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This seasons hottest workout wear, that you can buy right now:

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HPE Ultimate Vest, Back View

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HPE Racer with HPE Sports Bra just seen

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Lole Savasana Top with HPE Leggings

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Lole Savasana Top

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Lole Essential Cardigan and Lole Motion Leggings

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Lole Essential Jacket and Splits59 Razor Tank

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Drive Tank and Ginger Racer Leggings and Danika Viper Tank and Racquel Leggings, all Splits59

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Drive Tank and Ginger Racer Leggings and Danika Viper Tank and Racquel Leggings, all Splits59

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Danika Viper Tank, Splits59

splits59 Molly

Drive Tank and Ginger Racer Leggings, Splits 59


Lole Lozere Tank Top and HPE Leggings and Lole Essential Cardigan and Motion Leggings

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Lole Lozere Tank Top and HPE Leggings

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Sabrina Razor, Splits59 and Lole Motion Leggings

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Pepper and Mayne Graduated Stripe Body and Rehearsal Pant

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HPE Sports Bra

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Pepper and Mayne Silver Logo Sweat and High-Waisted Rehearsal Pant with Bag

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Pepper and Mayne Bag

Photographer: Lee Osborne

Make Up: Olivia Newman-Young

Shoot Production: Hip & Healthy Limited

Coconut Granola

recipe by Saskia Gregson-Williams

Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day, it’s also my favourite! Breakfast quite literally means to break the fast, and I like to do this in superfood style. My staple breakfasts changes weekly, from smoothie bowls to slices of toast with superfood toppings. I also enjoys freshly made green juices and smoothies to take on the go… But with little time, sometimes you just want to be able to pour something out of the packet and munch away, not even a hint of fuss included. This is where my granola comes in, not only is it superbly delicious and moorish it contains wonderful health promoting and energy boosting ingredients. It’s incredibly simple to make, and lasts forever.

This granola is made from oats, which are a low GI carbohydrate, giving you longer lasting energy, and preventing blood sugar spikes, which keeps you fuller for longer. We then add coconut pieces, which are not only delicious but also contain wonderful fats, and are packed with immune boosting antioxidants.

In fact, so in love with coconuts am I that I also use it as the oil base. Coconut oil has been named one of the healthiest foods in the world, many shy away from it as it is fairly high in fats, but they are the fats your body readily requires to work at its optimum. Unlike other cooking oils it can in fact help to lower cholesterol, improve digestion and boost the immune system. In this recipe we use it to hold the granola together, and enhance that wonderful coconut flavour.

The recipe makes 4-6 servings and can be easily doubled, to last ages!

Let us know how you get on and tag your pictures to #hipandhealthy on Instagram and Twitter!


Coconut Granola Recipe:

1/2 cup cashews

1/2 cup almonds

1/2 cup blanched hazelnuts/pecans

1/4 cup pumpkin seeds

2 tbsp chia seeds

2 cups gluten free oats

1.5 cup flaked coconut pieces

2 medjool dates, chopped

Wet Ingredients:

1/4 cup melted coconut oil

2-3 tablespoons agave syrup*

2 tsp cinnamon

* Note: you can substitute the agave syrup, for 4 medjool dates and 1/2 a cup of water. This is added to the coconut oil once melted and blended in a high speed blender until smooth.


Preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius. Start by preparing the ingredients: coarsely chop/ pulse in a blender the almonds, cashews & hazelnuts and medjool dates. Add to a mixing bowl with the oats, coconut pieces and pumpkin seeds. Place the coconut oil in a small sauce pan over medium heat. Once melted add the agave syrup and cinnamon. Add to the dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly until everything is well coated. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and bake for 15-20 minutes. This granola is best served with your choice of freshly made almond milk, coconut yoghurt, mixed berries and banana slices.

How To Fuel Your Fitness

Fitness fanatic and founder of, Francesca, shares her fitness fuel…

Protein Powder
At I am a firm believer of food that comes in its simplest of forms, unadulterated by man. Unfortunately, we all know that it can become somewhat difficult to eat healthy when the constraints of our everyday lives get in the way. That is why my first must have fuel food is protein powder. I use Maximuscle and Maxitone range; designed not just for some of the nation’s best athletes, but busy girls and guys that strive for a balanced diet. I rarely use protein powder with just water, but in my baking instead. Many girls shy away from protein powder but protein is an essential fuel for the day to day functioning of your body. It not only helps repair muscle, but is the main nutrient that keeps our hair, nails and skin glossy. Collage is even a protein and we all know about its anti-aging properties!

