Helpful Tips to Make Chronic Illness Easier to Handle

When you have a chronic illness, it can make everything in life just a little bit more difficult, even if you’re doing everything right to manage the illness. These illnesses can be incredibly frustrating to live with, not to mention completely exhausting. 

All of which is why this article aims to offer you some tips and tricks to help you make those chronic conditions just a little bit easier and hopefully give you a little break from them at the same time.

Tip 1: Get Your Medications Delivered

When you have a chronic condition, that tends to mean you have to take medication on a pretty regular basis. That itself isn’t an issue, but going out to get that medication on a regular basis can be a hassle, particularly if your condition makes it difficult to get around or to remember to collect your medicine.

Fortunately, services such as make it possible for you to get your prescription medications sent directly to you. This can help to save you so much hassle not only in going out to get your medications but also in helping to prevent the issues that come when you forget to fetch your medication and have to go without it until you can get hold of it again.

In short, these remote prescription services can be a complete game-changer in making your medications more accessible.

Tip 2: Do the Job Badly

There is a common saying – “if a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well” – and while the sentiment behind it is admirable, it unfortunately implies that doing anything less than perfectly is somehow less worthy.

However, when you are living with chronic illnesses, it is often impossible to do everything that you need to do perfectly. So, if you aren’t careful, that kind of “motivational” message can become demoralizing instead. In fact, it is better to take the sentiment of that saying and turn it on its head. 

As G.K. Chesterton said: “If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.”

That sentence might seem strange at first, but consider the implication. If you have something that you need to do, it is far better that you do a bad job of it than not do it at all. Eating a ready meal, for example, might not be as good for you as eating a homemade one, but it’s still better than eating nothing. 

With chronic illness, sometimes all you can do is the bare minimum, and if that is all you can do, then that is fine. If it is worth doing, then it is worth doing badly. What you are capable of is enough.

Tip 3: Be Kind to Yourself

Speaking of which, one of the most difficult things to deal with as someone with a chronic medical condition is the feeling that you shouldn’t be struggling or that you should be able to do something you are struggling to do. That sense of shame and inadequacy is one of the worst feelings in the world, and you in no way deserve to feel it.

Chronic illnesses are hard to live with, and every day, you have to get up and get on with it. It is important to remind yourself occasionally that your everyday life is genuinely harder than most people have to deal with and to remember that you do so much.

Be kind to yourself. Cut yourself a break, and remember that it is okay for things to be hard. You’ve got this.

Psychologist Shares 10 Positive Intentions To Set For Better Mental Resilience

In life, it’s often not the major decisions that define our path, but rather the daily choices we make. Simple questions like, ‘Should I hit the snooze button or go for a run?’ or ‘Do I dwell on worries or address them directly?’ can have a profound impact. Sometimes, it’s about saying ‘yes’ when we have neither the time nor the energy. In the following list, psychologist Dr. Audrey Tang presents ten positive habits and intentions to consider adopting this autumn, aiming to enhance your mental resilience and overall happiness.

1. Don’t make resolutions.
Although the “back to school” feeling may inspire us to restart those habits we meant to get on board with in January…don’t make resolutions, but try this instead:

– Write down an overall goal  

– Identify the steps you need to achieve it (make sure they are steps that are palatable and easy for you to achieve where possible…those are often the habits that will stick!)

– Every day make sure your little choices and decisions move you in the right direction.  

Bonus tip: If you get stuck ask yourself – is what I’m about to do going to move me towards my ideal life or away from it!?

2. Schedule in “me time”. 
If you look after yourself, you have more for everyone else – so timetable yourself in every day – making that commitment to yourself is as important as your commitments to others.  Whether you use that time to meditate, take a class, read, or simply have a cup of tea (while it’s still hot) – clearing some headspace will also help you be more effective when you release the pause button.

3. Take an attitude of gratitude. 
The best thing about being annoyed with work, is having work.  It has been a tough year, so certainly – if you are looking for a fresh start, then see tip 1, but otherwise, try regular gratitude practice.

Gratitude magnifies positive emotions which can energise us to be motivated to act:  Research on emotion shows that positive emotions wear off quickly. Our emotional systems like newness – but after a while it wears off. But gratitude makes us appreciate the value of something.

Gratitude blocks toxic, negative emotions, such as envy, resentment, regret—emotions that can destroy our happiness. This makes sense: You cannot feel envious and grateful at the same time.  (So if you free up some of the space that envy takes up, you have more left to do whatever it is you need to do for you!)

Grateful people have a higher sense of self-worth. Once you start to recognize the contributions that other people have made to your life and in turn realize that other people have seen the value in you to make those contributions—you can transform the way you see yourself…again your are more likely to be motivated to do something for yourself if you love yourself!

4. Speak kindly to yourself 
When you plant a seed, you don’t say things like “I’ll give you 10 minutes and you’d better grow”, so although you might want something, treat that desire like a seed – plant it, do all the things to nurture it, and be patient. (…and don’t forget, sometimes, you might grow more than you thought!!)   A challenge I give my students is for every negative statement they have about themselves or someone else – they need to give 2 positives

5. Practice setting boundaries (You’ve had space this year – make sure you fill it with what you NEED).
Do you need other people’s psychodramas?  Do you need to stay late every night?  Do you need to please the PTA and the Hobby Group and the Sunday Club?  Identify what you NEED in your life, and make sure there’s room for that first, before booking anything else in! If you continually people please the one person who will not be pleased…and in fact gets exhausted and resentful is YOU, and how pleasant or pleasing is that in the long run for others!?  We need to remember that “No.” is a complete sentence and doesn’t need a qualification.  If someone keeps trying to persuade you – you need to ask, is this for their benefit or for yours, and if the former, ask yourself if you really owe them that favour.

