5 Tips to Gorgeous Skin…

This is probably the best anti-aging advice I ever got, and I’m not exaggerating! You’re not going to believe how simple and obvious it is. And I’m certain it will improve your skin and health. First, please don’t get mad at me – I’ve got to give you a little bit of info so you don’t get lost. (For those of you who know this, please feel free to skip ahead to “Live Blood Cell Analysis.” Don’t worry, it doesn’t get gory.)

Let’s talk body pH for a second without getting too technical. The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is within a range from 0 to 14. The midpoint marks a neutral state of 7.0. Alkaline, or basic, measures higher than 7.0; acid is lower than 7.0. Certain diseases, acne, eczema, psoriasis, wrinkles, blemishes, bacteria, fungus (oh you know, like mold, candida, and fun stuff like that), thrive in imbalanced acid-alkaline environments. On either side of the spectrum, if something is highly acidic, like battery acid, or highly alkaline, like lye found in household cleaning agents, it is called reactive. No wonder they are so damaging to our ecosystems, damaging pipes in our homes and, metaphorically speaking, in our bodies.

The pH of food doesn’t necessarily comply with its formation inside the body. Foods that are considered acidic before digestion (like lemons) become alkaline-forming in the body. A healthy body’s normal pH level is 7.365 (in blood), pretty close to neutral. Interestingly, skin is pH 5.5, slightly acidic. However, thanks to stress, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, processed foods (Le Big Mac, sodas, slurpies, yada yada yada), toxicity, and environmental pollution, we are exposed to waaaay more acidity than our bodies can assimilate. That means our bodies are constantly working overtime to get back to homeostasis.

Live Blood Cell Analysis

Am I preaching to the choir here? You probably know all about this, so I’ll get right to the nifty info that Rick Panson just shared with me. Among other cool vocations, Rick is a nutritional microbiologist and pioneer in analyzing living blood cells. He has spent ten years researching diseased and healthy cells under the microscope. It is amazing how much blood tells us! From just a few drops of blood (I promise, it didn’t hurt a bit and I’m squeamish), he told me that I had candida and was dehydrated, among other delightful nuisances. Then he asked me if I knew what to do about it.

No stranger to this lovely yeast playing happily in my body, I offered my educated answer: more probiotics, no more sugar, no wheat, and basically take EVERYTHING out of my food intake that I love! He gave me a satisfied look as if to say, “Lady, you don’t know the first thing about this, do you?” He proceeded to reach into his bag of tricks to produce several sheets of paper jam packed with information. And he told me the following.


STEP ONE: Breathing! Isn’t that the most obvious alkalizer in the entire world? That’s right. CO2, carbon dioxide, is the biggest acid your body eliminates daily (100X greater than other acids, according to Rick). If you are at a desk job most days, highly stressful situations, not getting enough sleep, worrying too much, and are bent over most of the day, you are probably taking shallow breaths. I know I am! You can alkalize your body by breathing deeply – inhaling vital oxygen – and focusing on the exhale, letting out the acid waste in the form of CO2.

STEP TWO: Drink quality water. This is another pretty obvious one that most of us (um, me!) don’t do enough. Drink at least half your body weight or one liter for every 30 lbs. After doing TONS of research for Clean Water’s Dirty Secret on Organic Lifestyle TV’s wonderful website, it’s blatant how important and scarce clean water truly is. In fact, not only does bottled water overuse resources to produce, distribute, AND recycle or dump, 98% of the water is acidic. Rick had these neat drops that tested water’s pH, so I gave him my Poland Spring bottled water that I plunked in my bag before heading into the city. Sure enough it scored a pH of 6.0, 10X more acidic than neutral pH.

Even when we added pH balancing drops to increase the water’s alkalinity, once he blew CO2 into the water, it turned acidic again. Ideally, it should stay alkaline. So even when I thought I was hydrating properly, I was actually fuelling the issue!

Though he doesn’t like bottled water at all, he favors these brands if you need water in a pinch:

  • Essentia
  • Icelandic
  • Evian
  • Fiji
  • Evamor
  • Vittel
  • Mt. Valley
  • Zephyrhills

He also nixed purified, reverse osmosis, and distilled water, not only for being acidic, but also for damaging alkalizing substance when it comes in contact with them. UGH! He recommended installing a good water ionizer like Kangen, a medical grade system. He told me my Aquasana filter was good but to STOP using my Britta filter because, you guessed it, it turns water acidic!