Chia Seeds
Often referred to as “Indian runners fuel”, Chia Seeds are a phenomenal superfood, especially when you consider their nutritional density compared to the fact that one chia seed is little bigger than a few grains of sand!

Here a few of the many benefits chia seeds area said to have:

2 times the protein of any other seed or grain
5 times the calcium of milk
2 times the amount of potassium of bananas
3 times more iron than spinach

I love them for a guilt free dessert – soaked in a coconut milk, with vanilla and honey. (For a recipe click here).

I am slightly obsessed with Maca powder. I use the Peruvian root powder (which I often refer to as “natures cocaine” for its energy inducing properties!), every day. I sneak two tablespoons either into my protein shake or my baking. I often use Maca in my love bites recipe for an extra boost of energy and stamina eaten just before training. It is also a natural libido lifter so what’s not to love?! I use Organic Bursts Maca for its superior quality.

Lucy Bee Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil is without a doubt my number one used product in the kitchen. Bursting full of healthy fats, I use coconut oil to cook, roast, fry, in green smoothies and my morning caffeine fix. What is more, Lucy Bee is organic, extra virgin coconut oil, that is also fair trade. I happily use it in my bathroom too – for deep conditioning treatments for my hair, skin, hands and feet! And, if the maca has got you in the mood, it’s natures best lubricant!

It is not easy to always be in the kitchen, creating some sort of gourmet masterpiece! Let’s be honest – who has the time, all the time?! Furthermore, there are so many health foods to choose from, it can be incredibly overwhelming – and expensive! Eggs are cheap, versatile and nutrient dense – full of high quality protein, minerals and every B vitamin. What’s more, eggs are brilliantly versatile. I endorse a #thinkoutsidethecerealbox approach to breakfast and these are my perfect solution!

Follow Francesca on Twitter @FitnessKitchen



Healthy Root Vegetable Moroccan Tagine with Cauliflower Cous Cous

recipe by Saskia Gregson-Williams

As a dancer I’ve been lucky enough to travel to incredible countries to train and perform. Morocco was one of the more memorable trips, and the food I experienced there inspired me to play with sweeter flavors in my savory dishes, in order to recreate warming comfort food with an oh-so healthy twist.

This take on the classic tagine and cous cous dish is made with seasonal root vegetables in replacement of meat. Not only does this up the alkaline factor by a mile, root vegetables are far easier to absorb and digest meaning you can assimilate far more of the nutrients than you can in any portion of beef and chicken. Sweet potatoes, carrots and parsnips are also wonderfully sweet adding to the flavour of this tagine. They also contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals, are high in antioxidants, beta-carotene and fibre. These nutritionally awesome, and incredibly tasty ingredients, are complimented by the anti-inflammatory spice tumeric, and metabolic-boosting cinnamon. Cooked with a few cubes of sweet medjool dates and chopped tomatoes, turns a simple dish into something special.

In replacement of normal cous cous  I use caulliflower. Yes, this idea may seem a little crazy, but trust me its delicious and is such a great, healthy and lighter, gluten-free alternative. You simply pulse it in a blender and hazar beautiful, tasty ‘cous cous’!  I mix it with  pomegranates, roasted pistachios, alkalining lemon juice, and parsley. Yum!

I hope you enjoy your healthy Moroccan feast and love all the incredible sweet and warming flavours! Let us know how you get on and hashtag #hipandhealthy with pictures of recreations on Instagram and Twitter.



Root Vegetable Tagine:

2 medium sweet potatoes

2 carrots

2 parsnips

1 large red onion, chopped

1 tbsp tumeric

1-2  tsp cinnamon

2 cloves garlic minced

1 tsp ginger, minced

3 medjool dates, diced

x2 tins of chopped tomatoes

Caulliflower “cous cous”:

1 large caulliflower

seeds of 1/2 a pomegrante

1/3 cup lightly roasted pistachio nuts

a sprig of chopped parsley

juice of 1 lemon

Method: For the tagine start by preparing the vegetables. Peal and chop all the root vegetables into small cubes (this will help it to cook quicker). Start by frying the chopped onion, ginger and garlic for 2 minutes, add the vegetables and continue to sauté until starting to soften. Add the spices, dates, tinned tomatoes. Reduce to a slightly lower hear, and simmer for 40-50 minutes until the juices have cooked the vegetables through. Add the herbs and stir through.

