Once only reserved for high-flyers and A-list celebs (we hear Chrissy Tiegan is a fan), IV drips designed for boosting one’s wellbeing, are now available to the masses thanks to wellness newcomer, Get A Drip. With a new Canary Wharf location and a holistic treatment menu designed to truly optimise your health, you can sit back and relax while your body reaps all the benefits!
This isn’t just some whacky wellness trend… Get A Drip is on a mission to educate people on the incredible health benefits of taking your vitamins via IV and that it can actually be an affordable addition to your arsenal of health habits. Did you know by administering essential vitamins directly into your system using IV drips the body is able to absorb 100% of the nutrients compared to as little as 10% absorption from oral supplements? Maybe it’s time to rethink your overcrowded stash of supplements gathering dust in your cupboard.
With an exciting expansion in London’s business mecca, their location in Canary Wharf is open now in Jubilee Place, is the first clinic of its kind in the mall. It marks another milestone in the company’s mission to normalise the therapy as an extension of everyday personal health care. Richard Chambers, the founder of Get A Drip, said:
“Opening a clinic in Canary Wharf is a major breakthrough in our mission to bring accessible and affordable IV vitamin drips to the masses. Typically, the drips have only been available to celebrities and the super-wealthy – our aim is to overcome that. We believe that everyone should have access to affordable wellness solutions, without losing the quality of product and service.”
By bypassing the gut and going “straight to the source” via the bloodstream, your body is given the most optimum chance of absorbing all the nutrients in your chosen concoction. From boosting immunity (hello we all need that right now), increasing energy and even helping with anti-ageing, Get A Drip offers an incredibly efficient, fast-acting way of maintaining your wellbeing. Their totally customizable menu enables you to add boosters on top of your IV. From shots of B12 for a little energy pick-me-up to Vitamin D to get you through these dark wWinter days, we think IV drips are revolutionising the wellness industry and Get A drip are paving the way.
Get A Drip Canary Wharf, now open in Jubilee Place. For more information, visit getadrip.co.uk