Sweet Potato Brownies – Deliciously Ella For Raw Press!

Finally, we want to share with you, Ella’s most famous recipe, her Sweet Potato Brownies! We are so thrilled that they will be available to buy at Raw Press, as they make the perfect healthy “treat”!

“My sweet potato brownies have been the most popular recipe on my blog for the past year, so I wanted to share them with Raw Press customers as everyone always loves them. I know it sounds strange to put vegetables into brownies, but the sweet potatoes do absolute wonders to create an incredibly gooey, fudgy brownie. All the other ingredients are full of goodness too; it’s just dates, raw cacao powder, ground almonds and buckwheat flour, plus a little maple syrup, so you can eat dessert and still feel amazing!”
Ella Woodward, Deliciously Ella


2 medium/large sweet potatoes (600g)

2/3 cup ground almonds (80g)

1/2 cup buckwheat or brown rice flour (100g)

14 medjool dates

5 tbsp raw cacao powder

4 tbsp pure maple syrup (make sure it hasn’t got any added sugar!)

Pinch of salt



Start by preheating the oven to 180c, before peeling the sweet potatoes ands cutting them in to chunks. Place the sweet potatoes into a steamer for twenty minutes or until they are soft. Once ready, add the potatoes to a food processor with the pitted dates and blend until a smooth, creamy mixture forms. Put the remaining ingredients in a bowl before stirring in the sweet potato and date mixture. Place the mixture into a lined baking dish and cook for around twenty to thirty minutes until you can pierce the brownie cake with a fork, bringing it out dry. Remove from the tray and allow to cool for about ten minutes before cutting them into squares to serve.

recipe: Deliciously Ella for Raw Press

HH Raw Press Delisciously Ella Dishes 011

For more info on Ella and her blog, click here!

For more info on Raw Press, click here!

Get Your Glow On With A Hip & Healthy Prize Draw!

We may be in September now, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still get your glow on and feel just as fabulous as you did in August! As some of you may already know from our Monday morning newsletter, this week we announced an exciting competition in partnership with Latest In Beauty to celebrate our awesome Summer Glow Box! As well as offering FREE P&P, we’re giving all of you who purchase the box from 1st September – 7th September a chance to win a super chic Splits 59 workout tank from our activewear store worth £65.00! (Bonus!)

To be in with a chance of winning, all you have to do is enter the free P&P code, “H&HLIB14” at the checkout and you will automatically be entered in to the prize draw! It’s as easy as that. The successful winner will be announced on Wednesday the 10th September and will be contacted by email. Good luck to everyone who enters and enjoy the gorgeous goodies inside your Summer Glow Box!

Enter here!

Full terms and conditions apply.

If You Only Do One Thing This Week… Try The Latest Healthy “Diet” Trends!

Summer is coming to an end and it’s time to put down the glass of rosé and pick up the coconut water, swap that croissant for porridge and say goodbye to those barbecues. Here at Hip & Healthy we are not huge fans of the ‘D’ word… In our view many diets are often unsustainable, can be unhealthy and actually do more harm then good in the end. That said, we have recently seen a resurgence of healthy eating programmes flood the market that we do approve of. Full of fresh, raw food and good easy-to-implement eating habits, we have outlined a few of the diets that are causing a storm in the UK and beyond.

The Whole30 Diet
Best For: Those looking to press the reset button

Devised by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, The Whole30 Diet is designed to cut unhealthy cravings and bad habits, get your metabolism firing and balance your immune system by getting you back to food basics. What you can eat… Meat, seafood, eggs, tons of veggies, some fruit, lots of healthy fats (from oils, nuts etc.) And what you can’t… No sugar at all (not even agave… and no not even coconut sugar), no alcohol, no grains (that means all that lovely quinoa has to go), no legumes (all beans of all kinds including soy), no dairy, nothing processed. You are also told not to weigh or measure yourself for the duration of the 30 days, plus you can’t even be clever and make things like beetroot brownies (so no looking up Deliciously Ella’s insanely yummy but apparently Whole30 friendly recipes – as Hartwig just sees this as distracting your mind from the task at hand. The idea is that this diet should press the reset button on your whole digestive system, and it also endeavors to re-program the way you think about food. Sounds hard? It is. But it could also be the answer to changing the way you eat forever.

