SuPER Man (or woman as the case may be) Su Man is the go to name in facials right now…
Sadie MacLeod, reviews
I can’t work out if my face just had the workout of it’s life or if it just got slightly beaten up… but whatever just happened I look at least five years younger and I am not complaining. In fact, I just met someone for the first time who couldn’t believe that I was married “you’re far too young to be married” she said, i’ll take that. The last time I was asked to produce I.D was at least 10 years ago when I was offended, not thrilled, that anyone would presume I was too young to drink alcohol (the booze was probably a contributing factor to the aging).
Don’t get me wrong, at 28 I don’t think I am totally over the hill, but recently small things have been happening so as to signal that I am certainly on the crest of the hill. The odd wrinkle here, the patch of sun damage there. So when super-facialist, Su-Man, suggested I come in for a treatment I couldn’t believe my luck. Normally booked up for months in advance she had an opening at her studio in the uber-cool W Leicester Square. I arrived in their AWAY spa pretty exhausted and looking older than usual. If space had spas this is what it would look like – cool, white, clinical, with odd neon light and modern white sofas that are unusually large making me feel small. Small and old – you can tell i’ve not had a good day.
Enter Su-Man. She was instantly friendly, warm and welcoming and I immediately relaxed. As I lay down on the deliciously comfy bed she said, “I see that you have brought me a little present”. She was referring to the spot on my forehead. It was becoming more and more apparent just how needed this facial was. I asked Su-Man how regularly she felt women should have facials; “Every two weeks if you are over 40, but if you are under that, once a month is fine”. She then got to work on my face.
Using her own range of products, which are not yet available to buy (but watch this space) Su-Man has developed her own technique drawing on her expertise in the fields of shiatsu and Pilates and her traditional background in Chinese remedies. The treatment begins with a quick skin analysis so that she can recognize and treat the problem areas. Then, after a thorough cleanse the facial massage begins. Deeply relaxing but also very powerful, Su-Man works with the structure of the face to boost collagen and encourage lymphatic drainage taking years off – she has been described as having botox in her fingertips. Her holistic approach to the treatment doesn’t end there, a shoulder, neck and foot massage are also incorporated into the hour. Total heaven.
Su-Man’s approach is certainly not wishy-washy. She is strong with her hands and her clients (which include famous faces such as Juliet Binoche, Frieda Pinto and Olga Kurylenko (the long-legged beauty in Quantum of Solace) thank her for it. As did I. I can honestly say that I have never seen a facial make such a difference to what I actually looked like. Juliette Binoche once described Su-Man’s facials as a way to keep her face alive. And I couldn’t agree more, she certainly gave me that “je ne sais quoi” I had been looking for.
Visit for more information.
The Weird and Wonderful Health Requests of The Rich and Famous
Asoni Haus, a bespoke Luxury Lifestyle Management agency, manages the lifestyle requests of some of the world’s most elite individuals on a day to day basis. With the word ‘no’ not being an option for their clients, they lift the lid to tell us how they have tackled some of the weird and wonderful health and fitness requests they have received…
“I need to loose ten pounds in 2 days for a red carpet event, Dahrrrling”
After carefully consulting a few leading medical experts we found the safest method, which focused more on reducing water retention, increasing the metabolism and reducing bloatedness. So there was a combination of Colonic Hydrotherapy, Epsom Salt therapy, consulting with a leading nutritionist and consulting with a Functional medicine Doctor who was able to provide us with a better understanding of the clients body functionality and what course of treatments would be the safest and most effective in the shortest period of time. This left the client 8 pounds lighter and she was able to slide herself, very easily I might add, into a stunning red carpet ready gown.
“Babes, sort me out with some leeches, yes LEECHES, I want to detox”
Leech therapy is known to detoxify the blood and support many other ailments. Our member requested that we provide him with leeches to conduct Leech therapy by himself in his home. This is something that to our knowledge cannot be self administered and also a treatment common to the US and Austria, so we had to do a little digging to find a leech expert, who had conducted this treatment before and was able to facilitate this request in the clients home… with the clients permission of course. The client was extremely grateful that we had advised him to have an expert to administer the treatment. Safe to say we won’t be trying the treatment anytime soon, but the client said he was fully detoxified! Phew.
“Apparently snails are doing wonders for anti-ageing – can you get me some slime for my face?”
