The Sustainable Beauty Brands To Have On Your Radar In 2024

The beauty industry is undergoing a remarkable transformation with an unprecedented surge in the adoption of sustainable practices. This paradigm shift is not merely a fleeting trend but rather a profound change driven by a collective consciousness about the environmental and social impacts of beauty products. Consumers are increasingly scrutinizing the ingredients, packaging, and overall ethos of the beauty brands they support, demanding transparency, ethical practices, and a commitment to sustainability.

In recent years, sustainability has become a focal point, influencing every facet of the beauty industry. From the sourcing of raw materials to the formulation of products, and from packaging design to manufacturing processes, beauty brands are reevaluating and redefining their practices. This movement towards sustainability is not just about appealing to a niche market; it represents a fundamental reimagining of the relationship between consumers, beauty products, and the planet.

Moreover, the influence of social media and celebrity endorsement has played a pivotal role in amplifying the message of sustainable beauty. Celebrities and influencers are leveraging their platforms to advocate for eco-friendly choices, promoting brands that prioritize sustainability. This has further propelled the movement into the mainstream, making sustainable beauty not just a niche preference but a global aspiration.

As governments and industry organizations increasingly recognize the need for standardized regulations, the beauty industry is witnessing the emergence of guidelines and certifications that validate and quantify sustainability efforts. This regulatory environment is shaping the industry by providing a framework for brands to navigate and consumers to trust.

Below we wanted to share our top sustainable beauty brands to have on your radar in 2024 if you’re keen to re-shape your beauty stash with more environmentally-conscious alternatives.

Kama Ayurveda

Kama Ayurveda is a brand deeply rooted in the ancient science of Ayurveda, offering a range of skincare, haircare, and wellness products inspired by traditional Indian remedies. With a commitment to using natural ingredients and traditional formulations, Kama Ayurveda aims to provide effective and holistic solutions for modern skincare concerns. The brand’s emphasis on authenticity and purity resonates with those seeking a harmonious balance between Ayurvedic principles and contemporary beauty rituals.

Fable & Mane

Fable & Mane is a brand that seamlessly blends traditional Indian haircare wisdom with modern, clean beauty practices. Their products celebrate the rich cultural heritage of India, drawing inspiration from time-honoured Ayurvedic traditions. Fable & Mane’s offerings, which include hair oils and elixirs, are designed to promote healthy hair and scalp, embracing a holistic approach to beauty that incorporates both ancient rituals and modern innovation.


Ule is a brand that focuses on creating sustainable and eco-friendly beauty products. With a commitment to ethical sourcing and minimal environmental impact, Ule offers a range of skincare and personal care items. The brand’s dedication to transparency in ingredient sourcing and environmentally conscious packaging aligns with the growing consumer demand for products that prioritize both personal well-being and the health of the planet.


Founded by Pharrell Williams, Humanrace is a skincare brand that emphasizes simplicity, efficacy, and sustainability. The brand promotes a universal approach to skincare, encouraging individuals to embrace self-care rituals that contribute to overall well-being. Humanrace’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its use of recycled materials for packaging and a focus on clean, vegan formulations, making it a brand that resonates with those seeking a mindful and holistic skincare routine.


Gaia is a beauty brand that takes inspiration from nature, offering a range of skincare products designed to harness the power of botanical ingredients. With a focus on clean beauty, Gaia formulates products that are free from harmful chemicals, synthetic fragrances, and toxins. The brand’s commitment to promoting skin health through natural solutions aligns with the broader trend of consumers seeking products that are both effective and gentle on the skin.


Nini is a skincare brand known for its commitment to organic and natural ingredients. With a focus on simplicity and effectiveness, Nini’s product range includes skincare essentials crafted to nourish and rejuvenate the skin. The brand’s dedication to sustainability is evident in its use of eco-friendly packaging and a transparent approach to ingredient sourcing. Nini appeals to those looking for uncomplicated yet potent skincare solutions rooted in the principles of organic beauty.

From Nap Hygiene To Circadian Rhythms: The Sleep Tips You Need To Know

In the fast-paced, digitally-driven world we live in, the importance of a good night’s sleep is often underestimated. As we navigate demanding work schedules, social obligations, and an influx of information, the quality and quantity of our sleep can significantly impact our overall well-being. Numerous studies have delved into the intricate relationship between sleep and well-being, shedding light on the profound effects that sleep habits have on physical health, mental acuity, and emotional resilience.

Research consistently highlights the critical role of sleep in maintaining physical health. A landmark study published in the journal Sleep Medicine Reviews found that insufficient or poor-quality sleep is associated with a higher risk of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity. The study emphasized the intricate interplay between sleep duration, sleep quality, and the body’s ability to regulate vital functions, underscoring the need for a comprehensive understanding of sleep hygiene. Below we delve into the sleep tips you really need to know for optimal rest.

Understanding Circadian Rhythms:

Our bodies follow a natural internal clock known as the circadian rhythm. This 24-hour cycle regulates the sleep-wake pattern, influencing various physiological processes like hormone production, body temperature, and metabolism. Disruptions to this rhythm, such as irregular sleep schedules or exposure to artificial light at night, can negatively impact the quality of sleep.

“Your circadian rhythm is controlled by a small but highly important part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This rhythm is largely guided by genes and other natural factors such as hormones but can also be affected by a number of external elements, the biggest one being light and darkness. Your body naturally responds to darkness by producing melatonin, a hormone that helps induce sleep and then it suppresses melatonin when it’s light, to stay awake. Your body then uses this to predict your future sleep-wake cycles to prepare for when you need to sleep and stay awake”, explains Dr Tosin Sotubo, founder of Mind Body Doctor

Tip: Embrace Consistent Sleep Patterns
To optimize your circadian rhythm, aim for a consistent sleep schedule. Set a regular bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends, to synchronize your body’s internal clock. This helps regulate the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for promoting sleep. It’s also really important to allow sunlight into your eyes before noon so get outside in the morning to kick-start that rhythm.

