A delicious, hearty breakfast is more important to our health than we think. It’s the fuel to your engine and can have an impact on how you feel for the rest of the day. Because most of us don’t have much time, we at Hip and Healthy have compiled our favourite easy-to-make brekkies that are sure to get your motors going and will suit a range of different breakfast fiends…
FOR TOAST LOVERS: Avocado on toast
As simple as jam and bread, just substitute the jam for an avocado – packed with healthy fats and vitamin E, as well as tons of fibre, about 20 other vitamins and folic acid, avocados have often been dubbed a perfect food. They will also keep your skin healthy and your body fertile. Add a splash of soy sauce and indulge.
CEREAL SCOFFERS: Nutty muesli:
This is super easy; just swap your Shreddies (which are full of sugar) for substantial, organic muesli. Our faves include Rude Health, Dorset Cereal and Waitrose’s own. Your body will instantly thank you for it, and you will not only feel fuller for longer, but you will need less to fill you up. All the nuts and seeds contain lots of lovely healthy fats as well.
PROTEIN PEOPLE: Poached egg on toast:
Muscle men and gym bunnies need a little protein to perk them up in the morning and for them, a poached egg couldn’t be better. They contain six grams of quality protein per egg, which amounts to 12% of your recommended daily allowance, a host of vitamins, including the much talked about vitamin D, and have been linked to good eye health – all this for only 70 calories.
TEA DRINKERS: Fresh mint tea:
If you rely on a cup of tea to revive you each morning – kick the habit now and replace it for a fresh mint tea. Your body will be grateful for the water, and the mint will help aid healthy digestion. This is especially good for those who have trouble sleeping or if you have IBS. Buy a mint plant (or even better, plant one), pop it on your windowsill and just tear off the leaves into the mug – add hot water and voila!
ASIA ADMIRERS: Rice dishes, such as Nasi Goreng:
More of a supper grain for Westerners, rice dishes are regarded as breakfast across much of Asia. Indonesia especially herald Nasi Goreng as the only way to start the day; a rice dish that contains egg, shallots, garlic, tamarind, chili and prawns. However, if this is all a bit much at 7am, then brown rice (cooked or left over from the night before) with a bit of soy sauce, avocado and scrambled egg makes a sterling breakfast option – perhaps try instead of a fry up.