However, if you are struggling with this try “buying time” statements such as “I don’t have my diary/time to check right now…but I’ll tell you later” as this gives you time to consider if you really want to do it, and to offer an excuse. Alternatively, try practicing the following:

– Time Limit: Of course I can help but I can only do it at/by X time or I only have 5 minutes, and I must get on with X

– Delay: Can I let you know at the end of the day/tomorrow?  (This gives you time to decide if you really want to do it…and find an excuse!) 

– Signpost: I’m really sorry I can’t – but xx might be able to…

– Ask directly:  How would you like me to help you/What do you think is best for me to do/What would be of most help to you at this time? (This allows the other person to take more responsibility for their request)

6. Get effective with your self-care choices

– Recognise when you are enjoying something. 

– Decide if that activity energises or relaxes you. 

– Decide which you need when you need it – and pick from the list of things you know you enjoy.  

Habitually you may hear “self-care” and think “spa day” or “meditate”.  But whatever energises or relaxes you best (at the time you need it) is going to be the most effective for you.  Remember that if we are anxious, then something relaxing may be most effective, and if we are feeling down, then an energiser may be best.  Being consciously aware of what you need, means you get there faster.  Work this out now, and as your commitments grow, you’ll know what will give you the energy – or the calm – in order to embrace them and even thrive.

7. Do one thing to make someone else smile
While engaging in things that WE enjoy definitely raises our positivity, research shows that even just seeing the act of kindness towards others makes us feel even better. It doesn’t have to be expensive – just dropping a text, or sharing something funny – even stroking your pet can make them feel good – and you’ll feel great too!

8. Don’t sweat the small stuff
Yes, there’s a big decision to be made if you’re going to buy one house over another, BUT if you’re trying to decide between having Indian or Chinese takeout tonight and both places are great, why waste time on the choice…ask yourself instead – if (select one) were the only choice, would I be happy with that? And then go spend your time and energy on something more important!!

9. Remember it’s ok to edit your life
Look carefully at your current relationships. Ask yourself:

– Which ones are reciprocal?

– Which ones bring me joy?

– Which ones encourage honesty?

– Which ones can I rely on? 

– Which ones are with people I respect for their own values and actions? (Which ones does I actively want to choose?)

Then contact those people – you might even do it now!!

10. Boost your happiness naturally
You can do this alone or with friends.  Humans are biophilic meaning that we have an affinity with nature and things that are “natural”…so simply go outside and embrace the fresh air. Sunlight naturally stimulates the production of vitamin D revitalising our immune system, and exercising in the sun produces serotonin (which helps regulates our sleep and appetite) and dopamine (the “feel-good” neurotransmitter), and can help produce endorphins (our body’s natural pain relievers).  Do this with a friend and you’ll also boost oxytocin.  Topping up your energy tank makes the moments that drain your energy far more bearable.

How long does it take to adopt these new habits?
Change is hard – especially when it is a change in habits of a lifetime that, even if they haven’t served us well.  Further, Our brains evolved to keep us safe, our bodies to perform vital tasks efficiently…as such we do recognise fear more easily than happiness, and, physically we tend to do things that keep us comfortable. The irony of the latter is that after a while it can become too uncomfortable to make any change at all – even when you recognise staying the same is no longer what you want.

So one way to work to beat that rut now is to look at change as having three zones, the first is the “comfort zone” (the place where we spend the most time), the next is the “stretch zone” and the third is the “panic zone”. Understandably neither our brain nor our body wishes to get into the panic zone, BUT stretching – well, stretching can actually feel quite nice.  Therefore, we can do something – anything at all – that pushes you a little into the stretch zone every day. Perhaps one day you might lift a slightly heavier weight, you might walk a little further, you might take the first steps to learn a new skill. When you get used to the stretch, you’ll find that becomes comfortable, and suddenly your old “panic zone” has moved to become the new “stretch zone”. 

Dr Audrey Tang is a chartered psychologist, mental health & wellness expert and author of The Leader’s Guide to Resilience, Pearson, £14.99

30 New-In Activewear Pieces For Your Autumn Wardrobe

The seasons are changing and it’s time to reset your activewear wardrobe for the autumn. We’ve browsed our favourite brands to find the best new-in pieces to get you set for colder days, from lightweight jackets to layering sweaters. Leggings and sports bras are always necessary whatever the weather, and we’ve included the coolest pieces that are both functional and stylish from the likes of Lululemon, Varley and Alo.

3 Great Gut-Friendly Recipes To Try This Week

Revitalize your gut with these nourishing recipes! When it comes to enhancing your gut health, incorporating a diverse range of foods into your diet can help cultivate a flourishing microbiome, teeming with beneficial gut bacteria. These recipes, courtesy of Love Your Gut (celebrating Love Your Gut Week from September 18th to 24th 2023), are brimming with plant-based goodness—just what your digestive system craves to thrive.