Understanding the Power of Naps:

Napping can be a double-edged sword. While a well-timed nap can enhance alertness and mood, napping too close to bedtime or for an extended duration can interfere with nighttime sleep. This phenomenon is known as “sleep inertia,” where you may experience grogginess and disorientation upon waking.

Tip: Master the Art of Napping
If you feel the need to nap, aim for short power naps of 20-30 minutes. This duration allows you to reap the benefits of increased alertness without entering deeper stages of sleep. Additionally, schedule naps earlier in the day to minimize their impact on nighttime sleep.

Creating an Ideal Sleep Environment:

The environment in which you sleep plays a pivotal role in the quality of your rest. Factors such as room temperature, lighting, and noise levels can significantly affect your ability to fall and stay asleep.

Tip: Prioritize Sleep Hygiene
Optimize your sleep environment by keeping the bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows to support a restful night’s sleep. Limit exposure to electronic devices before bedtime, as the blue light emitted can suppress melatonin production and disrupt your sleep-wake cycle.

Jessica Sepal says “This can be hard at first but it is so important when it comes to sleep. Our phones and laptops emit blue light which can disrupt our sleep patterns. Disconnecting from social media and my emails around 8.30-9pm each evening is also incredibly grounding and allows me to be present with myself and my loved ones.”

Mindful Practices for Better Sleep:

Incorporating mindfulness practices into your routine can positively impact sleep quality. Activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and gentle stretching can help calm the mind and relax the body, promoting a smooth transition into sleep.

Tip: Establish a Relaxing Bedtime Routine
Create a bedtime routine that signals to your body that it’s time to wind down. This could include activities like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practising relaxation techniques. These rituals can help ease the transition from wakefulness to sleep.

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LISS 101: Mastering the Art of Low-Intensity Steady State Workouts

HIIT has reigned as the explosive training method that gives you bang for your buck. Intense in every aspect of its nature, there is an alternative to the adrenaline-fueled fitness trend if you’ve maxed out on the sweat-soaked, heart-pounding routines. Quieter, yet equally transformative, Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) is the approach that is gaining momentum. Emerging as the understated hero for fat loss, LISS deliberately focuses on gentle, sustained efforts. This caters particularly to women and those who want to exercise in a way that supports instead of hinders the delicate balance of hormones. We speak to expert Fitness Coach, Peter Cobby, to get the low-down on LISS training to fully understand how to incorporate the steady approach to exercise into our routine.

What is LISS?

Low-intensity steady-state exercise (known simply as LISS) is a form of prolonged exercise that requires very little instruction. You may also have heard of its original name, Steady State Training (SST). 

There are numerous advantages behind this form of activity, ranging from health benefits like lowering blood pressure and enhancing brain function to its more aesthetic effects like reducing body fat and maintaining muscle mass.

But the positive I like to focus on is its ability to reduce stress. Stress, especially in today’s fast-paced living, is the thing that is holding many of us back from achieving our fitness and health goals.

How long should a LISS workout be & how many times a week should we be doing it?

A LISS workout can range anywhere from 15 minutes right up to a few hours. The time you put in will only increase the fat-burning effect. Your recovery time between workouts is drastically reduced as the stress on your body is minimal. This means we can get great benefits from 3 or more times per week. I like to put it into total numbers for the week though, aiming for around 150 minutes or more. The suggestion of 10,000 steps per day is a good starting point.

What does a LISS workout involve?

This type of workout will have you in a Zone 2 Heart Rate, that is 55-65% of your maximum output. In stark contrast to a HIIT workout that brings you to 85% or more for short periods. So, it’s much more manageable for most of us, drastically reducing the stress placed on the body.

How does LISS compare with HIIT?

LISS & HIIT are simply 2 tools in your exercise tool kit. While one requires less physical effort, it does require more time. HIIT has long been touted as the superior for body fat loss, but studies show that over a 12-week period, there is very little difference in overall body fat loss between groups.

The 2 factors that do come into play are the enjoyment of the workouts and the time to complete the workouts. HIIT is obviously more time efficient, ranging from as little as 4 minutes (TABATA) but the enjoyment for people who are new to exercise (and this is important) is higher in the LISS group. This means that the LISS group are more likely to continue and the HIIT group may take more breaks between workouts.

Why Is LISS good for fat loss?

The reason LISS is so good for fat loss comes down to how your body uses energy. The two energy systems used by your body are the aerobic and anaerobic pathways. LISS is an aerobic exercise, meaning it requires oxygen and the consumption of stored fats as energy. This type of exercise is used mostly by the endurance athlete (marathon).

HIIT is an anaerobic form of exercise, it does not require oxygen and is fuelled mostly by stored glycogen (carbohydrates). This type of exercise is used mostly by the sprinter. Interestingly, if unused, excess glycogen will turn into stored fat, so a double approach is more effective for fat loss.

What types of training can you use as LISS?

LISS is the most accessible form of exercise because it requires no equipment or expertise to start. Walking, light jogging, hiking, cycling, or swimming at a gentle pace are just a few great methods. Essentially though, you want to be able to maintain the effort for 15 minutes or more. With more time burning more energy stores.

How do you monitor LISS training?

There are a few ways we can monitor the heart rate, but knowing where it needs to be in the steady state zone will require you to know what your maximum heart rate is.

So let’s use this equation:

220 – (your age) = MaxHR

For LISS exercise we want to be between 55-65% of the above number.

Using a 45-year-old woman as an example, she would need to be between 96 – 114 beats per minute, and a 20-year-old would need to be between 110-130 bpm.

You can monitor your heart rate using any form of wearable tech that has this as a function. You can now wear a smartwatch, such as an Apple Watch or Fitbit to keep track, you just need to be able to see the numbers.

