
Like any skill in life, gratitude requires practice. Practice…practice…practice. Gratitude can really put a situation into perspective, especially if we are having a bad day. It can make us realize what we have and how lucky we are to have it, and generally lead us to a happier and more positive self! Here is a list of 5 things to add to your day to help cultivate an attitude of gratitude!

  1. Keep a gratitude journal

This is so simple yet so effective. Jotting down a couple of things at the end of the day, which you are grateful for, will restore your sense of well-being and satisfaction. From being thankful about the woman who let you of the train first to a colleague making you a cup of tea – try to appreciate the goodness and kindness of these acts. Of course, it isn’t always easy to be grateful (especially after a break up or an argument), but trying to see the good in even the smallest of things can really restore your faith in humanity!

  1. Ditch the negative talk

We are all guilty of it sometimes – and whilst it’s sometimes hard to avoid a gossip session, tuning out of listening and participating in this kind of talk will work wonders for your own sense of self-worth. In all honesty, talking behind other people’s backs in a negative way will do nothing but cause you damage. Get rid of any negative energy by speaking about interesting things instead of gossiping; this might even trigger a stimulating conversation and leave you feeling really fulfilled by your day.

When you hear yourself complaining – STOP! No one likes a negative Nelly. Try to become more mindful of what you are saying and how others are reacting to it – you may notice the conversation drops or people will become disengaged when you start to complain. Instead, think of something you can be grateful for, and this will immediately transform your negative mindset into a positive one!

  1. Switch negative opinions into positive ones

Negative thoughts can really drain you of energy and can lead to increased feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment. Simply by changing the tone of your thoughts into more positive ones can bring about a healthy change…

It is SO rainy today! Switch this too… At least I will be spending most of my day inside in the warmth!

Switching your thoughts into positive ones will create inner peace and you will radiate happiness. Try to see the good in circumstances; a stressful day at work doesn’t necessarily mean you need cheering up with chocolate. In fact, you should be proud of yourself for getting through the day and using your skills to solve the problems that arose. Think positive people!

  1. Give someone a compliment everyday

Compliment people… magnify their strengths…not their weaknesses

How nice does it feel to receive a compliment? It really puts a swing in our steps. Giving a compliment, on the other hand, will actually benefit you too!

Pointing out something good about a friend or a colleague will shift any negative thoughts and attention you might have about yourself, whilst at the same time enhancing that person’s day. In addition, a compliment can create positive energy and reinforce another person’s strengths and achievements. When we build up other people, we are actually building up ourselves at the same time. So, what have you got to lose?

Giving a compliment might just mean you will get one back! They are free after all…

  1. Smile at others

If you only do one thing from this list… please make sure to smile!

When you are smiling, the whole world smiles with you…

Smiling is contagious and transferred from person to person. There is actually a mind-body connection when you smile; this simple act sends a message to your brain that you are one happy bunny, and your body starts pumping out lots of feel good endorphins. So smile because you can and smile because you are grateful to be alive!

Words by Flora Crichton


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