Vegan Chocolate Mousse


3 medium ripe bananas
2 small ripe avocados
80g almond butter (rough or smooth)
30g cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
100g of fresh berries i.e. raspberries, blueberries, strawberries


Peel and roughly chop the bananas. Cut the avocados in half, remove the stones and scrape the flesh from the skin.

Place the bananas and avocado in the bowl of a food processor. Add the almond butter, cocoa powder and vanilla essence. Process these ingredients for 30 seconds or until you have a smooth puree.

Divide the chocolate mousse into serving bowls or glasses and top with berries.

Alternative serving suggestion – This chocolate mousse could be used as a dip with biscuits as a snack, or as a topping for a cake.

Veggie Risotto


180g cooked, whole chestnuts roughly chopped
200ml of semi-skimmed milk (or plant milk if making this dish vegan)
2 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
250g risotto rice (arborio or carnaroli)
200g pearled spelt
125ml dry white wine (optional)
1.5l vegetable stock
5–10 fresh sage leaves, finely chopped
75g Parmesan cheese, grated, or non-dairy hard cheese for the vegan version of this recipe
200g Brussels sprouts, halved
2 springs of fresh thyme, leaves stripped from the stem


Put 100g of the cooked chestnuts in a saucepan with milk and bring to a simmer for 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool a little before blending in a liquidiser to make a smooth chestnut purée. Set aside for later.

Heat one tablespoon of oil in a large saucepan, add the onion and cook gently for a few minutes until the onion has softened but not coloured.

Add the rice and pearled spelt to the saucepan and stir for a few minutes until the grains become coated in a little oil from the pan. Add the wine, if using, and continue to cook until it has evaporated.

Begin adding the stock to the rice and spelt mixture, a ladleful at a time. (Reserve 50 ml of stock to cook the sprouts a little later). Continue to stir the risotto until all the stock is added and the rice and spelt grains are firm but not chalky when bitten into. This will take about 15 minutes. The spelt remains slightly chewy when cooked.

Add the chestnut purée, half the cheese and half of the chopped sage leaves to the rice and spelt mixture and stir well. Add a little more stock to the risotto if required. It should be creamy and not too dry. Taste the risotto and adjust the seasoning if required.

To cook the sprouts. Add the remaining 1 tbsp of olive oil to a non-stick frying pan together with the thyme leaves. Place the sprouts cut side down in the pan and cook until golden brown. Turn each sprout over and add the remaining stock. Cook the sprouts for another couple of minutes until they are cooked through.

Add the remaining chopped cooked chestnuts, chopped sage leaves, Brussels sprouts and cheese to the risotto and serve.

Frozen Berry Yoghurt Cake


300g sunflower seeds
14 medjool dates, stones removed
2 tbsp coconut oil, warmed slightly to soften
450g fresh strawberries, raspberries or mixture of berries
juice of 1/2 lime
120ml clear honey
500g Greek yogurt
edible flowers to decorate


Preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas mark 4. Place the sunflower seeds on a baking sheet in the oven for 5 minutes or until the seeds begin to brown. Remove the seeds from the oven and pulse in a food processor for a few seconds so they roughly chopped. Add the dates, coconut oil and process until the mixture resembles a thick paste. Press the date and seed mixture into the base of a 20cm (8in) spring form cake tin.

Purée the strawberries with the lime juice and honey in a food processor and add the Greek yogurt. Mix well and pour onto the date and seed crust in the cake tin. Place in the freezer for 2-3 hours to freeze. Remove a few minutes before serving. Decorate the top of the cake with berries and edible flowers.

Cooks tip
Some examples of edible flowers are violas, lavender, oxalis, marigolds, chamomile, rose petals.

H&H Reviews: Mazagan, Casablanca

Just 3 hours from London, Morocco is a destination that guarantees vibrant culture, months of sunshine and sublime cuisine. Marrakesh is a popular choice for travellers with sights set on Morocco, but this resort may win you over to bump Casablanca up to the top of your list. 

Oozing Middle Eastern opulence at its finest, Mazagan Beach Resort sprawls the Atlantic coast of Morocco, near the town of El Jadida. An hour’s drive from Casablanca, this resort is a secluded oasis of calm away from the hustle and bustle, yet easily reachable for day-tripping to the city. Mazagan’s grounds stretch over 250 hectares, inhabiting 7km of beachside. The myriad of activities appeals to all, keeping little ones occupied, whilst encouraging adults to unleash their inner child. Days can be spent soaking up the sunshine around the pool or the beach, perhaps a spot of golf in the morning and to top it off, head to the spa for a treatment in the afternoon. With endless possibilities at your fingertips, Mazagan is a 5-star treasure trove for jet-setters with kids in tow too!

Striking the balance of luxury and leisurely fun, we’re in awe of how the destination appeals to all tasteful. It’s rare to find resorts that satisfy both kids and adults in equal measure. Dotted across the grounds you’ll find a climbing wall, trampolining park, kids pool (with slides!), paintballing, a zip line, go-karting, a football pitch, archery, horse-riding, paddle and tennis courts. Reframe from picturing a kid’s holiday camp, Mazagan is far from a kid-tastic playground, the grandeur aesthetic hasn’t been tampered with, yet has all the facilities to say otherwise. Kids of all ages will never run out of things to do at Mazagan, meaning you won’t hear a peep of complaining!