The Okinawa Diet
Best For: Anti-aging

It’s not a secret that the Japanese people have one of the highest life-expectancy rates, particularly in the south Okinawa island where there are the most people over the age of one-hundred in the world. Is their secret to living long down to their diets? Quite possibly. The Okinawa diet is anti-oxidant rich consisting of mainly green, yellow and orange vegetables and fruits. It is also incredibly low in both fat and sugar and although it contains almost no meat (although they did eat some pork) or dairy it does consist of a good amount of omega-3 rich fish. If you plan on trying this then we suggest a spot of Tai Chi would be a great complement to the diet.

The Three-Hour Diet
Best For: Increasing the Metabolism

We all know that skipping meals is bad for us, which is why best-selling author Jorge Cruise created his Three-hour diet plan that encourages us to eat six meals a day! The theory behind it is that whenever your body doesn’t get its fuel for over three hours it goes into a state of starvation and starts hanging on to fat. This eating program aims to keep the metabolism’s fire stoked at all times so that it continues to burn food efficiently and effectively keeping you lean and toned! You’ll also keep blood sugar levels stabled, which will keep hunger pangs at bay. The only downside is preparing or buying lots of healthy snacks can be time consuming or expensive if you don’t give it enough forethought as on an average day you’ll be eating breakfast, having a mid-morning snack, then lunch, then another snack, followed by supper and then another snack or healthy dessert. Make sure you keep things healthy or it kinda defeats the object. This program works brilliantly with those that have an active lifestyle which will only further increase the metabolism’s energy.

Best For: Discovering Food Intolerances

Perhaps one of the hardest diets out there because it is so restrictive, the FODMAP diet is one of the best ways to find out what and if you are intolerant to any particular foods. This diet really isn’t necessary if you think your digestive system is working just fine but for those with regular IBS – it may just hold the key to making you better. FODMAP is an acronym for the names of some complicated sounding-carbohydrates that are commonly found in the western diet and is all about how these foods are digested in the gut. What is believed is that many of the foods that are not to be eaten create a lot of gas in the intestines which can be painful (and trust us – gas can be REALLY painful). What will surprise you is the amount of veggies, fruit and other healthy foods that are not to be eaten when on the diet. But the diet really is to be followed to the letter if you are hoping to see any improvement to your tummy pains. It is really important though with this diet that you see a dietician first to make sure that you are cutting out the right foods at the right time so have a chat with your doctor or a registered nutritionist if you think that this could help you.

Part-Time Vegan
Best For: Getting your glow on

Taking Meat-Free Mondays a few steps further, part-time veganism could be a fantastic way to reduce your carbon footprint and get a glowy, gorgeous you all in one fell swoop! We love this way of eating as it allows you to live a truly balanced life. The best approach is perhaps to cut out all dairy and meat at home but allow yourself a bit of what you fancy when you are out for dinner, on holiday or eating at a friend’s. We like to apply the 80/20 rule to this one. There are so many positives to this diet – not only will you be increasing your intake of delicious veggies, you’ll also be giving your immune system a boost, your digestive system a break and you’ll probably shed a few pounds along the way too. Some of our fave vegan foodies are Deliciously Ella, Naturally Sassy and Raw Vegan Blonde… google them and get ready to feel hungry!

The Information Diet
Best For: The Techno Junkie

Ok – so this one is not food related, but we couldn’t help ourselves. One of the biggest diets we all need to go on is an information diet! We are constantly bombarded with emails, texts, tweets, images and news. Technology has taken over our lives. Do you check your phone the moment you wake up? Update your instagram feed on the loo? Read the newspaper on your way to work? Chances are you just answered yes to at least 2 out of 3 of those and you are in need of switching off. The latest craze is to go one day completely technology free per week… no phone, laptop, TV, iPad or  even radio. Studies have shown that going technology-free for one whole day increases both productivity and creativity for the rest of the week ahead. Sound good? Give it a try. Arguably the weekend is the best time to give this a go as not many of us could do a day’s work without the internet or being able to contact people.

words by Sadie Macleod

image: Raw Vegan Blonde

Food For Fitness – H&H Review Grace Belgravia’s New Grace Delivery Service!

