
No matter how big or small, it’s never too late to set goals and achieve them! This week, we’ve rounded up our top 10 tips to help you get organized, get inspired and get goal-setting!

  1. Define your goal: What is it that you wish to achieve? This can be anything from a workout you’d love to try, to a job you’d like to acquire.
  1. Be realistic when you set goals: Whilst we’re all about dreaming big, sometimes a big goal requires achieving lots of little goals before it’s able to become a reality. Make sure to always take the process into account.
  1. Embrace the process: As mentioned above, reaching a goal can be a long (albeit satisfying) process, that like anything in life worth having, requires a journey to get to. Whilst it’s easy to get carried away in thinking you’ll only be truly satisfied once you reach your destination, there is a lot of happiness and beauty to be found in the journey too – embrace it.
  1. Surround yourself with like-minded people: When you’re trying to achieve a goal there’s nothing better than surrounding yourself with people who understand what you’re hoping to achieve, or even better, people who have achieved what you have your mind set on – the ultimate motivation!
  1. Track your progress: If you’ve attempted to set goals and achieve them before, you’ll know that sometimes it can be hard to notice the small changes that occur along the way, those which can often be the most encouraging! With this in mind, one of the best things you can do to keep tabs on how you’re progressing is to make sure you track your progress. A surefire way to stay motivated and inspired throughout your goal-getting journey, choose the most suitable form of tracking for whichever your goal may be and enjoy recording your journey!
  1. Learn from the slip-ups: Let’s face it, when it comes to changing behaviours slip-ups are inevitable, but they don’t have to be a setback! Change your mindset to perceive slip-ups as a valuable learning tool to help you get back on board more motivated and eager to succeed than ever! Whatever you do don’t wait for the next day, or even Monday to start over. Take a moment to breathe, reconnect and get back on board immediately.
  1. Practise the art of positive thinking: If you’re not familiar with the art of manifestation, get acquainted. One of our favourite modes of self-encouragement (and just a little bit magic), manifestation comprises of visualizing yourself having achieved your end goal. Try doing this every morning when you wake up and every evening before you go to sleep, and remember: what you think, you become.
  1. Don’t look back: Whilst at times it may feel like you’re going nowhere, like all your hard work is not paying off and that maybe you’re not even worthy of achieving the goal you’ve set out for yourself, it’s time to revisit your self-love letter. Hip & Healthies NEVER give up, and just by reading this you have made a pledge to yourself not to! So stay positive, embrace the challenge and know that we believe in you 100%! Happy goal-getting!

Words by Zsa Zsa Vella

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