

We’ve heard the buzz surrounding the bottom-burning benefits of Barrecore, but what exactly does it involve? Barrecore exercises work the body in a way that forces the insulin uptake into cells so you are able to burn fat more efficiently than just calorie burning. Poor insulin uptake tends to show in the waist line but barrecore is known for creating perky and toned bums which is believed to stem from better estrogen metabolism. We create these whittled waists and pert bottoms by performing high repetition, isometric contractions across the whole body. When insulin is under control all other hormones work more efficiently as well. This hormonal process doesn’t just last during the time that you are in class but works over the following 4 days. There is also the theory that during these 4 days post workout you actually create more energy producing, fat melting mitochondria in your cells. Added bonus, when you do at least 2-3 workouts a week you are keeping this process going creating unbelievably fast results

What was your inspiration behind your move to the UK and founding Barrecore? That’s easy. Love brought me to the UK. I met my husband in London when I was here for work and it wasn’t long before we decided to get married and I moved over. Shortly after arriving in 2009, I created a class called ‘barrecore’ for some of my private clients. The response was overwhelming. One class a week turned into ten without even advertising in what seemed like no time at all. It became apparent that I needed a larger studio so we opened the Chelsea studio in 2011.

Why should we add Barrecore to our workout regime? It’s a different way of working the body and mind than most other workouts. I have yet to find anything as results-oriented and stress-reducing as barrecore. It is time efficient as classes are only an hour and you only need to do classes 2-4 times a week to see visible results. The next day you might feel it, but not overly, so you can energetically move through your day. You also get an amazing endorphin high that sets your mood to ‘positive’ for the rest of the day!

What would be your advice to those new to barre fitness? Don’t stress at being new to class! So many new clients are so nervous, but afterwards they realise that all the worry was not necessary. There will be all levels of fitness in your class but the moment you start in the first exercise everyone is just so focused on what they are doing there is no time to judge anyone else. All of the instructors are incredibly knowledgeable and friendly and will be giving you hands on correction and encouragement along the way. Because you use your own body weight as resistance, you can easily rest and jump back into the exercises when you are ready. You will be pushed and challenged but you will have many successes along the way. Most of all have fun and learn to feel great in your body!

When you’re not plié-ing in the Barrecore studio, how else do you like to work out? I love to take a strong yoga class or go for a mind-clearing run in one of London’s gorgeous parks.

Which three items or products would you consider to be your workout essentials? My lululemon Luon leggings (any colour!), a hair tie and barrecore sticky socks, of course!

How important do you consider diet to be in achieving a fit and healthy body? I think what you consume is 80% of the equation and exercise is 20% at most. Some people are lucky and don’t have to (at least not yet) think about what they put in their bodies but most do. If you can combine a healthy, clean eating programme with your workout then you will see the results you desire in a very short amount of time. If you happen to have hormone- related issues, it might take you a bit longer and you might need some assistance with supplementation or a nutritional therapist to bring your body back to balance but, with consistency, you will benefit.

What is your go-to breakfast to fuel you for a busy day? I always start my day with fat and a little protein. This usually consists of wild salmon with MCT or coconut oil and handful of nuts or a couple slices of pasturised uncured bacon and an avocado blended with cashews, coconut cream & matcha. My days are extremely busy so I need to be using fat for fuel in order to keep my blood sugar levels balanced and avoid getting hungry until the late afternoon and a predominately fat-filled breakfast is the way I do this (good fats).

Where is your favourite place to eat out in London? I just love Ceviche in Soho. It’s very easy to eat grain-free. Look out though…their pisco sours pack a big punch!

Give us an insight into a typical day in your life. Each day is extremely varied and busy and most of the time it really doesn’t feel like work because I am around such fun and inspiring people all day. I usually wake up between 5:30-6 and meditate for 10-20 minutes, make tea and answer emails until I need to teach at one of the studios or head to my first meeting. My meetings are either catching up with one of the studio managers or lead instructors, meeting a potential new partner in this wonderful wellness industry or I might be taking a new instructor test out class. It’s often that I will be at a couple studios in one day catching up with clients and the team but a couple days a week I try and work out of our head office in Chiswick or from home. I try to make sure I am home and have my computer shut by 8pm.

What is your favourite way to unwind after a stressful day? It might sound peculiar but I actually find chopping vegetables to be extremely relaxing. I can’t sit down the moment I walk in the door and if I do I usually end up back on emails, so prepping dinner or snacks for the next day seem to be my favourite de-stressor.

Where do you draw motivation from in your daily life to keep achieving your goals? The people I am surrounded with each day keep me going. The entire barrecore team, clients and other incredibly inspiring people in the community make all of the effort worth it. It’s also a huge boost each time I hear how pumped someone is when they see positive change in their body!

Name three beauty products you always have to hand. Exuviance Age Reverse Foaming Cleanser – it’s the best cleanser I’ve ever used. Oxygenetix Foundation (it’s still good for your skin even when you are sweating and it stays put!) and Liz Earl bronzing powder, just to add a bit of colour and glow.

Do you have any advice for busy ladies wanting to live a fit and healthy lifestyle? Buy a slow cooker and use it. You can make you and your family amazingly nutritious meals without effort and bad ingredients by throwing in a whole chicken before you go to workout and on with your day and come back home to dinner nearly complete. Just throw together a quick salad and voila! Or, if you don’t want a slow cooker, learn to be a better delegator. Better yet do both!