A member requested a snail slime facial treatment only available in Tokyo. We received a call from a client who had read about this revolutionary anti-ageing treatment in the form of live snails being applied to the face, once on the face the snail’s excrete slime which had been deemed anti-ageing. She wanted to try this treatment for herself. Oh – and one other thing – the treatment is only available in Tokyo. We had to fly a practitioner from Tokyo along with the snails to conduct the treatment. Needless to say it was a very expensive exercise but she was happy with the results.
“I want my very own Bikram studio… please”
We have a member who is obsessed with holistic health and wellbeing and spends pretty much every day attending Bikram Yoga classes. But decided she wanted to elevate the experience by having a studio built in her home, along with a private Bikram Yoga teacher. Setting up the studio wasn’t the problem. It was doing it to the design aesthetic and within the allotted timeframe that proved challenging. We initially had the space cleansed and balanced then began constructing the studio. We had contractors working pretty much 24 hours a day in order to finish the job on time. While we spent days interviewing potential Bikram Yoga teachers to find the perfect skill set and personality match with our member.
What it feels like to go T-Total… one writer tries Sober October and likes the way it tastes
Alexandra Salisbury finds that being sober might not just be for October, she reveals why she is banishing booze for the other 11 months of the year too…
Dear Hip & Healthy readers, I am proud to announce that I did it; I passed Go Sober for October with flying colours. Nope, nu-uh, not a single drop of alcohol. You might be surprised, however, to learn that it’s November 14th and I’m still dry. Weirder still, I intend to be for a while yet. It’s an outcome that nobody, not even those closest to me, could have ever second guessed, least of all me. This is my sober journey and an honest look at the reasons why I’m not quite ready for it to be over.
My sober journey began with two birthday celebrations on the first weekend. I shrugged off the barman’s bemused smirk when I requested “just a lemonade” and the first Friday passed by smoothly. In a crowded Camden bar on the second night, however, I found myself- stifled by the noise and unnerved by the crowds- throwing nervous glances at the door. Feeling like an awkward outsider, I left early, relieved yet disappointed to be going home before anyone else. It was clear that total sobriety wasn’t going to be as easy as originally anticipated, especially when you’re going it alone.
Just like my first weekend, the entire sober experience was lined with ups and downs. There were days when I revelled in feeling so alert and energised and yet there were evenings when not drinking inhibited my desire to go out and interact, consequently letting fatigue stand in the way of what seemed like fun and freedom. Naturally there were times when I craved a release. It’s clear that this is what alcohol symbolised; an escape from the 9-5 monotony. I realise now that the only person suffering from this childish act of rebellion was me. Then, on the dawn of my third weekend, I suddenly stopped talking about being sober and started getting on with having a good time. Turns out you can dance the night away when you’re in good company and the right frame of mind- though it helps if the music’s good, too. What’s more, I began to see weekends as an opportunity to achieve a lot creatively. I was more mentally alert and able to absorb a lot more information in one sitting.
I confess that up until the last few days of November, I talked with real enthusiasm about how much I would relish my first drink on November 1st. It wasn’t until I met a girl at a party on the very last weekend that the idea of actually staying sober- or even the concept of being ‘tee-total’ -struck. She had been dry for about 6 months; she was great, full of energy and ready to party, nobody even questioned whether she was drinking or not. She told me how much easier she found social situations now compared to when she first started, a testament to the fact that it is possible to be 100% comfortable with not drinking when you’re around those who are. I paused; socialising had become easier with time and I was still having a lot of fun. I mulled over our conversation for a couple of days afterwards.
As I reflected on the past month, it was clear to see that sober me was a better version of me, a more level headed, productive me. Once I had stopped sulking about supposedly missing out on all the fun, I had simply brushed off any lingering social anxiety. Not only that, I felt strangely calmer than before, probably as a result of a new found sense of control. I finally felt comfortable in my own skin. Truth is; sobriety had actually empowered me to become the person I aspired to be. So, as October came to an end, I asked myself why I would let anyone- or anything- stand in the way? The answer was clear to see and this, dear readers, is why I’ll happily make mine a water for a good while yet.
Win an Exercise Bike
Win an Exercise Bike worth £130
We’ve teamed up with Argos so that you can win one of their top-of-the-range exercise bikes: this York Quest bike, to be exact, worth £130! With 8 levels of tension and 4 target goals, the York Quest is completely adaptable to all abilities, and is perfect for toning the lower body and improving cardiovascular fitness.Its digital screen also displays your speed, the distance you’ve covered, how long you’ve been cycling and how many calories you’ve managed to burn, so you’ll always know exactly how you’re progressing!