My favourite method has always been gadget-free. Can you hold a conversation without losing breath? Then you’re at zone 2. As soon as you find the breathing difficult and you can only say 1 or 2 words, then you should slow it down. Remember this pace you should be able to hold for a long period of time.

How does LISS affect our health outside of the physical benefits?

LISS is a form of exercise that is really beneficial for reducing stress and is not so taxing on cortisol levels compared to other forms of exercise such as HIIT. It’s also great for our mental well-being! Studies have shown that it improves mood, can reduce the effects of depression, lowers your heart rate and blood pressure and aids in recovery. Not bad for a stroll in the park!

How has LISS been transformative for people?

Because it is so targeted at using fats as energy, it is my preferred method for helping people reduce weight. Combined with a targeted diet it can be the most effective at reducing weight, especially for women over 40. With changing hormones and a tendency toward midline body fat storage due to rising cortisol, a switch to calmer workouts may be the key to success in terms of fat loss.

If you have been struggling to get the pounds off, switching from your high-intensity classes to more endurance-based work may be just the ticket you’re looking for. Combine this with toning classes like Barre or Pilates that keep the muscles strong and you may be onto a winning strategy.

Are there any fitness classes that align with LISS training?

Most classes nowadays are designed to entertain, and a HIIT workout does a really good job of this. But a LISS workout may be a little harder to find. My suggestion then is to combine Pilates or Barre style classes (Frame has plenty of options, as does Heartcore) with 20-30 minutes of steady-state cardio after the class. This way your muscles are being used to help provide strength and support, burning through those initial stores of glycogen, and LISS is using up the remaining fat stores. Perfect combo!

Peter Cobby, Fitness Coach for London’s Fashion Industry and founder of Project LALA

Doing A Mental Health MOT Might Be The Best Decision You Make in 2024

In the fast-paced whirlwind of modern life, our mental well-being often takes a backseat to the demands of the daily grind. As we step into the promising expanse of 2024, there emerges a compelling opportunity to prioritize our mental health in a way that resonates long beyond the fleeting resolutions of a new year. Imagine a transformative journey where, instead of waiting for the storm, we equip ourselves with the tools to navigate the inevitable challenges ahead. We want to explore the profound impact of choosing to undergo a Mental Health MOT in 2024 – a decision that has the potential to shape not just the coming year, but the essence of our entire lives. We spoke to the wonderful team at The Soke to delve into the myriad reasons why opting for a Mental Health MOT might just be the most profound and empowering decision you make this year.

Why is it important to check in with our mental health regularly?

Most of us, in our day-to-day lives, rely more on our mental faculties than we do our physical prowess. It seems incongruent, therefore, that we would dedicate so much time, energy and financial resources to our physical health and yet largely ignore the part of us that ultimately will dictate who we are, how we behave and what we’ll do with our lives. It seems rational, to say the least, to pursue emotional & psychological wellbeing with the same consciousness and determination that we dedicate to physical fitness.

What are the signs that someone might benefit from a mental health checkup or therapy?

Many of us have the emotional acuity to recognise and acknowledge when things don’t feel right for a sustained period. Sometimes it manifests as a short fuse, sometimes it’s an internal sadness or an absence of positivity or hope about the future. Thinking that you have nothing to look forward to – whether it’s the company of friends, an event or an achievement – can be another sign that you need to examine these feelings before they start to evolve into something that becomes rooted in your way of being.

Working with a professional, whether through a one-off or an ongoing relationship, can help you get to the heart of the matter with the guidance of someone who you can trust to hold a mirror to you with kindness, objectivity and a commitment to “being on your side”.

In what ways can a mental health MOT be beneficial?

A mental health MOT can highlight both emerging and deep-seated issues which would benefit from exploration and, ultimately, resolution. However, it’s not solely focused on highlighting any problem areas, it’s also a way to ‘check-in’ and evaluate where you are in your life, where you want to be and how to align your actions with what you hope to leave as your legacy. 

What are the potential benefits of speaking to a therapist or mental health professional?

Many people live their lives, and observe the lives of others, through stories.  Speaking to a therapist, engaging in talking therapy can help a person to look at the stories buried within their past, bring them to the foreground, discover the more positive plot points within those personal stories and then proactively rewrite a more positive narrative.  

How does the stigma around mental health impact the willingness of individuals to seek help?

In some respects, the pendulum has now started to swing in the other direction, where stigma has been replaced with a desire to be labelled with some sort of mental health diagnosis, so I don’t think that fear of stigmatisation is as much of an issue as it might have been, even five years ago. 

Nonetheless, for people seeking mental health support, particularly in older generations, they need to be shown that taking the risk of appearing vulnerable can have obvious benefits.  We need to talk more openly with each other on an emotional level.  This strategy that we have of keeping a lid on things can end up backfiring.  Very often, bigger issues come to the fore.  

What role does self-care play in maintaining good mental health?

To say that self-care is the key to mental wellbeing would be to do a huge injustice to those who suffer from debilitating depression, and who can do little to prevent the dark clouds from intermittently gathering. But with almost everyone else, making sure that you make space for yourself is an essential component of psychological wellness. This means finding regular moments that are purely yours to do with as you please – whether you’re getting lost in music or staring out of the window. Find your happy place and visit it as frequently as you can.

Are there specific self-care practices that are particularly effective for mental well-being?

Negative thinking puts barriers in the way, we start to shut down and stop living life fully.  Positive thinking, however, is about seeing possibilities and understanding that we can be resilient when life knocks us.  It makes things seem more possible, permits us to take action and helps us to envisage things to look forward to. 

How can someone establish a healthy routine for maintaining mental health?

When it comes to poor sleep, if you start to worry about it you can end up triggering your body’s stress responses.  When you’re in a state of stress, your body thinks it’s at risk and forces you to stay awake to survive.  However, if you can find ways to calm your mind, your stress levels will drop within minutes.  To do this, use mindfulness techniques by focusing on the present moment, paying attention to bodily sensations, getting comfortable where you are and breathing more consciously and deeply. 

