The Simple Secret To Great Skin And A Healthy Body | Hip And Healthy

Ah, collagen. One of those things that we all take for granted right up until somewhere in our mid-30s when we start to realise that everything we have read about collagen is true. That after the age of 18 our collagen levels start to drop, and that this accelerates by 1.5% per year from the age of 30. They say youth is wasted on the young, I say collagen is. If like me, you’ve neglected to supplement your collagen in recent years, you may be delighted to hear of a new product that has just landed in the UK that could be the secret to great skin and a healthy body. A collagen supplement unlike any other – effective, sustainable and using unrivalled quality ingredients. The brand is called Correxiko and has been causing a storm across the pond in the US where it launched a few years ago. Now it’s founder, Dinuk Dissanayake, a British Medical Doctor, has brought it back to his homeland where it’s already flying off the shelves and we’re here to tell you why.

“Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, made up of amino acids and is the essential building material to renew cells throughout the body including skin, hair, nails, eyes, teeth, muscles, joints, bones, blood vessels and the immune system” says Naomi Newman-Beinart, a Nutritionist. “Since ancient times humans have consumed more collagen than we do now, and it’s been an important source of nutrition.”

Dinuk, the founder of Correxiko, has been working with collagen for over ten years as a doctor and has seen the impact that a loss of collagen has on people in his clinic. When he launched Correxiko over three years ago he was already considered an expert in the area. For him, two things were incredibly important in launching the brand; 1.) the source of the collagen and 2.) how to make it as absorbable as possible. And he nailed both.

The first thing to know about collagen is that not all collagen supplements are created equal. The effectiveness of a supplement is based on its source and this is especially true for collagen. Correxiko has two types of collagen products – marine and bovine. Correxiko sources all it’s marine collagen from the deep sea fish in the pristine Canadian waters, from sustainable fish stock. They use the fish skin, which is naturally the richest source of highest quality collagen, and the rest of the fish is used for food by other companies. For Correxiko’s bovine collagen, the brand ensures the cows are grass-fed, pasture-raised, hormone- and antibiotic-free, not to mention that they can also actually trace their product directly back to the farms themselves.

Ingredients aren’t the only thing separating this collagen brand from the next, the way they process the collagen to make it as absorbable as possible is also unique. All Correxiko collagen is double hydrolysed, to you and me that means it’s chopped up really really small, to create the most absorbable and fast acting collagen peptides in the industry. 

When discussing with both Founder, Dinuk and Nutritionist, Naomi the benefits of Correxiko’s collagen supplements seem endless; from improving skin elasticity, skin hydration and reducing wrinkles to building stronger bones, increasing hair strength and thickness, encouraging joint repair and boosting immunity. “Correxiko is also gut-friendly, Paleo, keto, Kosher, non-GMO, gluten-free and specialises in results using only clean, effective ingredients” adds Naomi. 

Hip & Healthy Loves Correxiko’s Marine Collagen Peptides Powder (42 day supply) as the collagen powder couldn’t be easier to take. To see results you need to take this daily, “nearly all of the research studies examining the effectiveness of taking oral collagen peptides recommend taking collagen on a daily basis” says Naomi.  So make it part of your morning ritual; it can be taken on an empty stomach or after a meal and is even heat-resistant, meaning that you can even add it to your morning cup of coffee and it will still taste great! We also love to add ours to morning smoothies – just add around two to four rounded tablespoon.! If you prefer taking pills then there is that option to – just do what works for you and your lifestyle. One thing is for sure, I shall not be taking what remaining collagen I have left for granted anymore knowing that it is rapidly disappearing. Now, where do I sign up…

words by Sadie Reid

Hip & Healthy Reader Offer
Try a two-week pack of Correxiko Collagen Peptides (RRP £16.95) or Correxiko Marine Collagen Peptides (RRP £19.95) and get 25% off plus free P&P. Just use the code “ HH25C “ at the checkout. SHOP HERE