Meanwhile, deflower the cauliflower and place the florets into a blender/ food processor. pulse until a cous cous/ rice texture forms. Transfer in to a bowl. If you wish to eat raw, now is the time to add all the other ingredients. If you would prefer to heat it, sautee the caulliflower in the lemon juice before mixing in the other ingredients and plating.

 tagine 3


If you do one thing this week… Get Your Beauty Sleep

Frankie Rozwadowska reveals how getting your beauty sleep is one of the most important factors when it comes to great skin…

It is not just a saying or an old wives’ tale – sleep really does make you more beautiful. Heidi Klum gets 10 hours a night, whilst Penelope Cruz clocks up 12 – and Eva Mendes claims she would get the gold medal if sleep became an Olympic sport. And with glowing skin like theirs, we want in on the sleep action. Those glorious hours when we are dreaming of magical lands or Ryan Gosling (admit it) are when our skin goes through vital processes of restoration and repair, and when our metabolic rate rises to replenish dead cells at the surface. Sleep also helps support a healthy immune system, enabling our bodies to not only banish blemishes but also fight off infections – warding off illness and boosting mental wellbeing. It is therefore a vital process in keeping us young, beautiful and in good health, making it extremely worrying to learn that the majority of us aren’t getting enough of it. Today sleep is seen as a luxury and not a necessity, and a whopping one in three people suffer from sleep problems. The result? We’re turning into a world of puffy-eyed, energy-less zombies, surviving on sugar and Starbucks to make it through the day. Not a pretty sight…

Not enough sleep can lead to a startling array of health issues, from depression and anxiety to weight gain, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and memory loss, as well as making us look tired and old. Most of us need an average of eight hours sleep a night, but this can range from 6-10 hours depending on the individual. If you wake up feeling groggy and are in need of a nap come the afternoon, it’s safe to say you are not getting enough shut-eye – and we all know what that feels like. It’s hard to concentrate, you have less energy and motivation to do anything, you feel more emotional and irritable and you are less likely to want to exercise. If just one night of too little sleep can have this effect, you can imagine the damage repeated sleep loss can have on your mind, body and beauty. Sleep boosts immunity and gives your cells time to repair themselves, as it’s when our growth hormone is secreted. This hormone is anabolic, meaning it helps to build up proteins needed to repair cells and tissues. Sleep also allows your brain the time to ‘reorganise’ thoughts and emotions, keeping us mentally balanced and physically healthy.

Lack of sleep not only makes you feel lousy, but it puts extra stress on the body. Increasing levels of stress hormones mean one thing – wrinkles. And lots of them.  Instead of battling nasty environmental factors like pollution and sunlight, at night our systems focus on repairing damage caused during the day, and without this key time period skin becomes more sensitive and irritated. During the day, the sympathetic system is in control – keeping blood flow near the core of the body. But whilst you’re dreaming away, the parasympathetic nervous system takes over – directing the flow of blood to the skin.  This increase of oxygen in the skin’s cells allows receptors in the blood vessels to obtain amino acid molecules, which help drain toxins and fluids whilst building collagen. This means no puffiness and instead, supple, smooth skin. Not enough shut-eye also means higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which causes increased inflammation and the acceleration of ageing and worsening of blemishes. It also reduces the skin’s ability to stay hydrated, making for a dull, lacklustre complexion.

Researchers at Estée Lauder delved further into sleep’s impact on skin, and their recently commissioned research at the University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Ohio tested 60 women aged between 30 and 49, with half the group having their sleep cut short. Using UV light exposure to monitor the results, the outcome was staggering – with those who had insufficient sleep showing twice the signs of skin ageing than those who got a good night’s kip. They also discovered that those with good sleep patterns had 30% higher moisture retention levels and were able to recover faster from environmental factors that cause stress to the skin, including sun damage and pollution. Elma Baron, the lead scientist, revealed that their study “is the first to conclusively demonstrate that inadequate sleep is correlated with reduced skin health and accelerates skin ageing. Sleep deprived women show signs of premature skin ageing and a decrease in the skin’s ability to recover after sun exposure.”

