
Couples who train together stay together right?! Training with your partner is a fantastic way to build happiness and create a close bond with your significant other. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. Hang out with your best buddy AND get fit! The options are endless but below are 17 couples workout ideas that will hopefully inspire you to keep active this winter.

Lift weights together

Weightlifting is one of the best ways to lose body fat and to improve muscle mass, even for women! Why not create a challenging weight-lifting circuit, setting aside your own free-weights for each your capabilities? Choose from dumbbells, kettlebells and weighted ball for your free-weights and throw in a couple of machines for good measure! You can cheer your partner on in your rest breaks!  

Try Yoga classes

Yoga classes are now more popular than ever before. Couples can join various group classes or get a yoga teacher to improve mobility, coordination and flexibility. There are hundreds of yoga poses for a couple which can even be done at home or on holiday. They’re a really fun challenge! Improving one’s flexibility, strength and range of motion are vital for everyone and you’ll start noticing the benefits incredibly quickly (physically and mentally).

Go hiking together

Hiking is a great activity to not only increase fitness but also calm the mind. Spending time outdoors, whether it’s beaming with sunshine or feeling chilly and cold, is hugely beneficial for our bodies. You’ll have the opportunity to reconnect with nature and your partner and you’ll be amazed at what a long weekend hike can do for your sleep!

Bodyweight circuit in the park

Bodyweight training is among the workouts easiest to perform. They can be the foundation of any couples workout and the options of exercises are huge meaning you’ll never get bored during a workout. Training outdoors is often recommended and the best part is that most bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, planks or burpees can be performed anywhere you like.

Run together

Running is one of the most intense cardiovascular workouts. It burns calories fast and it also helps to improve joint strength. Couples can run together when they want to stay in shape or just feel like clearing their heads. Opt for hill sprint drills if you want to entertain your competitive edge or simply pick an area you want to explore more of and make it a sight-seeing expedition!

Play outdoor tennis

Outdoor tennis is one of the most fun couples workouts. It can be played in pairs of two which means couples can also play with friends to make it more of a social gathering. With a well-balanced diet, playing tennis frequently can ensure couples stay fit for the entire duration of the year, regardless of the season. A Foodspring deals can be a money-saving method to start eating healthier together.

Try cycling

Cycling is a great way for couples to stay in shape. Opt for a road bike if you fancy joining up on your commute to work or go for the mountain bike if off the beaten track is more your style! Just like running, cycling is an ideal way to explore an area you haven’t visited yet, turning your workout into a really fun day out!

Go to the local pool

If one of you is suffering from an injury and you assume couples workout sessions will have to be postponed, then think again! Swimming is a perfect workout which engages most major muscles of the body whilst being non-weight bearing. Great for keeping fit whilst managing an injury or strain.

Kickboxing classes

Kickboxing classes are increasing in popularity, but they are not only made for singles. The sweat, effort, coordination and explosion of the movements in kickboxing ensures a tough workout for both people and hey, it’s a chance to show off your skills in front of them!

Use battle ropes

Battle ropes are one of the most inexpensive and versatile ways of training couples into building their fitness should consider. Battle ropes are recommended for the ultimate cardiovascular and arm workout and can be built into a fun circuit that will leave sweat trickling down your face.

Work the abs together

Core muscles are important for posture and mobility, but building stronger abs is more fun when you’re training them with someone else! Core work is tough and doing the exercises together will help keep you motivated to push through the burn!

Couples TRX training

TRX training is a fun way to work out so why not join a class with your loved one? With hundreds of exercises to consider, TRX training can improve core, arm, and leg muscle strength. A TRX and post-workout smoothie date is a great way to kick off your weekend!

Go skating

Ice skating may not be a workout you considering but it’s ideal for building cardiovascular and leg strength. Couples who want to make the most of the winter season should consider ice skating as a fun way to burn calories and stay in shape! Another mince pie anyone?

Go for a walk

Some days it’s good to take a break from intense exercise and just take the pace a bit slower. Walks are a gentle way to keep the body moving on rest days and it’s a lovely way to spend quality time with your significant other. Whether you’re strolling through your favourite park or wandering around a local food market, you’ll thank your body for taking it a bit easier.

Sweating together can often mean couples get to experience new activities together. Physical activities are beneficial both for the mind and for the relationship in most cases. One of the most important benefits apart from staying fit is that couples are able to share this experience which is often a solo deal for many people.