With May in full swing, I’m excited to share some lovely wellness discoveries that are bringing me joy this month. I’ve found some fresh inspo for summer cooking, a new activewear collection that’s making me feel quintessentially British, a mammoth podcast that’s sparked new thoughts about my well-being and a recent dental emergency that’s making me rethink how I manage my stress levels!

A New Plant-Based Cookbook With A Twist
If you’re looking for a beautiful plant-based cookbook that’s got a bit of a twist then Sesame, Soy, Spice is one to check out! A debut cookbook from popular recipe developer and creator behind Veggiekins Remy Morimoto Park, this exquisitely presented book is about celebrating vegan cooking with an Asian flare. The book is a love letter to Remy’s family and the meals she grew up with while staying true to her vegan and gluten-free lifestyle and exploring the importance of heritage, identity and self-acceptance. I think it’s a masterpiece and provides plenty of summer dining inspo for the season ahead,
Tennis-Chic Activewear Is In
Now that the weather is starting to warm up a bit, it’s got me thinking about one of my favourite sporting events… Wimbledon. It’s such a fun day out and I thoroughly enjoy the British-ness of it all! I love that tennis-chic is coming into fashion at the moment and, whether you play or not, I think adding a dash of Wimbledon whites to your activewear wardrobe is a fun way to celebrate this quintessential sporting event. Varley’s Club Collection has some really gorgeous pieces that I definitely want to add to my ever-growing stash of activewear. From accessories like caps to the full-shebang white tennis dress, I think there’s something for everyone!

A Must-Listen If You’re Into Female Fertility & Hormones
I listened to an INCREDIBLE podcast recently and I swear it tells you everything you need (and want) to know about female hormones and fertility. The legendary Andrew Huberman invited Dr Natalie Crawford, MD, a double board-certified physician specialising in obstetrics, gynaecology, fertility and reproductive health to get into the nitty gritty of female hormones, fertility and vitality. It’s a whopping 3.5 hours long so strap in for the long haul but honestly, it’s one of the most informative, educational podcasts I’ve ever listened to that covers so many important topics surrounding things like birth control, fertility issues, hormonal imbalances, conception, egg health, the IVF process, nutrition for fertility and debunking some common myths that surround all of these. I’d highly recommend listening to!
Gua Sha-ing Away My Jaw Tension
Storytime… I recently experienced the most horrendous toothache and after days of increasing discomfort, I discovered I likely have a hairline fracture in my tooth. My incredible dentist very quickly was able to get me out of pain (praise modern medicine!) but she did explain that cracked teeth are becoming a bigger issue she is seeing in practice and she thinks it’s down to higher levels of stress. Jaw clenching is not uncommon but it’s having detrimental effects on people’s teeth, causing them to become weak over time due to the increased pressure. The result? Cracked teeth. Eeeek. One root canal later (don’t let the internet scare you… a good dentist will numb you to high heavens and you won’t feel a thing) and I can tell you I am on a mission to reduce the tension in my jaw. I’ve been given a mouth guard to help but I’ve also been turning to Gua Sha massage to release any tension I may be holding on to. It’s become a nice ritual in the evening before bed and I’m hoping, over time, I’ll experience less stiffness in my jaw and have no more cracked teeth!

A New Sleep Aid
I’m a sucker for anything Jo Malone and also a sucker for a good pillow mist so when I discovered the Moonlit Camomile Pillow Mist I knew it would be right up my alley! I tend to shy away from overly lavender-y pillow sprays because I’m not a massive fan of the scent so soothing Camomile is a great alternative if you’re a bit like me. I love how everything from Jo Malone feels luxurious and special… this pillow mist feels like a proper bedtime treat that I look forward to every evening.
Showing My Locks Some Love
On my latest trip to the hairdresser for a long-overdue cut, my stylist shared some of his secrets to keeping hair, particularly the ends, hydrated and healthy. One thing he said I need to prioritise more is hair masks after I ashamedly admitted I NEVER do them! I’m quite low-maintenance with my hair but I’ve realised that I need to tend to my tresses a bit more if I want to avoid lack-lustre locks and the dreaded split ends. I’m testing Aesop’s Rose Hair & Scalp Moisturising Masque and trying to incorporate this ritual into my routine once a week and so far, I’m reaping the nourishing benefits. I feel a hair mask spree might be on the cards when I run out!