So how can you turn around your terrible sleep habits and boost your beauty regime? In a recent experiment conducted by Dr. Michael Mosley and sleep researcher Dr. Katharina Wulff at the University of Surrey, one of the biggest problems they found was the use of technology. This means watching TV or checking your emails before you turn out the light. Even sending a text message or a quick tweet can impact your night’s sleep, as electronics and technology stimulate the brain – switching it on, not off. Artificial ‘blue’ light prevents the release of the sleep-promoting hormone, melatonin, and enhances alertness, not exactly what you want when you’re about to go to sleep. So avoid these activities and replace them with relaxing experiences like having a warm bath, reading a book or listening to music, which allow both our bodies and minds to slow down and start the resting process.  So the next time you’re tempted to post a quick picture on Instagram or catch-up with the Kardashians, wait ‘til the morning. You’ll sleep, and look better for it.

They also uncovered that diet plays a key factor in how we sleep. In a world of processed, sugar-laden meals and coffee shops on every corner, it’s little wonder that what we are putting in our bodies is affecting how we are turning them off. Before bed avoid sweets and caffeine, but also heavy, fatty meals. Consuming a big stodgy meal at night means your digestive system goes into overdrive – likely to lead to a disturbance in sleep. One top tip is to have a light meal, early in the evening. Think yoghurt, fresh fruit and vegetables. A glass of warm milk is also said to have a relaxing effect, as do foods rich in magnesium – so eat lots of green leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, whole grains and almonds. Of course they all work wonders on feeding your skin with essential nutrients too! Or a particular favourite of mine is a big cup of chamomile tea – a herbal healer renowned for its calming effect. Other natural remedies include lavender, lemon balm and valerian root, so look out for products containing these sleep-inducing saviours in your local health store.

So shut down, turn off and get some shuteye. You’ll feel better, look younger and be healthier for it – turning you into a Sleeping Beauty fit for a fairy-tale. What a dream.


Why not try our top lotions and potions – guaranteed to work their night-time magic…

  • For a sleep-filled night, soak in a bath of Aromatherapy Associates Relax Deep Bath & Shower Oil. Just one capful will release the aromatic oils of nature’s most calming plants (Chamomile, Sandalwood and Vetivert) to instantly create a deep sense of peace and tranquility, and the Coconut Oil will leave you feeling seriously soft. Perfect if you’re feeling overtired, exhausted or in need of a night of unbroken sleep. £39
  • For the ultimate night-time nourishment, the new Origins Plantscription Youth-renewing Night Cream is bursting with glow-inducing goodness. Formulated to replenish dehydrated skin and reverse signs of ageing while you sleep, it visibly lifts and smoothes texture whilst restoring radiance and reviving bounce. Containing over 300,000 Raspberry Plant Stem Cells, there’s also Rosemary Extract to help maintain natural elastin, Vitamin C and Peptides to boost collagen production and rare extracts from the leaves of the West African Anogeissus tree famed for its anti-ageing and skin boosting properties.
  • Moroccan cedrus oil blends beautifully with olive oil, Bulgarian Lavender and Evening Primrose Oil in Molton Brown’s Sleep Cedrus Body Oil. Deeply fragrant, its restful aromas aid relaxation and help your senses to unwind whilst your body is cocooned in a calming and nourishing oriental oil. £27
  • Part of the award-winning This Works Deep Sleep Range, the Deep Sleep Dream Cream is, quite literally, a dream cream. Designed to soothe tired hands and feet and to encourage a good night’s sleep, it combines a powerful, therapeutic blend of aromatherapy oils, including Provencal Lavender to calm, Wild Camomile to soothe and Vetivert, ‘the oil of tranquility’. There’s also organic Crambe Oil to restore hydration and repair damaged or dry skin, and Omega 3 rich Cemelina Oil to improve skin elasticity and suppleness. You’ll be left feeling smooth, soft and superbly sleepy. £18
  • Neal’s Yard Remedies’ Beauty Sleep Concentrate is the essential elixir for overnight regeneration. This is thanks to an abundance of dormins extracted from the Narcissus Tazetta Bulb which work with the skin’s natural nightly bio-rythms to optimize the recovery of cells, and a high level of amino acids that enhance collagen production. With Grapeseed Oil and Cocoa Seed Butter to prevent moisture loss (which increases at night) and Clary Sage, Orange Oil, Patchouli and Ylang Ylang to calm and relax, it’s a beauty sleep saviour.  £31.50
  • Estée Lauder’s new Advanced Night Repair Eye Serum Infusion is a super-potent, fast-penetrating serum specifically made for the delicate eye area. With its lightweight and refreshing texture, combined with anti-pollution technology to reduce the appearance of visible damage caused by environmental factors, you can finally bid farewell to under-eye shadows and puffy peepers. With a high concentration of soothing anti-irritants and blend of antioxidants and Hyaluronic Acid, just a few drops before bed will ensure you awake bright eyed and bushy tailed. £45

