The What, Where, Why and Which of Detox
words by Belinda Mann
Why autumn is the perfect time to detox
There is a lot of talk about detox during the spring, as it’s often seen as an aid to get bikini ready for the summer. But detoxing isn’t just a way to shed some unwanted pounds, it has a host of health benefits too. Although it’s true spring is a great time to detox, autumn is equally as good – this is because your body naturally has higher energy during the equinoxes to deal with the detoxing process. If you’ve overindulged during the summer now is the time to slow down, restore and rejuvenate before heading into winter.
Natural flu injection
Detoxing in autumn has been shown to reduce the chances of getting a winter cold. The science behind this shows when the body has an increased toxic load the immune system is on high alert draining its resources. Toxins accumulate when the liver is overwhelmed and cannot do all it’s jobs in a timely manner. A period of detox allows the liver to process toxins that have been stored in the body. When these toxins are expelled the immune system will be under less strain and in a much better position to keep you healthy during the winter months ahead. Think of green juice as your natural flu injection.
Reduce comfort eating in the winter months
During the colder winter months it can be tempting to start comfort eating. It’s not just the cold weather that moves us to reach for comfort food, emotions can also be a factor. Detoxing is more than just expelling toxins in a physical sense, stored emotions are often released as well. For example fear is thought to be a release from the kidney, anger a release from the liver, worry a release from the spleen/stomach, and grief a release from the lungs. The emotional release will help you to feel more clear and balanced.
Stay slim until next spring…
There is no denying that living clean is a key way to stay slim. Any excess toxins accumulated over summer cocktails and parties can contribute to weight gain. If the liver is overloaded it has to store unprocessed toxins and the safest place in the body for storage is your fat cells. In a state of higher toxicity your body wants to hold on to fat to protect itself of toxins. Therefore by reducing your toxic load you will be reducing the chances of gaining weight over the winter period.
How often should I cleanse?
Whilst spring and autumn equinoxes are thought to be the best times, it’s most beneficial to cleanse at least quarterly. Detox is more than a week long commitment its about creating a healthy lifestyle, and regular cleansing is more likely to keep you on track and help you stay motivated. Don’t cheat yourself by doing a week long cleanse then going out on a bender – this can shock your system so you’re not doing your body any favours.
Which detox?
There are many detox delivery options now that make the whole process easier – no getting up early to make loads of juices or different meals. There are plans that incorporate juices, soups and even some cooked food if you feel you need some warmer options now the weather is cooler. These can be a great way to make the detox process less stressful giving you more time to relax. Which detox? is a new service that offers free bespoke advise on detox delivery services in London.
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