Coining inspiration from authentic Morrocan architecture, Mazagan’s lavish exterior covets the traditional Moorish arches and decorative tiles. Intricate details are bejewelled into every inch of the hotel, from the sweet smell of orange blossom that fills the air to the elevated interiors of rich tonal hues, uniquely curated to evoke signature style. The Morrocan influence is embedded into the foundations of the resort and ripples out to each touch point, whether you’re eating a traditional tagine or indulging in the authentic Hammam spa experience, culture is at the heart of the experience.

The 500-key resort has rooms and suites overlooking the Grand Riad pool, lush gardens, golf course, forest scape and ocean. Staying in line with the Moroccan design, there’s a style to suit all, from connecting rooms for families to romantic hideaways, easily accessible rooms and suites fit for a king…quite literally!

Spoilt for choice, there are 11 restaurants spread across the resort. For long lunches, Buddha Bar’s open air is the obvious choice, with sushi served right on the seafront, soundtracked by a Cafe del Mar chillout mix. With the ocean just a stone’s throw away, it’s only right to lap up on seafood in such a prime spot. Sel de Mer serves up a sophisticated rendition of the catch of the day in the aqua-esque restaurant in the central hub of Mazagan. Acclaimed London-based Greek restaurant, Mazi has a summer residency in full swing, playing host to artfully sublime Greek cuisine at the exclusive garden pop-up overlooking the Celestine sea. Not to be missed, Mazi’s menu is for feasting with friends. 

Authentic Moroccan cuisine at the Al Firma Berber Tent will give you a real taste of what it’s like to dine like a local. Placed just outside of the hotel, you’ll find the Al Firma amidst the farm where the goats and crops are to regenerate locally grown produce for all the restaurants on site. Lit by the campfire fire, this rustic-style dining experience is stripped of extravagances, which is what makes it so special. Pouffes and low tables are scattered in and around the tent, the food arrives in clay pots made for sharing and the sounds of the Moroccan flute orchestrate oriental dances to keep you entertained.

Set in its own peaceful entity, the spa and wellness facilities meld in traditional Moroccan rituals and modern well-being offerings. The gym has unparalleled views, kitted with TechnoGym equipment, a yoga studio, an outdoor functional strength space and daily classes to get involved in. The Hammam experience is a must in this part of the world, the bathing ritual takes place in a spacious 100 sqm marble and mosaic steam room, starting with a detoxifying cleanse followed by a scrub and mud wrap. The treatment rooms have floor-to-ceiling windows, with undisturbed views of the ocean to set your mind at ease. From deeply restorative massages, to beauty-led facials, there’s an array of dreamy treatments to treat yourself to pamper during your stay.

Sunset is the prime time to go horseback riding along the seashore, saddle up on the Berber stallions and for children, there are ponies to gallop across the sand! Thrill seekers will love quad biking along the coast and zooming over sand dunes in the beach buggies. There’s also an array of watersports from surfing, paddle boarding and jet skiing.

From the moment you step foot into this emporium of a resort, you’ll sink into ‘holiday’ mode and a sense of relaxation will be activated. The impeccable service presented at Mazagan is prevalent in every part of the resort, a testament to the people and culture that invitingly trickles into the ethos of the resort. The easy-luxe vibe is infectious, so if you’re after a total bliss-out vacation, with a hint of adventure thrown in the mix, sensational food and drawn-out sunshine, we’ve found the spot!

Book Mazagan Beach Resort

words by Isabelle Shury

Princess Kate Reveals Her Love Of Cold Water Swimming… Here Are The Benefits

In recent years, the practice of cold water swimming has gained notable attention for its remarkable health benefits. The art of taking a dip in chilly waters has captivated people worldwide (ever heard of Wim Hof?!), offering a unique combination of physical and mental advantages that rejuvenate the body and nurture the soul. Whether embraced by royalty (Kate, The Princess of Wales, recently revealed her love for this toe-tingling activity) or everyday enthusiasts, cold water swimming is making waves for all the right reasons.

The physical benefits of cold water swimming:

Enhanced Circulation: Submerging oneself in cold water triggers a series of physiological responses. Blood vessels constrict to conserve heat, then dilate to restore warmth upon exiting the water. This cycle promotes improved circulation, which can be especially beneficial for those with circulatory issues.

Boosted Immune System: Regular cold water exposure can strengthen the immune system. The body adapts to the stress of cold water, making it more resilient and better equipped to ward off illnesses.

Pain Relief: Cold water has natural analgesic properties. Swimming in cold water can provide relief from muscle soreness and joint pain, making it a favourite among athletes for post-workout recovery.

Weight Management: Cold water swimming can help burn calories as the body expends energy to maintain its core temperature. Over time, this can contribute to weight management and improved metabolic health.

The mental benefits of cold water swimming:

Stress Reduction: Cold water immersion triggers the release of endorphins and adrenaline, providing an instant mood boost. This natural high can help reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression.

Enhanced Mental Resilience: Regular cold water swimmers often report increased mental toughness. The practice of willingly facing discomfort and pushing one’s limits in the cold can translate to improved resilience in daily life.

Improved Sleep: Cold water swimming can promote better sleep patterns. The calming effect on the nervous system and the release of stress-reducing hormones can lead to deeper, more restful sleep.

Mental Clarity: Many cold water swimmers describe the experience as mentally clarifying. The shock of the cold water can provide a mental reset, helping individuals gain clarity and focus in their thoughts.