What Yogis Eat…

 Well-known and loved yoga guru, Julie Montagu, explores the relationship between diet and yoga and reveals what works for her

If you’ve ever practiced yoga then you may already know that what you eat can have a great influence on how your body reacts to your workout. Changing your diet to go hand in hand with your yoga practice will not only help to improve your physical fitness but will also help you boost your emotional and spiritual well-being. It is a common belief among those who practice the discipline of yoga that a vegetarian diet is the most fitting for the lifestyle. Many also choose to take this one step further and eliminate all animal products from their diet as well as stimulants like alcohol and tobacco. However, that isn’t to say that all people follow this belief and it is definitely not a pre-requisite for taking up yoga.

For those who are just starting out in yoga and want to embrace the dietary beliefs as they begin, it may be challenging if a meat based diet has always been the norm for them. For these people, it is best to slowly reduce the amount of animal products being consumed. By doing this, any person can find reasonable substitutes that will ensure they are still fulfilling their nutritional requirements.

Within literature about yoga, the foods which are considered to be of great worth to the body are referred to as “Sattvic”. This term basically translates to mean “pure” and will not only be high in nutritional value but will generally be easy to digest.  On the other hand, foods which are seen as impure and with the potential to cause our bodies harm are known as “Tamasic”, which essentially means “stale”.

When a person takes the decision to make such lifestyle changes, they often discover new things about fitness and nutrition that they either weren’t aware of before or simply had no interest in. However, for those who gradually move into a vegetarian diet, only to find that vegan is the next logical step, incorporating raw and plant based foods is frequently the next. It is a commonly accepted fact that cooking food dramatically reduces the nutritional value. Therefore ensuring that fresh fruits and vegetables are included in any dietary change is a great way to really see and feel a positive difference in your body.

For people who have practiced yoga for many years and who have a deep interest in the discipline, an Ayurvedic diet is something they have experimented with. The Ayurvedic diet teaches that different body types should consider different diets depending on their physique. This teaching refers to the different body types as doshas and by finding out which one your body most closely correlates to you can easily begin eating the appropriate foods in the appropriate way. These different doshas account for digestion, circulation and exercise level variations amongst other things.


1) Chia Seeds

2) Dark Green Leafy veg (Kale, Spinach, Romaine Lettuce)

3) Turmeric ( I put  it in everything!)

4) Green Tea

5) Avocado

About Julie: Prior to becoming a yoga instructor Julie studied in New York with Baron Baptiste, the founder of the Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga Institute. She then went on to train with two other Baptiste teachers before she travelled to Tattvaa Yogashala Rishikesh in India to learn more from Kamal Singh. As for nutrition, Julie is a Certified Holistic Health Counsellor through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City and also has a certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University.

If you want to learn more about Julie then first head to her Facebook Page or over visit her website.


Mango, Avocado and Mint Marinated Raw Zuchinni Noodles

 Recipe by Saskia Gregson-Williams

Raw Zuchinni noodles have changed my life, they are the ultimate raw comfort food. I love using them in my recipes, as they’re so incredibly diverse and can be used exactly like regular noodles, but are far lighter and really satisfying. I’ve talked about my love of thick creamy sauces and dressings before, which is why this mango, avocado and mint sauce is my idea of heaven. It is so blissfully creamy and sweet, but allows the freshness of the mint and the tangy lemon juice to keep it savoury.

It’s such a perfect meal, as the tamed sweetness from the mango means you don’t have those habitual sweet cravings post-supper. Because mangoes are so delicious, everyone forgets just how healthy they are too!

Mangoes are a rich source of antioxidants, high in vitamin C and fibre. They, like mint, have enzymes that aid and improve digestion. The skin-loving avocado is full of omegas and a great source of oleic acid. It contains a rich variety of nutrients including vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fibre, which helps to control blood sugar levels. Lemon juice in incredibly alkalizing, and known for its anti-cancer properties. It’s also rich in vitamin C, awesome for maintaining a healthy immune system.

So think, whilst your enjoying a delicious raw feast, your body will be brimming with nutrients!


  • 4  zucchinis, spiralized (or julienned)
  • 1 red pepper, cubed
  • 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds, to scatter

For The Sauce:

  • 1 mango
  • 1 avocado
  • 25 mint leaves
  • juice 1/2 a small lemon or lime


Start by making the sauce. Simply, blend all ingredients above until smooth. Using a spiralizer, spiralize the zuchinnis (don’t have a spiralizer? Peel the zucchini into thin strips of ribbon using a peeler. Cube the red pepper. Mix everything together in a bowl, using as much sauce as you wish. Scatter with pumpkin seeds and serve.


