
Matcha tea has been consumed in Japan for almost 1000 years and it’s well-documented that Buddhist monks drink it to keep them focused and awake during long days of meditation. It’s now a pretty staple ingredient in most health food shops and mainstream supermarkets… who doesn’t love a creamy matcha latte?! Matcha is grown under a shaded environment and by cutting out sunlight, the leaf retains more amino acids and results in a leaf rich in chlorophyll, which is what gives it a vibrant green colour and its many health benefits.

Benefits of drinking Matcha tea
Containing 130 times more antioxidants than green tea, it’s also a great support for the immune system which is why so many people drink it when they are unwell. Matcha contains two important amino acids called Theophylline and L-theanine. The reason why they are so important is that they work together with the naturally occurring caffeine to give you sustained energy. No crazy energy spurts and no zombie crashes either! It’s also great for your skin as it contains something called polyphenols, yes folks, we’re getting technical.  These polyphenols inhibit UV radiation-induced skin damage, which will help keep your skin looking young and fresh!

Looking to make the best matcha latte at home? We’ve called upon the master of matcha, Nadia Rawjee, founder of Casa Cura Organic Matcha, to share why the type of matcha you choose is crucial for a delicious matcha latte and her go-to traditional recipe.

Choose high-quality matcha. It’ll ensure that your matcha isn’t overpoweringly bitter and also that you get the full health benefits from drinking this superfood. I love our Casa Cura Organic Matcha, which is organic, ceremonial grade, and ethically sourced from Uji, Japan, the birthplace of modern matcha. It has a decadently smooth texture and a mellow and naturally sweet taste. The best way to tell if matcha is high quality is by making sure the matcha powder has a vibrant green hue rather than a dull murky green colour. If you’re using a traditional bamboo whisk to make your matcha you can also test if your matcha is high quality by seeing how quickly and nicely it froths and creates the perfect foamy tea texture. 

Choose the method that’s easiest for you. The best way to reap the benefits from matcha is to drink it consistently. If you’re someone who loves your morning cup of coffee, we recommend switching your afternoon cup of coffee to matcha instead. The best way to make matcha is to use a traditional bamboo whisk to create a frothy matcha in a matcha bowl. The whisking process brings out the best flavour in the matcha and also eliminates any clumps in the matcha powder that might’ve formed from exposure to air. See the recipe below for more details on the traditional method. If whisking seems inconvenient for you, then I recommend blending a ½ teaspoon of matcha with milk in a milk frother for a creamy matcha latte. 

Focus on your five senses and have a mindful moment. It’s easy for the day to fly by without taking a moment to pause and be mindful. An easy way to start incorporating or to add to an existing mindfulness practise is to focus on your five senses while drinking matcha. Notice the vibrant hue and powdery texture of the matcha. Enjoy the herbal aroma as you gently shift into the present moment. Hear the sound of the matcha whisk frothing your matcha to bring out the best flavour. Feel the warmth on your fingers as you cup your matcha bowl. Taste the mellow and smooth taste of the matcha as you take a moment to set an intention.  

Nadia’s recipe for a traditional bamboo-whisked matcha latte

Time: 2 minutes 
Ingredients: Casa Cura Organic Matcha, hot water, and milk of choice


Gently sift ½ teaspoon of matcha using a tea strainer before adding 1 tablespoon of hot water

Using a traditional bamboo whisk, whisk the matcha and hot water in an “M” like motion until frothy, 

Then add more hot water to make a matcha tea or for a matcha latte add  ½ or 1 cup of milk. The amount of milk will depend on how milky you like your lattes. 

You can also learn more about how to make matcha by visiting our About Matcha page or checking us out on instagram @casacuraofficial.