
Meet Meggan Grubb, a fitness influencer, entrepreneur, and mother who has turned her passion for movement into a career inspiring women worldwide. Once uninterested in exercise, she found her love for strength training as an adult and now champions fitness as a tool for mental and physical well-being through her app Beyond. Balancing motherhood and business, Meggan fosters a supportive community, encouraging women to embrace movement that feels good and prioritize balance in their lives. In this interview, she shares her motivations, wellness tips, and how motherhood has deepened her appreciation for fitness.

Why do you move?

Movement to me is so many things, it’s my me time to switch off from the world and any stresses I have that day. It helps me push through a foggy mind day, it allows me a moment to realign with myself from the overstimulation of being with my toddler all day every day, and most of all it is something I know future me at 80 years old will thank me for doing through life. If I keep my body strong through my life, I am much more likely to feel stronger when I am a grandma – I always remind myself of that when my motivation is low.

What are your earliest memories of physical activity as a child?

To be honest I wasn’t a very sporty kid, I think PE at school is very sports-driven when there are so many other great ways to move your body. Finding a style you enjoy is so important but you don’t really get that luxury when you’re younger. I wish they did fun HIIT classes at school as I would have probably found it easier to get into exercise as an adult if I had enjoyed it more from a younger age. 

Did you ever think one day you’d have a hugely successful career because of a humble passion for fitness?

In all honesty, no. As it wasn’t something I liked growing up at all, when my love for it shifted when I found strength training as an adult and then became a PT myself, my mum thought it was hilarious! She always pestered me as a child to exercise but I wouldn’t! But I’m so grateful I did pick it up and find the form of movement that made my heart sing and am now able to put my knowledge and passion out into the world to encourage women to try weightlifting for themselves too and see if it does the same for them.

What drives and motivates you as an entrepreneur?

Definitely watching the women I help with their fitness journeys and seeing them make a change in their life and feel happier for it. I’m not particularly business driven but the human joy I get to witness through watching women fall in love with moving their bodies is what drives me.

We love the beyond app here at H&H! How did that come about and what was your mission behind starting the business?

Beyond was born from the community built during lockdown. Every day at 10am I would host a workout class on Instagram live and thousands would join, but also it became a proper community where people got to know each other and a lot of the girls from there are still friends to this day. But it was them that told me to do it, to create the app and somewhere permanently they could continue to train from. I didn’t think there was an app that had a huge focus on how much fitness helps your mental wellbeing as well as your physical health so that’s where Beyond was born. I wanted it to become a safe space for women’s fitness journeys – no toxic language or unnecessary pressure on there to look a certain way. Somewhere you could enjoy exercise and feel good about yourself.

Movement is clearly a big part of your life – how has motherhood changed your relationship with exercise and your physical health?

It has changed things in a lot of ways – I have a lot less time, I have to be tactical with fitting it in during a nap or when my husband can look after her. But it’s also given me a whole new appreciation for fitness. I studied pre-postnatal fitness to add to my qualification whilst I was pregnant to understand myself what I could do training-wise during pregnancy, but then also to share that knowledge with my audience as a lot of them were also becoming mums and fitness is still a minefield with what you’re ‘allowed’ to do whilst pregnant. (You can actually do a lot more than you probably think!). So learning and experiencing moving my body through pregnancy, postpartum and also feeling physically strong during birth has led me to appreciate movement more than ever. It’s amazing what your body is capable of and how much it helps to keep yourself strong through different stages of life, if you can.

There’s no denying, with motherhood and running your businesses, you’re one busy woman! How do you strike the balance between prioritising rest when you need it, but also digging deep to find the motivation to squeeze in a workout?

I think it’s so important to listen to your body always. If it is exhausted – rest, if you feel like you can do it and it will benefit you afterwards with the endorphins from a workout, then do it. But listen to what your body is telling you and remember that taking some days to rest is only going to help your body repair, recover and grow. Keeping a positive feeling around it is so important, if you feel like you’re just forcing yourself you’re going to create a negative relationship with fitness for yourself, or you possibility need to try a different form of movement you actually enjoy more which is totally okay.

Nutrition plays an important supporting role for movement.. how do you utilise food to fuel you throughout your long working days?

I think firstly it’s so important to see food as your friend, try not to view things as good or bad foods. All food is great and fine to eat so long as there is balance there and you’re not eating a giant chocolate Easter egg every single day for example. Food will fuel your body and your workouts so you can perform optimally which means a better end result for you physically and mentally. Meal prepping breakfast is a key for me as in the morning I have less time to cook now with a toddler and if I set my day up with a good amount of fuel in me, I’m going to perform better and just be a nicer, more positive human being. I ensure all my meals have lots of protein, carbs and veggies – protein will help build muscle and keep you full for longer.

What are your 3 wellness tools/products/essentials you rely on to support your active lifestyle?

This might be a bit of a personal plug but I honestly would say my fitness app Beyond. I follow the programmes I write on their myself which keeps me motivated as we often start challenges on a certain date, so I know I am training alongside thousands of others every day, doing the same workout, which really feels motivating. 

I’d also say writing lists. I do a lot of this to ensure I am organised and on track with everything in life – particularly since becoming a mum, some days are super chaotic depending on how my toddler is feeling so writing lists really helps me keep on top of things (which I don’t always do, but at least it’s all written down somewhere so I don’t forget something!) I love ticking things off too, it gives me a good sense of accomplishment, even if it’s just getting the washing done!

Lastly I would say my husband’s cook book The Good Bite Lite high protein book. The 10-minute meals chapter is a life saver on days where I’m out of time and need to quickly whip something together which is going to make me feel good from within.

Meggan Grubb, Founder of Beyond beyondapp.co.uk and @beyondapp