STEP THREE: Consume full-spectrum salts. Salt gets a bad rap in the traditional medical world, probably because regular table salts sold in supermarkets stink. But our blood is actually salty! Unprocessed and unheated salt provides a wonderful source of naturally occurring trace elements and minerals, like sodium, in addition to the other three alkalizing minerals: calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Baking soda, a.k.a. sodium bicarbonate, neutralizes acids in the body and can be used as a supplement too, he said. No wonder both salt and baking soda make a great sore throat gargle that works. My favorite salt these days is either Celtic Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Sea Salt, which contains over 80 trace minerals. Helpful tip: natural salt is not white! It can be slightly gray, brownish, earth tones, or pink.

STEP FOUR: Use healthy fats & oils, as in no CRAP (Completely Refined And Processed). Many companies like to advertise their oils as having “No Cholesterol.” Aside from the fact that I don’t buy into the cholesterol myth at all, those oils have been completely adulterated and breed a slew of many other problems, making the “threat” of cholesterol pale in comparison. Trans fats are BIG no no’s. Enjoy nuts, seeds, avocado, and non-hydrogenated, unrefined, organic oils. Two favorite picks are: Chia seeds, high in omega 3’s, calcium, antioxidants, and fiber, and coconut oil, the superstar oil of the moment.

STEP FIVE: Go green. Start incorporating more green into your diet. Add green leafy vegetables rich in minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. These nutrients support beautiful skin thanks to the abundant vitamins like A, C, K, . Spirulina, chlorella, and green powders help absorb and eliminate toxins from the body. I hope you’re getting why I found this information to be invaluable. By maintaining a balanced pH in the body, skin issues from acne to wrinkles vanish. It really can be so simple. These steps lay the foundation for a healthier lifestyle. Once these cornerstones solidify, making dietary changes like reducing sugar and coffee intake, exercising, and supplementing appropriately further enhance results.

Words by Sarita Coren

Full disclosure: Sarita has no ties or affiliation with Rick Panson other than being intrigued by the information. The MANY opinions on water filtration methods amaze and confuse her. The main goal is to drink clean, filtered water in glass or metal reusable bottles. The pH level is a matter of preference determined by your own research. Not everyone is overly acidic either! 


Carrot Cake Oatmeal

recipe by Saskia Gregson-Williams

Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day, and as everybody preaches, definitely the most important! The way you start your day can determine exactly the kind of day you have; A quick breakfast eaten in haste can lead to a day of rushed behaviour and adrenal energy, if you skip breakfast all together often worry, stress and fatigue creep in. However, if you set your alarm a mere 5 minutes earlier, and make yourself a delicious, wholesome breakfast not only will you be energised but your outlook on the day to come will be far more positive! Just by taking those few extra minutes of calm in the morning can completely change your day.

My favourite breakfasts for this time of year is without a doubt porridge. When it’s oh so brrrr outside, there’s nothing thats more comforting than a bowl of warming goodness – that leaves you with that energising glow and the feeling of a warm hug in your stomach. Nothing beats it! Porridge can be one of those breakfasts that can be completely bland, or creamy and full of flavour. Today I’m sharing my recipe for carrot cake oatmeal, which is one of my absolute favourite variations. It has all the taste of carrot cake, and is just amazing for your health too. Carrots are a wonderful source of the immune boosting Antioxidant beta carotene which converts into Vitamin A in the body. It is also a good source of vitamin C, iron and calcium. This is a sneaky way to add tons more nutrients to your breakfast, and it tastes delicious!

1/2 cup oats
1 cup almond/brown rice milk (we like Rude Health)
1 ripe banana
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup grated carrot
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 tbsp ginger
a small pinch of nutmeg

In a saucepan Bring the milk to the boil, lower heat and add your oats, mashed banana, vanilla extract. Allow the oats to simmer for a few minutes before adding your carrot and spices. Mix well, and continue to simmer for a few more minutes. Pour into a bowl and top with more banana slices, pecans and generous dollop of almond/peanut butter.

Carrot cake oatmeal

Detox With Yoga

For thousands of years the practice of yoga has been a way to purify the body, mind and soul. For those who practice yoga regularly the detoxifying effects are clearly evident after a yoga class as you feel lighter and brighter. Although other types of physical exercise have detoxifying effects yoga gets deeper into our tissues and extremities bringing detoxing effects to our entire body.

The three main bodily systems used for detox are our circulatory system, our digestive system and our lymphatic system. Stimulating these systems through yoga poses can help move our body’s waste products more efficiently. Although all yoga poses stimulate our detox systems, the three main groups of poses which have obvious detox effects are twists, forward folds and inversions.

Twisting poses such as Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fish), wring out our abdominal organs as you twist, and encourage fresh blood flow to abdominal organs as you unwind. Twists also promote digestion and help with the release of trapped gas.