Get The Recipe: Strawberry & Coconut Ice Lollies 


Cleanse Review: Fruveju

Company – Fruveju

Cleanse – Explore cleanse

How many days? – 3 day cleanse

Tester – Saskia Gregson-Williams, Food Editor

What were you hoping to gleam from the cleanse?

I love giving my body a juice/smoothie day every couple of months, to give my digestive system a break, cleanse and flush out all the bad toxins. Trying out the fruveju 3 day cleanse i was excited to see how three days of bespoke Organic, Raw juices would effect my well-being and energy levels.

What did the cleanse consist of?

The explore 3 day cleanse, is designed to reset eating habits, eliminate cravings, and rest the digestive system. The Explore cleanse (in my opinion the most delicious sounding) consists of 6 nutrient packed juices. Their signature juices include Pure greens, Watermelon and Lime, Spicy lemonade, red pineapple and Cashew milk. During the cleanse you get to drink your greens twice, which i was very pleased about!

Which Juice was your favourite?

This is a tough call, i loved both the Red Pineapple and the Pure greens, but i think The Pure greens wins- as i felt it gave my body the most amount of nutrients and energy. Pure greens contained Kale, lemon, ginger, celery, spinach, cucumber, green apple and spring greens. Very green, sweet and delicious! Through juicing your greens you are able to assimilate 95% of the nutrients compare to the mere 15-20% you absorb when just eating your greens. More for your money’s-worth! This is because juice is much more easily absorbed as the process of juicing breaks down the cell walls of fruits and vegetables so that they are pre-digested already. This means that the power-packed nutrients are getting directly into your system.

How did you feel after three days?

My body felt re-juvinated, clear, light and energized. I’m not going to lie, i did miss my smoothie bowls, quinoa salads and habitual spoonfuls of almond butter- however the juices were incredibly satisfying, and after day one all cravings subsided and i felt great!

Who would you recommend this cleanse too:

Cleanses are great for those wanting to lose weight, give their body a break or to simply re-energise and boost your digestive system. This cleanse in particular  is perfect for those with a serious sweet tooth, who want to give up their sweet treats in turn for a seriously nutrient dense detox.



reader offer30% off introductory discount for H&H readers. Coupon code is ‘FRUVEJUYEAH’. Terms and conditions apply. Subject to availability.Valid until 5th November 2013. Visit for more details.

How to be hip & healthy when you’re over 50

Hip & Healthy Promotion

Madonna, 55, stays hip & healthy by working out regularly – just look at those toned arms

If you’re nearing, or have surpassed, the grand old age of 50 years then you may be asking yourself exactly what you’re going to have to do in the future to stay hip and healthy. While you can no longer make great exertions on your body or pretend you’re still young, you can remain young at heart and prove to the world that you’ve still got it. Being 50 gives you the opportunity to explore a whole new way of living. This should be a time to relax a little more and enjoy life while still maintaining your health and the way you feel.

Here we take a look at how you can stay both hip and healthy in the coming years:

When it comes to exercise, what you should do really depends on what you have been doing in the past. If you’re a frequent marathon runner, you’ll most likely be able to continue doing more running in a week than most young people do in a year. If you don’t currently do any form of exercise you may want to begin something that’s not too taxing on the body but gets you moving. At this age, it’s important to try and select exercises that minimise the impact on joints, so activities like yoga are perfect.

Whether it’s taking a road trip around the British Isles in your new Mercedes GLA or flying off to Borneo on an exotic, jungle trekking holiday, this is a perfect time to see a little bit more of the world. Now that you have more money saved up, fewer responsibilities and a bit more spare time, think about exactly where it is you want to see and book that dream holiday. You’ll find yourself refreshed, excited and mentally reinvigorated by the prospect of visiting new parts of the world.

Eat well
Though you may have eaten anything you fancied at a younger age, hitting 50 means that you should really start taking notice of your diet a bit more. Take a look at what you’re currently eating and then work out what you’re having too much and too little of. Common dietary changes occur because people are eating too much red meat, drinking too much alcohol, not getting enough variety in their vegetables or consuming far too much sugar. Don’t think that you have to start eating awful foods in order to make a difference, just be a little inventive and, if necessary, get a few new cookbooks!

