Honestly Healthy Cleanse Book Launch!

Honestly Healthy, aka. Natasha Corrett is one lady who talks a whole lot of sense when it comes to health. Advocating the importance of practicing balance when it comes to nutrition, Natasha’s newest book, the Honestly Healthy Cleanse, based around alkaline forming foods – or ‘the alkaline way’ – as Natasha calls it, already has quite a devoted following.


Whilst taking care of our diets and eating whole, natural food as much as possible is essential for a healthy body ‘we live in the modern world,’ says Natasha ‘not in caves in the middle of a forest’. This practical approach to looking after ourselves from the inside but ensuring we balance our dedication with being able to enjoy eating out and the occasional drink with friends is what makes Natasha so relatable and the Honestly Healthy Cleanse so easy to work into daily life.


At Hip & Healthy we love to promote the fact that nourishing food never has to be boring, and this is manifested in the Cleanse. Comprised of 100 delicious and beautiful recipes, the book is a hub of inspiration for anybody looking to neutralise the PH of their bodies, particularly after a toxin-laden Christmas. It is now well documented that acidity causes inflammation which leads to disease and therefore an alkaline body is a healthy body. After finally reaching breaking point with stress, tiredness, and weight troubles which resulted in a trip to an acupuncturist who changed her views on eating, Natasha embarked on a journey to rid herself of her own acid build-up. The Honestly Healthy Cleanse is a physical manifestation of all Natasha learnt on that journey and a fantastic guide for anybody on their own quest for wellness. Tackling the abundance of acidity in our modern lives, the book offers four cleanses to kick-start an alkaline-forming lifestyle to ultimately leave you rejuvenated, happy and full of life for the long term.

Eschewing the misconception that detoxing means burying yourself for days under a pile of lettuce leaves, the Honestly Healthy Cleanse packs an abundance of plant-based superfoods into smoothies, juices, breads, hearty main meals and decadent sweet treats. Recipes we are particularly hungry for include a grain-free pizza and the we-can’t-quite-believe-they’re-cleanse-approved Gooey Vegan Brownies. We’ve already devoured a big, warming bowl of the Immune-Boosting Porridge along with a glass of the Maca Almond Milkshake for breakfast, and can confirm that the Starter Green Juice makes for fantastic pre-workout energy. Thanks to the Honestly Healthy Cleanse we are well on the way to joining the alkaline club!

Order your copy here!

words by Rachel Bednarski


Train Like A Warrior With The Viking Method!

Everyone, please say hello to The Viking Method: The workout responsible for sculpting the bodies of many an A-list star including both Nicole Scherzinger and Suki Waterhouse, to name but two. When I heard that The Viking Method is behind the bodies of these two babes I knew I had to try this workout for myself.

So I arrived for my session with the woman behind the Method, the amazing Svava, blissfully unaware that we were going to be training outside (it was a particularly cold rainy day). Thankfully, though, there could be far worse settings for sweat sessions than in the secluded private gardens in Knightsbridge, where our workout took place. Svava explained that she particularly enjoys training outdoors because it’s so good for you. At first I was doubtful, but by the end I was converted and extremely thankful for the cold breeze and fresh air.

The workout itself was demanding, high intensity, and forced me to push myself to the absolute limit. There was no holding back, or half-hearted attempts at the moves. Nope, this is a full-on, 100% effort, all or nothing kind of workout; The type of workout that makes it difficult to breathe, leaves you shaking, utterly worn out, but feeling on top of the world.

This, my friends, is why The Viking Method is such a success. I mean, the proof is in the pudding, Svava is so incredibly toned and strong and has my dream body. If there was a poster girl for the Strong not Skinny campaign, then Svava is your woman.

So back to the exercises themselves: We did boxing and kickboxing which I had never tried before and absolutely loved! There is something very satisfying about punching and kicking as hard as you can, and I ached in places I had never ached before the following day. Boxing is a firm favourite with many of the Victoria Secret Angels for a full body workout… need I say more? We also did a fair amount of crawling. And I don’t mean gentle, baby-like crawling. This was intense, low down, slide-y, muddy, bear-crawling. I felt like Spiderman in gymwear. We then did a variety of full body moves including burpees and running with Svava acting as a weight around my waist, a great exercise to try if you have a gym buddy, FYI!