Forward Folds
Forward folds can either be seated, such as Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold), or standing such as Prasarita Paddotanasana (Wide Leg Standing Forward Fold). In standing forward folds you bring your heart higher than your head which reverses the pull of gravity. This encourages circulation of blood through the body as well as encouraging movement of lymph fluid. In all forward folds, the gentle movement of folding forwards gently massages your abdomen which aids with digestion. Also in all forward folds we lengthen the spine, which has the effect of improving posture and encourages better breathing.

Inversions are the third group of poses which aid detoxifying processes. Full inversions such as Sirsasana (Headstand) or poses such as Viparita Kirani (Legs Up The Wall), stimulate circulation of blood and lymph from the feet and legs. If we have been sitting a lot or travelling over the festive period, it is possible we have a build up of fluid in our lower legs so taking the weight off our legs and reversing the flow of gravity can help to restore good circulation. These poses also bathe the abdomen in fresh blood which can stimulate digestion.

Two other wonderful detox poses are Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) and Dandasana (Staff Pose). Adho Mukha Svanasana brings the heart higher than the head which reverses the flow of gravity and encourages circulation. It also gently stretches the abdomen and lengthens the spine. Dandasana assists the detoxification process by encouraging the spine to lengthen which makes it easier to breathe deeply. Breathing deeply and fully allows us to get rid of waste carbon dioxide and take in more life-giving oxygen.

As well as providing a great physical detox for our bodies, another detox effect of yoga is that it gives us an opportunity to detoxify our minds and souls.  By bringing our awareness to our breath we calm our crazy minds by letting go of toxic thoughts or feelings and shifting our awareness to the present moment.

This new year resolve to practice yoga regularly as part of your detox efforts. Releasing those nasty toxins as well as toxic, unhelpful thoughts and feelings will help you to feel and look your best.

words by Kathleen Fleming



Baobab Bars

This recipe for these baobab infused energy bars, are one of the most simple and delicious homemade snacks out there, they honestly take no time to make, last you forever, are incredibly nutritious and so wonderfully energising. I love to make a big batch at a time, so I’m always prepared when the nibbles kick in!

These energy bars are made by blending cashews, almonds, brazil nuts, dried fruit, lemon juice and Aduna’s baobab powder. By blending and not baking, you create delicious smooth fudge-like bars that taste amazing without loosing any of their nutrients. Cashews, almonds and brazil nuts are all a great source of plant-protein with one cup of cashews being equal to 21g of protein, the same as a large breast of chicken! Unlike meat, the standard source of protein, nuts are digested easily and thus we are able to absorb all the avaliable nutrients. They also create an alkaline environment in the body, this prevents free radicals and disease from surfacing. Raisins, my dried fruit of choice for this recipe, are widely underestimated for their benefits, they are in fact a rich source of immune boosting antioxidants and promote the efficient absorption of vitamins, proteins and other nutrients in the body. They provide a good level of instant-energy fructose which is balanced by the protein from the nuts to release slowly into the blood stream, meaning your energy is sustained for far longer.

To create the sherbet and lemon flavour I have used lemon juice and the superfood powder, baobab. Aduna’s baobab, is one of my favourite superfood supplements, it contains an abundance of vitamin C and malic acid which has powerful energising properties, as well as helping to boost your immune system. Baobab powder also helps to promote a healthy nerve and digestive system and optimises Iron uptake. This is particularly beneficial for those with a primarily plant based diet.

These bars are the perfect way to ensure you always have something healthy on hand, and don’t break any of your New Years resolutions!

Makes up to 12 bars:

1 cup cashew nuts
1 cup mixed brazil nuts and almonds
1 cup of medjool dates, raisins or cranberries
3 tbsp lemon juice
3 tbsp Aduna boabab

Method: start by grinding the nuts in the blender. Add all other ingredients and pulse until the mixture is smooth and forms a fudge like dough in the blender. Remove and shape into energy bars or balls.

The Wizard of Oz: Lorna Jane lands in the Hip & Healthy store

“MOVE, NOURISH, BELIEVE” is the ethos behind Australia’s leading sportswear brand for women, one filled with inspiration and motivation, encouraging us to “live our best life through active living”. It’s a notion that we completely embrace here at Hip & Healthy, so much so that we jumped on the already global bandwagon and are shouting from the rooftops: “Welcome Lorna Jane to our Hip & Healthy store!”

Lorna Jane epitomises the type of ‘do and have it all’ women we aspire to become, by designing sportswear that is functional, innovative and daring. The founder of the company, Lorna Jane Clarkson comments that, “Women are discerning. They are not simply looking for active-wear, they want pieces that work with their busy life and reflect their personal style”. By keeping abreast of current and forecasted global fashion and lifestyle trends, the brand produces up to 100 new styles per month in bright colours and bold prints using superior quality fabrics. LJExcel is a material that has been created solely for the company and it is wonderful for so many reasons. Shrink resistant, fade resistant, sweat-wicking, anti-pilling, quick drying and completely breathable, the bespoke textile makes big promises and seriously delivers.