When it comes to nutrition, find ways to incorporate a colourful variety of plant foods, whole grains and lean protein into your meals.  Avoid heavy or high-sugar meals late in the day.  Limit caffeine and alcohol as they’re stimulants and can contribute to feelings of anxiety.

The hardest part of self-care, however, is remembering to practice it.  Consider ways to make time for self-care a part of your daily routine, so that it feels familiar and easy.  Check in with yourself in the morning, start the day with an uplifting phrase and get outside into daylight for a few minutes.  During the day, remember to take movement breaks away from your desk and connect with people who make you feel good. 

Are there any misconceptions about mental health checkups or therapy that you commonly encounter?

We’ve reached a point where there are a significant number of high-profile role models speaking openly about their mental health and how they’ve benefited from professional help.  This is really good for opening up public conversation and encouraging others to seek support, but it doesn’t answer the questions that most people have: “Who can I speak to?” and “Where do I start?”.  What people need to do is realise that doing something to address mental health needs is better than doing nothing.  It may feel overwhelming, so start with small steps.  Test out conversations about your mental wellbeing by engaging with someone who’s a good listener, a loved one whom you trust or someone with professional knowledge of supporting others.  Even if those conversations seem simple, you’ll have begun that journey.

That said, we still need to shift the public message even further, from “It’s okay to talk” to “It’s healthy to talk”.

Book a Mental Health MOT at The Soke here.
words by various members of The Soke team.

Understanding And Addressing Stress Factors For Parents of Teenagers

Parenthood is a journey filled with joy, challenges, and growth. As children enter their teenage years, a unique set of stress factors emerges, requiring parents to adapt and navigate this transformative period. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the specific stressors faced by parents of teenagers. By understanding these challenges, parents can develop strategies to foster positive relationships, support their teens’ development, and manage stress effectively.

The Dynamics Of Parenting Teenagers

Teenagers are navigating the complex process of identity formation, seeking independence and autonomy. This natural developmental stage often involves questioning authority, experimenting with self-expression, and asserting individuality.

Balancing the need for independence with parental guidance, managing disagreements and conflicts arising from differing perspectives, and fostering open communication to understand a teenager’s evolving identity can be tricky.

Cultivate an environment that encourages open dialogue and acknowledges and respects their emerging independence. Guide while allowing space for individual expression.

Peer Influence And Social Pressures

Peer relationships play a significant role in a teenager’s life, influencing behaviour, values, and decision-making. Parents may experience stress as they navigate the potential impact of peer pressure on their teen’s choices.

You may have concerns about negative peer influence, balancing the importance of friendships with parental guidance, and addressing issues related to bullying, exclusion, or peer conflicts. Foster open communication about friendships and peer dynamics, encourage positive social connections, and provide guidance on making healthy relationship choices.

Academic Pressures And Exam Stress

The academic demands on teenagers intensify as they approach important exams. Parents may find themselves grappling with their teens’ stress, academic performance, and the challenge of providing effective support.

It’s tough to balance academic expectations with a teenager’s well-being, address exam-related stress and anxiety, and still navigate disagreements over study habits and priorities.

Establish a supportive study environment at home, encourage healthy study habits and time management, and be attuned to signs of stress and offer emotional support. Revision notes and past papers can make a huge difference in helping your child feel more confident with their exam prep. Save My Exams has a wide range of past papers, revision notes and more for GCSEs, IGCSEs and A-levels. Head to their website to look at the range of subjects and exams they can help with.

Communication Breakdowns

Effective communication becomes more complex during the teenage years. Parents may encounter resistance, reluctance to share thoughts and feelings, and difficulty in understanding their teen’s perspective.

You can sometimes feel shut out or disconnected. Misunderstandings and conflicts arise from communication gaps, and navigating the balance between guidance and giving space is tough.

Foster active listening and non-judgmental communication, find alternative avenues for expression, such as journaling, and respect their need for independence while remaining involved.

Emotional Rollercoasters

Teenagers undergo significant hormonal changes that contribute to emotional ups and downs.

Parents may find it challenging to navigate these intense emotions and support their teens effectively. Coping with mood swings and emotional volatility, addressing sudden changes in behaviour and attitudes, and providing comfort while respecting their need for space isn’t easy.

Educate teens about emotional well-being and self-awareness, encourage healthy coping mechanisms, such as exercise or creative outlets, and be a supportive presence without imposing solutions.

Addressing Risky Behaviours And Safety Concerns

Adolescence is marked by a natural inclination for experimentation and risk-taking. Parents may grapple with concerns about their teen engaging in risky behaviours, such as substance use or unsafe activities.

You need to establish clear and consistent boundaries, encourage open discussions about the consequences of risky behaviours, and seek professional guidance if concerns escalate.

Online Safety Challenges

The pervasive use of technology introduces new challenges for parents, including concerns about online safety, cyberbullying, and excessive screen time. It’s a big ask to monitor online activities without invading privacy, address cyberbullying or inappropriate online behaviour, and encourage a healthy balance between online and offline activities.

Establish clear guidelines for online behaviour and screen time, foster open conversations about online challenges and risks, and educate teens about the importance of digital responsibility.

Striking A Balance And Fostering Resilience

Striking a balance between allowing independence and providing guidance is a continuous challenge for parents of teenagers. This delicate equilibrium is crucial for fostering autonomy while ensuring
safety and well-being.

Knowing when to step back and when to intervene, dealing with the fear of losing influence over their decisions, and balancing trust with the need for accountability is key.

Establish clear expectations and boundaries, foster a collaborative decision-making process, and allow natural consequences while providing a safety net.

Seeking Support And Professional Guidance

Despite the prevalence of parenting challenges, there can be a stigma attached to seeking professional help. Parents may hesitate to reach out due to fear of judgment or societal expectations.

