A juice cleanse is an effective way to reset your body if you’ve been feeding it differently from usual or you just feel the need for a refresh. By fuelling it with the goodness of […]
We’re so excited to let you all know that Hip and Healthy have partnered up with the super people at Plenish Cleanse to give you an awesome opportunity to win ‘Your Summer Fitness Kit’, which […]
Why cold pressed juice is worth the extra £££ ‘Cold-pressed’ has become a bit of a buzzword of late – one that’s been bandied around with multiple products from coffee to cooking oils and claims […]
The benefits of natural juices – be them organic, cold-pressed, store bought or homemade – are quietly but steadily winning the good fight against chemical laden ‘diet’ sodas we’ve always turned to for that little […]
With summer holidays fast approaching and bikinis creeping out of the woodwork, panic is setting in across the country, and now more than ever we are ready to do what it takes to get truly […]