
Nosh detox company was founded in 2008 by Geeta Sidhu-Robb, a former lawyer, whose son’s health struggles, as a baby, saw the making of a successful brand and a successful remedy to the everyday ailments we all face. So often we are all bogged down with work, illness, stress and toxins, leaving us somewhat deflated and uninspired. Nosh detox company have risen to the challenge and have produced two brilliant new products which will change the way you take supplements for good.


Their first new product they are launching is called the Fitamin infusion. This innovative intravenous infusion gives you a boost of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to help support and strengthen the immune system. The cocktail of vitamins and minerals can help keep illnesses at bay (because who has time for a cold?!), as well as maximising your body’s ability to thrive. The Vitamin intravenous infusion is ideal for those who have particularly stressful lifestyles and need to really hit the re-set button and give their bodies and extra dose of TLC.

Find out how to book your session here! There’s an exclusive Hip & Healthy reader offer!


Their next new product is the vitamin B12 booster. We all strive to bounce out of bed with countless amounts of energy and radiate a gorgeous glow, but sometimes we need a little booster to get us on our way. Vitamin B12 deficiency can manifest in many different ways; depression, mood disorders, fatigue, memory failure, anaemia and low blood pressure, being the most common symptoms. So, for any sufferers of these conditions, the new Nosh booster could be the answer you’re looking for to help you on your way to a more vibrant you. Vitamin B12 is also needed to help your body convert the food you eat into energy, as well as helping you maintain healthy skin, hair and nails… this really is beauty in a bottle!

Click here for your exclusive Hip & Healthy offer!

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