
Editor, Sadie, tries a new facial just three days before her wedding day

I am always a little nervous when trying out a new facial. What if my skin flares up? What if I have a reaction to the products? What if I end up looking like Samantha from Sex and The City after her skin peel? So, you can times this paranoia by ten when you try a new facial three days before your wedding day. But this wasn’t just any facial – this was the facial. Bliss Spa’s famous Tripple Oxygen Facial.

Now, it is unlike me to be so bold but it had been recommended to me by a friend who promised I would come out looking ten years younger and wedding-ready. After reading a bit more about it I also discovered that it could lighten pigmentation (of which I have lots – damn that blasted Hawaiian Tropic tanning lotion). I was sold.

I tried to hide my anxiety from my therapist. No such luck. I had hardly stepped in the door before telling her that my wedding was in three days time so I am more than a little apprehensive. I am quickly put at ease as the therapist tells me that the treatment is completely tailored to my skin’s needs so that it can reap the best results possible. I am also told that despite a few breakouts, probably caused by stress, my skin is actually quite dry (note to self – drink more water and actually do it this time!). I also have a few blocked pores on my tea-zone, which is very common for people my age (28 if you must know) and who work and live in London. And, as for the pigmentation, this actually looks hormonal and not due to sun damage (I inwardly breath a sigh of relief that my sunbathing habits are not to blame) but that I should get to the root of the problem as to why this has appeared.

She then got to work on my face. A heavenly facial massage was followed by gentle extractions and a cooling oxygen mask that feels as though it is doing a world of good. Once the mask is removed, my face is then pumped full of vitamins with an enzyme mask and vitamin spray and my skin absorbed them faster than you could say ‘skin saviour’. At the end of the treatment I felt like a different person – I was relaxed, calmer and, quite literally, glowing. Not the most intrepid thing I have ever done (honest) – but I was glad that the courage of trying something new paid off.

Visit www.blissworld.co.uk for more information.