
Astrologer, Francesca Oddie, brings you your April horoscope for 2019. What’s in store for your star sign this month? Discover more below!

April is a month of two halves. Intensity is a key word for 2019 and even more so for 2020.  Something that is felt most keenly by Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Though Taurus is in for a wild ride too! When we consider that we all have a variety of placements, a Sun sign location, a Moon sign location, a Venus, Mars and Jupiter … then odds on the intensity will be felt by us all at some point. The “astrological weather” requires some appropriate “clothes.”

We have two lunation in these signs this month, a New Moon in Aries on the 5th and another Full Moon in Libra on the 19th. With Aries being the first sign of the zodiac, this is an excellent time to make wishes, intentions and time bound goals that will set you up for summer. In the UK the New Moon is in the morning, so if you can, do get up and give yourself time to meditate and focus on where you are going. Someone asked me recently what my goal was and even though I thought I knew, it was very hard to articulate and write down! It’s worth a ten minute ponder, that’s for sure. I hope you find these ideas useful and that you can connect with your Solar energy. Spring is here! Enjoy the growth spurt!




Aries season is upon us, though we still have a cluster of planets in Pisces until the end of the month so you might be reflecting on your actions before implementing them, which is no bad thing. With your ruler, Mars’ recent transition into Gemini, things might be happening quickly and you might be spinning lots of plates. Take care not to overwhelm yourself and agree to more things than you can finish. The New Moon on the 5th of the month is in Aries and is a great time for you to focus your intentions. How do you want to thrive and win? How are you a pioneer?  How can you channel your energies going forwards? Amongst other things, Aries is concerned with action, speed, winning and initiating. The on-going pressure from the cluster of planets in eagerly ambitious Capricorn could leave you feeling frustrated and at the mercy of external pressures. However, this represents an opportunity, in which to structure your goals and ideals. Your love life is in the spotlight on the 19th with the Full Moon in Libra, get the date in the diary!



This is a month of two halves, from romantic reflections to decisive action. Your ruler Venus continues her sojourn through idyllic Pisces and with the Sun in the reflective section of your chart you are feeling particularly in touch with your feelings, dreams and remotest longings. The 5th is a special day for all of us as mentioned above, but the 10th has you at your most romantic. Your ruler Venus makes her annual connection to Neptune and invites you to connect to something beyond yourself. Nature might be particularly inspiring this day, or you could dive into a remarkable meditation. Whatever feels like magic to you, drink it in and embrace it!  Taurus usually connects beautifully with nature and hones her a creative outlet. On the 19th there is a Full Moon that reignites themes from the most recent Full Moon, but this time with more intensity, a power struggle between the need for independence and the need to relate to others on a deeply personal level is the theme. As Taurus Season begins on the 21st of the month, the Sun will soon meet with Uranus and this will be a great day for throwing caution to the wind and doing something that may have previously seemed inconceivable for you.







Mars is in your sign for all of this month! This spells action, speed and potentially a few crossed words, though this only provides you with the opportunity to show off your verbal dexterity! (Let’s see how this inspires Boris and Donald!) At best, you will be more energised than usual and have the ability to spring into action and get the job done. If your life and work involves writing and communication, you might be more efficient this month. If your relationship requires some communication, you could cut to the chase. Jupiter remains in your love sector but turns retrograde on the 10th of the month, so there may be some romantic developments to untangle. The New Moon on the 5th provides a ripe opportunity for intentions surrounding how best to assert yourself, and this is a superlatively great day to create some focussed goals. On the 7th your ruler Mercury who is retracing his steps from his retrograde phase last month is ready to commit his newfound insights to form. This phase of proactivity intensifies on the 18th of the month as your ruler Mercury moves into Aries. With all this speed and heat it will be extra important to take time to mentally “cool down”. You can achieve brilliance but will need moments of calm.



