
Fitness Phrases: We decode the fitness jargon


We decode the fitness jargon so that you can go into 2013 hip, healthy and informed.

Aerobic: This translates literally as “with oxygen.” Aerobic exercise is the body’s process of producing energy with oxygen in the bloodstream. Byproducts are carbon dioxide and water (breathing and perspiration). Aerobic exercise is great for burning fat and strengthening your heart and lungs.

Anaerobic: “Without oxygen.” In anaerobic exercise, energy is produced without oxygen, usually because the exercise intensity is such that the heart and lungs can’t get enough oxygen to the muscles. Anaerobic exercise creates lactic acid, which causes a burning sensation in the muscles.

Body Mass Index (BMI): Your BMI number reflects your percentage of body fat in proportion to lean body mass by taking into account your height and your weight.

Catabolism: The destructive process that breaks down muscle tissue once the energy in your body has been exhausted. This starts to happen after around 45 minutes of intense exercise.

DOMS: Stands for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.  It usually occurs 12-72 hours after new or strenuous exercise you feel it in the form of stiffness, tenderness, and dull aching pain.

Glycogen: The form carbohydrates take when stored in the muscles.

Interval Training: Consists of a short bursts of fast exercise alternated with a slower and easier level of fitness activity.

Lactic Acid (Lactate): A byproduct of anaerobic (or high-intensity) exercise that collects in the muscles and causes soreness, stiffness and fatigue.

TRX: A suspension training system that is made up of two pieces of nylon webbing, each attached to a handle. It originated from the US Navy Seals.

VO2 max: The largest volume of oxygen your body can take in and assimilate. This figure is very high in trained endurance athletes.