I love using spices in all my dishes, especially in rice dishes as I am hugely influenced by Middle Eastern cooking. This salad is so simple and really punches with favour! Serves 2-4 Ingredients: […]
Make up a batch of this on a Sunday night so you are prepared for the week ahead. This is one of the most nutritious ways to start the days it includes almost all of […]
Games will pause, conversations will halt and mouths will hang open when you bring a tray of these stunning treats into the room. What’s more, they freeze well, so make a big batch and keep a small stash in […]
The idea behind these wraps is to show you different combinations from recipes throughout the book either as a salad or as a wrap without the bread. But it’s all about preparation; if you have already made some of […]
It’s good to know you can whip up this beautiful and delicious dish in no time at all. If you haven’t got time to cook your own Puy lentils you can use canned to make life easier for […]