Hey Hip & Healthy friends!
The sun may be shining but do you feel like it is more than just the sky that is blue? Never fear! Whether you’re in need of an energy boost, want to kick-start your digestive system, cleanse your skin or just crave a pick-me-up, Nosh Detox has the solution: their new Organic Green Vegetable Cleanse!
The result? A new, brighter, happier version of you; an ethos that we live and breathe here at Hip & Healthy HQ.
So what’s the secret? Each bottle contains ginger, lemon, spinach, avocado, mango, apple, kale, celery, banana, mandarin, broccoli, parsley, avocado, peach, courgette, pineapple and (BREATHE!) mint. That’s a hell of a lot of nutrients, minerals and vitamins jam packed into one little bottle. But, don’t let its small size dishearten you, as this is a great little powerhouse to replenish, restore, heal and clean.
So how does it work?
With the combination of citrus fruits and super greens, your digestive system gets a kick start with anti-inflammatory goodness to boost your energy. Bursting with vitamin C, digestive enzymes and healing amino acids, the Organic Green Vegetable Cleanse is the perfect supplement to restore your inner (and outer) beauty. Do you dream of luscious locks, flawless skin and strong healthy nails this summer? Then it’s time to detox Nosh style.
But what of the taste we hear you cry? No need to panic! The strategic selection of pineapple and mint ensures a surprisingly delicious, sweet and tart experience. What a great alternative to your usual fruit juice or smoothie!
Don’t just take our word for it, acclaimed by Georgia May Jagger and Rachel Stevens, this little bottle of goodness has achieved celebrity recognition. Winner of the Best Detox in London 2011 (Evening Standard Newspaper) and Best of the Best Secret Diary (Vogue Magazine), the Organic Green Vegetable Cleanse has taken the health and lifestyle market by storm.
Geeta Sidhu-Robb, (founder of Nosh Detox) is committed to restoring her clients to their best potential condition and wellbeing. She claims: “Doing a detox allows your body to catch up and process all of that build up bringing your body into homeostasis or balance.”
To make this even more exciting, the wonderful people at Nosh Detox have decided to give all H&H readers a special discount for the 3 day programme! Yes that’s right, all you lovely people can now juice your way to happiness for just £99 (thats £140 off!). How awesome is that? Simply click here to get started! With summer around the corner, let this year be you at your fittest, strongest and healthiest. So what are you waiting for? Remove those toxins, lose those blues and go green!
words by Olivia Murphy