With three thriving businesses under her belt, Grace Beverley is a powerhouse of grit, determination and entrepreneurial spirit. We wanted to learn more about her health habits, her biggest life lesson and how she de-stresses after a busy day at the office.
My non-negotiable health habit
“Drinking lots of water. Then more water.”
My favourite way to keep fit
“Keeping it short and sweet! The further I’ve got into my fitness journey, the less time I actually want to spend at once in the gym, so I go in, smash it out, and leave wanting more! That way I’m ready to go the next day without burning out.”
My de-stress tool
“Exercise is great for this, a quick gym session always makes me feel better, but trashy TV in the evenings or a drink with the girls also does the trick. ”
My motivation to live more sustainably
“Keeping myself accountable for the effect I have on the planet! Everything we do has an effect and it’s so easy to make little tweaks to decrease this impact.”
My evening ritual
“A big hearty dinner is a must, and now I have my dog, Ziggy, we go on a walk and have lots of cuddles which always finishes the day on a good note.”
My entrepreneurial drive
“I just want to be the best I can be and use my platform for good! So by setting up these businesses, I feel I’ve done something that benefits consumers, the planet and challenges industries stuck in their ways.”
My greatest achievement
“My degree is definitely my biggest achievement and the thing I am most proud of. It was such hard work and the fact I did it whilst setting up two businesses makes me so proud of myself. “
My biggest life lesson
“That I can’t do everything! I have had to learn to delegate and relinquish control a little, otherwise I physically would not be able to function, this was a big thing for me but it has definitely been beneficial for my own and the companies’ progress.”