With the launch of her latest cookbook, Family Kitchen, author and food writer, Natasha Corrett, shares her favourite breakfast recipe, best parenting advice and her evening rituals.
My de-stress tool
Working out – Doing a good HIIT workout helps me switch off with some great music
My non-negotiable health habit
Sleep. I really need sleep and find it hard to focus without it.
My favourite recipe to cook right now
My green waffles from family Kitchen cookbook. We all love them at home.
My best parenting advice
This too shall pass. Parenting is relentless and can be exhausting but so rewarding in the same breath. You just need to have something for you. I know it sounds cliche but whether its work or going to the gym or watching your fav program you need to have a little something for you every day!
My workout of choice
HIIT – I love it.
My evening ritual
Rudy is in bed by 7:15 the latest and that is not moveable I need my couple hours in the evening to have supper and get into bed early. I like to give myself a facial a few times a week and watch something to make me laugh on t.v.
My biggest life lesson
Everything is meant for a reason.
Follow Natasha on Instagram here.
Order your copy of Family Kitchen here.