The Viking Method mixes functional training with HIIT training, intervals, circuits, and bodyweight exercises, making for a fast-paced and grueling session. I can totally attest to why it gets such great results – there’s nothing else like it.

So I fell head-over-heels for the Viking way of training, so much so that Svava has actually put me together a workout plan so I can release my inner Viking when I am working out at my gym. I can tell you one thing for sure, my body won’t know what’s hit it!

To find out more about The Viking Method check out the website- http://thevikingmethod.com/

words by Natalie Glaze from The Nutritionista 

NOSH 3-Day Body Smooth & Tone Offer!

promo logo

Lose weight, remove cellulite and look younger by producing new collagen cells with daily amounts of natural food collagens.

This diet programme fills you with wonderful anti-oxidants to help remove and keep away cellulite.

A gut healing, collagen rich, toxin-mopping, fat-busting, skin smoothing virtuoso of a diet programme!

  • Protein Rich
  • Juice, Soup and balanced meal with two protein rich snacks
  • Suitable detox alongside exercise
  • Rapid but stable weight loss
  • Fuller for longer

Each day of the Body, Smooth & Tone Programme Includes:

Breakfast – Raw porridge with fresh fruit
Mid-morning – High antioxidant snack
Lunch – Protein-rich lunch
Mid-afternoon snack – Superfood smoothie
Dinner- Nourishing soup


Click here to buy or for more info: https://fby87050.isrefer.com/go/3daybst/hipandhealthy/

Activbod – Your One-Stop-Shop To Gorgeous, Athletic Skin!

promo logo

Take care of your body’, a very wise woman once said, ‘because it’s the only place you have to live’. And by that impetus, we should all be treating our bodies like the wonderful blessings that they are. Whether you’re a hardcore marathoner or a calm and serene yogi, if you exercise once a week for the social benefits or if you run to work every day to liven up that commute, we all know that caring for your body continues long after you’ve peeled off your lightning bolt-print leggings.

Enter Activbod; a unique range of ungendered skin care products to hit the market which both prepare you for your workout and aid in optimal recovery afterwards so you can jump right back into your many roles in other areas of life! At Hip & Healthy we’re all about natural, ethical products, and this extends to what we put on our skin as much as what we put into our bodies, which is why we’re super excited that there’s now a range of products available in the mainstream that isn’t full of nasties.

Designed to promote the multitudinous benefits of exercise whilst easing the effects of its physical stress on the skin, Activbod works to optimally care for your skin and ensures your dedication to the healthy life will be fluster free. Each product is 100% vegan and packaged in lightweight, flip-top tubes so there are no worries with chucking them into your gym tote as you rush out of the door.

The Activbod team is comprised of a medley of sports men and women who strive to inspire active lifestyles – and their knowledge of health and fitness and their passion for the fit-life is evident in their products. A quick visit to the website confirms that these guys know their stuff – so we’re happy to put our bodies in their hands. Figuratively, of course…

Featuring of an elite team of products, Activbod allows you to implement a full regime of pre- and post-training skin care. One product which is sure to become a staple in our post-workout routine is the Cooling Finish Lotion. This gel-like, anti-inflammatory moisturiser eases the stresses caused to muscles during exercise and repairs dry skin with super-ingredients menthol and vitamin E. The gel has a cooling effect which feels oh-so-good on tired muscles and is a refreshing solution to the stickiness of applying everyday moisturiser post-workout when you’re still warm.

The Cooling Finish Lotion has proven itself particularly valuable when applied to pulse points after lunchtime sessions to avoid the most notable external effects of that intense Barrecore class when returning to the office. Now you can get back to your desk basking in that endorphin high, smelling gorgeous and without the sweat-induced rosy cheeks.

So there’s really no excuse not to be out there running, swimming, bootcamp-ing, and hiking in the elements this winter when you have a warm shower and a tube of Cooling Finish Lotion waiting to reward you when you return!

The range also includes a nifty balm stick to instigate alertness before your workout – particularly valuable to the often bleary-eyed, pre-work exerciser. Now that’s a fun way to get your game face on.