Normalise seeking support as a proactive and healthy choice, establish a network of understanding friends or family, and consult with professionals when needed without hesitation.

10 Essential Starting Points For Journaling Success In 2024

In the fast-paced world we live in, where stress seems to be an inevitable companion, finding effective ways to manage our emotions and foster self-discovery is crucial. One powerful and accessible tool that has stood the test of time is journaling. The act of putting pen to paper has proven benefits for mental health, offering a gentle yet profound way to navigate the complexities of life. This article explores the art of journaling as a means of self-discovery and stress relief, providing tips and advice for those looking to embark on this transformative journey.

Create a Safe Space:

One of the fundamental aspects of successful journaling is creating a safe and judgment-free space. Your journal is your private haven, where you can express thoughts and emotions without fear of criticism. Choose a notebook that resonates with you, and designate a quiet, comfortable place for your writing sessions.

Set Realistic Expectations:

Journaling is a personal experience, and there are no strict rules to follow. Set realistic expectations for yourself, whether it’s writing daily, weekly, or whenever inspiration strikes. Avoid placing undue pressure on the process; instead, allow it to unfold naturally.

Start with Gratitude:

Begin your journaling journey with a positive mindset by incorporating gratitude into your entries. Take a moment to reflect on the things you are thankful for each day. This simple practice can shift your focus from stressors to the positive aspects of your life, promoting a healthier perspective.

Free Writing and Stream of Consciousness:

Allow your thoughts to flow freely onto the paper. Engage in free writing or stream-of-consciousness exercises, where you write without censoring or editing yourself. This technique can reveal hidden emotions and insights, aiding in self-discovery.

Explore Prompts and Themes:

If you find yourself stuck or unsure of what to write, explore prompts and themes to guide your journaling sessions. Prompts can range from introspective questions to creative exercises, sparking new perspectives and uncovering aspects of yourself you may not have considered.

Reflect on Challenges and Solutions:

Journaling provides a unique opportunity to reflect on challenges and brainstorm potential solutions. Use your journal to analyze stressful situations, identify patterns, and explore constructive ways to cope. This process not only alleviates stress but also fosters personal growth.

Celebrate Achievements:

Don’t forget to celebrate your victories, big or small. Acknowledging your achievements, no matter how minor, reinforces positive behaviours and boosts self-esteem. Use your journal as a space to record and appreciate your progress on your journey of self-discovery.

Incorporate Mindfulness Techniques:

Combine journaling with mindfulness techniques to enhance the overall experience. Consider adding a brief meditation or deep-breathing exercise before or after your writing sessions to centre yourself and promote a sense of calm.

Experiment with Different Styles:

Journaling is a versatile practice, and there are various styles to explore. Experiment with different writing styles, such as bullet journaling, art journaling, or even digital journaling, to find the approach that resonates best with you.

Review and Reflect:

Periodically review your journal entries to track your progress and gain insights into your personal growth. Reflecting on past experiences can offer valuable lessons and reinforce your commitment to self-discovery and stress relief.

Vegan Caramel Truffles

Chocolatey, caramelly and creamy, this recipe only requires a few simple ingredients. The Medjool dates create a delicious caramel sweet centre, the almond butter brings a buttery texture, and the dark chocolate coating mixed with the sea salt brings all the flavours together in these dreamy Vegan Caramel Truffles.

INGREDIENTS – Makes 12–15

200 g (7 oz) Medjool dates, stoned

2 tablespoons almond butter or peanut butter

2 good pinches of sea salt


100 g (3½ oz) vegan dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa solids, broken into pieces

pinch of sea salt

2 teaspoons coconut oil

1. Blitz the dates, almond or peanut butter and sea salt in a food processor until smooth. Scrape out into a medium bowl and freeze for about 30 minutes to harden.

2. Line a large baking sheet with baking parchment or a silicone sheet.

3. When the date mixture is cooled, remove from the freezer. Pinch out a small amount of the mixture and roll between your hands to make truffle balls about 2 cm (¾ in) in diameter. Arrange on the lined baking sheet and freeze again for 30 minutes to harden.

4. Add the chocolate to a heatproof bowl and microwave in 30-second bursts until melting. Make sure you keep checking and stirring the chocolate after 30 seconds, so it doesn’t overheat. Alternatively, melt on the stove in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water, making sure the bottom of the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Add the coconut oil and stir through.

5. Remove the balls from the freezer and, using a fork, dip them into the melted chocolate, then place back on the lined baking sheet. Leave to set for 5–10 minutes (until they’re very nearly set), then sprinkle the top with a few grains of sea salt. Leave to set completely for a further 10–15 minutes, and enjoy. Store in an airtight container for three to four days, or in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Make it Vegan by Madeleine Olivia (Hardie Grant, £25) is out now. Photography: Clare Winfield & Ali Green

Baked One Pan Vegan Scramble

Tofu is great for a vegan diet as it is high in protein, absorbs flavour well and can be cooked in a huge variety of ways. For this vegan scramble, instead of frying everything in a pan, we’re going to bake the tofu and vegetables in the oven. This is a fabulous dish to make ahead of time and tastes great topped with avocado, hot sauce and fresh herbs.


5 cherry tomatoes, halved

1/4 red onion, thinly sliced

handful of spinach

400 g (14 oz) block of tofu

1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

1/2 teaspoon paprika

1 tablespoon soy sauce

2 tablespoons unsweetened non-dairy milk

40 g (11/2 oz/2 cups) or about 2 handfuls of breadcrumbs (or gluten-free breadcrumbs)

2 tablespoons nutritional yeast

olive oil, for drizzling

salt and freshly ground black pepper


handful of grated vegan cheese

pinch of kala namak (black salt)


1. Preheat a fan oven to 180°C (400°F).

2. Add the tomatoes and red onion to a small gratin dish. Tear in the spinach and crumble over the block of tofu with your hands. Sprinkle over the spices, drizzle in the soy sauce and non-dairy milk, season with salt and pepper, and mix everything together.

