What was your favourite sport at school?
I did a lot of cross country running in primary school and early on in high school. I then moved to basketball where I played for Scotland at the age of 15.
When did you make the move to competitive cycling?
I only started compettitive cycling at the age of 25 after playing other sports.
Have you always been interested in exercise and keeping fit?
Yes it has always meant a lot to me to be active, eat well and look after my body. I am also a strong believer of the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle and the effect this has on your overall mindset and wellbeing.
What has been your greatest achievement/success so far?
Being selected to represent Scotland at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow this year.
If you could give our readers one piece of advice about how best to stay in shape for competitive sport or life generally, what would it be?
Whatever sport/activity you choose you must enjoy it. Whether its Zumba classes, yoga, running or competitive sport if you’re having fun you’re more likely to maintain motivation and dedication towards a keeping in best condition.
What is your favourite pre work out breakfast?
Porridge, apple and honey.
Other than cycling, how else do you like to work out?
I still enjoy a run, and I do quite a bit of running during the winter months. I also go to the gym which I really enjoy, and is great for core and strength work.
Do you have any gym bag essentials that you never leave home without?
My iPod, I love listening to music when I ‘m training.
What is your absolute favourite meal?
Steak, sweet potato and salad. My favourite.
What three foods could you not live without?
Porridge, chicken, apples.
Do you have a mantra that you try and live by?
I have a really strong work ethic, whatever I do I work hard and put 100% into it. I believe you get out of life what you put in and opportunities don’t find you, you have to find them.
Can you tell us your dream holiday destination?
Barbados. The beaches look amazing and id love to surf and swim with turtles.
How do you best relax or unwind?
I like reading a good book or watching telly, as long as my feet are up I’m happy.
And finally, what’s your favourite item from our online store?
I love the Lole Kerry Bra!