Tell us about your journey to starting BOOM Cycle?
When I first moved to London from NYC in 2004 I desperately wanted to find some great indoor cycling classes offered conveniently and I thought – If I want this so badly, others must too!
What makes BOOM Cycle different from other Spinning and indoor cycling classes?
BIKE. Beats. BOOM!. We have structured our class format like a DJ set- designed to build you up and be totally immersive and we have massive night-club quality sound systems.
What fuels your passion for working in the fitness industry?
Seeing people accomplish their goals and find their strength. I also love BOOM Cycling so it’s great to be able to do what I love!
What makes indoor cycling such an effective workout?
BOOM Cycling is such and effective workout because it is an interval-based program made easy to follow because of the music and delivery of instruction. It’s also extremely fun and addictive which makes it easier to come back.
When you’re not BOOM Cycle-ing, what are your favourite ways to workout?
I love a good run to clear my mind and I love Reformer Pilates.
Who do you consider to be your role model in the health and fitness world?
I don’t have a role model per say, but I have so much respect for so many people in this fabulous industry.
What are your favourite ways to relax and unwind after a busy week?
I’m not gonna lie – I do like a gin martini! I also love watching 1 hour drama series all hugged-up in bed with my boyfriend for hours.
As a model, and now a busy businesswoman and trainer, how important is nutrition in your daily life?
Nutrition is important, but I don’t let it run my life. I eat clean most of the time so whenever I want to have something naughty it doesn’t matter. I do still model from time to time as well, but I’ve always worked my nutrition like I do now.
Name three health foods you couldn’t live without.
Blueberries, sweet potatoes, matcha
At Hip and Healthy we aim to inspire our readers to be the best versions of themselves – how do you stay motivated to be the best version of yourself?
I have always found life in general is easier if you just accept that you need to put your best foot forward every step of the way. I learned that as a young adult and have just made it ‘the way things are’.
Where is your dream travel destination?
Funnily enough, I have never had a sunny beach vacation with my boyfriend despite our many travels together, so I would say a luxury hotel in the Caribbean for a minimum of 2 weeks.
What do you consider your top beauty essentials for fitness fiends?
Water proof mascara – I use Maybelline great lash, REN Rose O2 serum to combat skin dehydration, Philip Kingsly Daily Defence
Do you have a favourite quote or mantra that you live by?
No Regrets. The time is now so do not regret you had not done more. Take this time that you have and use it well.
Tell us about your workout wardrobe style? Which are your favourite pieces from our active-wear store?
Lexie Sport printed leggings – all prints all colours – genius… Or the Lija – long sleeve run top and run shorts – just so cute.
Book your next BOOM cycle class here!