
This week we are super pumped to announce that May’s Guest Editor is the wonderful and inspirational Natasha Corrett (AKA Boss Lady at Honestly Healthy!). With her 4th Book Honestly Healthy In A Hurry launching any moment, we’re kicking things off with her Fitspiration!


We are so exited for your new book Honestly Healthy in a Hurry! Would you tell us a bit about what we can expect?
Over the last couple years I have realized that people find it hard to commit to cooking from scratch every night and wanted to show that doing a ‘prep night’ can be a big game changer to save you time, save you money and reduce your food waste to zero. The recipes are delicious, easy and all can be made from your prep night veg, grains and greens.

There is a very concise table at the front of the book with raw and cooked weights of all ingredients I use in the book which means you can still follow my method of prep night cooking using other peoples recipes as well.

Honestly Healthy in a Hurry is about making life easy for you so you can eat delicious food that is going to make you feel fantastic.


What are your top three favourite recipes from the book?
My gluten free crumpets have to be top of the list as they taste like the real deal and are so simple to make. We have even created them as a baking pack called TastyBase on our website and everyone is already making them!

The cauliflower protein brownies are delicious too, I created them as I had half a cauliflower left over in my fridge and didn’t know what to do with it!

The butternut tagine has the insanely delicious flavours of morocco and if you have pre-roasted veg from your prep night, it only takes 10 minutes to make!


Have you always had a passion for healthy cooking?
I have always had a passion for food and wanting to feel good so the healthy cooking I suppose had to happen! I love cooking and always have… my father from a young age got me cooking in his restaurant and I have loved it ever since!


We often get tummy rumbles mid morning… what breakfast could you recommend for sustained energy until lunch time?
I think it depends on the person. If I train in the morning and have eggs, I don’t feel full so I need some carbs! Porridge with some avocado or nuts is great for me or just a simple protein green smoothie really sets me up for the day.


…And when 4pm slump hits, would kind of snacks are best for pepping us up until dinner?
Definitely things like dips with chickpeas or butter beans or a boiled egg mashed up on some rice cakes or gluten-free bread.


We know you are an advocator of the alkaline diet; what are your favourite alkaline foods and how can we incorporate them in our diets?
Lemon is key! I have it every morning in hot water and I use it a lot in cooking as it’s got such a wonderful flavour and love using the rind as well.

I love avocado like most people – I add it to smoothies and soups to thicken them up, in salalds and even in porridge!


What’s your favourite way to get your sweat on at the moment?
A big HIIT session is always on the cards! Lots of burpees, pushups, sprints and mountain climbers! I follow our Green and Lean workouts about three times a week then do a strength session and one big run.


Do you think exercise is just as important as nutrition?
Yes, exercise is so important for health and wellbeing. When I don’t exercise I find my mood gets really bad and I start feeling quite low and end up in a slump. It takes a lot to pull myself out of it.


What three things have you learnt about being your own boss and running your own business?
Delegate. Get someone to help you look at the bigger picture as it is hard to see where you are going when you are in it. And get a good accountant!


How do you de-stress at the end of a busy day?
Either go to the gym or walk with my dog.


Where do you see Honestly Healthy in five years from now?
We are about to launch our Green Machine tuk tuks, which is healthy on the go food, so I would like to see them at all the tube stations and major train stations in the UK!

Pre-order Natasha Corrett’s 4th book, Honestly Healthy In A Hurry here!