I’m not really sure why I’ve never been keen on trying a home delivery food service before. Maybe it’s because I like knowing exactly what goes in my food, or perhaps I just enjoy the simple pleasures of cooking and being in the kitchen, (usually making a mess!). But when I think about it, I guess it’s a really easy way to keep on track with your healthy eating habits and if you work long hours, pre-prepared food must be a godsend!

So when I stumbled across Grace Belgravia (a private members club specially catered to women who take an interest in their health and wellbeing), I felt a surprising urge to try their new Grace Delivery Food Service. I was attracted to the fact that each of their five menus on offer had input from all the talented chefs, medical, health and fitness teams working at Grace. I also loved that there was a programme for everyone to suit all kinds of needs and I sensed a lot of care and effort when into the quality of the food and the objectives of each programme. Out of the Wellbeing, Vegan, Fitness, Cleanse and Soup and Juice menus on offer, I opted for the Fitness menu as exercise is a very important part of my lifestyle. I wanted a plan that wasn’t too heavy but still gave me enough energy to sustain me throughout the day. A full days food was delivered to my door first thing in the morning and I was excited to get stuck in!

Breakfast – Hard Boiled Eggs with Smoked Salmon, Guacamole and Gluten Free Seeded Bread

I’m a big breakfast girl and totally believe that its the most important meal of the day. So when I opened Grace’s breakfast I was a very happy girl! Loaded with healthy fats from the salmon and avocado and protein from the eggs, I honestly felt so satisfied, full and energised, and not sluggish or bloated at all. I also need to mention how delicious the bread was… it was moist, nutty and made the meal really substantial!

Mid Morning Snack – Kale Chips

After my “fit for a king” breakfast, I wasn’t that hungry, but I did fancy a little something just to tie me over till lunch. Kale chips make the perfect, nutritional snack that will satisfy those little “elevenses” moments.

Lunch – Roasted Aubergine, Beetroot And Fennel Hummus with Harissa Chicken Skewers

I was really surprised at my energy levels and how good I felt at this point. It really goes to show that a nourishing breakfast can make all the difference. I loved the combination of flavours in this meal, especially the hummus, (I will be recreating this at home!) It added a great texture to the aubergine and chicken skewers and I felt like it came straight out of a restaurant!

Mid Afternoon Snack – Blueberries

The blueberries hit the spot! I do have a sweet tooth and yes sometimes I satisfy it with the odd raw chocolate bar from time to time, but the natural sugar kick from the antioxidant-rich blueberries was well appreciated and needed! I did supplement them with a handful of pecans as I always like to eat some form of protein with fruit to help slow down the absorption of the natural sugars entering my blood stream. But hey, you’re talking to a pecan addict!

Dinner – Roast Salmon with Kale, Lentil, Feta Cheese, and a Shaved Beetroot and Flaxseed Salad

Last but not least was dinner. After a long day at work, I’m always super hungry and one of my favourite ways to get my weekly intake of omega 3’s is roast salmon – this meal didn’t disappoint at all. The fish was succulent and perfectly cooked, and the salad was delicious too. Just like lunch, it was full of well-matched flavours and was far from bland and boring!


I’ve discovered that finding the right programme is crucial for enjoying and getting the most out of the food being delivered to you. Grace’s Fitness plan was full to the brim with wholesome, filling ingredients and my preconceptions of pre-prepared food being dull and tasteless have totally changed with the help of the amazing team at Grace!

words by Molly Jennings

For more info on Grace Delivery, click here!

Hip & Healthy’s Top 5 Eyeliners!