For the limited time of one month, Hip & Healthy is thrilled to be the exclusive retailer of five gorgeous garments including one of our favourite pieces, the Galvanise Sports Bra. Look out for the tiny red heart hidden in each piece for the little extra love you might need as you push yourself to your limit. Additional details such as this give the impression that Lorna Jane is a brand that truly cares about the women for whom they design.

“MOVE, NOURISH, BELIEVE”; we can’t argue with that.

words by Lucy Marshall

Update your Workout Wardrobe!

If you only do one thing this week… Update your Workout Wardrobe!

Updating your old (and a little bit knackered) workout wardrobe is always a fun task. I strongly believe that treating yourself to new fitness gear is one of the best ways to keep you motivated! This is, after all, the last week of January where quite frankly, motivation is in short supply! However, choosing workout clothes is a specialized skill that does need a bit of practice! Take a read of H&H’s guide to giving your workout wardrobe a new lease of life!

Invest in your gym gear – If any section of your wardrobe deserves to be good quality it should be your gym gear. Think about it… you sweat in it, stretch in it, shove it in your gym bag and wash it after every use! It does get put through its paces! Buying cheap gym gear may be more cost effective in the short run, (pun intended!) but they won’t stand the test of time like the more expensive items. Invest now to ultimately save money in the future.

Consider what type of exercise you do –When trying on gym clothes, keep in mind the type of exercise you do. You may be tempted to get that gorgeously soft yoga bra but if you’re a keen runner, it might not be the most supportive of choices! Another aspect to consider is the different type of fabrics on offer. For example, if you love spinning, you might want to go for moisture wicking materials to help prevent the oh-so-attractive “sweat patch” look! Or if you love to brave the great outdoors, it might be a good idea to look into UV protected fabrics to help protect your skin from harmful rays.

Always have some staple items – The backbone to any workout wardrobe is your staple items! Think of them as the “Little Black Dresses” of your gym kit! You can’t go wrong with some classic, black, full-length leggings (we love these ones by Lole for comfort and style). You’ll get so much use out of them and they are universally flattering! Other items that should feature in your staples are a comfy and well-fitted sports bra and a simple base layer tank top.

Comfort is key – This may seem a bit obvious but feeling comfortable whilst exercising is very important. You definitely don’t need the distraction of your leggings falling down half way through your run, (I’ve been there, its not a good look), nor do you want anything to be digging in places it shouldn’t! Your gym kit should seamlessly support your body and allow you to focus on the task at hand –working out!

Find something that flatters you – We were all born with different body shapes so learn to accept that what looks good on your friend might not look good on you. Experimenting with lots of different brands will give you a good idea of what flatters your body and which styles to look out for. I want to point out that this can be a slow process, but there’s not a better feeling than looking in the gym mirror and feeling confidant and positive about the way you look.

Check out our Activewear Store for some ideas and inspiration! http://www.hipandhealthy.co.uk/product-category/shop/clothing/

words by Molly Jennings


The Paleo Diet: Going Back To Your Roots

When you hear the term ‘Paleo Diet’ what do you think of? Hairy cavemen? Flint? Berries? Hunger? I can see how these might come to mind; that’s what I thought when a friend mentioned it about a year ago. However, after hitting the library and finding out what it’s about, I feel like this way of eating has been specifically designed for me! Or maybe it has… and for you, and for your friends, and for all humans. Maybe it’s how we are supposed to eat, before we invented machines and random additives like disodium 5′-ribonucleotides (E635 – watch out for this one) to ‘flavour’ our food. It’s how our ancestors ate, and we wouldn’t be here without them, so what’s it all about?

Get to know your food
For me, it’s about ridding my body of processed food and making my stomach like me (which it rarely does). As a Hip & Healthy reader, you’re striving to be the best version of you. I certainly am. I want to avoid disease like the plague (no pun intended!) which is why I’m going down the Paleo route. It’s unlikely that Paleolithic hunter-gatherers were affected by modern diseases because of their diet. They ate mostly lean meats and plants and frequently engaged in intense physical activity. Admittedly they probably got eaten by a wolf, but we don’t need to worry too much about that, we’ve got bigger things to worry about, like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The rise in cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity scares me. I know some people eat too much and don’t break a sweat, but maybe it’s not wholly their fault. When I gave up sugar 7 months ago, I was astounded to find out how many things contain sugar – have a look in your cupboard, nearly everything has added sugar even if it’s not sweet! So maybe the rise in cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other ailments is a result of us not knowing what’s in our food.

