At just 23 years old, Australian personal trainer Kayla Itsines has become a squatting sensation. With over 3.5 million instagram followers, and a dedicated army of fans known as #kaylas army, this fitness guru is taking over the workout world one box jump at a time. An alternative to slogging in the gym; her revolutionary 28 minute fuss-free workouts as part of her Bikini Body Guides have helped females worldwide to not only transform their bodies in 12 weeks or less, but to learn to love the skin they’re in. Through dedication, patience and confidence, she insists you really can achieve the body of your dreams.
Recently completing a whirlwind world tour, the beauty brought her bikini body bible to life, inviting thousands of women to join her bootcamp sessions at venues in different cities across the globe. We caught up with Kayla in London, to find out more about a day in the life of one of our favourite Fitspirations!
You are such a role model for thousands of women all over the world, how does that feel?
It feels amazing! I had no idea that I would be ever be in this position, but I feel honored and blessed to have the opportunity to educate and motivate women from all across the world. I have loved watching BBG girls become role models to each other because they are all REAL women with REAL stories achieving REAL results. I am truly blessed to be part of such a supportive and inspirational community of women. I have, and always will be 100% honest with my followers. My social media accounts, blog and website are platforms women can always visit and know that the advice I’m giving is genuine and true.
What do you do to relax and have down time to focus on yourself?
I cannot emphasis how important it is to listen to your body, particularly when you are unwell or feeling run down. To relax and rest, I run a hot bath with muscle relaxing salts or sometimes get a massage to reduce tension in my muscles. I also try and go to bed a little earlier. Having said that, when it comes to taking a break from exercise, it is important to remember the difference between needing to rest and saying that you “can’t be bothered”!
What is your daily routine?
My daily routine is not that different to anyone else. I run my bootcamp session twice a day, and then take Ace and TJ (my two Siberian Huskies) for a walk. I then fit my 28-minute resistance training session whenever I have spare time throughout the day. Depending on my commitments, this may be early in the day, midday or at night. As my training method only takes up 2% of my day, it is very easy for me to fit it into my busy schedule. When it comes to training, I personally believe that less is more. Overtraining can put your body under lots of stress, which potentially makes it more difficult to achieve the results you aspire for. Girls should know that they don’t need to spend hours in the gym every day. Listen to your body and remain active with a realistic routine that you can maintain long term.
What do you eat on a cheat day?
I don’t have a ‘cheat’ day, I stand by and encourage a wholesome diet incorporating foods from all 5 food groups as shown in my H.E.L.P also known as my Healthy Eating Lifestyle Plan. Eating many different foods from all these food groups, plus the occasional treat, helps maintain a healthy, well balanced diet, providing your body with adequate nutrition. I believe the reason your body craves certain foods is because you are not giving your body the nutrients and fuel it needed to begin with. Listen to your bodies natural appetite signals and if you feel like something sweet, don’t deprive yourself of it, enjoy portion controlled quantities and when you eat it, sit down and thoroughly enjoy it.
How do you bounce back after a bad day and what advice would you give to those who have fallen off the bandwagon and can’t seem to motivate themselves to pick themselves up?
Don’t think of it as a “bad” day and remember you’re not the only one – it can happen to everyone! Living a healthy balanced life isnt about being on a ‘diet’ or taking a ‘quick fix’, it’s about being active, healthy and realistic. A realistic healthy lifestyle doesn’t have an end date, so its completely normal to have a day where you indulge a little. All women deserve to feel confident and fit all year around – not just for a special occasion or a month or two over summer. Feeling fit and healthy is a lifestyle choice, so it is important to establish a routine that works for YOU and one that you can maintain all 12 months of the year. A tip would be to remind yourself why you have started, take progress photos and remember that you are doing this to be a healthier version of YOU.
What are your favourite beauty essentials?
I don’t really have a long list of beauty essentials but my personal favourite would be Cetaphil Skin Cleanser followed by Olay Complete Defence Daily UV moisturising lotion.
We are nut butter crazy in England, what is your nut butter of choice?
I love using nut butters when cooking or as an addition to a snack during the day, as they boost the nutrient content of my meals. My favourite would have to be almond butter as it is packed with healthy fats, good protein and dietary fibre.
I absolutely fell in love with Melbourne when I lived there, the lifestyle and the great energy are infectious – which is your favourite City you have toured so far and why?
I couldn’t pick a favourite! The last 12 months have included so many exciting moments during both my Australian Tour and World Tour. I will never forget walking on stage at Basketball City in New York City in front of 4,000 girls. I was completely blown away that so many girls had travelled from all over New York and the USA to come and train with me! It was a very overwhelming experience and I feel extremely lucky to be able to not only train, but meet all these beautiful girls in person.
What’s your next step career wise?
I have just translated my Bikini Body Guide to German and there are multiple languages to come during the next few months. So this is a really exciting time for me! Also my online store is becoming bigger with some new products coming soon! Keep an eye on for all the exciting things to come.
Three words to live by…
Consistency. Dedication. Confidence
Visit Kaylas website here.
Follow Kayla: @kayla_itsines
Words by Georgia Barnett
FITSPO: Deliciously Ella | FITSPO: Madeleine Shaw