As much as we love the natural and makeup free look, we must admit, we are looking forward to getting down and dirty with the dramatic, bold and colourful eye-looks this autumn/winter. From a smoky winged-eye to a smudged sultry vibe, we’re rounding up our top five eyeliners to get your hands on…


Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eye Liner – £13.00
This meticulous liquid eyeliner is a real favourite amongst the H&H team! With over 15 hues to choose from, this thin, flexible brush-tip glides over the upper lid with ultimate precision. No jump-starts or clumps in sight. It will only take you one attempt to get the ideal level of thickness you’re after, whilst the waterproof aspect ensures the colour stays all day whatever the weather or event.

Our Hip & Healthy tip? This product is a must try for the cat or winged-eye look. Stila’s ‘periwinkle’ and ‘paradise pink’ shades are ideal for a glamorous night out!


MAC Chromagraphic Pencil – £14.00
Mac’s ‘high-def Cyan’ wins the colour battle, hands down. Competing with over 10 other shades available in this product, this Prussian-reminding shade of blue is perfect for highlighting the eye without the intensity of alternative midnight shades. The creamy, silk like texture of the lead tip (embedded in a wood-clenched pencil), smoothes perfectly onto the eye for a commanding look.

Our Hip & Healthy tip? As well as the ‘high-def Cyan’ colour, try MAC’s ‘pure white’ hue, adding only to the inner corner of the eye and the water line for a dramatic pop.


Organic Glam Liquid Eyeliner – £19.95
Dramatic and bold. No two other words can aptly describe this product! Comprising a rich formula this simple ‘black’ shade offers a classic yet sexy look. Only one thinly pressed glide is needed for real definition and a standout look.

Our Hip & Healthy tip? This product does all the leg-work, but be sure to keep the application close to the top eyelash line – from the very inner corner all the way to the outer – for understated beauty.


Chanel’s Stylo Yeux Waterproof Long-Lasting Eyeliner – £19.00
More of a wax crayon texture than pencil, Chanel’s eyeliner is a classic within its own right. Its smooth and creamy consistency glides nicely across the lid and stays firmly put all day long thanks to its water resistant properties. What can be seen as both a positive and negative is that upon application, the espresso shade we tried, needed to be redrawn a few times to make the colour really pop. Whilst not ideal for many, we found this gave us much more control and made for a perfect, subtle look.

Our Hip & Healthy tip? Ideal for both work and play, add to the bottom lash line and smudge from the outer corner inwards with your little finger for a smoky edge.


Bobbi Brown Perfectly Defined Gel Eyeliner – £18.00
For those who prefer the control of a pencil, this one’s for you. A humidity resistant eyeliner lasting up to 12 hours, you won’t see a smudge in sight. Ideal for a well-kept, precision based look, this gel liner exudes confidence and class in a range of midnight colours.

Our Hip & Healthy tip? Try Bobbi Brown’s ‘pitch black’ shade for ultimate definition. Be sure to apply a little pick me up half way through your day to keep that intense look effective.

words by Samantha Marie Organ


Quinoa And Hazelnut Salad – Deliciously Ella For Raw Press!

This week, we are sharing an exciting (and scrummy) recipe from Deliciously Ella exclusively for Raw Press Cafe!

“This is an awesome new salad, which I designed exclusively for Raw Press. It’s the perfect summer dish as it’s wonderfully light, yet still very satisfying with awonderful taste. It’s filled with fluffy quinoa, roasted hazelnuts, refreshing slices of cucumber and sweet pomegranate seeds, which are then tossed in a simple lemon and argon oil dressing to create something incredibly delicious. Each bite of this salad will fill you with an amazing combination of plant protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals, so you’ll feel energized all day!” Ella Woodward, Deliciously Ella



50g blanched hazelnuts

50g mixed red and white quinoa

100g cucumber

50g pomegranates

Juice of 1/2 lemon

2 tbsp argan oil

Pinch of Salt

Pinch of Pepper



Cover the quinoa with boiling water in a saucepan along with the lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Allow to boil for 12 minutes or until the water has been absorbed. While the quinoa cooks, place the hazelnuts on a baking tray and place in 200c oven for 8-10 minutes. Chop the cucumber into quarters, then into eighths. Slice out the wet, seedy central part and slice in to thin pieces. Allow the quinoa to cool before string in the argan oil, pomegranates, chopped cucumber and hazelnuts along with the salt and pepper to taste!

recipe: Deliciously Ella for Raw Press

To find more info on Ella and her blog, click here!

