Start your day with a smoothie
There really is no better way to start your day than a delicious, homemade smoothie! Not only are they incredibly versatile but they are also filled with so many essential vitamins, minerals and superfoods to keep you feeling satisfied and full of energy. If you need a more substantial breakfast, try adding some nuts like pecans or cashews, or even add some rolled oats to create that perfectly thick, decadent smoothie! Need some inspiration? Check out the Breakfast section in our “Recipe Corner” for plenty of combination ideas. Remember, there are no rules with smoothie making. You can keep it simple or you can go bonkers and add every superfood under the sun. Go for it!
Up the vegetable anti
Feel free to take this tip to the extreme. The more the merrier! Piling your plate with veggies is a sure fire way to a flat tummy and super glowing skin. Try to include a generous portion of vegetables at every meal (yes even your smoothie!) – We love dark leafy greens like spinach, kale and watercress, plus they are super alkalising!
Move your body every day
Whether is a hot yoga session or a HIIT class in the morning, or simply some calming stretching in the evening… moving your body once a day will not only improve your mood but it will also help keep you on track by helping you stay motivated and positive. After all, you want those happy-making endorphins floating around as much as possible!
Bid sugar farewell
We think of sugar as a legal drug. It makes us sad, sick and overweight. And the cruelest thing about sugar is that it is addictive, so once you pop you just can’t stop. It’s best to cut out sugar altogether, as that way, your body starts to get used to living without it and no longer craves it. You will also find that other things such as berries and bananas will start to taste really sweet. Cutting out sugar certainly does not mean that you can’t have sweet treats. We have a range of delicious recipes for yummy things in our Sweet Treat section of our “Recipe Corner”!
Have a couple of vegan days a week
If you’re 100% vegan, that’s totally awesome, but we really understand that being vegan doesn’t work for everyone. What we do advocate though, is trying to introduce a couple of vegan days during the week. It’s a great way to shake up your diet and it will help give your digestion a break too. It may even open your mind to new and exciting ways to cook and eat and there are so many delicious vegan blogs out there! Our faves have to be Deliciously Ella and Naturally Sassy!
Let some new activewear inspire you
Seriously, what’s more exciting than some new, bright and cheerful activewear?! Gone are the days when wearing black or grey was the norm, 2015 is all about embracing patterns and colours. But where can one find such beautiful activewear? You’ve come to the right place – Our online activewear store features brands from all over the world and you’re sure to find something that will enhance your workouts and make you feel confident to push even harder!
words by Molly Jennings