Cheryl Thallon started her career in the natural products industry in 1983 when aged 21, she took her first job working in a health food store. As a vegetarian and activist she was a fierce campaigner for CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament), the women’s movement and animal rights. After training in publishing, she became Editor of Natural Food Trader and Health Today magazines where she travelled the world reporting on trends in the natural product sector. Head-hunted by an American vitamin company, she worked as marketing director for 8 years until the company was sold to a pharmaceutical giant. It was then she founded Viridian Nutrition in 1999, based on the three fundamental principles of Purity, Environment & Charity.
Given my left-of-centre leanings, I’m shocked to find I have simpatico with Margaret Thatcher in my sleeping habits, needing just five or so hours a night. So I tend to be up and about by 5.30 – 6am. I plan my day, manage our Facebook pages, wash up, load the washing machine and feed the dogs. Honey and Eddie are rescue mutts, much adored by us, friends, family and the neighbourhood.
Breakfast is my favourite meal. I have a slight tendency to obsession and will go for a month eating exactly the same breakfast every day – at the moment it is organic poached egg on seeded toast. Then I won’t be able to look at, let alone eat it, for a few months while I obsess on some other breakfast dish.
Two capsules of Viridian Multi PhytoNutrient Complex, ensures that I have everything I need to keep me perky all day. I am such a naturally up-beat person, I never need stimulants to keep me revved up. I have never even tasted tea or coffee, so this isn’t part of my routine. I love water, pure and simple, and drink around 2 to 3 litres each day.
My beauty routine is pretty minimalist too, as I don’t wear make-up. I guess I must have skipped that class at school! I love raw organic coconut oil, and use it as an all-over cleanser/moisturiser, including my face and even my hair. Once a month I cover my hair and scalp in the oil and leave it over overnight. Then I just wash as usual in the morning. It is very restorative.
By 7am, the rest of the household is rising. Holly is 16 and is organised and dedicated. She wants to be an architect and knows how hard she will need to study to succeed. Holly loves the Ultimate Beauty Oil, keeping her skin and hair in great condition, despite the hair straighteners! She adds a tablespoon to a smoothie every morning. As well as for beauty, essential fatty acids are also crucial in learning.
My husband, Shaun, and I walk the dogs together before work. Our local country park has a large lake at the centre and it is a three-mile walk all the way round, giving us plenty of time to chat. Viridian is a family business and Shaun is very much involved. He is responsible for the internet, purchasing and supplier relationships. Like all good businesses, Viridian is very much a team, and so we have experts in all area to ensure our high standards in purity, environmental procedures, community support, quality control and customer service are maintained and enhanced.
My role is simply to keep the vision of the company as strong as it was when we started. My favourite job is to write the cheques to the charities we support. The Viridian Nutrition Charity Donation Programme has donated more than £125,000 thus far to children’s and environmental charities. Our health store stockists vote each year to decide which charities benefit each year, but usually include Friends of the Earth, NSPCC and lots of smaller charities.
Unless I am travelling to visit customers, growers or suppliers, I will be home by 4pm to spend the early evening with the family. Once the house begins to slumber, I will use the evening to write articles, or simply have an enjoyable read, with Honey or Eddie curled up on my feet, dreaming.