And our most favourite thing about Activbod? Inspired by the boom in exercise that arose from the London 2012 Olympics, the company teamed up with Women’s Sport Trust and 10% of all sales goes directly to the charity. This partnership is a winning formula for championing female athletes and inspiring fitness in the wider female population.

Investing in your skin and supporting female sports has never left us feeling so refreshed and squeaky clean!

Buy from Boots Nationwide and Boots.com

words by Rachel Bednarski

Strala Yoga – Our Fave Yoga Rebel, Tara Stiles Is Breaking Rules!

Tara Stiles first seriously started hitting the British waters a few years ago when Reebok asked her to collaborate on their first ever Yoga clothing line. Since then alongside her strong You Tube presence, book launches and various other collaborations (Wool and the Gang, W Hotels to name a couple), she is commonly recognised as the Rock and Roll Queen of Yoga.

However, perhaps what is even more exciting is the associated rise of Strala Yoga. ‘Strala is the movement system that ignites freedom’ www.StralaYoga.com. Founded around 6 years ago by Tara Stiles, Strala Yoga focuses on moving over posing, and helping people find their own way into their own bodies, with a calm ease carried through easy and challenging things alike.

Although Tara did well as a model and a dancer, it was her Yoga teaching which catapulted her onto the international stage. Teaching in New York City, initially at her home, in the park and later in studios, it was the incredible experiences of her friendly, non-pressurised teaching style, that drew people in flocks to her classes. After quite a lot of persuasion, she began to refine and teach others what she was doing and the Strala universe was born.

Having just finished my training to be a Strala Guide, it was clear to me that this was what she was made to do. Amongst the partnerships, collaborations and travelling, teaching Yoga is what Tara excels at and without that she would not be as well respected as she is today.

With the creator dubbed ‘the Yoga Rebel’, you would expect nothing less than Strala Yoga to be turning the ‘Yoga rulebook’upside down and throwing it out! From the way the Strala classes are designed, to the way instructors are trained and how the Strala universe (as Tara cleverly explains!) operates, it breaks the conventional rules and turns them on its head.

This rebellious nature is not malicious in anyway. It is the complete opposite. The heart of Strala Yoga is to breakdown the barriers/rules which prevent people from practising Yoga. There are many aspects to a traditional Yoga class which puts people off. Chanting, listening to speeches pre-prepared by the teacher, not being in the ‘click’, holding uncomfortable and damaging poses and not really knowing what you’re suppose to be doing (trust me, I have been there and experienced that myself).

In a Strala Yoga class these barriers (amongst many more) disappear which allows you to feel relaxed and at ease in a nourishing and safe place. You have the space to practise being at ease and the time to allow yourself to breathe and create relaxation in your body wherever you feel you need it. A Strala class feels like a journey. Listening and connecting to your body, you tune in and are able to pay attention to what your body needs in order to feel good. Play and exploration are at the heart of the sequencing with strategically placed opportunities to challenge and delve a bit deeper into certain movements.

It is the most inclusive and rounded exercise class I have ever experienced and that’s why I wanted to become a guide. Once your body starts to feel good and you are giving yourself space to listen and connect to your body, your mind starts to follow the same process. When I practise Strala Yoga I seem to have more patience and understanding. It’s like unlocking a tool to being the best version of you!

Think open source, sharing, authenticity, ease, connecting and nourishment. That pretty much sums up the Strala universe. Sounds pretty good hey?! This ethos runs through every vein of Strala.

With over 1000 Strala Yoga guides across the world (and more each month adding to that number), this is only the beginning. With plans to develop Strala communities across the Globe, Strala Yoga is becoming way more than just one, amazing Yoga teacher, it’s a movement.

Get involved.

words by Rebecca Dalby Pilates & Dance Fitness Trainer

If You Only Do One Thing This Week… Discover Our Favourite Health & Fitness Apps For 2015!

With the dark and dreary mornings still in full swing, it can be very tempting to sink deeper under your duvet and snooze all over that workout you planned the night before, (hey, we’ve all done it!). The question is, how can we break this habit? Just how easy is it to sustain an active and nourishing lifestyle when all we want to do is cosy up during the winter months?