The Princess of Wales has certainly brought attention to the age-old practice of cold water swimming, shedding light on its many physical and mental benefits. While it may not be for everyone, those who brave the cold waters often find themselves rewarded with improved well-being, increased resilience, and a profound connection to nature. Just remember to start slowly, acclimatize your body, and, if possible, seek guidance from experienced cold water swimmers or professionals to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

READ MORE: Wim Hof – What We Can Learn From His Philosophy On Health & Happiness

Sadie’s September Wellness Must-Haves

September is a wonderful time of year! Full of back-to-school feelings – which, as I am writing this, realise I may be one of few who actually enjoys that feeling of the end of the summer and back to the routine. In the wellness world, September has become the new January in many ways – the perfect time to pay attention to your health and wellness rituals – whether that means introducing a new skincare routine, focusing on taking your supplements again (hands up, who’s totally let that fall by the wayside this summer?) or even getting your ass into action again with a regular workout schedule. But sometimes it feels like there is so much you could be doing better that it is hard to know where to start! So here are some of the things I am loving to give you some inspo. Enjoy.

Milk Your Bath Ritual

Having been a long-time fan of the powers of magnesium (great for supporting sleep, aiding muscle relaxation and boosting lymphatic drainage) I was delighted to be introduced to NEOM’s brand-new Magnesium Bath Milks. Developed with NEOM’s signature scents; Real Luxury and Perfect Night’s Sleep, these stress-busting products will instantly elevate your bathing ritual. Containing expertly blended pure essential oils and antioxidant-rich vitamin E, you’ll be left with silky soft skin and ready for bed.

Talk About Silver Bullets, This One’s Gold

Everything from the packaging to the cutting-edge formula and even the supplement itself at Elle Sera is gold. Using five potent ingredients including: Maca Extract, Ginkgo Biloba, Tribulus Terrestris, Beetroot and Siberian Ginseng – each with their own powerful health benefits – Elle Sera has created a supplement for women that contains ingredients that are shown to work with our hormones to reduce stress, anxiety, and balance mood. Founder, Elissa Corrigan, started the brand Elle Sera (French for “she will be”) after witnessing first-hand the detrimental effects that can take place on our bodies when women go through hormonal changes and wanted to create something that would help alleviate not just the symptoms but work with the root cause as well. Made in the UK, vegan-friendly, cruelty-free, GMO-free with no nasty chemicals or fad formulas and backed by Health Guru and Medical Herbalists Dale Pinnock, Elle Sera is a brand you can trust.

Parenting Advice When You Need It Most

Private mental wellbeing clinic, The Soke, is offering a service aimed at supporting parents to provide brief consultation, guidance and strategy in relation to their child or adolescent’s mental health, or in response to a particular event. It’s for those “I just don’t know what to do” moments from behavioural response advice to guiding them through something that you’d love to know how best to do it. The service offers a one-off appointment with an appropriate member of our clinical team who, during the course of a 40-minute telephone appointment, was able to offer guidance around “dos and don’ts”, providing expert help at short notice and without the need to enter an ongoing therapeutic relationship.

Your Favourite Tipple, Without The Hangover 

Inspired by the rugged Cornwall coastline, Pentire Drinks offers non-alcoholic beverages made with natural botanicals that mirror the flavours and aromas of your favourite tipple. Since I received it Pentire has been my go-to for mid-week sundowners this summer – when a cup of tea doesn’t quite hit the spot but I’m not wanting to reach for a bottle of booze either! The Pentire Coastal Sprtiz is the ultimate in refreshing and although it doesn’t contain alcohol it still feels like a treat. Carefully blended with Blood Orange, Sea Rosemary and Oakwood to create the perfect balance of natural bitter flavours and refreshing coastal tones, I love to team it with tonic water and some ice!

Quote of the month:

“You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream”

4 of the Best Skincare Game-Changers In My Life Right Now…


My skin has never felt or looked better

111SKIN Repair Serum NAC Y²™


An amazing non-invasive way to reduce wrinkles and lines:

Luvly App


They’re not known for this particular tool but it is one of my favourites for getting rid of spots

Foreo Espada


I love lots of collagen brands and this is one of my faves 


On-The-Go Solutions: Navigating And Resolving Travel Challenges With Ease

Travel is an exciting and enriching experience, offering opportunities to explore new places, meet different people and immerse yourself in diverse cultures. However, every seasoned traveller knows that adventures come with their own set of challenges. From packing woes to navigating unfamiliar terrains, the journey might sometimes feel less than smooth. Thankfully, with a little foresight and planning, most of these challenges can be managed, if not completely avoided. Today, we’ll provide you with practical solutions to common travel hurdles, making your trips both enjoyable and hassle-free. With these tips in your travel toolkit, you’ll be better prepared to face the adventures that lie ahead, embracing the joy and learning that travel brings with it.

Use Efficient Packing Strategies

A common challenge during travel is efficient packing, which is a craft that balances between including everything you need and avoiding unnecessary luggage bulk. To manage this, start by creating a checklist of essentials tailored to your destination’s climate and culture. Next, embrace the art of layering clothing, which not only saves space but also prepares you for fluctuating temperatures. Moreover, employing packing cubes can keep your belongings organised, making it easier to locate items without rummaging through your suitcase. Remember, the goal is to pack light yet smart, bringing along versatile items that can serve multiple purposes, thus making your journey more comfortable and enjoyable.

