
We ask Simone Thomas, of Simone Thomas Wellness Specialist in preventing and helping with hair loss.

A huge number of people are reporting issues with hair loss, pins and needles, loss of smell after months of having Covid19 as well as low energy levels and poor sleep patterns, these are only some of the most common side effects that Simone Thomas Wellness have seen day to day since this pandemic started.

Covid-19 is an aggressive virus that can damage our bodies from top to toe and it is now emerging that some people have suffered hair loss. The International Association of Trichologists has reported two different types of hair loss attributed to the virus: diffuse hair loss and Alopecia Areata (AA). Scientists are still working to fully understand the way that Covid-19 attacks the body, but they do know that it prompts a strong response from the immune system. As the immune system fights back, the body’s resources are diverted to fighting the virus and protecting the vital organs. As the hair is not vital for the body to function it is a cosmetic feature so when our bodies are under attack or running on empty, it is one of the first things to be impacted in the case of a virus as well as other illnesses. You will find the hair growth cycle is disrupted, sometimes stopping altogether. The result can be sudden hair loss.

Increased stress physically, emotionally, and internally can also cause hair loss and there is no denying that the events of this year have caused much stress and anxiety for many, many people. Telogen Effluvium (TE), a form of hair loss, starts approximately 2-4 months after a triggering traumatic event such as grief, shock or illness. So, the stress of the past year, whether it has been money worries, job issues or feeling lonely from not being able to see friends and family has caused a surge in hair loss issues. 

On average, we shed around 100 hairs every day. Telogen Effluvium sufferers will shed around 300 hairs a day due to an increased amount of hair (around 30%) going into the resting phase and then shedding. Your hair will feel thinner due to the increased amount of shedding, and even though each hair is replaced with new hair, it can take months for it to grow significantly enough to contribute to the overall thickness of your hair. 

Telogen Effluvium hair loss can be triggered by several reasons. There is a 95% chance of complete recovery from Telogen Effluvium hair loss when the triggers are identified, and it rarely lasts longer than six months. Sadly, recently the Simone Thomas Wellness clinic has seen some severe hair loss from COVID-19 – sometimes up to 90% hair loss.

“If the body is supported and balanced and looked after with nutrition, lifestyle, and supplements after such a virus/illness there is no reasons hair should not grow back to how it was, but as none of us know the true long-term effects we are only going from what we know about the body and hair function.” Thomas comments. “For some of us hair loss is for life but for others, it is a temporary issue which can take 12 – 18 months to grow back to how it used to be. Therefore diet, nutrition, lifestyle, and our Simone Thomas Wellness supplements are used when treating those with hair loss issues like Alopecia, Postpartum hair loss, Male and Female Pattern Baldness and Telogen Effluvium.”

Hair growth relies primarily on three things: blood flow, nutrients, and hormones. Your gut is responsible for maintaining and promoting healthy blood flow, supplying essential nutrients, and regulating your hormones. With hair loss you, Simone Thomas explains how you need to treat the inside for the outside to flourish, therefore lifestyle nutrient, diet and supplements are so important. If you are recovering from a virus or an operation or been on medication and experiencing hair issues or skin issues due to this then it is best to make changes and see a specialist and have tests. 

For a more in-depth insight to Covid19 and the effects contact Simone Thomas Wellness here.