To find out more info on Raw Press, click here!

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A Hip & Healthy Round-Up – Top Five Wellbeing Retreats!

Healthy travel website Queen Of Retreats has been named a Top 10 health & wellness website by the Sunday Telegraph’s Stella magazine. Here the site’s founder and editor, spa journalist Caroline Sylger Jones, shares her favourite wellbeing retreats of her year so far…

The Healing Retreat

Shh, Dorset & Ibiza 

One of the most amazing retreats of my career so far, Shh (which stands for Sensual Healing Harmony) was set up by former media mogul Vikki van Someren and international swimmer Lucy Arrowsmith to help women reconnect with themselves, connect better with their partners (or find the right one) and generally be happier in life. These two personable, impressive women run seriously luxurious and holistic, healing health retreats for women – choose from an indulgent Georgian pile in the Dorset countryside, and at a swanky serene villa in Ibiza, all staffed by a large group of hand-picked talented female therapists at the top of their game. From £2900 per person for a 3 night retreat in Dorset.

Read more here


The Coaching Retreat

Jessica McGregor Johnson, Spain

I loved my recent private coaching retreat in the gorgeous Spanish mountains with mentor and guide Jessica McGregor Johnson, a highly qualified coach who has helped all sorts of people find the right way forward in their personal and professional lives over the last 10 years. She’s grounded, light of heart and easy to be with, and particularly good at helping you access a truer path in any given situation if you feel you’ve chosen something that you think you should do rather than what suits you better. Her private retreats take place at Casa Ana, a glorious, boutique guesthouse in the white washed village of Ferreirola in the Alpujarras. £1964 pp for 3 nights.

Read more here

The Fitness Retreat


38º North – Cornwall & Ibiza 

It’s not always the case you feel comfortable and cared for on a fitness holiday, but keen and empathetic couple Kelly Morgan and James Davis take the time to ensure you do when you book one their fab healthy weeks on Ibiza. I went  for a private Deep Sleep & Relaxation retreat, but the couple also run private and group holidays for Optimal Fitness, Optimal Weight Loss, Yoga, Detox and Stand Up Paddle Boarding. Their base is Aguas de Ibiza hotel at Santa Eularia in Ibiza between April and October – they also run health braeks at The Scarlet hotel in Cornwall between November and March. From £1579 residential and £939 non-residential per person for a 6 night Optimal Fitness programme.

Read more here


The Yoga Retreat

Silver Island, Greece

I could quite happily live here year round – it’s one of the most authentic, peaceful retreats I’ve been to in a long time. A 15 minute boat ride from the coast of Evia island, it offers week-long yoga holidays from April to October and the odd meditation week too. There’s no internet connection and no mains power, making it even more of a ‘stop the world’ retreat. The yoga comes courtesy of teachers from all over the world, and the ambiance is artistic and relaxed. From £1100 per person for 6 nights.

Read more here


The Relaxing Retreat 

Song Saa, Cambodia

I felt deeply chilled staying at this serene, eco-friendly private island in the Koh Rong Archipelago in the Gulf of Thailand. You can book onto 5 and 7 day wellbeing retreats to kick back and indulge in holistic rituals devised by British organic skincare brand Ila in an expansive villa or a wonderfully rustic outdoor shala surrounded by the endless sea. There are Buddhist blessings with the local monks, kayak trips through the mangroves, trips to beaches and delicious fusion food. From £2,448 per person for 5 nights or £3,428 for 7 nights – see full details below.

Read more here

Author and Journalist Caroline Sylger Jones has been travelling the world since the 1990s checking out spas, retreats and healthy holidays for international newspapers, glossy magazines, websites and her own books (Body & Soul Escapes by Footprint). She is the founder and editor of independent healthy travel site www.queenofretreats.com, which only features spas, wellbeing breaks and healthy holidays that have been reviewed in person by published journalists and other writers to help you sift through the hype and find the retreat that’s right for you.