Keep Your Gadgets Functional

Our gadgets, particularly mobile phones, play a vital role in ensuring safety and convenience while travelling. From navigating unknown streets to booking accommodation, the functionality of your mobile phone is crucial. However, mishaps occur, and you might find yourself in need of a quick repair. In such situations, choosing a reliable service like Likewize Repair for your mobile phone repairs can be a lifesaver. Specialising in mobile phone and tablet repairs, they ensure that your gadgets are up and running in no time, helping you to continue your journey without a hitch. 

Carry A Small Pharmacy Kit

When embarking on a journey, it is vital to be prepared for small health hiccups that might come your way. Creating a small pharmacy kit equipped with essential items can prove to be a good decision. Include basic items like pain relievers, band-aids, antiseptics, and any prescription medications you may be on. It’s also wise to pack remedies for common travel ailments like motion sickness tablets, or anti-diarrheal medicine. Moreover, having a few immunity-boosting supplements at hand can safeguard you against sudden weather changes or unfamiliar cuisines.

Maintain Your Fitness Routine

While travelling, it’s quite common to deviate from your daily routine, including your fitness regimen. However, maintaining a healthy routine can provide a comforting sense of structure and normalcy in the midst of new surroundings. You don’t need to find a fully equipped gym to stay active. Even incorporating small physical activities, like a morning stretch or a scenic jog, can make a big difference. Explore the new place by walking, which will not only keep you fit but also offer a closer look at the local life and hidden gems that you might miss otherwise. Alternatively, you can take advantage of online fitness platforms to engage in short workout sessions right in your hotel room.

Personalise Your Accommodation Experience

Most accommodation platforms offer a variety of choices from homestays to luxury suites, allowing you to find a place that matches your preference and style. When booking your stay, consider the amenities that are most important to you, whether that’s a kitchen to cook your meals, a gym facility, or proximity to local attractions. Don’t shy away from contacting the accommodation directly to request special arrangements or to enquire about the best rooms available. Personalising your accommodation experience doesn’t only enhance comfort but also fosters a deeper connection with the place you’re visiting, ensuring a more memorable and enjoyable stay.

Plan Your Finances

Journeys often entail unexpected expenses, making it crucial to plan your finances adeptly before embarking on your trip. Establish a clear budget including daily allowances, accommodation costs, and an emergency fund for unforeseen events. Additionally, it’s wise to research the currency exchange rates and payment methods prevalent in your destination to avoid any financial snags. Consider carrying a small amount of local currency for places that don’t accept cards and using a travel-friendly card for most transactions to save on foreign transaction fees.

Navigate Local Transport

Grasping the nuances of local transport can significantly ease your travel experience. Prior to your journey, research the different modes of transport available in the region and their respective payment methods. In many cities, using local transport apps can facilitate easier navigation and payment. Familiarise yourself with the main transport hubs and routes to avoid getting lost and wasting valuable time. When possible, walk or cycle to explore the area, as it allows for a more intimate and detailed experience of the area. Additionally, understanding local etiquette and safety measures can help you navigate the transport system more smoothly.

*CLOSED* Win The Organic Pharmacy’s Niacinamide Ultra 5 Serum Worth £95!


The Organic Pharmacy is the first pharmacy dedicated to all things organic, placing as much emphasis on its topical care as they do on your health and balance because real beauty is born within. All their ingredients are of the highest pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical standards.

Ready to experience the transformative power of the new
Niacinamide Ultra 5 Serum

We are excited to team up with The Organic Pharmacy to give 5 lucky winners the chance to try this new amazing serum to achieve your most youthful, healthy-looking skin yet. Scientifically formulated and clinically proven this is the perfect addition to your skincare routine to achieve smoother and brighter skin. With 5 active ingredients with 5% niacinamide this will deliver your best-looking skin this Autumn. 

5 entrants (picked at random) will receive The Organic Pharmacy’s New Niacinamide Ultra 5 Serum 30ml worth £95 each

*Terms and conditions apply. Competition closes on the 14th of October. Entries limited to the UK only. If you do not opt-in your details will not be shared at all, unless you win and then your address is shared for the prize to be fulfilled ONLY, after which your details are discarded.

Small Touches, Big Impact: Maximising Your Home’s Aesthetics

In the realm of home design, it’s easy to become entranced by the allure of grand renovations and complete room overhauls. Television shows and glossy magazines often spotlight these dramatic transformations, leading many to believe that a significant change is the only way to breathe new life into a space. However, delve a little deeper, and you’ll uncover a different narrative.

The true essence of a beautifully curated home often lies not in the bold gestures but in the nuanced, delicate touches that weave together to create a harmonious ambience. These understated changes, though often overlooked, hold the power to redefine spaces, carving out character and depth without the need for a major upheaval.

Imagine, if you will, a world where you can revolutionise your living environment, not by tearing down walls or investing in expensive furniture, but by embracing the art of subtlety. From the elegance of modern minimalism to the transformative power of a simple light switch, this journey is about discovering the profound impact of the smallest details in our homes.

The Power of Subtle Home Updates

There’s a palpable magic that arises from the art of subtle home transformation. Unlike the grand gestures of a complete renovation or a major room overhaul, it’s the nuanced shifts in decor and minor tweaks that can significantly reshape our living spaces. Often, homeowners get so caught up in imagining extensive projects that they overlook the transformative power of the simpler, smaller changes.