This is where the Paleo diet comes in: it takes us back to our roots and recalibrates the body so that we know what we’re eating. It’s about eating real food, not food that is processed and pumped full of unpronounceables. Paleolithic hunter-gatherer people ate varying proportions of leafy vegetables, fruit, nuts, insects, meat, fish, and shellfish, which are all extremely healthy and tasty…I’m not sure the local store sells insects, but I’ll give them a go if it does. They didn’t eat dairy, grains, legumes, added salt or added sugar. Recent evidence indicates that humans processed and consumed wild cereal grains as far back as 23,000 years ago in the Upper Paleolithic. However, seeds, such as grains and beans, were rarely eaten and never in large quantities on a daily basis, so these are best avoided.

Why should I go Paleo?
As already mentioned, the Paleo diet has huge health benefits as it strips away processed food and added nasties. It encourages you to go back to your roots and start again; to re-educate yourself about food. Think you’re going to starve if you don’t have traditional carbs like pasta and rice? Think again. By choosing the right vegetables, you can get all of the nutrients and carbohydrates that you need, without the stodgy feeling. In his book ‘The Paleo Solution’, Robb Wolf notes that “ we’ve moved from a nutrient-dense, protein-rich diet that was varied and changed with location and seasons to a diet dependent upon a few starchy crops. These starchy crops provide a fraction of the vitamins and minerals found in fruits, vegetables and lean meats. These ‘new’ foods create a host of other health problems ranging from cancer to autoimmunity to infertility.”  Ok, enough with the scary stuff. Going Paleo should be a positive, uplifting experience, where you feel better and stronger everyday. Yes, there’ll be days when you’re plagued by cravings, but you’ll come out the other side, after eating your weight in nuts and berries, and you’ll be stronger for it.

I like chocolate? And milk? Help?! Ok, I know. It’s daunting. I felt like that when I gave up sugar, but, take it slow, phase things out one at a time, and I bet you’ll feel fantastic. If you don’t, go back to how you were eating – nothing ventured, nothing gained – but I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that you’ll feel brilliant. And remember, there are millions of alternatives out there! How about almond milk instead of milk? (blend 1 cup of almonds with 750ml water, then strain the bits out – easy). You might have to adapt your taste buds, but they will adapt, and you’ll soon think cow’s milk tastes weird. How about making chocolate mousse using raw cacao powder and avocado? Weird…but tasty! See it as a fun experiment. That’s what I’m doing – join me!

If you want to give it a go, here it is in a nutshell (that you’ve foraged for):

EAT: meat (non-processed meat only – sorry bacon and sausages), fish, shellfish, all vegetables, fruit and nuts. In vast quantities if you like, you’ll be hard pressed to be obese by eating these.

AVOID: dairy, grains, legumes (e.g. beans and peanuts), salt, refined sugar and processed oils.

RESEARCH: do your homework. Read the facts and the science so that you’re in the know. Sometimes people are wary of new diets, so arm yourself with the knowledge needed to convince them of its worth.

DOCUMENT: keep a diary, just a short one, of how you feel each day. Maybe rate yourself out of 10 at a certain point in the day. It’s important to be aware of how you’re feeling so that you can decide whether Paleo’s right for your body.

ENJOY: enjoy going Paleo. Share it with friends and family, cook them new Paleo recipes, don’t sit at home feeling like you can’t eat anything – it shouldn’t be this way, life’s too short. Embrace it, share it and, of course, be the best version of you!

Words by Elle Young. Find more by Elle at www.thesugarfreekitchen.com

Solid to The Core: How and Why We Should be Engaging Our Abdominals

Let’s talk about one of the most admired parts of the human body, the stomach. A toned and sculpted midsection seems to be on every fifties’ list of things to achieve. It’s a power statement that reads “I am healthy, strong and proud”. It gives us the confidence to stand taller, therefor changing the way we carry ourselves, inside and out. But what other uses do the abdominals have on the body?

Imagine how it would feel to have a physique that allows you to move gracefully, breathe with ease and have energy levels that keep you moving all day. Well believe it or not, the core is where it all starts. Your core muscles hold you up and are used to assist the body’s movement on a daily basis. The core, as described by Joseph Pilates, is our powerhouse. So could a strong core mean better posture and a healthier life?

What are the Core muscles and how do they assist in having good posture?
If we were to cut a torso in half what would we see? (A little gruesome, but roll with it!) We would see four layers of abdominal muscle consisting of…

Transverse Abdominals – The most inner layer that wraps around the torso like a corset that supports and stabilises the spine and organs located there. It also assists the movement of breathing.

Internal and External Obliques – Criss Cross muscles that are primarily used for rotating, twisting and side to side movements.