Hip & Healthy’s Top Tunes To Workout To!

H&H’s top tunes to work out to!

Motivating yourself to go to the gym can be tricky, even at the best of times. Especially when the sun is out and summer barbecues are at their peak! A little tip we recommend is to grab your iPod, download some good tunes to keep you in the zone and feeling upbeat, and get your sweat on. Plus, it can make working out really enjoyable and if you have the breath, you can sing along too! Below are just a few of our favourite songs that feature on repeat in our gym playlist!

The Hip & Healthy Fitness Playlist

Radioactive – Rita Ora

Feel The Love – Rudimental

Fancy – Iggy Azalea

Sonnentanz – Klangkarussell

Hideaway – Kiesza

Treasure – Bruno Mars

Burn – Ellie Goulding

What Now – Rihanna

Chandelier – Sia

Calling All Hearts – Robin Thicke & Jessie J


So what are you waiting for? Grab your trainers and your music player!

We got our iPod Shuffle at Argos, in case you haven’t got one.

A Summer In Aspen – Why It’s Not Just For Winter!

Located high in the Rockies in Colorado, Aspen and its nearby sister town Snowmass is a playground for the rich and famous who are attracted to the fantastic skiing with diverse terrains and multiple ski areas during the winter months.

However in the summer, Aspen is the ultimate health and wellbeing haven. With numerous outdoor activities and healthy food haunts aplenty, Aspen is the perfect place if you want a relaxed yet active holiday.


If you like 5* luxury then head to the St. Regis.  Located at the base of the famous Aspen Mountain, the St. Regis sets the benchmark high for superior luxury accommodation in Aspen. With 179 guestrooms all exquisitely decorated to palatial perfection, an outdoor swimming pool and several onsite restaurants, you’ll never want to leave the Hotel. However, it is located at the base of the famous Aspen Mountain so it’s perfectly situated for an early morning hike or ski, depending on when you visit.


The St Regis, Aspen

For those who prefer more of a laidback vibe, the Sky Hotel conveniently located at the bottom of the Silver Queen Gondola at the base of the Aspen Mountain, is a modern, boutique hotel. Less decadent than the St. Regis yet still full of charm and character with it’s brightly coloured interiors and garish furnishings, the Sky Hotel is the go-to place in Aspen for apres-ski. This applies all year round even in the height of summer.  A friendly hotel with a fun, buzzy atmosphere, the Sky Hotel has a constant stream of people coming and going, whether they are guests of the hotel or passersby popping in for a sundowner post hike.


The Sky Hotel, Aspen

If you do decide to venture to Snowmass, stay at the Viceroy.  This magnificent hotel, nestled in the mountain means that it is in a prime location for hiking, biking and breathtaking views. It also combines all the amenities (and more) of a deluxe hotel with the snugness of a condo (as they say across the pond – that’s a self-contained apartment to you and me). Each suite comes with it’s own nespresso machine so you can get your caffeine fix in the morning and every guest is given a stainless steel flask to save on plastic, following the Aspen Snowmass way of eco-friendly living – it’s the little things!

lo res viceroy_1BDRoom_Normal, Oct. 10

Viceroy, Snowmass


There is a real community spirit in Aspen. The locals go hiking during their lunch breaks or after work, biking or rafting at the weekend – every spare moment is spent outdoors enjoying the scenery and getting an endorphin boost.

White water rafting along the roaring fork river is a firm favourite for locals and tourists. The river is particularly high around June time when the snow from the mountain starts to melt so if you are after an adrenaline rush, June is the month for visiting for you…otherwise stick to July and August if you prefer calmer tides.

One particular draw is Hot Air Ballooning. Catch the sunrise at 6am during the summer months…it’s worth waking up early for and the perfect way to appreciate this magical place. There are also number of hiking and biking trails including hunter creek where you can climb up the mountain on a steady incline meandering round the famous roaring fork river.