Well lucky for you, we have an answer! If you need that extra motivational push in whatever healthy-inspired direction you’re aiming for, whether it’s eating better or exercising, then turn to this list of our favourite, inspirational apps to keep you motivated to eat, move and live the Hip & Healthy way!


Viva la Vita – Alternative fitness classes in London. Free

Viva la Vita is a nifty little app that is ideal for London fit-sters looking for a different kind of workout. The app handpicks 10-15 alternative fitness classes a day, from kayaking to boxing to aerial trapeze and allows subscribers to book in just a couple of taps. Once a space is reserved the reference and ticket is stored in the app so there is no need to print anything off before the class begins. So simple and it’s great for people who love to workout a little more unconventionally!


Human – Movement monitor. Free

Human is an activity tracker that encourages each user to move for at least 30 minutes a day for optimum health. The app doesn’t require any fancy equipment meaning that only a smartphone is needed for it to work. It detects movement and logs each distance travelled whether it’s a two-minute walk to the bus stop or an hour long run. A GPS tracker lets users see where they’ve walked, for how long and at what pace. Every minute counts!


Fitocracy – Fitness and Exercise App. Free

This is a great app for those who like to workout on their own terms. It has a log of pre-prepared workouts with weight-lifting and bodyweight exercises as the focal points, which are the perfect ways to tone muscles and shred un-wanted fat. You can choose from any of the workouts provided, or customise your own from the extensive list of exercises that Fitocracy supplies. Videos of each exercise are a great how-to guide for those unsure of how to perform any of the movements mentioned and you can add as many reps as you like to get the full burn!


Noom – Habit changing for health. Free with in-app purchases

Noom has proven to be an incredibly popular app with over 11m global downloads since its launch. Noom concentrates on changing people’s habits to encourage healthy body image and healthy living. Rather than focusing on weight, the creators of Noom wanted their app to be for people of different shapes and sizes, providing healthy advice and motivation whilst tracking food intake and exercise. Google Fit says that it’s in the next generation of lifestyle apps. We think so too!


Honestly Healthy – Alkaline Lifestyle App and Recipes. £2.99

Honestly Healthy has extended its immensely popular lifestyle series of online content and recipes to a newly launched app. It offers lifestyle guidance and advice on how to create alkaline meals, providing over 40 recipes. Natasha Corrett, the founder of Honestly Healthy wanted the app to complement the HH alkaline lifestyle, making it the perfect source of health when on-the-go. New recipe packages can also be downloadable for 99p according to the seasons.


Deliciously Ella – Plant-based, nutrient-dense, healthy recipes. £2.99

The Deliciously Ella app is the direct component of the super successful Deliciously Ella food blog, which focuses on natural, clean and plant-based eating. The app features over 100 beautifully presented, purpose-made recipes to inspire anyone to cook healthy and delicious meals, from dawn till dusk.

Fitspiration – Heartcore Founder, Jessica Schuring!

Being raised by a hotelier and a designer, where did your passion for health and fitness come from?  

Growing up, you’d rarely ever see me playing inside. I spent hours every week riding and caring for horses, cycling everywhere and just enjoying being outdoors. When I turned 20, I took on competitive long distance running which I loved mostly for having another excuse to spend more time in the fresh air.  For me, fitness and wellbeing is mostly about the enjoyment of natural movement, keeping fit, alert and confident – mentally, emotionally and physically.

You took the world by storm as a successful graphic designer, so what motivated you to take a change of career path?  

In my late twenties I reached a point in my career where I didn’t feel fulfilled or happy anymore.  I was looking for a new outlet that would allow me to be more involved in making a positive change in the world.  I wanted to share my passion and desire to inspire people to live a happier life through fitness and wellbeing.  With Heartcore, I feel super lucky to be able to combine both of my passions – creating beautiful spaces and make people happier by making them look and feel their very best.

We know you ‘love the sun and sand’ – do you have a favourite holiday destination?  

