It’s a cultural obsession that’s taken over the US, and now that it’s landed on the shores of the UK, there’s no turning back. We’re talking CBD, the super ingredient currently making major waves in the wellness industry on both sides of the pond. Marisa Schwab, founder of premium CBD brand, The Chillery, shares her journey, the science behind it’s hailed benefits and sharing the top 5 ways it can help improve your wellbeing.
Our belief in the power of CBD is the raison d’être for The Chillery, Europe’s first premium CBD wellness destination. Hailing from LA, I’d discovered it during my endless search for relief from the sleep conditions that have plagued me all my life. But after searching for products in Europe, my partner and I found we were missing the choice, variety and quality of CBD products available in the US.
That’s what inspired us to dive deep into the world of CBD and begin curating the world’s premier products for the European market – all organised by the very practical ways they can improve wellness. We want to bust the myths and be a trusted partner on all things CBD, so we’ve created a space that provides guidance and education as well as the foremost place to shop exclusive products that have the ability to boost your wellbeing.
So without further ado, let’s dive right in with the essentials!
CBD 101
CBD is the acronym for Cannabidiol, and it’s one of over 100 naturally occurring compounds found in the cannabis plant. Before we go any further, let’s be clear about one thing: CBD will not make you high!
The psychoactive element of cannabis comes from a completely different compound known as THC. Because they’re derived from hemp rather than marijuana, CBD products contain less than 0.2% THC and therefore have no mind-altering effects. That also means it isn’t addictive, and, most importantly, it’s legal.
Your body loves it
Europe may be new to CBD, but our bodies certainly aren’t. That’s thanks to something known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which governs a process called ‘homeostasis’ – essentially, your body’s reaction to its environment, such as temperature.
The receptors present throughout the ECS are what enable endocannabinoids to do their job, helping to keep many of your body’s other systems in check – things as diverse as pain, memory, mood, appetite, stress, sleep, metabolism, immune function, and even reproductive function.
Taking CBD engages these receptors, which communicate with the rest of your body to fix any imbalances your ECS detects. That means that it can essentially read what your body needs and naturally help it to restore harmony.
Getting started
If you’re new to CBD, the best way to get started is to target specific problems, which in turn will improve your emotional wellbeing. At The Chillery, we group our products according to the five most common needs that women come to us for guidance on: stress, sleep, pain, beauty and intimacy.
Stress – Because it’s thought to enhance the natural serotonin receptors in your brain, CBD can boost your mood and alleviate stress and anxiety. A few drops under your tongue or in your morning coffee are all it takes, or use a soothing CBD balm as a hand cream or body lotion to help relieve stress-related tension in your body. If we could pick just one product to target stress, it would be Disciple’s Miracle Drops.
Sleep – More and more of us swear by CBD to help us get a better night’s sleep. In a higher dosage, its sedative effects can not only help to induce sleep, but can give you a better quality of sleep that leaves you feeling totally rested after you wake up. We suggest a gentle CBD-infused tincture as you wind down for the evening, or apply a luxurious overnight CBD face mask that works on your skin while helping you sleep. Or simply take a few drops of Yuyo Botanics PM Formula before bed.
Pain – Whether it’s chronic pain or a more specific problem such as monthly period pain, joint pain or a headache, CBD has huge pain relief potential. Rub a topical cream into your muscles post-HIIT classes, for example, and keep a pot of L’eela Pain Remedy Rub in your first aid kit ready to soothe aching muscles and joints.
Beauty – CBD is great for your skin thanks to its natural fatty acids, which moisturise and keep your skin supple and healthy. With its anti-inflammatory properties, it’s also great for tackling skin problems such as acne. Take your skincare routine to the next level with Saint Jane Luxury Serum.
Intimacy – There’s even a place for this wonder oil in the bedroom, helping you achieve a deeper state of relaxation, enhancing arousal and bringing greater intimacy between you and your partner. Set the mood with LDN CBD Massage Oil, which comes in calming Jasmine and Bergamot or stress-relieving Cedar, Neroli and Rosemary.
words by Marisa Schwab
The Chillery and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The information and products presented on this site are not intended for medical use nor do they make any medical claims. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.
Visit The Chillery Pop-Up!
Dates: Wednesday 26th June – Wednesday 3rd July
Address: 297 Westbourne Grove, W11 2QA
Opening Times: 10.00am – 7.00pm
Pop up includes:
Wednesday 26th June 6.30pm: Panel Talk – ‘CBD From Dusk To Dawn’ with the founders from two of London’s pioneering companies Ohana & Disciple.
Sunday 30th June 2.00pm – 4.00pm: CBD Bath Salt Work Shop with Kim Smith, the Founder of Kloris.
There will also be Turmeric CBD Lattes in collaboration with Wunder Workshop, every day from 10.00am -12.00pm
The pop up will showcase the best CBD products on the market and Co-Founders Marisa & Floriane will also be on hand to answer all of your CBD questions.