If you fancy being in with a chance of winning, simply enter by clicking the link below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Terms & conditions:
By participating in this prize draw you are deemed to accept these terms and conditions. Prize draw open to customers and non-customers aged 18 or over who are UK residents. Proof of eligibility must be provided on request. The prize is a York Quest Exercise Bike and includes postage to winners’ UK addresses. Promotion runs from 14 November to 5 December and all entries must be received by 9.00am on 5 December latest. Winners will be drawn at random at the end of the promotion. The prize is not transferable and there is no cash alternative. The promoter’s decision is final in all matters and no correspondence will be entered into. The promoter reserves the right (a) to add to or waive any rules on reasonable notice (b) cancel or postpone the promotion at any stage in the event of circumstances beyond its reasonable control; or (c) in its reasonable discretion to substitute a prize of equal or greater value. If a prize remains unclaimed after reasonable efforts have been made to contact the winner the promoter will be entitled to dispose of the prize as it sees fit without any liability to the winner for having done so. The promoter reserves the right to alter, amend or foreclose the promotion without prior notice.
Fitspiration: Behind the scenes of our activewear store shoot…
5 Minute Lunch Recipe: Avocado, Hummus, Pomegranate and Parsley Tartine
recipe by Saskia Gregson-Williams
This tartine is one of my favourite under five minute meals – it is so incredibly simple to make, easy to take to go, and delicious! I love this open sandwich idea, as it makes a great light lunch on the go but is still substantial enough to keep you full until supper time and ti supplies you with far more flavour. It’s topped with a spread of protein rich hummus, slices of skin loving avocado, alkalising lemon juice, parsley, chopped almonds or seeds and a scatter of antioxidant power from the sweet pomegranate seeds! One of the main benefits of making your own lunch is you know exactly what is in it. TOP TIP: I prepare it the night before, place it in a tupper-ware box, top with salad and take to work the next day. Yum!
1 slice rye/ spelt/ buckwheat/ pumpernickel bread (or try with my Gluten Free Quinoa & Chia bread)
1/2 ripe avocado, sliced
2 tablespoons regular hummus/ my sweet potato hummus
2 tablespoons pomegranate seeds
a handful of chopped parsley
juice 1/2 lemon or lime
sprinkle of salt
a handful of chopped almonds/pumpkin & sunflower seeds
Toast your bread and place on a plate. Spread with hummus, and top with avocado and parsley. Scatter pomegranate seeds, and your choice of almonds or pumpkin seeds. Drizzle with lemon juice and season with salt and pepper.
3 minutes later, and your ready to get your tartine on! Enjoy!
– a handful of chopped baby tomatoes
– a 1/2 a tsp of minced chile peppers
– roasted red peppers
Train less, achieve more: The Benefits of HIIT Training
Samantha Whitaker trials Hiitgirl – a 30-minute workout that’s the equivalent of more than two hours’ traditional exercise
Hiitgirl, as you may have guessed, is high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for girls. HIIT is really having a moment – and here’s why: alternating bursts of intense, anaerobic exercise with short periods of recovery provides the same benefits as hours of cardio in just a fraction of the time (a study at Canada’s McMaster University confirmed that 2.5 hours of HIIT training provides the same benefits as 10.5 hours of slow cardio). HIIT also raises your resting metabolic rate for up to 24 hours after exercising, and significantly improves your VO2 max (the maximum amount of oxygen that can be taken in during an exercise session) – in other words, your endurance and stamina. What’s more, constantly switching between exercises challenges different muscle groups in turn, so that none suffer too much from wear and tear.
Hiitgirl founder Susan Dyson launched her 30-minute sessions in Harrogate, and has just opened her first studio in Crouch End. It’s a beauty: cosy but contemporary with (mostly pink) modern equipment, incense candles burning and words of encouragement on the walls. Shoes are left at the door and upbeat, but not pumping, music provides a gentle rhythm to the reps. It’s the perfect, spa-like, man-free haven for women who want to push themselves to the max without feeling intimidated. ‘We don’t promote unattainable goals,’ Susan explains. ‘We want to empower women to be fit for their shape, whatever that may be. And working out in a small group brings a whole new level of energy.’
