From Vitamin D season to your classic multivitamin, we spend £1.4 billion as a nation on supplements. But are you overdoing it? According to leading nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert, the side effects of the supplement boom can be problematic.
For anyone who thought it was harmless to overdose on supplements, think again…
Some vitamins are water-soluble, such as vitamin C and the B vitamins, which means they are excreted through urine if not needed, which is why you might see bright yellow urine after taking certain vitamin tablets.
Others are fat-soluble, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, which the body can’t get rid of.
They don’t leave the body and toxicity can build up over time— leading to a possible overdose, and in extreme cases, a visit to A&E.
While Vitamin C has many benefits, including keeping the immune system well, most people don’t need to supplement if they’re eating a decent amount of fruit & vegetables.
This is why Rhiannon always advocates a ‘food first’ approach.
While overdosing on Vitamin C is rare, it can still cause nausea, diarrhoea and stomach cramps.
Unless you are deficient in a certain nutrient, it’s pointless taking a supplement because the body will only take what it needs.
Many people opt for multivitamin tablets, which can be counterproductive because the vitamins and minerals compete and it’s too much for the body to use in one go.
It can really disrupt your digestive system, and Rhiannon often sees clients who are struggling with stomach cramps and think they have IBS— but once they stop taking their multivitamins, often the problem goes away.
There are specific circumstances and individual differences that can affect someone’s vitamin requirements, for example, if you’re pregnant, elderly, or have been advised by your doctor.
In many parts of the world, it’s recommended to take a Vitamin D supplement, especially in the winter months when there’s less sunlight.
You’re never really going to get enough vitamin D from your diet, especially in the UK, which is why people should be supplementing 10 micrograms a day all year round.
The only real way to know if you’re deficient in a certain nutrient is to see your doctor and have a blood test.

“After giving birth at the height of covid in April 2020, I cleared my house of all products I was unhappy with. In my search for vitamins to support my family and clients, it became clearer than ever before that the vitamin industry was full of pseudoscience, half-truths, and excess ingredients. I couldn’t find a brand I trusted, so I decided to build my own, Rhitrition+ was born.
Even health professionals can become confused by the sheer volume of questionable, unregulated products offering nutrients in quantities well beyond the recommended daily requirement, there is little hope for the ordinary consumer. Rhitrition+’s innovative approach uses evidence-based formulas to produce supplements for the vitamins and minerals lacking in many diets. I’m really proud to offer the full suite of food supplements, in the optimal doses prescribed by Public Health England and the NHS.
Rhitrition+ prefers to rely on scientific methods – cold, hard facts. Strange as it may seem, it’s all about a food-first approach. No supplement, however effective, can replace a healthy lifestyle; whole foods, exercise, and sleep are all vital. So get as many nutrients as you can from a healthy diet, then supplement the ones you can’t. A healthy, balanced diet should provide all the nutrients your body needs but, sometimes, for all sorts of reasons, it falls short. Rhitrition+ provides what your body needs, you’ll get the right doses, and they’re transparent and traceable so you can use them with complete confidence.
We’re proud to say that Rhitrition+ uses vegan formulas and is manufactured in the UK using the highest quality, bioavailable nutrient forms. These include vitamin D3 from British algae, iron from ferrous bis-glycinate, and folic acid, which is essential for foetal development. All Rhitrition+ supplements are 100% vegan, cruelty-free, never tested on animals, and use recycled packaging.”
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