Snowmass is low-key in comparison to Aspen but is in no way lacking in activities and outdoor pursuits. Bike Snowmass offer mountain biking, the ultimate adrenalin-pumping activity.  With a trail system covering 50 miles of terrain, there are gentle routes and more challenging single track lanes to cater for the novice rider as well as the gung-ho cycling pro.


Aspen is a healthy foodie heaven. With so many innovative restaurants and cafes, there is something for everyone.  If you fancy a delicious and nutritious breakfast, head to Spring Cafe. Serving an assortment of eggs, cereals, delicious smoothies – think cacao, almond butter, blueberries and bananas and refreshing cold-pressed juices, Spring cafe is the perfect place to start your day.

For fresh, natural cuisine, visit the Pyramid Bistro. This quaint restaurant is situated in the heart of Aspen. Known and loved by the locals, Pyramid Bistro is a hidden gem. Situated above the bookshop Explore Booksellers in a treehouse-themed setting, everything about this restaurant oozes health and vitality. The menu features Nutritarian cuisine from the chef, Martin Oswald consisting of dishes such as fresh salmon, quinoa salad and kale crunchies. All the produce is fresh and locally sourced.

The Chefs Club at the St. Regis is a gastronomic dream.  The brainchild of Food and Wine, this innovative concept brings together the most talented and best new chefs to create exclusive dishes featuring the finest ingredients – well worth a visit even if you are not staying at the St. Regis

See: If you really want to absorb yourself in culture then make sure you go and see a rodeo. This exhilarating spectacle makes our Olympic dressage attempts seem pretty tame. The rodeo takes place every Wednesday in Snowmass, just a 15 minute drive away.

Further Information:

Seven nights in Aspen/Snowmass, including three nights at The St Regis Aspen and four nights at The Viceroy Snowmass, with SUV (4×4) hire car and international flights with British Airways starts from £1,820pp based on two people sharing. To find out more call Scott Dunn on 020 8682 5030 or visit www.scottdunn.com

Aspen Chamber Resort Association- www.aspenchamber.org  

Snowmass Tourism www.snowmasstourism.com

words by Rebecca Fairbrother
image: Pinterest

Peanut Butter And Raspberry Chia Jelly Smoothie – Madeleine Shaw

My dad grew up in Boston and my grandparents still live there. I wouldn’t say I have adopted the American diet but I do like a few of their combos. Peanut butter and jelly is one of them. The salt and sweet flavours just seem to go so well together.

This smoothie starts with a jam base and then has a delicious smoothie top; easy to make and such a treat!

The jelly (or jam as we would say this side of the pond) is made of fresh raspberries, chia seeds and lime juice. The chia seeds are loaded with omega 3s, manganese, calcium and phosphorus. The lime and berries give your beautiful body a good supply of vitamin C. Have this post workout or as a special breaky.


1 frozen banana (peeled and frozen overnight)

200ml of almond milk (or rice/coconut milk)

2 TBSP of natural peanut butter

pinch of vanilla bean powder of extract

50g of raspberries

½ lime

1 TBSP of chia seeds


At the bottom of your smoothie glass place the chia seeds lime and berries, mush with a spoon and leave to sit for 10 mins, stir ever few minutes until a gel like texture is formed.

In a blender blitz the banana, almond milk, peanut butter and vanilla in a blender for a few minutes.

Poor over the raspberry jelly, and enjoy!

recipe by Madeleine Shaw

Twitter: @madeleine_shaw_


Raw Press Coffee & Mylk Recipe!

We are so excited to share with you the first of three recipes from the brand new healthy hub in London, Raw Press! Having opened on the 11th August, we thought we’d give you Hip & Healthies a little preview of the yummy treats you’ll be able to find in their cafe! Today we’re sharing their Coffee & Mylk recipe which will help give you a nutritious boost all from the comfort of your own home!