Consider, for example, the act of replacing old door handles or introducing elegant curtains to a room. These are minor changes, yes, but they bring with them a renewed sense of elegance and refinement. Such transformations don’t require months of planning or exorbitant budgets, yet they refresh our living spaces in ways we could scarcely imagine, ensuring that our homes evolve with our tastes and sensibilities.

Embracing Modern Minimalism in Home Decor

Modern minimalism, with its emphasis on simplicity and function, has rooted itself deeply into contemporary home decor. The allure lies not in stripping a space bare but in intentionally choosing each piece, ensuring it serves a purpose and tells a story. In doing so, we create living spaces that can breathe, unburdened by clutter, and harmoniously balanced.

Yet, embracing minimalism doesn’t imply a cold or sterile environment. On the contrary, it’s about curating warmth with fewer items, focusing on the quality and character of each addition. It’s a celebration of design where even the most understated elements, from the texture of a throw pillow to the silhouette of a lamp, play a pivotal role in defining the atmosphere of a space.

The Understated Role of Light Switches

Light switches. We interact with them every day, often without a second thought. But what if we stopped to consider them not just as functional necessities but as crucial elements of our home decor? It might sound surprising, but the design and type of light switch you choose can have a profound impact on the ambience of your rooms. With the rise of designs such as clear light switches, homeowners have begun to recognise the potential of these everyday objects as decorative assets.

Switches made from materials like Perspex offer a seamless blend with walls, offering a modern touch without overwhelming the space. Their transparency provides a hint of sophistication, allowing the room’s design to shine through. Think of them as the unsung heroes of home decor, silently playing their part in elevating the overall feel of a room.

Practical Perks of Thoughtful Home Details

When it comes to home decor, the beauty often lies in the details. Beyond the visual appeal, investing in quality and thoughtful details can bring a plethora of practical benefits. For instance, when we consider something as unassuming as a switch, going for high-quality ones like clear switches can be a game-changer. Not only do they seamlessly integrate into any design, but they also prove to be durable, resisting the wear and tear of daily use.

Moreover, materials like Perspex used in light switches make maintenance a breeze. Unlike traditional switches that might stain or discolour over time, clear switches can retain their pristine appearance with minimal effort. They don’t just enhance the decor but also champion functionality, subtly contributing to a hassle-free living experience.

Guide to Refreshing Your Living Space

Embarking on a journey to refresh your living space can be both exciting and daunting. But fear not; with a systematic approach, you can achieve a harmonious blend of style and function. Begin by assessing the current state of your rooms. Identify the pieces that resonate with your current style and those that might need an update. Even small changes, like swapping out an outdated switch for a contemporary clear one, can make a substantial difference.

Next, prioritise your changes. Whether it’s updating soft furnishings, introducing new art pieces, or integrating modern switches and sockets, each step should be deliberate. Research suppliers read reviews and ensure that every new addition aligns with your vision. Remember, it’s not just about aesthetics; quality and longevity play an equally critical role in ensuring your refreshed space stands the test of time.

Enhancing Your Decor Choices

Having made a series of thoughtful updates to your living space, it’s essential to ensure all elements work in harmony. This is where the art of enhancement comes into play. Think of it as accessorising your home. Just as a piece of jewellery can accentuate an outfit, a carefully chosen decor item can highlight and enhance your design choices.

For instance, if you’ve opted for a clear light switch, consider other transparent or reflective decor items, like glass vases or mirrored trays. Such additions further emphasise the modern and sleek look you’re aiming for. Always be on the lookout for pieces that resonate with your space, offering both form and function. A well-enhanced home is a joy to live in, a perfect blend of your personality and design principles.

Final Thoughts

Our homes serve as mirrors, reflecting our unique journeys, values, and the myriad passions we hold dear. Every corner, every piece, tells its own story. As our lives evolve, the narratives within our homes adapt in tandem. This continuous dance between personal growth and our surroundings is the heart and soul of home design. Interestingly, this interplay is often influenced less by grand gestures and more by subtle, nuanced refinements. As we’ve discovered, it’s these seemingly modest yet thoughtful tweaks that frequently breathe fresh, vibrant life into our spaces.

It’s a profound paradox that in our quest for grandiosity and magnificence, it’s the small, delicate touches that leave the most memorable imprints. Replacing an old light switch, curating a piece of minimalistic decor, or simply changing the tonal mood of a room – each of these steps, though modest in action, wields the power to redefine our living experience. They serve as potent reminders that the core of elegance and beauty often resides in understated simplicity.

In conclusion, as we journey forward, continuously reimagining and refining our living spaces, let us always cherish and embrace the art of subtlety. In the realm of home aesthetics, it’s often the quiet, nuanced changes that make the most profound statements, guiding us towards a dwelling that’s not just visually captivating but also deeply resonant with our spirit and essence.

Editor’s Notes: What To Buy, DIY & Try In Wellness Right Now

As the crisp breeze of autumn starts to weave its way into our days, I find myself eagerly reaching for cosy sweaters, warm beverages, and, of course, a renewed commitment to my health and well-being. With each change of season, I’m reminded of the importance of nurturing both my body and mind, and this Autumn is no exception. I have a particular affinity with this season as I’m a September baby! As the leaves turn and the days grow a bit shorter, I’m excited to explore a new array of wellness products that align with my goal of making self-care and health a top priority. Here’s what I’m coveting and enjoying at the moment…

Veja Impala Trainers

A new season usually calls for a little wardrobe update and I’ve worn out my current trainers to the point where the sole literally ripped off mid-padel session a few weeks ago! These Veja Impala trainers have caught my eye… ok not super practical given the light colour but I feel like I may be entering my beige/cream era and these align very well with that! I love the sustainability elements of the brand (I own a few other casual pairs) and I think new kicks do wonders for boosting workout motivation!