The push for you to become powerful in your ability to connect, care and nurture continues. The New Moon on the 5th is in the career section of your chart and asks you to focus on your legacy and how you want to be seen and known. Taking some time to set intentions is always a magic ritual, especially for you with the Moon as your ruler. With loving Venus and quizzical Mercury swimming through your sector of travel, ideas and beliefs, you might be reading a romance novel, planning your summer holiday or contemplating your spiritual values. However, the second half of the month might see you switching your focus back to work or your role as a parent or caretaker (in whatever form that takes!) The 13th is a key date for you as the Moon in Cancer will put the spotlight on how you feel, this is a day to really strip back, refine and declutter. Anything that is a waste of time will probably reveal itself to you in the way it makes you feel. The Full Moon on the 19th draws focus to the balance in your relationships again and the 24th and 25th are great days to put what you have learnt to the test as you spend some time with your significant others.




This April should leave you feeling empowered, at least for the first half! With Jupiter’s stay in Sagittarius and the Sun in fiery Aries, your charismatic energy is enhanced and now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, the insights you received last month can be put to brilliant use!  This is your time to shine, perhaps you are publishing or maybe teaching? Alternatively, if you possess a goal that involves putting yourself out there, the 5th is the day to make those wishes! Uranus in Taurus could still be making you feel a little reckless! Maybe you have recently met someone who has inspired you to shake off the shackles and live a different life? Uranus makes his presence known by electrifying your life, this is exciting, but potentially destabilising so remember your values. You could meet someone fascinating who inspires you to approach your life differently or be offered a job that requires you to uproot. Keeping your options open and resisting the urge to burn bridges will be helpful. As Mercury and Venus join the Sun in Aries your ability to make waves only increases. On the 27th, the Moon enters your relationship sector so after all that hard work you might want to engage in some lively conversation with the people you love.


If March had you feeling a little confused then April is a great time to unravel. The cluster of planets in Pisces blurring your boundaries and for some of you born in early September a feeling of lethargy and confusion might be apparent if you fail to go with the flow. Mars in Gemini is hotting things up however, he is pushing you to perfect your already exemplary eye for detail and this could help you to shine at work. On the 27th of the month, Mars will come head to head with watery Neptune and his ideas may be dissolved. This would be a great day to take your feet of the pedal, luxuriate with some deep breaths and remember that the details are always relative. As the Sun moves into Taurus on the 21st your earthy nature will feel more supported. An opportune time for stripping back, pruning and getting your house in order ready for the personal growth that awaits you. Holidays, learning, adventure and new horizons look exciting if you are willing to upgrade your routines.





The highlight of this month is the second Full Moon in Libra on the 19th. Sometimes called a “blue moon” when there is more than one lunation in a particular sign. This is another opportunity to explore your relationships under the spotlight of freedom and conventionality.  Both Venus and Jupiter are supporting our need to be free and independent in our relationships, they endorse romance and adventure. This is going to be a great opportunity to explore our need for independence that flouts convention and our learning to belong to someone. Liberate yourself from outdated societal expectations and tune into what feels right for you. Before this lunation the 12th and 13th offer a great window of opportunity to consider your work or career and how you manage to be authentic in your dealings. Your ruler Venus makes a series of interesting aspects this month. On the 10th she provides the ultimate in romance but on the 14th and 15th she calls for you to manage your boundaries and watch how much you give in order to please. Your values and boundaries influence every corner of your life, observe how well you are using them!


Your ruler Pluto remains in the communications section of your chart and your traditional ruler Mars is in Gemini, the sign of connectivity and ideas. April is a time to focus on your ideas and how to express them. However, on the 24th of the month, your ruler goes retrograde and this gives you the opportunity to reconsider how you use words to assert your power. With the Sun in Aries, the focus can be on work and how you assert yourself but when the Sun shines into Taurus on the 21st he will meet Uranus and get ready to shake things up. Consistent communication will prevent a showdown when the Sun moves into Taurus. As Taurus is the sign of your shadow and relationships, the end of April will let you see where you cling on too long and who you are loyal to. Other notable dates for the month are the 5th of April, when you can take the opportunity to focus on your health, work habits and daily routines, taking the time to do what you do best; eliminate the unnecessary.