The Amazing Anti-Agers

 words by Frankie Rozwadowska

We are all on the quest for younger, healthier skin, but with increasing exposure to environmental damage and daily stresses, it’s not that easy. Fear not, there’s a whole host of amazing anti-agers that fight fine lines, wrestle wrinkles and knock years off the clock – giving you back that gorgeous, youthful glow in a jiffy.

The Eye Cream: NeoStem Anti-Wrinkle Eye Contour Care – £39
Eyes are one of the first areas to suffer from signs of ageing as whether we smile or frown, fine lines are formed. But thanks to the new French anti-ageing skincare brand, NeoStem, you can restore that youthful twinkle.  Using two active ingredients for the first time ever in cosmetics, Omega Statine and Z-Dronate, the results speak for themselves. After 28 days, 72% of women claimed a reduction in appearance of those dreaded under eye bags, and 77% said wrinkles and crows’ feet appeared softened. Fragrance, paraben and alcohol free – this is the secret to bright, beautiful eyes.

The Serum: Willow Advanced Anti-ageing Serum – £82
British, organic beauty at its best, Willow harnesses the power of the Barbary Fig – a fruit grown in the arid conditions of Morocco (so it knows a thing or two about protecting against harsh conditions). Packed with antioxidants, it is impressively able to retain its own cell hydration levels, and its oil contains more than twice the vitamin E of Argan oil. Combining this super oil with essence of Elder, Marshmallow Root (which boasts amazing regenerative powers), Rose and Neroli, this serum not only smells sublime but the powerful active botanical ingredients help create a radiant, youthful glow by soothing, protecting, detoxifying and nourishing.

The Day Cream: Aromatherapy Associates Rose Infinity Moisturiser – £95
Using the latest technology, Nobel Prize winning research and nature’s most powerful ingredients, this mighty moisturiser delivers results in just 3 weeks. Using specific parts of plant stem cells along with telomere technology (a part of the chromosome that plays a central role in the ageing process), there’s also a whole host of wonderful wrinkle-ridders, including Hydroxyproline (derived from palm and coconut oil) which supports the production of Hyaluronic Acid, Ximenia Americana seed oil to promote suppleness and prevent moisture loss, Omega 6 ceramide from safflower to reduce inflammation, restore elasticity and increase moisture levels, and Alpine Rose stem cells to protect the skin’s barrier and boost epidermal regeneration.

The Night Cream: This Works No Wrinkles Midnight Moisture – £46
Wake up a true sleeping beauty with the latest anti-ageing launch from This Works. Loaded with luxurious ingredients, there’s Persian Silk Tree to tackle signs of fatigue whilst you sleep and to support the skin’s detoxification process, Retinol to boost collagen production, and Hyaluronic Acid to plump to perfection. Its intensely hydrating formula also accelerates reparations and restoration. Simply massage into skin, sleep and voilà – you’ll look rejuvenated and radiant whether you got your eight hours in or not.

The Oil: Antipodes Divine Face Oil – £19
Scientifically proven to stimulate collagen production by 51%, this nutrient rich face oil is crammed full of delicious, important ingredients. Organic Avocado Oil acts as a natural UV barrier whilst enriching with vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants – keeping skin smooth and perfectly plump with its mighty hydrating properties, whilst Rosehip Seed Oil helps to regenerate damaged skin whilst reducing the appearance of scars and wrinkles. The result? Healthier, softer, younger looking skin. How divine.

The Extra Oomph: La Roche-Posay Dermatological Anti-aging Treatment – £28
The secret to this terrific anti-ageing treatment? Retinol – 0.3% pure retinol, to be exact. Although lots of anti-ageing products contain the vitamin A derivative, it’s the amount that’s key, and with its high retinol content – this really is a beautifying boost.  Working alongside La Roche-Posay’s signature proprietary ingredient, LHA (which offers cell-by-cell exfoliation, enhanced regeneration and increased cell turnover) in just 8 weeks upper lip wrinkles can be reduced by 30%, forehead wrinkles by 24% and crow’s feet wrinkles by 22%.  Either mix with your moisturiser or use alone at night to lessen those laughter lines and bid a big farewell to fine lines.


Upgrade your favourite childhood snacks!


 words by Molly Jennings

When I was a little girl, I had no idea what healthy eating was (nor did I really care)! So clueless was I, that I remember going through a stage of having chocolate for breakfast!! Yes, really. You’ll be glad to hear that those days are over. But even as a devoted health and fitness junkie, I still sometimes miss the naughty, childhood foods I used to have. Here’s where the Hip & Healthy part comes in! Even though I miss them, I know that they’re simply not going to nourish or benefit my body in any way. So it’s time to give your childhood faves an upgrade! We have explored the health food shops to dig up some healthy alternatives that will not only satisfy your inner child, but make you feel good too!

