
Do you suffer from uncomfortable bloating? We’ve listed below three ways to beat bloating so it’s one less thing you have to worry about during bikini season!

Buy – The Beauty Chef “Cleanse”
The Beauty Chef’s Cleanse Inner Beauty Powder is a comprehensive super-greens supplement designed to help detox and purify your body on the inside, promoting smoother, clearer skin on the outside.

Whether taken as a daily boost of cleansing greens or used as part of the beauty chef’s 14-day intensive cleanse plan – to help your body realign either during or after times of excess – the alkalising blend features 45 certified organic and bio-fermented fruits, vegetables, seeds, roots, algae, grasses, plant fibre, purifying herbs and digestive enzymes.

Power ingredients like chickpeas, adzuki beans, mung beans, lentils and organically sprouted pea powder provide fibre to aid the elimination process and help remove toxins from the body. additionally, broccoli, beetroot, kale, rosemary, St Mary’s Thistle, dandelion, spinach, nettle, lemon, collard greens and a unique phyto-greens blend including spirulina and barley grass work to support the liver’s second phase of detoxification, while a super-blast of digestive enzymes balances gut health.

The result is a broad-spectrum, natural probiotic that supports the cleansing of your liver and internal organs to promote healthy, radiant skin. Shop Hipandhealthy.com

DIY – Bone Broth
Leaky gut sufferers pay close attention… Bone broth could be your gut saviour! Bone broth is an amazing natural gut protector and healer due to it containing glutamine, an incredibly reparative protein. It will help strengthen your immune system (which is often impaired when your gut isn’t functioning properly) and should help inflammation in the intestinal tract. We’ve written a more in-depth article on the benefits of bone broth and how to make it here!

Try – Fermented Foods
Fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha are really helpful for maintaining good gut health. Fermented foods go through a process of lacto-fermentation where natural bacteria feed on the starches and sugars in food. The process of fermenting food creates an abundance of beneficial enzymes and multiple strains of probiotics, all incredibly important for our gut health. So if you’re struggling to beat bloating or suffer from IBS, troublesome skin and fatigue, it’s time to fill your plate with fermented foods!

words by Molly Jennings