3. Sprinkle the breadcrumbs and nutritional yeast over the top, then drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle over the grated vegan cheese and black salt (if using).

4. Bake in the oven for 25–30 minutes until golden brown. Serve.


— Other great veggie options are sliced mushrooms, broccoli, (bell) peppers, courgettes (zucchini) or kale.

— If you want a classic scrambled tofu, skip the gratin dish and fry everything up in a large frying pan (vegetables first until softened, then add the tofu and remaining ingredients). Omit the breadcrumbs and serve on top of toast.

Make it Vegan by Madeleine Olivia (Hardie Grant, £25) is out now. Photography: Clare Winfield & Ali Green

10 Ways To Boost Your Energy During Veganuary

As the world embraces the shift towards a more conscious and sustainable lifestyle, Veganuary has gained significant popularity as a movement encouraging individuals to adopt a plant-based diet for the month of January. While making the transition to a vegan lifestyle can bring about numerous health benefits and contribute to a reduced environmental impact, some individuals may experience changes in energy levels during this dietary shift. Fortunately, there are various ways to ensure you stay vibrant and energized throughout Veganuary. In this article, we explore 10 effective strategies to boost your energy during this plant-based journey.

Balanced Nutrient Intake:

One of the keys to maintaining energy levels on a vegan diet is ensuring a balanced intake of essential nutrients. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds in your meals to provide your body with a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Protein-Packed Meals:

Protein is crucial for sustained energy, and it’s essential to ensure you’re meeting your protein needs on a vegan diet. Incorporate plant-based protein sources such as lentils, beans, tofu, tempeh, and quinoa into your meals to support muscle function and keep you feeling full and energized.

Hydration Matters:

Staying hydrated is paramount for overall well-being and energy levels. Make sure to drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day. Herbal teas and infused water can add variety to your hydration routine while providing additional health benefits.

Snack Smart:

Opt for nutrient-dense snacks to keep your energy levels stable between meals. Fresh fruits, raw vegetables with hummus, and a handful of nuts or seeds make excellent and convenient snack options.

Mindful Eating:

Practice mindful eating by paying attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Eating slowly and savouring each bite can enhance digestion and help prevent energy crashes associated with overeating.

Iron-Rich Foods:

Iron is essential for transporting oxygen in the body and plays a crucial role in energy production. Ensure an adequate intake of iron-rich plant foods such as dark leafy greens, lentils, beans, and fortified cereals to support optimal energy levels.

Vitamin B12 Supplementation:

Vitamin B12, primarily found in animal products, is crucial for energy metabolism and nerve function. Consider taking a B12 supplement or consuming fortified foods to meet your daily requirements.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Include plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts, to support brain health and maintain energy levels.

Regular Exercise:

Engaging in regular physical activity can boost energy levels by improving circulation, enhancing mood, and promoting overall well-being. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy, whether it’s yoga, running, or weightlifting, and make it a regular part of your routine.

Adequate Sleep:

Quality sleep is paramount for energy restoration and overall health. Ensure you’re getting enough sleep each night, aiming for 7-9 hours, to support optimal energy levels during the day.

Embarking on Veganuary is an admirable choice for your health and the environment. By incorporating these 10 strategies into your plant-based lifestyle, you can enhance your energy levels, promote overall well-being, and make the most out of your Veganuary experience. Remember that every individual is unique, so listen to your body, make adjustments as needed, and enjoy the journey towards a more sustainable and energized lifestyle.

Hasselback Squash With Walnut Crumb


Chocolate Espresso Caramel Slices

Chocolate Espresso Caramel Slices


Vegan Green Shakshuka


London’s Best Spa Treatments For Lymphatic Drainage, De-Puffing & Circulation

In the pursuit of flawless and radiant skin, the secret often lies beneath the surface—literally. The intricate network of blood vessels and the lymphatic system plays a pivotal role in maintaining the skin’s vitality. Understanding this, the beauty industry has witnessed a surge in treatments designed to enhance circulation, stimulate the lymphatic system, and alleviate the telltale signs of puffiness. 

As we delve into the realm of skincare, it becomes evident that the key to a healthy and luminous complexion lies not only in topical remedies but also in treatments that work from within. Below we unravel the mysteries behind therapies that not only boost lymphatic drainage and circulation but also promote detoxification, leaving you with a complexion that exudes vitality and a smoothness that is nothing short of captivating. 

Why Focus on Circulation and Lymphatic Stimulation? 

The circulatory system, comprising veins and arteries, is a lifeline for every cell in our body, including the skin. Similarly, the lymphatic system acts as a crucial drainage system, ridding the body of toxins and waste. When these systems function optimally, the skin benefits in ways beyond mere aesthetics. Improved circulation means enhanced nutrient delivery to skin cells, leading to a natural radiance. Lymphatic stimulation, on the other hand, aids in detoxification, reducing puffiness and promoting a sculpted facial contour. 

We’re shedding light on the most effective and luxurious treatments that not only pamper the senses but also elevate your skin’s well-being. From invigorating massages to cutting-edge technologies, we unveil the best-kept secrets that promise to unlock the door to healthier, smoother, and more vibrant skin.

Flavia Morellato 

Flavia, recognised as London’s premier lymphatic therapist, brings a wealth of expertise cultivated over more than a decade dedicated to health and aesthetics. Her commitment to academic endeavours ensures that she remains at the forefront of evolving research and practices in this field, enabling her to consistently enhance and innovate her techniques to better serve her clients. From improving your circulation, digestion, metabolic rate and immune system to speeding up your recovery from plastic surgery, her team of innovative physiotherapists will ensure transformative results that speak for themselves!