Peanut Butter – The Upgrade – Almond Butter
The most famous childhood food, Peanut Butter! This memorable sandwich filler might not be as sweet as you think. Most supermarket brands a packed full or sugar and other nasty preservatives. Almond butter is high in protein, just two tablespoons contains 4 grams of protein, plus it is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which protect your heart. Be warned, once discovered you’ll eat it by the spoonful, just like you did your peanut butter.

Jaffa Cakes – The Upgrade – Cocoa Orange Nakd Bars
Hands up those who used to peel off the orange, jelly centre and then eat the spongy bit? I miss those days. Never-the-less, this chocolatey treat needs a serious upgrade. The Cocao Orange Nakd bar is a great alternative as it doesn’t contain any gluten, dairy or sugar and is 100% raw! This mouth-watering bar is perfect for on-the-go and will leave you feeling satisfied without any sugar crashes.

Ice Cream – The Upgrade – Coyo Ice Cream
You don’t have to say goodbye to this summery treat! Trade it in for Coyo Ice Cream. This is an upgrade you won’t even notice. Having made coconut yogurt for a few years now, Coyo decided to make the leap in to the un-known. A healthy ice cream. And boy have they succeeded! This “heaven in a tub” is hand-crafted from the flesh of a creamy coconut, that results in the most divine vegan and sugar-free ice cream, with all the beauty and health benefits of coconut (think great skin, boosted metabolism and lower levels of bad cholesterol).

Nutella – The Upgrade – Hazelnut Butter
Essentially, Nutella is made from hazelnuts, so why not skip the sugar (and that milky chocolate) and go straight for some pure hazelnut butter? Plus, hazelnuts have loads of health benefits. They are high in maganese, an essential mineral for the growth and strength of bones and high in fibre which assures regular movement of the digestive tract.

Mini Cheddars – Inspiral “Cheesy” Kale Chips
Mini Cheddars… the stuff lunch boxes are made of. Salty, cheesy, crunchy but void of anything nutritionally beneficial. Enter the “Cheesy” Kale Chip, a combination of kale and nutritional yeast which is packed with Vitamin B12 (great for veggies), is high in protein and high in fibre. And they taste delicious… Just sayin.

Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar – Raw Chocolate Om Bar
Chocolate bars, there really is nothing better… or is there? How about a chocolate bar with no sugar, no milk and raw, so that you benefit from all the chocolatey goodness? And what if I told you that all this existed in six scrumptious rectangles that make up the Om Bar – described as chocolate enlightenment by those who make it and chocolate engorging by those who eat it.







Coconut Chia Seed Pudding

recipe by Saskia Gregson-Williams

This Coconut Chia Seed Pudding, has fast become one of my favourite desserts. It’s incredibly nutritious and chia seeds are one of the world’s richest plant based sources of omega 3- fatty acids. Omega 3’s offer amazing health promoting properties, they can help reduce inflammation, high cholesterol and enhance cognitive performance. Chia seeds are also an excellent source of fibre, with 2 tablespoons supplying a whopping 10 grams! Fibre is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system and balancing blood sugar levels. They’re also a rich source of immune-boosting antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

In this dessert the chia seeds are mixed with thick and creamy coconut milk, a touch of metabolic boosting cinnamon and a sweet drop of low GI agave.  Topped with frozen slices of banana, goji berries, smashed raspberries and crushed cashew nuts- the topping combinations are endless and almost always delicious!


2 tbsp cup chia seeds
1/2 cups canned organic coconut milk
1/2 cup almond milk
2 tsp agave syrup or honey (don’t include if almond milk is sweetened)
1/2 tsp vanilla paste/ vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Topping ideas:
1 banana, sliced
mango, cubed
coconut flakes
dried goji berries or blueberries
chopped cashews or pumpkin seeds
crushed raspberries

Whisk the coconut milk, agave syrup/honey and vanilla extract until smooth. Stir in the chia seeds and divide mixture into four small pots or glasses. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or until it’s reached a thick pudding-like consistency. You can leave it in the fridge for up to 3 days. Remove from fridge, add toppings, scattered cinnamon and serve with a drizzle of honey if your feeling indulgent!