
I love Christmas and am really getting into the festive spirit already. This year I really want to embrace it and share all the festive traditions with my little one. I have already booked Anya Hindmarch’s Christmas Grotto and I am getting excited about his gorgeous Christmas Calendar which I am going to fill with little Matchbox cars and Thomas The Tank Engine trains (he is totally transport mad). Now back to me…These are a few things I have on my Christmas wish list and I definitely think I have been a very good girl this year santa.

Olverum bath oil 

I love nothing more than a long bath to unwind and this bath oil is perfect to ease stress and unwind. The scent of the essential oils is incredible and will make every bath a luxurious at-home spa experience.

Sukun Bedding 

There is nothing better than crawling into bed in fresh crisp sheets and Sukun is my new favourite brand. I am totally obsessed with the simplicity of the Amalfi Bundle with the most stunning light ladder stitch border and the quality of the cotton is just pure heaven.

Purnima Candle 

Who doesn’t love a scented candle for Christmas? My passion for smelly candles has been passed down from my mother who always has one lit in the kitchen. I love discovering new candle brands and Purnima is a brand I was recently introduced to and immediately fell in love with.

MD London Hairdryer 

I never feel I have enough time to dry my hair during the week and this is something I want to try and prioritise next year. With its compact design, this hair dryer is designed to make hair styling quick and easy. It packs a lot of power and looks super cute! It would also be the perfect travel companion so it’s a win-win.

Our Place Cast Iron Always Pan

I love cooking with Our Place pots and pans, they are honestly revolutionary. I have a few of their Always pans and use them every single day. They are the best non-stick pans I have ever used and really are so easy to clean and look after. Next on my list is this Cast Iron one which will be perfect for winter slow cooks.

The Luxe Blending Experience 

I was so excited when I saw this new exclusive 1-2-1 session at Experimental Perfume Club. I am obsessed with perfume and scented candles so this is perfect for me. Guided by their in-house experts you can create a new signature blend with a  glass of prosecco to mark a special moment. 

Asket White Shirt 

I am always on the lookout for a new white shirt as I find them so versatile and this one by Swedish brand Asket is next on my list. Cut from a crisp cotton poplin with a slightly oversized silhouette this shirt will look perfect with a pair of jeans to elevate any look.

Currentbody Radio Frequency Device 

I am a big fan of skincare tools and this one is next on my list to try. Currentbody are the experts when it comes to all things beauty tech. This device is not only perfect for tightening and lifting your skin to give you a little face lift at home but it also stimulates collagen and reduces wrinkles.

Vuori Activewear 

My morning workouts have become one of my non-negotiables and I am desperate for some new activewear to get me feeling more motivated. I have had my eye on Vouri for a while. This brand pays homage to its Californian heritage with elevated everyday apparel essentials that are both performance-led and adaptable to your lifestyle.

de Mamiel Altitude Duo

My all-time favourite brand! This gorgeous duo would make the perfect gift. The bath salts are perfect for soaking away aching muscles and the altitude oil is one of my favourite things to use when you are feeling a little coldy and congested. 

Sarah Chapman 3D Moisture Infusion Mask

Sheet masks are perfect for any occasion when your skin needs a little TLC, during a flight, or when you want your skin to look its very best before a big occasion. I love a lot of Sarah Chapman products but this one is probably top of the list.

Miu Miu Sunglasses

I have always been a bit of a sunglasses addict. I think it elevates an everyday look and is something I wear on almost a daily basis. I suffer easily from migraines so I get a lot of use out of my sunglasses. These are top of my wish list with the cool shape and bold logo.