection with your partner is not an uncommon one, and it has been proven time and time again that having sex can make you feel so much more united. In fact, according to a survey by Vagisil ProHydrate, 70% of British women say sexual intimacy makes them feel more emotionally connected to their partner. But if you are one of the many that experience vaginal dryness, which can make sex painful at worse and uncomfortable at best, chances are that you are not that up for it! But that needn’t be the case. What if we could tell you that there was a solution – you’d take it wouldn’t you? Well you are in luck because the clever people at Vagisil have have been working tirelessly with gynecologists and consumers alike for over 40 years to create products that actually work to get help treat all these issues.

According to a recent survey by Vagisil ProHydrate, 70% of British women say sexual intimacy makes them feel more emotionally connected to their partner yet nearly half of women (48%) rate their sex lives as average or below average and this is even higher (54%) for those suffering intimate dryness. If this sounds like you, you need not suffer in silence, as around a third of women suffer from intimate dryness. And it has been reported that it affects more than just your sex life, impacting both self-confidence and how attractive you feel!

So, what causes it?

Kate Taylor, Sexual Wellness Expert gives us the 411:

“Vaginal Dryness is a silent nightmare for many women. It’s most often caused by hormonal changes – a drop in oestrogen affects the amount of natural lubrication in the vagina, making it dry, irritated and sore. As well as the physical discomfort, vaginal dryness can cause emotional distress too, with women unable to have sex which can cause feelings of guilt or isolation. While the causes of vaginal dryness are often a natural part of life, the symptoms don’t have to be. There are many ways to ease the discomfort quickly and easily.”


The Solution

Vagisil’s ProHydrate range has come to the rescue. After 5 years of research and clinical testing, the range has been developed to specifically help treat women who suffer from intimate dryness and the results speak for themselves with 9 out of 10 women recommending the product range to others suffering the same condition.

lets get physical

How Does it Work?

The bio-adherent formula in the Vagisil Pro-Hydrate Internal Hydrating Gel contains a substance called ProHydrate Complex, a unique blend of moisturisers including Hyaluronic Acid, which feels like your own natural moisture. This coats the vaginal wall and slowly releases moisture over time to relieve dryness so you can feel comfortable and ready whenever the moment is right. Another popular product in the range, the Vagisil ProHydrate Intimate Wash is so gentle it can be used daily and has a unique blend of moisturisers; as well as the aforementioned Hyaluronic Acid it also contains Jojoba and Shea Butter that will nourish intimate skin. Then there is the Vagisil ProHydrate External Hydrating Gel, which relieves and replenishes dry, uncomfortable vaginal skin to make intimacy way more comfortable and it can also make your intimate skin feel much healthier too. And just in case you are wondering, each of the products are formulated without added estrogens or parabens. Which makes us very happy indeed.

Check out the rest of the range at here. The Vagisil ProHydrate range is available at Boots and Superdrug

Beat The Bloat With Sarah Wilson (I Quit Sugar)

Do you experience gut issues after every meal? Tried cutting out gluten, dairy, even sugar and nothing works?

It could be due to FODMAPs. The acronym FODMAPs stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. They are a group of short-chain carbohydrates, sugars and alcohols which some people find especially difficult to digest.

But while quitting sugar can be reasonably simple – we’re just eliminating fructose after all – the FODMAPs group contains a seemingly random bunch of foods!


The full FODMAPs.

Fructose: high fructose corn syrup, honey, some high-fructose fruits including watermelon, apples, pears, mango, plus dried fruit and juice.

Lactose: all dairy products except lactose-free dairy and aged cheeses.

Polyols: sugar alcohols (commonly found in sugar-free foods, gum and soda) and stone fruits, berries, watermelon, avocado, cauliflower, mushrooms and snow peas.

Fructans: wheat, rye, barley, garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, beetroot, chicory, dandelion, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and fennel.

Galacto-Oligosaccharides: beans, chickpeas and lentils.


Did you know irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the second most common cause of sick days from work and school?

If you’re susceptible to FODMAPs you’ll know about it. They can trigger symptoms of IBS, such as bloating, wind, abdominal, pain and diarrhoea or constipation. Or both! They can also affect people who suffer from Coeliac or Crohn’s. Different people can react differently to different members of the FODMAP group, too. And according to dietician and gut health expert Dr. Kerith Duncanson, you may be able to identify which FODMAPs you’re sensitive to based on your symptoms.

“People who tend to have diarrhoea are more likely to react to the FODMAPs that draw fluid into the gut: the polyols, fructose and lactose. Those people with bloating and constipation are more likely to react to the gas-producing Oligosaccharides.”


Will quitting sugar help solve your FODMAPs issues?

We recommend quitting the FODMAP fructose anyway, for a whole host of health reasons, including decreased risk of liver disease and heart disease. But on our I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program, we also include foods like onions, dairy, avocado and legumes a-plenty.

So if you’ve quit sugar and still not feeling any better, you might want to look at the other FODMAPs offenders, too. To find out if FODMAPs are the culprits, you can follow a symptom-based elimination diet or take a breath test to see which carbohydrates aren’t being absorbed by your body.

Article taken from I Quit Sugar