
In this month’s Editor’s Notes, I talk about some new multi-purpose product discoveries that combat a pesky little insect issue, a new cookbook that any wellness enthusiast will want to get their hands on, a summer pud to impress your guests and a hair care tip that has totally transformed my locks.

Real Healthy by Melissa Hemsley

Melissa Hemsley’s “Real Healthy” cookbook is a treasure trove for anyone passionate about wholesome, nourishing food. This book is a testament to the idea that eating well doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Hemsley presents a variety of delicious recipes that prioritise whole, natural ingredients, catering to a range of dietary needs and budgets. Her philosophy of sustainable, mindful eating resonates deeply as someone who is a massive foodie but also has an interest in health and wellbeing, and the cookbook’s approachable style makes it easy for anyone to embrace healthier cooking habits. It’s not just a collection of recipes; it’s a guide to a more vibrant, healthful lifestyle. Out 11th July.

Diptyque Citronnelle Candle

The Diptyque Citronnelle Candle is more than just a fragrant accessory; it’s a sensory escape. Known for their exceptional quality and sophisticated scents, Diptyque candles create an ambience that enhances both mind and spirit. The Citronnelle Candle, with its refreshing citrus aroma, is perfect for summer evenings, naturally repelling insects while filling the air with a delightful, invigorating scent. As someone who seems to attract mozzies like you wouldn’t believe and alslo someone who has to physically get up and leave the table if there’s a wasp, I appreciate how this candle combines practical benefits with a luxurious experience! Offering a simple yet effective way to elevate any space, it’s a small indulgence that brings a touch of elegance and tranquillity to everyday life.

The Perfect Summer Garden Party Pud

With June in full swing, it means we’re dusting off the BBQ and playing hosts to lots of garden parties over the next couple of months. Whenever it comes to having people over for food, I’m always on the pudding (becuase it’s my favourite bit!). I’ve been looking for a quick and easy summer dessert that I can make ahead of time that looks a little fancy so I’m giving this Rhubarb Granita & Banana Ice Cream Sundae a go from Detox Kitchen Vegetables by Lily Simpson. I think it’s the perfect refresher to cool off with after a decadent lunch!

A Haircare Tip From My Hairdresser

I saw my hairdresser recently and we got talking about what the ultimate hair care routine looks like and what he recommends to his clients. The one thing he said everyone gets wrong is conditioner. He explained that all too often, conditioner is hastily slathered over sopping wet hair and is washed off before it’s even had a chance to work it’s magic. I admitted that my hair washing routine was definitely an afterthought for me and something I leave to the very end of my bath when I realise I’ve been in there way too long! His advice for me is to get in the bath (I’m not a shower girl ok!!?) shampoo my hair straight away and then have a small hand towel near by and really remove as much exess water from my hair until it feels “towel dry”. Then apply whatever conditioner I’m loving, grab a big claw clip and secure up in a twist and THEN sit back and relax. When I’m ready to vacate the bath, get a tangle teaser and comb through my hair before rinsing. Holy moly my hair feels totally different… and it’s because I’ve given the conditioner time to actually do it’s job. I used to always get tangles after I washed my hair no matter how much conditioner I used but I now realise its not the amount that’s important, it’s the time it sits in your hair that counts. 

Green People SPF with Insect Repellent 

I do love a product that offer multifaceted benefits and Green People’s SPF with Insect Repellent is a great little discovery. This innovative product provides sun protection while doubling as a powerful insect repellent, making it an essential for outdoor enthusiasts. The SPF shields your skin from harmful UV rays while the natural insect-repelling ingredients ensure you can enjoy nature without the nuisance of bites. Which, as you’ve already read, is a bit of a problem for me! It’s a holistic approach to skincare that aligns perfectly with an active, health-conscious lifestyle, utilising organic ingredients to care for your skin and keep it safe. Definitely one to add to your holiday skincare stash this summer.

Wildsmith Skin Vitality Brightening Body Cleanser

The Wildsmith Skin Vitality Brightening Body Cleanser is a luxurious addition to any skincare routine, offering a spa-like experience in the comfort of your own home. This body cleanser goes beyond just cleaning; it rejuvenates and revitalises the skin with its rich, nourishing formula. Packed with botanical extracts and essential vitamins, it works to brighten and even out skin tone, leaving your skin looking radiant and feeling incredibly soft.

words by Molly Jennings