
If you are still feeling a little jaded from the weekend, try Dr. Stuart’s Skin Purify tea. This health-boosting herbal infusion does exactly what it says on the tin…or packet! It is an invigorating blend of red clover, nettle leaves and dandelion root which all help to purify and soothe your skin. Dr. Stuart creates his teas using herbs of the highest quality medicinal grade. Red clover is used to treat hot flushes and PMS whilst also lowering cholesterol, improving urine production and circulation of the blood. It is also used to help prevent osteoporosis and reduce the possibility of blood clots. Red clover is also rich in calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C, while Nettle and dandelion are known for their cleansing properties. Nettle, a native British herb, is excellent as a pick-me-up when feeling run down. This is because of it is rich in minerals such as iron, calcium and silica. Iron produces red blood cells and is essential for keeping our energy levels up, whilst calcium and silica are important for building bones and maintaining healthy hair and teeth. Dr. Stuart has extensive experience and a wealth of knowledge on the properties and health benefits of herbs. He uses essential oils and active botanicals and that’s why his range of teas is full of health-boosting and healing properties, leading him to be dubbed the Father of Modern Herbalism. Why not unwind after a long day with a cup of this skin purifying tea? It has subtle flavours and can be drunk throughout the year to give your complexion that much-needed boost and your mood a little lift.

For an extra beauty boost, used tea bags can be laid on the eyes to rest them and smooth out wrinkles. Some believe that is also an effective treatment for removing styles and other eye infections.