Rectus Abdominals – The outer layer of abdominal muscle that supports the body in bending forwards and backwards, and that also contributes to the flexion of the hip joint.

So in short, the abdominals all work together to keep you upright and your body and its organs protected and supported.

What are the benefits in achieving better posture?

Back Pain
Many people in different walks of life suffer from some kind of back pain. It can be really disruptive to your concentration, making working life a challenge. Good posture is so important as it ensures your body is in the correct alignment which takes the stress off your spine and places it in your abdominals.

Improved Breathing
Of course it improves breathing. Slouching essentially compresses your lungs, making deep breathing difficult. We are often then forced to take shallow breaths which can lead to a decrease in oxygen circulation to your brain. Maybe that mental fog you get mid afternoon is something to do with your posture?

Good Digestion
Many people believe that we can measure our health by our digestive function. A poor digestive system can zap energy levels if its working overtime and can cause gas or bloating. It is such a foundation for good health. Like breathing, good posture can relieve pressure from your digestive system, freeing it up so it can work more efficiently.

Easy-to-implement Core Exercises
Here are my top tips on what you can do to keep firing up those much needed muscles to have a solid center. The exercises can be done anywhere, anytime… no excuses.

When making tea – Balance on One Leg
Try standing with your feet a hips width apart, your shoulders and your hip bones should be parallel to each other and in line. Back of the neck is long and your chin is parallel to the floor. Fold one knee up to the chest. Interlock the fingers around the knee and when you feel comfortable you can remove your hands and try balancing on the standing leg. You can add challenge by extending the leg to the front and to the side in line with your hip. Make sure you repeat on the alternate leg.

Swap your desk chair with a stability ball.
Sitting on a stability ball will help engage those core muscles throughout the day. The squishy nature of the ball increases your instability, forcing your abs and your back muscles to work to maintain an upright posture. To challenge yourself while sitting, you can add alternating floating a foot at a time: Sit upright with your arms extended by your side, palms pressing against the ball, inhale to prepare and as you exhale engage your abdominals and float one foot off the floor trying to maintain alignment of shoulders and hips; hold the position for a few breaths then repeat on the other side

Stash a Bosu Under Your Desk.
A bosu ball is half a stability ball with a flat bottom. You can easily place it under your desk or bed and use it when needed. Any balance work you can do standing or kneeling on the floor, you can also do it on the bosu. It activates the deep core muscles and it’s fun!

words by Lara Hassan

image: Clothes all by Lija (soon to be available in House of Fraser)

Striders Edge Arrives in Our Activewear Store

There is a strange demonstration of human spirit and willpower at this time of year, when New Years resolutions are made, broken, and guilt sets in.  At the top of many people’s resolution lists is, ‘Get Fit’ and yet so often so many stop the progress they’ve made by the end of January, despite all of the good intentions they have.

At Hip & Healthy we are always trying to find new ways to stay motivated, especially in January (yes, we too sometimes have to grin and bear the early morning runs in the icy cold), and so we are delighted to announce the arrival of the fabulous sportswear brand Striders Edge to our online shop.

Striders Edge is brilliant in so many ways, not least because the brand takes its name from Striding Edge; the knife-edged ridge in the Lake District, but also because of the so-called ‘muse’ that they design for. Founder, Katy Biddulph proudly reveals that the person she has in mind is the Bond Girl; a woman who loves to stay healthy and look incredible while she does. “She is confident, loves keeping fit, knows quality and innovation and appreciates stylish British design”, says Biddulph of her muse, and what better way to motivate than to imagine running alongside Daniel Craig in the hot sun before retreating to a beautiful hotel room to… I digress…

The collection boasts great technical fabrics that contain UV protection to keep you safe from those harmful rays, and are ideal for most sports including hiking, running (next to Mr Craig or not), Yoga and Pilates. As well as high performance fabrics you can be sure that your new fitness wardrobe is stylish and functional as Biddulph, who is a former technical designer at Sweaty Betty, tests out each garment herself. The collection is designed to empower and celebrate women who do sport, which is something that we are completely on board with here at Hip & Healthy, where we promote the ‘fit not thin’ and ‘strong is the new sexy’ ethos’s.

