Soups are a fantastic way to cram in a whole host of nutrients in one sitting! With colds, bugs and… oh you know, global pandemic-causing viruses lurking around every corner this time of year, ensuring you’re feeding your body with all the good stuff it needs to thrive should be a top priority.
The options are endless when it comes to soup. So long as you have a good blender, machine or hand, you chuck a whole host of immunity loving ingredients in for a truly superfood meal. We love adding things like ginger and turmeric for their anti-inflammatory properties and plenty of greens to up our intake of anti-oxidants. Winter can often feel a lot less… abundant shall we say, compared to summertime so, often, we need to give our bodies some extra TLC to see us through until spring. Not a pro at soup making? Fear not, we’ve found 6 immunity-boosting soups to supercharge your wellbeing!
Immune Boosting Pumpkin Soup | Real Family Journey
Healthy Cream of Mushroom Soup | Sweet Simple Vegan
Beet, Ginger & Coconut Milk Soup | Epicurious
Creamy Vegan Broccoli Soup | Feed Me Phoebe
Healthy Chicken Noodle Soup | Delish
Roasted Squash, Apple & Thyme Soup | Shared Appetite