Being born to an Olympian mother and a body building father, do you think you’re interest in health and fitness was influenced/inspired by them?
I was definitely influenced by my parents being so active as well as growing up in Boulder, Colorado. However, I didn’t truly appreciate any of it until many years later when I started doing triathlons and half marathons. I think like most kids growing up, you take a lot of things for granted but I’m lucky though because my family is very healthy, the habits rubbed off on me while I was a child.
How and when did you first get in to modelling?
When I was 15, I went to a local modelling agency as I was always told I should try it. They told me to get some shots and wait until I was 16 so I could drive to jobs. At 16 I started modelling for various magazines in Colorado then at 19 I moved to Los Angeles to pursue it further. It was a great experience and led me to travel for a few years. It was never easy though and it can be both a very brutal industry and also a very rewarding one too.
In 2011 alone, modelling took you to six different countries: Seoul, Bangkok, Athens, London and New York! What are your tricks to staying healthy and happy while travelling?
While I was traveling for modelling I didn’t really eat very healthy and I didn’t do a lot of exercise other than running. It was afterwards that I began to understand what true health was and then I was able to enjoy traveling more! My biggest tip for staying healthy while travelling is packing salads in mason jars as no airplane food can beat homemade! Airport security is okay with food in mason jars, as long as it’s not a smoothie or drowned in dressing. I always recommend drinking lots of water on planes too because they are so dehydrating, which definitely contributes to jet lag.
We LOVE your recipes! Especially your Raw Caramel and Chocolate Bites! Do you have a favourite recipe of yours that you always go back to?
So glad you like them! I love making various recipes and get inspiration by colourful foods (and also the fact that I’m a crazy chocolate addict!). My favourite recipes at the moment are anything with zucchini noodles, sushi rolls either vegan style or using chicken and making raw cheesecake. I’ve perfected the cheesecake and now it’s just about experimenting with various flavours.
What are your favourite ways of getting your sweat on?
I’m a sucker for HIIT (high intensity interval training) because it’s short and really hard but you see results quickly. I used to be in the gym 1-2 hours a day and now I cringe at the thought of being there that long! Like most people I don’t love cardio, which is why HIIT is great. I am a huge fan of yoga to help keep me calm, mentally and running is my therapy!
You created your own 5 Day Detox Plan, what makes yours different from other plans out there?
Mine focuses on eating clean, earth based ingredients for 5 days instead of starvation or juice-only cleanses. I want to teach people how to change their lifestyle, not just look at this as a quick fix diet (where you then gain the weight back).
How can detox-ers expect to feel throughout the five days?
It’s different for different people. Some people feel a bit lack lustre, which is totally normal and others will feel more energised. Day 3 is always the toughest, but by day 4 you should be feeling great. Headaches are very normal too, as well as feeling a bit weak or tired.
What kind of mind-set should people have when going in to a detox?
I always tell people not to look at it like a diet or for weight loss purposes. This typically makes people stress, which causes the digestion system to shut down and you won’t digest food or see benefits of the detox. I suggest people to look at it like you will have more energy, feel lighter, sleep easier and have a more positive outlook on life. When you think of it this way, you are more likely to fight the cravings or negative aspects of ‘detoxing.’
When you’re having a not so good day (we all have them!) what’s your go to quote or mantra that keeps you feeling positive?
I always try to remind myself that it’s just one day and tomorrow is a brand new one. When I have a bad day, it’s typically because I haven’t slept enough or I’m not eating very well. Some of my favourite mantras are:
‘You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice.’
‘Happiness is not determined by what’s happening around you, but rather what’s happening inside you.’
What’s your favourite breakfast of the moment?
I’ve really been going through a savoury phase and I am loving eggs with some chopped organic turkey breast, broccoli, spinach, avocado and cilantro. I cook it all in one pan and top with some turmeric (anti-inflammatory aid), cayenne pepper (boosts metabolism and burns fat) and a dash of Himalayan sea salt and pepper.
Do you have any beauty essentials that you never travel without?
Sunscreen! I’ve gone through many years without wearing it and now that I’m nearing my 30’s I’m realizing just how important it is. I’d rather do prevention then get a face lift! I cannot leave without my Inika mineral foundation, as well as my Nars blush and Nars nude lipstick. Those are my go- to items. I don’t care if I never brush my hair or wear mascara as long as I have a bit of cover up and nude lipstick!
In your lifetime, who has inspired you the most?
Of course, my parents inspired me as they are both from London and moved (separately) to the US where they met each other. They both are very into fitness which I love. I have always been inspired by Miranda Kerr as she has such a great outlook on life. I don’t really look to any one person, I get small things from different people that inspire me whether it’s an account on Instagram, a celebrity or someone I know personally.
Check out her awesome blog, Stay Sharp Be Strong or find out more about her 5 Day Detox here!