I did the Hiitgirl Signature workout, which consists of 15 minutes of muscle-burning moves followed by 15 minutes of cardio, using various fitness toys such as bars, sliders and heavy Ugi balls. For those less ‘Hiitgirl ready’, the Foundation class is a good place to start, and there is also Hiitgirl with Balls (Ugi balls only) and Hiitgirl Pure (no equipment, just body weight). The ratio of work to recovery periods depends on your fitness level – either 30 seconds’ work and 30 seconds’ recovery, or 40:20. I did latter, and was amazed at how quickly 40 seconds passes once you get going. A large digital screen counts down the seconds of each interval, and of the whole class, so you always know exactly how much time is left. But skipping between the mats, the bars and the stationary bikes, I barely looked at the clock at all, and each time Susan called out, ‘10 more seconds’, I got a second-wind to push out the last few reps. During the recovery, I was busy getting into position for the next exercise (a bit like circuits), so I didn’t really have time to think about how hard I’d just worked. And the constant switching means you can’t possibly get bored.
At just 30 minutes, these bite-sized workouts fit neatly into a busy schedule, leaving more precious time for relaxing and socialising. After a free taster session, classes can be purchased via a pre-pay ‘carnet’ (the more you buy, the cheaper they are) and booked online. Alternatively, unlimited-access monthly membership packages are also available.
For more information, visit
Keep on Quitting
words by Elisabeth Fisher, as part of the stoptober campaign
It has been said that it takes 21 days to learn a new habit, or get rid of an old one. With this in mind, a few years ago Stoptober was launched, an NHS campaign to support and guide those people committed to kicking smoking to the curb once and for all. The campaign runs for 28 days, during October, and provides quitters with a vast archive of guides and handy tips to help them through the 28 days, and beyond. Research shows that those people who manage to go smoke free for 28 days are five times more likely to stay smoke free. In 2012 over 160,000 people successfully complete the four-week challenge.
Although the 28 day campaign gets people well on their way to living a life without nicotine, the hard work is most certainly over once 1st November rolls round. Trying these simple tricks might just be the key to keeping up with a smoke free 2014 and onwards:
Making a list. The compulsion to smoke can at times be entirely overwhelming, but highlighting, out loud if necessary, three reasons for quitting can help to remind you when you feel weak.
Carrying around a picture of the people in your life who are supporting your journey; have them there as a daily reminder of the reason you are quitting, and the extra time and money you will have to spend with them if you are smoke free.
Writing on post it notes the things you hate most about smoking and stick them to your bathroom mirror, then every morning as you are brushing your soon to be stain free teeth, you will be reminded of the worst aspects of smoking, be it the smell, cost or horrendous health implications.
Of course it isn’t just the health benefits that arise from kicking the habit, the long-term impact on things like health insurance is most certainly a positive one. Michael Day, Marketing Manager at Endsleigh had this to say about living life smoke free: “The health benefits of stopping smoking are well-documented, but in addition to that, it can have a positive effect on life insurance policies and quotes, so this should act as a good incentive for people to quit. The NHS has launched Stoptober in an effort to support those wishing to give up smoking and to highlight the importance of living a smoke-free life. Endsleigh whole-heartedly supports this campaign and those taking part.” There are numerous support systems available to those quitting smoking, including the NHS and local GPs, as well as online resources and support groups. To find out the best way to go smoke-free, contact your GP.
If you only do one thing this week… Workout for less!
words by Molly Jennings
With Christmas looming, (yes, we’ve decided its seasonally appropriate to mention the C word!) we are all increasingly becoming more wallet-wary. With late-night shopping, and plenty of Christmasy markets and events, we can all admit, we have a slight tendency to splash the cash! So how can we accommodate all of our festive expenses? Suspend your gym membership and workout for less! Here are some fun, cheap ways to keep your luscious limbs in shape this Winter!
Skip to the beat
Skipping is such a fun way to include some exercise into your day for very little money and is great for your health in many ways. It can be used for both anaerobic and aerobic exercise, so whether you’re a Usain Bolt or more of a Mo Farah, skipping will definitely tick your boxes! As well as improving co-ordination, stability and rhythm, skipping can also help osteoporosis, a condition that affects the bones causing them to become weak and fragile. The reason is because jumping is a high impact activity. High impact activity helps build bone density and increases levels of calcium. We adore this skipping rope from Sweaty Betty!
Take the stairs
This is such an easy one to incorporate into your lifestyle. When you’re faced with the choice to opt for the stairs, chose them. I know, it’s so tempting to take the escalators but tackling the stairs is so good for your body. If you think about it, stair climbing is like a walking lunge. It will help tone and tighten your thighs and bum and your abs will kick in too! Aside from lovely legs, you’ll also be increasing your stamina, which will improve your body’s ability to exercise longer and faster. Stairs pack a surprising punch!
