Day Four
Hoorah! For the first time this week I woke up not feeling as though I had only had about two hours sleep. After a light bit of exercise in the morning I gulped back the green juice. And it wasn’t long before my mid-morning smoothie (this time of goji berries, cherries and almond milk) suffered the same fate. My lunch-time juice though – was a little harder to swallow. I have also just started to miss the sensation of chewing – weird as that might sound. I then had a long wait until my soup supper – again delicious and wholly satisfying. I swear my stomach must have shrunk, as there is no way I would normally be full on soup alone! Then I made the error of having no plans thinking my body could do with a break from socialising and working… but when you have not a lot to do and not a lot to eat things can get very boring. So I threw myself into my work to distract me from sticking my head in the fridge. Then I had a hot oat milk again and went to bed early.
Danni and Lisa’s Top Tip
Your soups contain raw ingredients so try not to overheat them so you get the full benefits! Simply warm gently on a stove.
If you would like to season your soup, please do so only with good quality olive oil, pepper, a squeeze of lemon or some Himalayan salt, NOT regular salt… It’s really not very good for you!