I’m my happiest self when I can be close to the ocean and sunshine.  Before I moved to L.A., I spent a few months living and working in Byron Bay. This place has a very special energy about it and I felt so happy and content while living there. Unfortunately, it’s a bit of a stretch to get there …  When I’m in need of a more immediate sunshine/ocean fix, I like heading over to France – beach walks, swims in the sea, great wines and food… Perfect!

What are your travel bag essentials?  

Rose balm from By Terri, Intense Hydrating Cream by Elethea, my kindle & headphones and my favourite extra large scarf to keep me warm and cosy.

As a personal trainer in Beverley Hills, did you feel the pressure to have ‘the perfect body’?  

It comes with the territory, I guess.  L.A. is very competitive – it’s all about the looks.  The fitter/hotter you look, the more credibility you get.  So yes, I guess there was an element of pressure. However, there’s clearly so much more to being a great trainer than just looking fit.

How do you make sure you perfect and protect your skin from the sun’s UV rays, especially when taking your workout outside?  

I am an early riser and like to train first thing in the morning between 5:30am and 7am.   So thankfully I don’t have to worry about the impact of the sun too much.  And my day cream contains UV protection.

We love your results-driven approach. What makes Heartcore so effective?  

First of all, I’d say that we very much care about everyone who comes to train with us and that we give our very best to get everyone into the best shape possible.  All our training methods focus on working the muscles under tension for the long/lean look, working towards muscle fatigue by designing certain sequences and keeping downtime to a minimum.

When you are not training, what do you do to rest and relax?  

Cooking is high on my list these days.  I love every aspect of it.  From shopping (love my local Farmer Markets), to prepping the food and finally enjoying it.  I prefer simple & clean dishes like fresh veggies, tons of herbs, olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt – all grilled.

What are your favourite energy-boosting foods to fuel your rigorous workout routine?

Post workout, I’m usually not very hungry but for an immediate energy kick nothing beats a banana.  It’s a natural and clean food source (I prefer eating natural foods over foods with plenty of ingredients), and an incredible source of potassium and vitamin B6 plus it acts as a blood sugar stabilizer.  And on top of that, a natural mood lifter due to tryptophan!  Win Win : )

Give us some insight into your workout wardrobe – what is your favourite item of active wear?

Lucas Hugh leggings.  The fit and colors are amazing.  The style is elegant and functional at the same time which allows me to go straight into a business meeting after having taught a class.

What is the best advice you were given when growing up?  

Be happy & enjoy life.

What are your guilty pleasures in life?

Red wine.

Finally, what is your favourite designer from our online activewear store?  

Lucas Hugh.  But I also love my running shorts by Lija.  They’re cute and super comfy.

Book your class at Heartcore here! See you there!

Save Over £140 on Nosh’s 3-Day Green Cleanse

Save nearly 60% on a Nosh 3-Day Organic Green Cleanse Now £99!!


The joy of this cleanse is that all green leaves are abundant in Chlorophyll, which cleanses and hydrates the intestines.

Each day of the Organic Green Vegetable Cleanse Includes:

1 Lemon & Ginger Tonic to kick-start your digestion in the morning

4 bottles of Organic Green Vegetable Juice (500ml):

1.) Spinach, Avocado, Mango, Apple – (all of which are anti-inflammatory and will boost your energy)

The juices are packed full of Vitamin A, Vitamin E & Vitamin C rich as well as magnesium and calcium. These nutrients work in synergy inside your body and work with each other to ensure that your body absorbs the vitamins and minerals even more efficiently – i.e Your body will uptake Vitamin E more efficiently with natural antioxidant Vitamin C.

2.) Kale, Celery, Banana, Mandarin

This powerhouse of super greens will replenish and restore. Full of Vitamin A, Vitamin K & Vitamin C rich as well as manganese and potassium it is important for healthy blood function and immune boosting.

3.) Broccoli, Parsley, Avocado, Peach

Cleansing, healing and regenerating this juice is bursting with goodness its such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, E & Vitamin C rich as well as Folic Acid which is great for fertility as well as an important factor in DNA replication so great for cellular renewal.

4.) Courgette, Pineapple, Mint

This Fat burning juice contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin K  as well as rich in minerals manganese (which helps the body convert protein and fat into energy) and potassium.

