
Caring for plants is not only a soothing hobby, it’s one that can make us feel miles away from our busy, work-from-home lives of Zoom calls and Team meetups. Adding some greenery to your home is a great way to boost energy levels – and some clever consumers are now going further by adding amplifying crystals in too.

Combining plants and crystals has become something of a trend recently, as people look for ways to re-energise their spaces following a frankly depressing year. Both plants and crystals are organic elements that bring energy into the home – though they both do it in different ways. Plants bring their energy out of the earth, whilst crystals vibrate and self-generate; together this sustainable partnership is not only a great way to boost plant growth, but it’s a sure-fire means of tackling common ailments – stress, anxiety, sleep-deprivation – and bringing some positive energy into your life.

Below Nathan of Pointless Plants shares the best crystal and plant combinations to tackle common woes:

Combine quartz crystal with aloe vera 
Quartz crystal is a versatile energy amplifier. Whatever the mood of the room or space is, quartz will take that and push it back out. So take advantage of this by combining with a plant with healing properties – something like aloe vera, which has medicinal properties, purifies the air around it and has been used in healing rituals throughout history – as the quartz will amplify this energy and spread the aloe vera’s healing throughout the home.

Combine orchids with rose quartz
Orchids are beautiful flowers associated with fertility and virility, so combine them with the circulation-boosting properties of rose quartz to bolster any flagging passion in your home. Rose quartz is also known for bringing unconditional love and strength in relationships, which is the perfect kind of energy to add into the mix if you and your partner are getting a bit moody with each other after months of lockdown.

Combine green calcite and succulents 
If you want to bring a bit of balance to your world, try combining a green calcite crystal with a succulent like an echeveria or sempervivum. Both succulents and green calcite are used to cleanse chakras, so combining the two is a great way to help you feel more relaxed and encourage you to stress less and go with the flow. Green calcite brings emotional clarity, and can encourage you to declutter too – perfect if you need a bit of nudge to organise your home!

Combine string of pearls with amethyst
The great thing about string of pearls plants is that they’re very expressive – it’s easy to know at a glance when your plant needs water. This provides a sense of soothing clarity and control which helps counteract any stresses and anxieties you may be suffering with. So combine with an amethyst geode crystal: these are known for their overwhelming ability to calm and help relieve anxiety. For best results, keep crystals and plants close – you can even consider putting the crystal within its soil.

Combine ocean jasper and bamboo 
Bamboo and feng shui go hand in hand, with bamboo bringing wealth, prosperity and happiness to any home. Use an ocean jasper crystal to heighten these feelings. Ocean jaspers, which are only found in Madagascar, are made of opposing sides with opposing forces – fiery and cooler – which taken together, allows you to stop, take stock and focus on yourself for a bit. This combines with the positivity of the bamboo to give you a bit of an excuse to focus on your own happiness.

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