Your ruler Jupiter is slowing down and turns retrograde on the 10th of the month. This can bring a change in fortune as the current period of growth slows down and some plans are matured. Attitude is everything, consider the idea that the best is yet to come and cultivate patience. This may prove challenging as Mars enters your relationship sector and offers so many options for partnership and romance that you may feel overwhelmed. When we contemplate Jupiter and his movements the general advice would be to not bite off more than you can chew! The New Moon on the 5th is in your fun, creativity, romance and children section of your chart; any goals around how you want to express your natural flair should be made now. As for the Full Moon on the 19th, how does your need for creative expression challenge what your pals think of you? The Sun will be shoulder to shoulder with Uranus in the 5th house and your desire to “shake things up,” express yourself and do things your own way will be huge. But with the Moon in the community section of your chart, it’s a time to contemplate your friendships, taking care to only burn the bridges that are seriously dangerous!  Sagittarius is famous for their independent streak and now Jupiter is retrograde is vital not to get things out of proportion.


With your ruler Saturn at home in your sign, life can feel a little sober, this only compounded by his approach to Pluto and the Nodes. This is a transit that is being felt by all the zodiac, but particularly you, Capricorn. Not one to shy away from a challenge this is pushing you on to new heights and greater achievements.The New Moon in Aries on the 5th is a superb time for you to focus on your home life; the 2019 eclipses are all in Cancer and Capricorn, highlighting this polarity between home and work life. This New Moon in the sector of home and family is an opportunity for you to create a new reality with a particular focus on your feelings, expression and how your sense of self worth affects your emotional life. Your intuition is supported at this time and helpful changes can be implemented. Mars is transiting through your work, health and daily routines sector for the whole of the month, you might be extra busy, extra active or juggling lots of tasks. The New Moon is a great time to write a plan of action. On the 30th of April, Saturn goes retrograde and this will provide an opportunity to retrace your steps and mull over your plans. Until then, make the most of these challenges, this is a growth spurt with growing pains to accompany it! Watching you rise is fantastic, keep going!





After the deliberation of March, this month sees some forward motion, particularly the second half of the month! Mars in Gemini is racing through your fun and creative sector. This is a perfect placement for you enabling your intellectual wit to shine through. The New Moon on the 5th of April is also in your communication sector so again, your brainy ideas are the theme here.  Setting intentions about how you want to communicate, be heard and focus would be an idea now. On the 18th of April Mercury moves from Pisces into Aries and some of the ideas you have been seeding will start to sprout. The following day there is a Full Moon in Libra, raising question marks about how your beliefs, education and sense of adventure reflect your communication style and early influences. Romantically, the Moon enters your love zone on the 13th of the month, this will be a great day to date, charm and enjoy the company of someone special.  Watch out for the 17th when your charm may get you into a sticky situation!


Although the Sun is in Aries for the first 21 days of the month, Pisces Season lingers on as Mercury, Venus and Neptune are still in your sign. With Mercury now directing some of the dreams, visions and creative insights you have experienced and been inspired by can be put into action. The Aries solar energy boosting the way you value yourself so this is an incredible time to manifest your creative potentials into reality.  Subsequently, on the 21st your finances and self-esteem might take a boost. The 8th of April sees a beautiful connection between the Moon and Mercury in Pisces. The Moon is in your communication zone and this could be a day to express what you feel artistically. Also, the connection between your ruler, Neptune and Venus on the 10th could be a particularly magical day. Make the most of these beneficial alignments because the second half of the month sees you keeping with a faster energy that might make you rushed. The Full Moon on the 21st is highlighting the same themes as the previous lunation with an emphasis on the need to value your personal boundaries and independence versus the intimate needs and desires of your loved ones. Reaching a compromise on how much of yourself you are willing to share will build bridges will the people you love.