You can find four pieces, hand-picked by the Hip & Healthy team in our shop, which we believe are the types of garments that will help to kick-start your New Year plan, and which you’ll be excited to wear over and over again on your quest to being the best version of you.

words by Lucy Marshall

Back Striders Edge Tank Top

Striders Edge Tank Top, £45; and sports bra, £35

Striders Edge Statement Racer

Striders Edge Statement Racer, £45

Striders Edge Bootcut Pant Sitting

Striders Edge Bootcut Pant, £55

Ultimate Kale Salad Recipe

recipe by Saskia Gregson-Williams

I’m somewhat of a kale salad fiend, I absolutely love them! Not only is kale amazing for your health (more on that later), but when soft and dressed with an incredible thick, creamy dressing it is just so delicious too. Tahini is one of my favourite bases for all dressing and sauces, with a touch of lemon, lime or orange juice, a little olive oil and possibly a touch of tamari – just incredible. These dressings completely converted me from disliking tahini with a passion, to going through a jar a week! I always find when you have a delicious sauce meals come together very easily, you can simply have a bowl of steamed rainbow vegetables and grains, dressed in this sauce it will be a taste sensation.

Kale is a nutritional powerhouse and the King of greens. It’s an amazing source of iron, having calorie for calorie more iron than beef! It’s an amazing source of immune boosting antioxidants and a powerful anti-inflammatory, which both protect the body against free radicals and disease. Kale also contains a wealth of calcium, calorie for calorie even more than milk! This helps maintain strong and health bones and prevents against bone weakness and osteoporosis. Kale is a great source of fibre making it a perfect detox food.

The Tahini dressing is massaged into the kale to wilt it without cooking it and loosing any of the nutrients, it’s then paired with amazing cinnamon roasted sweet potato wedges, creamy avocado cubes, pomegranate seeds, and scattered with a few toasted walnuts if you like! So delicious, and incredibly nourishing.

Let me know how you get on and share all your awesome recreations by tagging both @sassyballerina and @hipandhealthyuk on Instagram and Twitter and hash-tagging #hipandhealthy!

Recipe, serves 2
180g bag of fresh kale
1/3 cup pomegranate seeds
1 large avocado
2 sweet potatoes
A handful of walnuts, toasted (optional)

Tahini dressing
2 tbsp tahini
2 tbsp olive oil
Juice 1/2 a lemon
Juice 1/2 large orange
1 tsp of tamari (optional)
1 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Start by pealing the sweet potato and chopping them into small bite sized cubes, line on a roasting tray, drizzle with olive oil a tsp of cinnamon and place in the oven for 30 minutes. Meanwhile wash the kale, and remove any hard stems.  Mix all ingredients for the dressing in a bowl. Pour the dressing into the bowl with the kale, and massage for approx 3 minutes, until the kale softens/wilts. If your sprinkling with walnuts add to the tray with the sweet potato wedges for 2-3 minutes before removing. Slice your avocado into cubes and add to the salad with the pomegranate seeds and the roasted sweet potato wedges. Toss well, and plate, sprinkling with toasted walnuts. Enjoy!

Turn Yourself into a Green, Lean, Health Machine!


Jump on the Juicing Bandwagon
Give your body a nutrient hit with a green juice. When we drink a juice we absorb 95% of the nutrients, unlike when we eat our greens and only absorb a measly 20%. Due to the high levels of nutrients, vitamins and alkalising minerals that you will supply your body with. You will experience an increase in your energy levels, get glowing skin and better digestion. Sound good? Why not try out our Hip & Healthy Green Machine Smoothie to help you get your ‘green’ on.

Sneak Greens into Your Baking
We love to get our hands dirty in the kitchen over here at the Hip & Healthy headquarters. Nothing beats the smell of freshly baked goods coming out of the oven, am I right? Enter the star ingredient, zucchini (also known as courgette). Zucchini is the perfect green veg to use in your baking as it keeps everything moist and gooey. It will turn your lovely creations into a powerhouse full of nutritious goodness, with high levels of dietary fibre which will keep you feeling satisfied for longer. Add zucchini to breads, cookies, cakes or muffins. Why not give our healthy chocolate zucchini muffin recipe a go, which you can enjoy guilt free.

Revamp Your Body Products
Did you know that the skin is our largest organ and that we absorb 60% of the nasty chemicals found in our body products? As soon as our lotions and potions that we use touch our skin, these chemicals go straight into our blood stream. Scary right. We tend to focus all our efforts on what we put in our mouths. But we should really take notice of what we are putting on our bodies as well. This is where ‘Yes to Carrots’ comes in. ‘Yes to Carrots’ are a company that sell natural skin and hair care products which are full of fruits and veggies. Check out their ‘Yes to Cucumbers’ range and absorb some green goodness through your skin. The range contains ingredients like cucumber, aloe vera, green tea and not to forget the king of superfoods, spirulina.

Indulge in Green Superfoods
To really reap the benefit of adding more greens to your diet, why not try adding powerful superfoods to your foodie repertoire. Spirulina, wheatgrass and barley grass are all bursting with vitamins and minerals. They contain high levels of chlorophyll, which is a great detoxifier as it is very alkalising. When our bodies are too acidic they don’t work as efficiently as they should so these superfoods with help bring you back into balance. Are you looking for a way to amp up your daily protein intake? Then look no further as all 3 of these wonder foods contain high amounts of digestible protein. Making it a great option for the vegetarians out there. The best way to take these supplements is in powder form. By adding 1 tsp to a juice or smoothie of choice.

