
In the digital age we live in, blogging is the new black. Armed with a WordPress account and a few opinions, anyone can be a ‘blogger’. This can be both a good and a bad thing. It gives anyone a platform to share their thoughts, opinions and advice… but it also gives anyone a platform to share their thoughts, opinions and advice. In order to be successful, you need to have amazing content, a good social media strategy and a likeable tone of voice. So how do you make it as a successful health and wellness blogger?

Be authentic

First of all, you need to ask yourself: why am I blogging? What do I want to say? If you are writing what you think other people will want to read, then stop. You need to write content that is honest, real and true to yourself. Part of being unique is relating your own story, so share your experiences and make them relatable. People like to follow bloggers they feel they can connect with and trust, so if you’re trying to uphold an ideal of what you think a wellness blogger should be, your readers will see right through you. Some of the most successful health and fitness bloggers are so popular because they are real and honest.

Back up your facts

One of the biggest problems with health blogging is the lack of factual evidence used to back up nutritional, health, fitness claims in blog posts. Just because someone has 100k+ followers on Instagram, does not make them an expert in their field! As a general rule, if you’re not a qualified fitness instructor, nutritionist, dietician or scientist, make sure you back up all your health/fitness claims with a link to a relevant piece of up to date research. It’s also good practice to have a disclaimer either on your ‘About Me’ page or at the bottom of each post, stating that the views expressed are your opinions, along with the level of qualification you have. It is really important as a health and wellness blogger to make sure that the advice or guidance you give out is reliable.

Be active on social media

Social media is your biggest tool as a health and wellness blogger. It’s where you’ll find new readers and inspiration, connect with like-minded bloggers and grow your blog’s audience. It’s important to post updates regularly, and not just when you have a new blog post. Your social media channels give readers an insight into you as a person, and so everything you share or comment on should be in keeping with your blog’s tone of voice. Posting regularly also keeps you fresh in the mind of your audience, so they are more likely to want to read your latest blog posts.


Guest posting on other people’s blogs, having other bloggers post on yours and teaming up with brands for giveaways or partnerships are all great ways of expanding the reach of your blog. Each blogger or brand you work with has their own audience on social media, and by working together, you tap into all of those people too. If they like what they read, they are more likely to check out your blog and follow your accounts. Send speculative emails to bloggers and brands you admire explaining what sort of collaboration you’d like to propose. You never know where it might lead you!


One of the best ways to get your blog out there is to connect with other like-minded bloggers. You can do this by engaging on social media (Twitter is great), commenting on other blog posts or by introducing yourself to others at events. Other bloggers will give you advice – most of them will have struggled at some point to get their blog recognised in the blogging-sphere; they know how tough it can be to become a successful blogger. Making meaningful connections can lead to collaborations, guest posting, or even just some friendly support and advice; all of which can be incredibly useful when you’re trying to make it as a successful health and wellness blogger.


If you’re looking to make meaningful connections with other health, fitness and wellness bloggers, check out the HBC event calendar. We host various blogger events throughout the year, and they are a great way of connecting with other bloggers and brands. [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hbcxmeet-bloggers-brands-networking-event-tickets-29815452822]


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Website: www.healthbloggerscommunity.com/