
Just when you thought you’d seen it all, here are five new wellness launches that we’re getting really excited about this October!

Rude Health’s Tiger Nut Milk
So, you’ve obviously heard of cashews and almonds and coconuts… and you’ve heard of all the dairy-free milk alternatives made from them. But have you heard of the tiger nut? Rude Health have just launched the first ever tiger nut drink in the UK! Yes, that fuchsia carton that has just appeared on your Waitrose shelves belongs to the newest member of the mylk family! Dairy free, gluten free, nut free (confusing we know, but tiger nuts are not technically nuts, they are tubers just like potatoes and sweet potatoes), organic and with no added sugar, Rude Health’s Tiger Nut Milk is the answer to all your dairy alternative desires. It’s brimming with antioxidant and medicinal qualities from its magnesium, iron and zinc properties, and super tasty so it’s definitely worth getting your paws on!


Love Cocoa Vegan Avocado Chocolate Bar
If you thought that the avocado had been exhausted of all its uses, it’s time to think again, because Love Cocoa have just launched Europe’s first ever vegan avocado chocolate bar! Yes, you heard us right… CHOCOLATE! Combining 70% British organic dark chocolate with the nutrient rich and creamy tasting fruit in its 100% natural freeze dried pulp powder form, this one’s for you avocado-obsessing sweet tooth-ers! What’s more, just like the fruit, this chocolate is packed full of nutritional benefits so you won’t even feel so bad devouring a whole bar in one go (and we all know how easy that is to do!) Love Cocoa’s Avocado Dark Chocolate Bar is available to buy now on Love Cocoa, with more stockists to be announced shortly.


Comvita Apple Cider Vinegar Drink
We’ve had a UK first, and a Europe first, so why not squeeze in a world first?! Comvita have recently launched the world’s first ready-to-drink Apple Cider Drinking Vinegar, available in two refreshing flavours, Natural (Original) and Golden Kiwi. Made with all-natural ingredients, including Comvita’s own Mañuka Honey, reaping the nutritional benefits of apple cider vinegar has never been easier. The active compound, acetic acid, found in the Drinking Vinegar helps improve digestion and supports blood sugar balance. Sounds like a perfect post-meal drink to me… be it at home or just as easily on-the-go! Available to purchase now online at www.comvita.co.uk and at Holland & Barrett.


Madeleine Shaw’s Meditation
After a couple of months offline (and a gorgeous baby boy later!!) Madeleine Shaw is back in our lives, and she’s back with a gift for us in the form of “Meditate with Maddy”. For £9.99, Maddy provides us with “the perfect 10-minute remedy for every stressful situation”. Be it for a peaceful commute, a restful sleep, or simply a boost of confidence, Maddy’s meditations have got us covered for everyday zen. And in an on-the-go series, Maddy’s made meditation quick, convenient, portable, and available to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Meditation might be the simple answer for improving focus and attention, for decreasing stress and calming anxiety, for improving immune function and relieving pain, and for wellbeing enhancement, amongst many other things. So, if you’re finding yourself in need of any of the aforementioned, “Meditate with Maddy” just might be the solution for you!


Sound Sebastien Residency by Jasmine Hemsley & Toni Dicks at Devonshire Club
We all know how difficult it is to take time out of work to allow ourselves to relax, to help the mind, open the heart, and nourish the spirit… but we also know how important it is! As do Jasmine Hemsely and Toni Dicks, whose mutual love for the ancient practice of sound and its ability to calm and curate good vibrations for ultimate relaxation has led to their Sound Sebastien Residency. Located at the Devonshire Club, the stylish and luxurious members club at the heart of the City, every Monday from October 23rd through to late November, you have the opportunity to experience the healing power of Sound Baths yourselves. Described as “a unique moment of time to rest your head and feel enveloped in a wave of powerful and therapeutic tones in a pristine peaceful environment”, we can’t think of a more perfect way to rest and renew during, or after a busy day (and wish our offices weren’t so far away!) 4 sessions are held every Monday – two at lunch time, two in the evening – at a very accessible price of £30/hour session (which also includes a healthy Ayurvedic meal and tea!) If we were you, we would be heading straight to their events page now to bag our place before they’re all snapped up!

words by Kate Harrison

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