For more information visit: http://www.noshdetox.com/product/nosh-3-day-organic-green-cleanse-january-offer/?affiliate=48

 JAN14 Facebook Photo

Why Lift? We Uncover The Amazing Benefits Of Strength Training!

Over the past few years, the world has seen a major switch in its approach to a healthier, more active lifestyle. And there’s no doubt, the huge rise in superfood-filled Instagram feeds and celeb-approved fitness fashions have played a key role in this nationwide transformation. But now we’ve got the kit and fuel sorted, the question on many people’s lips is: ‘what kind of exercise should I do?’ For women in particular, the desire to burn fat (and experience those feel-good endorphins) while maintaining a feminine figure means they stick solely to cardio; avoiding weight training due to the belief that it will cause them to ‘bulk up’.

Well ladies, we are here to set the record straight. With the help of two of London’s most popular fitness trainers, it’s time to rid the female population of the stigma against lifting weights.

A former professional dancer turned personal trainer (based in London’s Chelsea) and now an established ultra-marathon runner, Annie Foulds has more than 15 qualifications in all aspects of fitness and sports nutrition, making her an all-round authority on this hottest of topics.

Cardio VS Strength

Annie explains, “Cardio (cardiovascular) exercise is anything that gets your heart rate up, makes you feel sweaty, and gets more oxygen pumping. For example, running, cycling, swimming, and spinning.” As for weight or strength training, Annie describes this as “any exercise that helps the different muscles in your body become stronger and more powerful. It can be using weights or your own bodyweight during press-ups and squats, or can be resistance-based, using different bits of kit like elastic gym bands or fit balls.”

Most people are aware of the benefits of cardio training, which Annie lists as including “improved circulation, sleep and energy levels, heart and lung health, and reduced anxiety,” as well as the obvious enhanced fitness levels. What even the keenest of treadmill fiends may not know however, is that “weights or strength training is more effective for fat loss than cardio alone. If you want to help tone muscles and strengthen bones, strength work is vital.” Annie goes onto reveal, “The best results come from increasing your metabolic rate, which is what weight training does.”

So what is the answer?

“Metabolic conditioning,” responds Annie. “Combining cardio and strength exercises is effective for fitness and fat loss, and saves time too! It’s a much shorter workout thanks to the intensity.”

Similar to much-hyped HIIT workouts, Annie explains, “Metabolic conditioning is training your body to work at high intensity for a short period of time, followed by a short recovery period.”

One good option for this is undoubtedly the much talked-about ‘best workout in the world’ – Barry’s Bootcamp. Chatting to their Master Trainer Anya Lahiri (who is also the brain behind bringing the workout to London) about what she has to say on the topic, she reveals, “The cardio we do at Barry’s is amazing for fat burning and all-round heart and lung health, and the weights not only increase muscle mass but prevent osteoporosis in later life.”

She continues, “We have numerous clients who, before Barry’s, were solely focused on either running or lifting, but by combining both in our classes they have seen amazing results, not only losing fat but increasing muscle mass; which raises their metabolism.”

Renowned as one of London’s toughest trainers, Anya is a self-confessed Barry’s addict who lauds their combination of both cardio and weights as having totally transformed her physique.

“Before Barry’s, I used to spin a lot and run in the gym but I never really lifted weights. Like a lot of women, I thought it would bulk me up,” reveals Anya. “I started Barry’s in LA and saw results that I had never seen from other exercise classes – it was literally love at first squat. I have never been this fit and my body composition has completely transformed. I now have a lower fat percentage and increased muscle mass. And I can see my abs!”

To her former self, and to all those women who fear weight lifting, Anya says with passion, “It is IMPOSSIBLE for a woman to bulk up by lifting the weights we encourage at Barry’s. We simply do not generate enough testosterone. It may initially seem like your arms are getting bigger but generally, that’s the muscle building under the fat, and once that has disappeared through cardio and a faster metabolism (created by increasing muscle mass), everything will appear more toned.”

So what are our experts’ go-to strength moves? “Squats or dead lift exercises,” suggests Annie. “I always recommend starting with your legs because they’re the largest muscle group which take the greatest effort and energy.”