Hip & Healthy loves:

Organic Burst for their Spirulina

Naturya for their Wheatgrass 

Synergy Natural for their Barley Grass 

Get Your Greens Delivered
Do you tend to get overwhelmed in the fruit and veg section when you do your food shop? Then you end up not buying anything as it is too much effort to figure out what is what? Why not try ordering online and getting a box full of fresh, organic produce delivered straight to your door. No fuss, no hassle and you are guaranteed a nice wide selection to experiment with. Hip & Healthy loves: Able and Cole


The Hip & Healthy Latest in Beauty Discovery Box

Check out our collaboration with Latest in Beauty, where we bring you our very own box of goodies… start the year the Hip & Healthy way!

Buy it here.

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Neom Organic Complete Bliss Hand Cream (50ml)

Packed with antioxidising extracts, including acai and argan oil, known to aid collagen production and tighten the skin, as well as for their anti-ageing and nourishing properties. Non-greasy, it penetrates the skin quickly, leaving hands super soft.

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Together Health Multivitamin & Mineral Food Supplement (Sample Sachet – 7 Capsules) – as featured in Elle Magazine!

Together’s vegetarian Multivitamin and Mineral capsules are made with the highest quality natural foods, including carrots, whole citrus pulp, alfalfa and corn. They are in the ideal form, which means they are better absorbed, retained and utilised by our bodies compared with isolated vitamins and minerals. With no added sugars and free from nasty preservatives, they are the perfect daily supplement to keep you hip and healthy.

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Jax Coco 100% Pure Coconut Water (250ml)

Jax Coco offers the purest, best tasting coconut water on the market. Made with 100% coconut water using a micro-filtering process, it contains absolutely no additives or added sugars. This is nature’s energy drink. Excellent on its own or mixed in cocktails, smoothies and cooking.

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Aduna Boabab Fruit Pulp Powder Sachet (4.5g)

Aduna Baobab Fruit Pulp Powder is a 100% natural, nutrient dense raw wholefood, that provides you with three key benefits: Natural multivitamin, Rich source of fibre, and High in antioxidants. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, calcium, potassium and thiamin and a source of vitamin B6.

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Teapigs Matcha Green Tea (2 servings)

Matcha is a very concentrated form of green tea. The way it’s grown and consumed means that it’s packed full of essential vitamins and minerals. Matcha tea bushes are grown under shade which dramatically increases the chlorophyll content of the leaf – this is the bright green stuff which is really good for us, and which is particularly rich in antioxidants.

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Nourish Golden Glow Illuminating Face Shimmer (2ml)

Containing Golden mineral powders to lift and define your complexion, and active Tonka Bean extract that emits light to give the skin a vibrant, natural, healthy glow, as well as reducing the appearance of uneven skin tone and age spots.

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Rude Health The Ultimate Granola (50g)

This award-winning multigrain granola is made up with oats like a normal granola, but they’ve also added spelt, barley and puffed amaranth for a more complex flavour. Baked with a drizzle of honey, date syrup and topped with freshly roasted nuts and cheerfully crunchy seeds, it’s made without adding any salt or refined sugars.

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Organic Superblends Alkalising Superfood Powder (1x 5g sachet)

These Chia based superfood powder blends come in 4 different blends; Alkalise, Energise, Skin and Omega. Add to your favourite smoothie, juice, yoghurt or granola for a healthy boost. Each blend contains just 6 ingredients plus they are vegan, dairy free, gluten free, and soy free.

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Balance Me Cleanse and Smooth Face Balm (40ml)

A daily must-have for its dual cleansing and smoothing action to enhance your skin’s natural radiance. Anti-oxidant rich Arctic cloudberry, gentle Roman chamomile and skin-brightening red mandarin, smooths away daily grime and make-up leaving skin soft, radiant and calmly clean.

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Bounce Natural Energy Ball Coconut & Macadamia Protein Bliss (40g)

Bounce® Energy Balls are an amazingly convenient and tasty way to nourish your body, satisfy your hunger and boost your energy. They’re a delicious combination of high quality proteins, carbohydrates and essential fats and are bursting with nutrients. Bounce® is the perfect food on-the-go to support a healthy and active lifestyle.

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Virgin Active 1 day health club pass

You are invited to try all there is on offer at your local Virgin Active Health Club. Work out, splash out, and chill out with our world-class gym equipment, indoor and outdoor pools, and relaxing spa facilities.