Walk it out
A little adjustment you can make is walking more. Like skipping, walking is an impact movement that will help increase bone density. Plus, it can also improve digestion, I know that it does mine. Sometimes after a meal, I’ll take a walk to get things moving again (especially after something heavy like a Sunday roast!). One study showed that walking can actually increase energy levels too. A super effective way to kick that afternoon slump in the butt is to head outside into the fresh air for a brisk walk. It boosts circulation and increases oxygen supply to every cell in your body. Other than that, the daylight will boost your vitamin D levels. Walking is definitely a winner!
The TV Workout
H&H has gone Jane Fonda! It sounds like a totally lazy way to exercise but it can be really enjoyable, especially if you’re with a friend. I know, I should really be telling you to turn the TV off and go do a real workout outside, but lets face it, that old episode of Friends that you’ve watched countless times is beckoning! So, here’s my suggestion. Pick a character from any TV show or movie you love, and then pick a word that they say a lot. Every time they say that word you have to do 30 lunges, or hold a 60 second plank. Whatever floats your boat! Or write out a mini cardio circuit and perform it every time there’s an advert break! Interval training just got interesting! Find creative ways to workout at home. Use the edge of your sofa for some tricep dips or grab 2 cans of baked beans and bust out some weighted squats, you just have to use your imagination!
Image from
Royal Treatment: The Ananda Spa, India is a spiritual & health lovers’ home away from home
Yoga, individually tailored menus, stunning views and seclusion – the Ananda is a Hip & Healthy’s dream come true, says therapeutic masseuse, Jane Lawson
I have just returned from the Ananda Spa in India after my 10th visit. ‘Ananda’ means a state of bliss that is considered the highest state of being, and results from a release from all sense of the body and its demands. This was to be a hard translation to live up to, especially as my preparation consisted of packing my youngest child off to University (a heady mix of relief and despair – as any mother will tell you – upon realising that they shall now be responsible for their own washing and cooking…)
Though I have been to the Ananda many times before, I was excited to show it to my daughter Persia and her boyfriend Sam, who were joining my husband and me for some well-deserved luxury and pampering. My usual route to the Himalayas is to land at Delhi airport, and head straight for the Imperial Hotel, and this time was no different. The scent of jasmine fills the corridors of this five star Colonial hotel. Plus, there is a Chanel shop in the entrance hall, (known to my family as ‘the Mothership’) – what could be more luxurious than that?!
After a couple of nights at the Imperial spent ‘aclimatizing’, we made our way to the Himalayas. Until the last few years, traveling to the Ananda was done either by road, ten hours or train, six hours. Local colour for sure, but not that comfortable. Then in 2010 the Jolly Grant airport was reopened, so now after the Imperial, it is back to Delhi airport – domestic this time, and less than one hour later you find yourself arriving between the towns of Hardwar and Rishikesh.
Rishikesh was known in the 1960’s as the place that hosted the Beatles in their enlightenment period with the Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Now, it is home to many, many Ashrams, some of which teach yoga, and many promise enlightenment in a month. Having stayed there (and not meaning to be negative), I can promise you a dose of gut-rot that you will never forget. Be careful where you eat here. If you take the usual precautions you will be fine, but this is not a place to be casual about hygiene.
Straight up a hill (and I do mean UP), the four wheel drive that collects you from the Jolly Grant airport makes its way to the palace gates of Ananda Spa in about 30 minutes. After a very ceremonious check in where the staff don you with prayer beads and a blessing, one is driven by golf buggy down to the accommodation block. After you have settled in to your room and put on the white cotton pyjama set that are provided daily for you to wear throughout your stay, it is off to the spa to see the Doctor. He gives you your treatment itinerary and a health check in which he advises you whether you are Vata, Pitta or Kapha – an Ayurvedic way of determining what type of body and character one possesses. He also tells you which foods and exercises will best suit you during your stay at the Ananda and beyond.
And on that note, the food is both exceptional and plentiful, which is some feat, considering it all had to be bought up the mountain on a daily basis. The menu is vast and offers a wide range of healthy food, as well as catering for a sweeter palate also. It is a real treat to eat on the tree top terrace with the stunning view of the Ganges below, as guards stand ready to swipe away any mischievous monkeys eyeing up your granola and mango lassi.
There is no pressure to attend the dawn yoga, or pranayma breathing. The options are laid out and if you want to attend, you do. The treatments are a different matter, however, and whilst they try to accommodate all the visitors, there can sometimes be more demand than supply. The spa in the Ananda is split into several styles. There is the international experience with treatments like Swedish massage, and Shiatsu etc and several particular to the Ananda (like Ananda Touch) which is a package of styles, and highly enjoyable.