She continues, “My body feels more solid and stronger when I lift weights. I’ve been running marathons for over 13 years and I love how light my body feels. The best way to train is to mix it up: conditioning and cardio.”

Similarly, Anya’s recommended at-home workout includes “using your own body weight as resistance for moves such as push-ups, planks and dips, combined with HIIT moves such as mountain climbers and burpees.”

Well, that settles that! For health benefits and a sculpted physique, keep pounding that treadmill or spin bike, but make sure you pick up a dumbbell or two post-sweat. No bulk, just tone.

words by Zoe Louise Cronk

Six3nine Personal Training Studio – Reviewed!

Working in the health and fitness industry means that you often hear rumours on the grape vine about new and exciting places to workout. Six3nine is one of those places…“who are they?” you ask to yourself. Siz3nine are a specialist personal training studio who are fairly new to the fitness scene but are quickly establishing themselves as a highly knowledgable unique personal training practise. Naturally, I wanted to try it out to see if it was worth the hype!

Six3nine are based in covent garden which is such a prime location. However their entrance is easily missed, a subtle grey door on Drury Lane which I had walked past many a time oblivious that behind it lay a personal training studio. No garish ‘look at me’signs here, nope six3nine doesn’t feel the need to shout, it relies on its reputation to get its clients. Brownie points already right? So once your inside, you are faced with a slick studio with an impressive gym floor with customised markings designed to act as piece of fitness equipment. Also, gone are the traditional fixed-resistance machines, instead they are replaced with kettle-bells, free weights, cable machines and gymnastic equipment. There was no doubt in my mind that this studio meant business.

My initial consultation went on for around 45 minutes; I got the impression that the trainers really wanted to know about me – my background, my goals, mindset and lifestyle. The questions were in depth and covered a wide area. All of my answers helped them understand the history of my body want I wanted to achieve from exercising. With the question section done, we then did a full body composition, which is amazing yet scary at the same time as it tells you EVERYTHING. Body fat, muscle mass, weight, water weight the lot. Then from this, they work out the best nutrition, workouts and general training regime that is best suited to you to help you achieve your goals. Now I don’t know about you, but that right there is personal training, with an emphasis on the personal.

What followed my consultation, was an hour of intense exercise combining weights and body weight exercises. We started with gait analysis which proved to be immensely interesting, who knew walking could reveal so much. Then we moved on to the workout where we focused a lot of my technique especially in my squats and deadllifts and straight away I was lifting heavier than I had ever lifted before and I felt so much more confident in my technique. Not only was the session informative, but I also felt like I was learning the whole time as my trainer talked through each movement and the reasoning behind why we were doing it. I really felt like I pushed myself to my limit with his support and guidance.

Six3nine has totally changed the way I view personal training, I have gone from sitting on the fence to realising that if you find the right personal trainer and the right practise then it is 100% worth it and I couldn’t recommend it more. Six3nine blew me away with their vast knowledge, obvious interest and just how tailor-made and personalised the service is they offer. The amount I learnt about my technique, my body, and the exercises I should be doing was amazing. And that was just the first session. I can’t wait to go back!

For more information on six3nine visit here!

words by Natalie Glaze

For more information about Natalie and her blog The Nutritionista visit here!

If You Only Do One Thing This Week… Follow Our January Cleansing Tips!

Lacking the motivation to kickstart your January detox? Us too. After the season of overindulgence has ended it can be a challenge to get back on the health bandwagon, so try one of our top five at-home tips for an easier cleanse.



It may seem obvious but drinking plenty of water is the best way to flush out toxins and detox naturally. Plus, we often mistake thirst for hunger, thinking we need food when the body is really just dehydrated. An easy way to ensure you get two litres a day is to mark sections onto a large bottle with a pen, then give yourself a personal challenge to drink to each ‘mark’within a set time.


Don’t Deprive Yourself

A January detox needn’t be a short term fix and going completely cold turkey is a surefire way to encourage binging later on. Do give up caffeine, alcohol and refined carbs but allow yourself one cheat meal a week, or even better make a range of healthy snacks, try our sugar free cupcakes or raw chocolate for a guilt free treat.