ESPA Active Detox Treatment at ESPA Life at Corinthia London

Indulge in a rejuvenating abdominal therapy designed to purify and revitalize, promoting an active and healthy system while sculpting the hip and thigh region. This specialized treatment combines targeted massage techniques with detoxifying formulas, elevating your sensory experience and invigorating a sluggish digestive system. The outcome is a reduction in bloating and an improvement in abdominal tone. Through contouring methods and manual lymphatic drainage massage, cellulite is targeted, resulting in smoother skin and an energized sensation, setting the stage for a refreshed beginning. The comprehensive package encompasses an exfoliation session for the abdomen, hip, and thigh areas, along with a detox pack infused with Swedish Bitters. Deep colon massage, pressure point massage, and a combination of contouring and manual lymphatic drainage massage techniques further contribute to this transformative experience.

No Needle Face Lift at The Lanesborough Club & Spa

Indulge in a facial that not only combats the signs of ageing but also releases tension, aiming to sculpt and elevate your features while imparting a radiant glow. Meticulously chosen tools and techniques are seamlessly integrated to ensure you emerge from the experience feeling both rejuvenated and luminous. The incorporation of alternating warm and cold elements works synergistically to enhance circulation, diminish puffiness, and promote detoxification. A standout feature of this treatment is the rejuvenating jaw massage, known to boost circulation, reduce puffiness, and stimulate tissue repair. This meticulous approach effectively eliminates excess fluid, accentuating the natural bone structure of your face, including the prominence of your cheekbones. Unveil a revitalised and sculpted visage through this anti-ageing facial designed for ultimate relaxation and radiant results.

Lava Shell Massage at Cowshed 

Embark on a journey of rejuvenation with Cowshed’s exquisite lava shell massage, a symphony of warmth and therapeutic touch. Heated lava shells bring a gentle, penetrating warmth to muscles, promoting enhanced circulation and oxygenation. As the shells glide across your body, they stimulate detoxification, aiding in the release of impurities and promoting lymphatic drainage. This unique massage not only dissolves tension but also revives your body’s natural detoxifying mechanisms.

Whole Body Cryotherapy at LondonCryo

Whole Body Cryotherapy stands as a swift and versatile treatment with a multitude of benefits. This innovative approach not only enhances blood circulation but also releases feel-good endorphins and triggers anti-inflammatory proteins. The resulting cascade of physiological responses leads to accelerated recovery, easing muscle pain, and fostering overall wellness. As the body is subjected to extreme cold, a robust circulatory response ensues, facilitating the efficient delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients to various tissues for optimal cellular function. Simultaneously, the released endorphins induce a sense of euphoria and mental well-being, contributing to an elevated mood and mindset. The anti-inflammatory proteins activated during this cryogenic process play a crucial role in reducing inflammation, offering relief to individuals dealing with muscle soreness or joint discomfort. In less than three minutes, Whole Body Cryotherapy offers a comprehensive solution, promoting both physical well-being and a radiant lifestyle.

Japanese Therapeutic Facial Massage at Skin Loft

Derived from ancient Japanese health practices, this traditional massage technique promises not only a radiant complexion but also holistic well-being. Rooted in improving facial appearance, eliminating toxins, and harmonizing the life force, known as Ki, it extends beyond Western approaches. This method incorporates rapid percussive movements, kneading, finger pressure, and strategic use of Shiatsu meridians and Acupressure points. The outcome is an invigorating facial treatment that transcends skin-deep benefits. By stimulating circulation, it delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to the skin, while simultaneously aiding in the drainage of toxins and enhancing muscle tone, leaving your skin aglow and your overall well-being revitalized.

Dopamine Destinations: The Soul-Rejuvenating Travel Itineraries To Book This Year

In the midst of winter’s icy embrace, when daylight retreats and the world seems draped in a monochrome palette, there emerges a beacon of hope—the promise of transformative journeys that reignite the flickering flame of wanderlust within us. As the cold winds howl and darkness prevails, there’s an undeniable yearning for an escape, a retreat that transcends the ordinary and infuses our souls with the warmth of adventure. 

In a world that has weathered storms both metaphorical and literal, the time has come to chart a course toward a brighter horizon—one adorned with the promise of discovery, joy, and the pulsating beat of rejuvenation. As the calendar pages turn and the grip of winter tightens, we invite you to defy the seasonal doldrums and embark on a journey that not only transcends geographical boundaries but also elevates your mental state. Here are 7 awe-inspiring travel itineraries to book in 2024.


Islas Secas, off Panama’s Pacific Coast, is Central America’s hidden gem for adventurous travellers. This exclusive archipelago boasts four Casita sites and three Tented Casitas, accommodating just 24 guests on one of its 14 islands. With 20 miles of vibrant Gulf of Chiriquí waters, Islas Secas forms an untouched marine playground, home to diverse wildlife, coral reefs, and marine parks. Casita Grande, the largest hideaway, offers a bohemian vibe with private tropical gardens, a plunge pool, and ocean views. The Spa at Islas Secas embraces the archipelago’s natural beauty for a holistic experience, set in lush jungle foliage. The resort is an ideal base for marine safaris, yoga retreats, and immersive experiences, including snorkelling and diving in the Gulf, and exploring UNESCO-listed Coiba National Park. For an extraordinary adventure, witness the Humpback Whale migration with boat trips available for an up-close encounter with these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. Islas Secas invites you to discover the raw beauty of Panama in ultimate luxury.


Perched above Conca dei Marini, the renowned summer retreat of Jackie Kennedy, Borgo Santandrea is a mid-century designed hotel co-owned by the Orlacchio and De Siano families. Recently renovated to showcase mid-century design and local Amalfi and Campania craftsmanship, the hotel boasts multiple terraces, its private beach, and the chic Marinella Beach Club. With three restaurants, including the Michelin-starred Alici, and two spacious bars, Borgo Santandrea offers a taste of La Dolce Vita through phenomenal Italian cuisine. The hotel provides James Bond-style transfers from Naples airport via a private speedboat, and private boat tours to Amalfi, Capri, and Positano. Suites feature expansive terraces with some offering private plunge pools and automatic blinds unveiling panoramic views of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Executive Chef Crescenzo Scotti oversees the Marinella Beach Club’s beachside menu, showcasing the best local ingredients and offering moonlit evenings by the sea with classic Italian dishes and Neapolitan street food bites, including blue lobster paccheri pasta and traditional Neapolitan pizzas.