Then there are the Ayurvedic experiences. I prefer these. It seems to me that when your therapist greets you at reception to take you to your treatment room in the Ayurvedic corridor, she may as well be riding a unicorn – so mystical and magical is the experience! My most preferred is the ‘Pizhichil’ where your body is covered in 3.5 litres of warm oil, and rubbed in – all whilst you are stark naked. Heaven, just heaven. Put it on your bucket list now!
I also go for the traditional Tibetan by Ila, who is particularly good. Tibetan works on energy or vibration which is central to healing. There are also crystal massages and Chakra treatments and Reiki, which are more for healing than relaxation or beauty. Most of these treatments are pretty universal at spas around the world nowadays. What makes the Ananda different in my opinion, is the exceptional hospitality of the staff, the mountain range you are staying on and the presence of the holy river Ganges below. No where else in the world has such energy in close proximity. It is a heady combination.
Up at Ananda, waking in the morning by a member of staff bringing fresh ginger lemon tea and breathing in the air whilst looking at the Ganges far below in the valley, I am transported. Over the years, I have had dinner on the palace roof on my birthday arranged by Nitin the food and beverage manager, and his superb staff.
I have also had a Haven done by a guru at the palace. A Haven is a ceremony around a fire, with the guru drawing the planets and other symbols on the ground in front of the fire grate. He chants and while he does this, you are encouraged to throw handfuls of petals and seeds onto the fire whilst saying a particular word. The gist of the ceremony is to get rid of negative energy and push forward into a positive future. It is such a moving experience, and I have always shed a few tears, even though I do not really understand the words.
Of course, yoga is paramount in Ananda and well worth the early start. There is also a yoga package where it is the focus of the deal. This includes one to one classes and may be best if you are either a total beginner, or of a very high standard. Meditation classes are held daily at the palace up the hill from the spa, and this is where Ananda turns more to the spirit aspect of its existence.
The final (and in my mind the most powerful) aspect to the Ananda is Vedanta. Two classes are held daily. Many guests ‘drop in’ to a class, then quickly become completely focused on this, almost to the exclusion of everything else. Vedanta is a philosophy about living. I quote ‘a philosophy which enunciates the eternal principles of life and living. Living is an art, a skill, a technique’. Many people, when told they could attend philosophy classes, would run a mile, but when presented to a guest in this manner i.e. laid back and optional, it becomes fascinating. The teachers have studied in the school in Mumbai for many years, and stay at Ananda for a period of three months before a new person comes.I have learned so much about what my life is about in these classes, and how to set goals for myself. I would recommend every visitor to Ananda try it.
So, a week in Ananda in the Himalayas offers not just a break from normal life, but a chance to witness a country that is perceived as third world offering the very best it has, culturally, physically and spiritually. If you enjoy the hip & healthy lifestyle, it will not disappoint – you have my word!
(Edited by Persia Lawson, who is the co-founder of the sexy, savvy self-help blog
Healthy Coconut Rice and Sweet Veggie Dish
recipe by Saskia Gregson-Williams
I have always had a passion for coconut rice. Coconut rice is made in restaurants with white rice, coconut milk, and sugar, which may be yummy, but your insides won’t be thanking you! This version is made with brown rice, lemon, coconut milk and a little ginger – oh how your body will love you! Filling you with bountiful amounts of fibre, omega-3 and sustaining low GI carbohydrates, the kind that are awesome for your health and keep you fuller and energised for longer! However delicious this combination would be on its own (very) it is made even more extraordinary by the addition of roasted sweet potato wedges, creamy avocado cubes and crunchy bites of refreshing raw red pepper. Your mouth watering yet? This recipe is so perfect for this season, as like the ever changing weather it can be served hot or cold and looses none of its great flavour.
Let us know how you get on and show us some social media love by tagging your awesome recreations to #hipandhealthy on Instagram & Twitter!
Serves 4
150g brown rice
1 can coconut milk
1 1/2 cups water
1 tsp of ginger minced
juice 1 lemon
1 large avocado, cubed
2 sweet potatoes
1 red bell pepper, chopped into small cubes
salt and pepper to taste
For the rice add all the ingredients, bring to the boil and simmer for 25-30 minutes until the rice is cooked. Meanwhile preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Peal and cube the sweet potato, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and and roast for 25 minutes/ until it melts in your mouth! Prepare the red pepper and avocado. When everything’s cooked mix it all in and eat hot or leave to cool!