Sarah K Bed Linen

I’ve really not been sleeping well over the last couple of months. I think it’s mainly down to hot summer weather and the fact I live in a Victorian terraced house that has the sole purpose of keeping heat IN! It’s true, Victorian houses were built to retain heat… back in the day when central heating wasn’t a thing! Now, I don’t want to say I’m “looking forward” to autumn but my god I need my room to be less like a furness! I know sleep is such a pillar of wellbeing so, to treat myself, I recently bought some lovely new bed linen from Sarah K in hopes that, along with cooler weather, new sheets might help me drift off easier! Her linens are so luxe and hotel-like and I love the embroidered detailing. I’ve lived with one, yes one, bedding set for years so this really does feel like a luxury to be able to rotate bedding rather than washing and re-making the bed on the same day with the same sheets. I’ve lost count how many times it’s got to 10 pm and my husband and I groan as we realise we’ve forgotten to put the sheets back on!

Lola Massage Device

I’m trialling a new treadmill (review coming soon) but since upping my incline walking and running, my calves have gotten so tight! Being an ex-ballerina, you may be surprised to learn I’m actually not great at remembering to stretch before and after a workout. I’ve gotten so lazy with it since I stopped dancing! Thankfully the Lola Massage Gun has come into my life and it feels SO GOOD to give my calves some TLC after a tread session. I use it on any area I can reach, traps, quads and even the soles of my feet if I’ve been on my feet all day. It comes in so many pretty colours too!

The Bath Project Box

One thing I’m looking forward to now that summer is on the way out is baths! Ugh I am just not a shower person and the last few months it’s been way too warm to have a long soak in the tub. Trust me, I’ve tried and my temples drip with sweat after just a few minutes! To commemorate the start of bath season, I’m trying out The Bath Project’s Sensitive Box which is filled with some lovely bathing goodies to soothe and soften skin. I’m big into Aloe Vera at the moment so I’m loving the Aloe Powder which helps to calm sensitive skin and reduce irritation. Their boxes are such a lovely treat for any bath lover and would make the perfect gift with Christmas looming.

24 Carat Gold Manicure

Fresh nails are definitely a form of self-care for me… and while I’m learning to perfect my own technique in a bid to be more thoughtful about the money I spend on treatments, I can’t deny I was very excited to be invited to try a 24 Carat Gold Manicure Ritual by L’Atelier Green at The Lanesborough Club and Spa. A dreamy new collaboration that uses plant-based only products, this treatment offers the ultimate luxury manicure (or pedicure, it’s your choice!). Aside from the usual cuticle care, your hands get adorned in a gold jelly mask and left to infuse cocooned in a hot towel before a receiving heavenly massage to relieve tension. Next, the combination of 24-carat gold leaves and LED light therapy is used to reduce inflammation and decrease cell degradation, a truly unique element that elevates this manicure to the next level. Finally, a gel or polish of your choice is expertly applied to your perfectly groomed nails followed by a final mist of Rose water to complete the treatment. H.E.A.V.E.N.

BetterYou B12

With a colder season ahead, I’m definitely making an effort to top up on vitamins and nutrients to see myself through the seasonal shift. B12 deficiency is more common than you think and it plays a huge role in energy. I’m a huge huge fan of BettterYou’s spray supplements and I’ve recently started taking their B12 in a bid to beat the autumn slump. 4 sprays deliver an impressive 1,200μg of vitamin B12 and it takes like apricots so it’s quite a delight to take each morning! I’m also on their vitamin D spray for obvious reasons… bye bye sunshine. See you next spring!

words by Molly Jennings

*CLOSED* Win A Full Sized Sample of The London Dispensary’s CBD Drops


The London Dispensary delivers a unique holistic and thoughtful approach to natural wellness. By utilising traditional nootropic and adaptogenic ingredients, cannabinol (CBD), botanicals and essential oils combined with an innovative, modern approach to product creation with sustainability, ethical sourcing and irrefutable quality at their core. They have developed three distinct symbiotic ranges that naturally align with your circadian rhythm throughout the day.

We are excited to team up with The London Dispensary to offer 100 winners the chance to try one of their CBD drops from the Balance or Boost range. 

Balance: Adaptogen Infused CBD Oral Drops
These CBD Calm drops were a winner in our Hip and Healthy CBD Awards as best for anxiety. Perfect for a natural way to support stress & pain. This delicious citrus and mint-flavoured blend of broad-spectrum CBD, ashwagandha, ginkgo, and vitamins B & D is vital for a healthy body and mind.

Boost: Nootropics Infused CBD Oral Drops 
This uniquely formulated broad-spectrum CBD oil is infused with natural nootropics; ginseng, lemon balm & ginger and is Created to aid concentration and energy regulation. The perfect way to boost your day the natural way.

*Terms and conditions apply. Must be 18+ to enter. Competition closes on the 11th of October 2023. Entries limited to the UK only. If you do not opt-in your details will not be shared at all, unless you win and then your address is shared for the prize to be fulfilled ONLY, after which your details are discarded.