Nestled in the pristine nation of Antigua and Barbuda, Jumby Bay is a 300-acre private island accessible only by boat. With three exquisite white-sand beaches and winding bicycle paths, it stands as the Caribbean’s finest and most exclusive resort. The iconic destination has welcomed Hollywood stars like Lionel Messi, Sir Paul McCartney, and Justin Bieber. Featuring 28 nautical-fresh suites and 12 new Ocean View Suites, the resort spans 300 secluded acres with 4.5 miles of pristine shoreline. Jumby Bay offers a premium all-inclusive experience, inviting guests to shed their cares in a tropical paradise. Whether opting for relaxation or adventure, visitors can indulge in world-class sailing at the Jumby Bay Sailing Academy or unwind at the spa, blending modern therapeutic practices with West Indian traditions.


Nestled on the serene shores of Lake Como in Italy, Villa Sola Cabiati emerges as a timeless masterpiece, encapsulating the essence of opulence and history. This magnificent estate, steeped in aristocratic allure, dates back to the 16th century and boasts unparalleled views of the lake and surrounding mountains. A meticulously preserved architectural gem, Villa Sola Cabiati enchants guests with its splendid frescoes, antique furnishings, and immaculate gardens. Once a retreat for Italian nobility, the villa now welcomes discerning travellers seeking an immersive experience in refined luxury. With sumptuous suites, a private boat dock, and exclusive access to the adjacent Grand Hotel Tremezzo’s amenities, Villa Sola Cabiati offers an unrivalled blend of historic grandeur and contemporary indulgence, inviting guests to step back in time while savouring the epitome of Italian sophistication.


Welcome to Six Senses La Sagesse, a haven of sustainable luxury gracing the shores of La Sagesse Bay in Grenada. This latest jewel in the esteemed Six Senses portfolio represents a pinnacle of eco-conscious hospitality, effortlessly merging opulence with a profound commitment to environmental stewardship. The resort introduces guests to a world where panoramic ocean-view villas, wellness experiences overlooking the turquoise expanse of the Caribbean, and exquisite farm-to-table dining converge to create a harmonious escape. Each element of Six Senses La Sagesse reflects a meticulous dedication to providing an immersive experience where luxury seamlessly intertwines with the natural beauty of the surroundings. As the newest resort in the Six Senses family, La Sagesse is not just a destination; it’s a commitment to sustainability, leaving an indelible positive impact on both its discerning guests and the pristine environment it calls home. Traverse the allure of this Caribbean gem, where every stay is a testament to the brand’s ethos—luxury that not only indulges but also respects and preserves the wonders of the earth.


Prepare to be captivated by the allure of One&Only Kéa Island—a testament to unparalleled luxury in the heart of the Cyclades. As the newest jewel in the crown of One&Only that opens this Spring, this island retreat stands as an ode to lavish living with a commitment to redefining hospitality. A collection of chic villas with sweeping views, bespoke wellness experiences immersed in nature’s embrace, and a culinary journey celebrating the island’s bounty beckons travellers to an immersive escape where each element harmoniously blends opulence and authenticity. More than a mere destination, One&Only Kéa Island represents a lifestyle—an extraordinary promise to leave an enduring positive impact on both guests and the unspoiled beauty of Kéa Island. Immerse yourself in the distinct charm of this exclusive enclave, where luxury unfolds as a celebration of the island’s natural wonders.


As part of The Peninsula Hotels’ commitment to showcasing the best of its surroundings, The Peninsula Beijing offers an exclusive tour to one of the world’s most iconic sites—the Great Wall of China. Embark on a unique journey starting with a luxury transfer to the Juyongguan Pass, nestled in a picturesque valley with towering mountains. Guided by a knowledgeable guide, you’ll ascend a captivating section of the Great Wall, absorbing stories and historical insights while enjoying breathtaking vistas. After navigating the undulating stairways, a curated picnic awaits at a carefully chosen spot, featuring an array of international dishes. From this elevated vantage point, soak in the true majesty and historical significance of this Wonder of the World before returning to the hotel. Priced at £530 per person, this 6-hour Great Wall of China experience is based on a minimum of five people sharing. It offers a rare opportunity to not only visit but also dine atop this remarkable structure, creating lasting memories of one of China’s most iconic landmarks.

Rise and Thrive: Energise Your Mornings With These Protein-Packed Breakfasts

The first meal of the day serves as the foundation for your daily journey, and what better way to fortify it than with a protein-packed breakfast? As the saying goes, “breakfast is the most important meal,” and incorporating a generous dose of protein into your morning routine can elevate its significance even further.

Protein, the building block of life, plays a crucial role in providing the energy needed to kick-start your day. Beyond merely satisfying your taste buds, a high-protein breakfast contributes to sustained energy levels, improved concentration, and a sense of fullness that lingers until your next meal. Whether you’re an early riser embracing the sunrise or someone who hits the ground running, the benefits of a protein-rich breakfast extend far beyond mere sustenance.

Below are 8 nourishing protein-packed breakfasts that’ll guarantee a great start to your day.

Sweet Cinnamon Omelette With Berries

Nourish Everyday

Super Green Omelette

Easy Veggie Ideas

Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Shake

Food Faith Fitness

Savory Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl

Foxes Love Lemons

Flourless Chocolate Chip Protein Muffins

Cotter Crunch

Easy Smoked Salmon and Herb Frittata

Abra’s Kitchen

Vanilla Cream Protein Overnight Oats

Jar Of Lemons

Frittata Egg Muffins

Recipe Tin Eats