120g soaked almonds

5 medium-sized soaked pitted dates

A pinch of sea salt

3 drops of pure vanilla extract

1 litre of fresh coconut water

A shot of cold-bee coffee of espresso



Leaving the coffee to one side, simply blend all the ingredients together in your blender or vitamix until creamy and smooth. Strain the liquid before adding the pre-prepared coffee. Serve immediately or chill for up to three days in the fridge! Yum!

For more info on this exciting new cafe, click here!

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recipe: Raw Press


Experience New Heights With HotPod Yoga’s New Rooftop Pod!

Hotpod yoga. Being a self-confessed yoga convert who has recently jumped on the Bikram band-wagon, I certainly appreciate the transformative benefits of yoga and the health benefits of yoga in high temperatures. But yoga in a hot roofpod? Excited as I was to enjoy a class in the new rooftop pod in London Fields, Hackney, I was full of ardent questions: was this a new, futuristic, Bikram-esque yoga craze? Why the roof? Would I be at risk of being blown away, pod and all, mid yoga class? Would a combination of heat, height and Hackney really help restore my inner tranquillity? There was only one way to find out, and that was to experience it first-hand.

I entered the unassuming Netil House and ascended the stairs to the very top. Walking out onto the roof, I found a little oasis of heaven. With 360 degree views of London, a panorama stretching from Canary Wharf to the Shard, from Westminster to Hampstead Heath, the vista was liberating. The roof, decked with cool seating areas and a funky rooftop bar, exuded coolness, calmness and composure. If it wasn’t for the unavoidable glass pod erected in the centre of the roof, I would have mistaken my location for a trendy, post-work drinks refuge.

I entered the pod, which, to my surprise, was not inflatable by design. Unlike the portable, pop-up pods that have made hotpod yoga so distinguished, this roofpod had floor to ceiling glass windows to ensure the glorious views were not obscured. Unlike the darkness created by an inflatable pod, the glass design ensured that the pod was filled with sunshine. I was instantly engulfed by the warm, yet not unbearable temperature (37 degrees) and empowering, meditative music. Joined by ten others, we all sat in silence and serenity as we waited for our instructor to initiate the class through child’s pose.

To my delight, the class was not as intense as Bikram yoga. Instead the class focussed on the benefits of Vinyasa Flow, as movement and breath were synchronised to create a continuous flow of meditation. As we concentrated on inhalation and exhalation, stretching and warrior poses, I felt a sense of oneness, acceptance and gratitude as the sun descended below our horizon. Surprisingly, however, I did not feel that my exercise had been compromised by the ease of discipline. The warm temperature ensured that my heart rate was active, with perspiration ridding my every pore of toxins and unnecessary worry. This gentle, yet transformative, strengthening yet limbering exercise was certainly working me hard, as after the 60 minute experience I was left breathless and revitalised.

So I survived the class. Yet, I was curious to get a fuller understanding behind the science of the practice. Nick Higgins and Max Henderson, the directors and founders of hotpod yoga came to my aid.

Nick explained that he and Max wished to make the benefits of hot yoga accessible in as many ways (and places) as possible, therefore teamed up with award winning designers Inflate and Nick Elias to create an inspiring yoga environment in the form of a portable pod. Taking the country by storm and expanding from London to places such as Swansea, South Birmingham and Cheshire to name a few, Nick and Max thought it was time to take the physical and mental benefits of yoga to a whole new level (quite literally) by creating the only roofpod in the world. By relaxing the strictness of Bikram, but not compromising the physical and transformative benefits, Nick and Max formulated their own take on yoga – allowing thousands of years if yoga tradition to become highly accessible for all abilities. Nick explained that the perspiration stimulated by the heat is purifying for the body, and simultaneously aids flexibility for a high impact yoga exercise. With the heart working harder, maximum benefit from your exercise is guaranteed.

This philosophy certainly delivers. Aside from a challenging workout, mind and inner self was left balanced and contemplative. I felt empowered, motivated and at peace – I was physically and mentally on top of the world. Although I had my preconceptions, I can certainly verify that the combination of heat, height and Hackney successfully restored me to a greater sense of wellbeing.

Book your HotPod Yoga Rooftop experience here!

words by Olivia Murphy