These protein-packed, flourless Greenn Banana Pancakes can be made without the collagen, however, the extra hit of amino acids in the morning is ideal for muscle building and hunger control. When bananas are green, they have less sugar content … you decide how green you want to go. Delicious hot or cold!
1 greenish banana
2 eggs
1 tbsp collagen peptides (optional)
1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon Coconut oil or ghee, for frying
Natural yoghurt, fresh berries, chopped nuts and seeds
1. add the banana to a blender with the eggs, collagen (if using) and cinnamon, then combine to create a smooth batter.
2. heat a small amount of coconut oil or ghee in a frying pan, and when the pan is hot, add 3–4 spoons of batter to create 3–4 mini pancakes. Cook for 2–4 minutes until golden in colour before flipping over to cook on the other side.
3. Serve with natural yoghurt, fresh berries, chopped nuts and seeds for extra goodness.
Extracted from Hungry Woman by Pauline Cox (Ebury Press, £27) Photography by Luke Albert