Eat The Rainbow

Purplish red and bright green foods including tomatoes, avocado, pomegranates, broccoli, beetroot and berries – are often high in antioxidants due to the ingredient sulforaphane, which helps to renew cells and fight cancer. They also help flush out toxins and restore your auto-immune system to its healthy best – a great excuse to try out new recipes.


Don’t Do It Alone

Cleansing alongside a friend makes the process a lot easier, plan to exercise together (meaning there is no excuse not to get out of bed), have healthy dinner parties and even try a juice cleanse.


Eat Mindfully

We know its difficult when you love Instagram as much as we do, but try to turn off technology and sit down to eat, taking time over each meal. Chewing thoroughly rather than gulping down food helps to prevent gut inflammation and ensures you will realise you are full sooner, the Chinese recommend only eating until you are 70-80% satisfied.

words by Harriet Tisdall

The latest Healthy Cookbooks for 2015

Bored of plain salads and endless bowls of kale? If you’re desperately trying to shift those last few mince pie induced pounds, then fear no more as Harriet Tisdall has rounded up the best new diet and nutrition cookbooks, which alongside our selection of delicious recipes, ensure healthy needn’t mean taste free.

Deliciously Ella – Ella Woodward

This student turned nutrition guru needs no introduction and her long awaited cookbook filled with gluten, dairy- and sugar-free recipes is guaranteed to fly off the shelves. Expect healthy twists on classic dishes, from Lentil Bolognese to Coconut Scones and Key Lime Pie.

Deliciously Ella: Amazing Ingredients and Incredible Food That You and Your Body Will Love by Ella Woodward, Yellow Kite, £20

Eat, Nourish, Glow – Amelia Freer

Written by top nutritional therapist, Amelia Freer, Eat, Nourish, Glow replaces fad diets with ten easy steps to improve wellness. Covering a range of issues from why to eat good fats to the benefits of ditching gluten, Freer’s scientifically proven advice is accompanied by a range of delicious recipes including Crunchy Crab Salad and Salted Caramels (yum).

Eat, Nourish, Glow. by Amelia Freer, HarperCollins Thorsons, £16.99

Juice: The Ultimate Guide To Juicing – Liz Earle

Having been an enthusiastic juicer for over thirty years, the skincare guru lets us into the secret behind her glowing complexion, with a range of delicious recipes, lifestyle tips and pantry staples.

Juice: The Ultimate Guide to Juicing for Health, Beauty and Wellbeing by Liz Earle, Kyle Books, £14.99

Honestly Healthy Cleanse – Natasha Corrett

For her third release, alkaline guru, Natasha Corrett from Honestly Healthy has focused on cleansing, with four easy to follow detox plans to help reset the body. With everything from #feelgood, a short term, three day program to #ifechanging, a month long cleanse, there is a plan for everyone.

Honestly Healthy Cleanse by Natasha Corrett, Hodder and Stoughton, £25

Plenish – Juices To Cleanse, Boost and Heal – Kara Rosen

Plenish’s range of delicious juices are a longstanding favourite and founder Kara has created a comprehensive guide of recipes and cleanse programmes for detox, wellbeing and vitality. Sure to attract everyone from seasoned juicers to first timers, we can’t wait to try the Cacao Cashew Mylk.

Plenish: Juices to Cleanse, Boost and Heal by Kara Rosen, Mitchell Beazley, £12.99

Crazy Sexy Kitchen – Kris Carr

The follow up to Crazy, Sexy, Diet offers over 150 recipes to nourish the mind, body and soul. A veggie manifesto for anyone following a plant-based diet, expect to find lip-smacking recipes alongside inspiring nutritional advice.

Crazy Sexy Kitchen: 150 Plant-Empowered Recipes to Ignite a Mouthwatering Revolution by Kris Carr, Hay House UK, £18.99

Gut Gastronomy – Vicki Edgson & Adam Palmer

Based on the award winning Grayshott Spa’s successful programme for cleansing and healing the digestive system, Gut Gastronomy features over 100 mouthwatering recipes designed for a healthy tummy.

Gut Gastronomy: Revolutionise Your Eating to Create Great Health by Vicki Edgson & Adam Palmer, Jacqui Small LLP, £30

Pure: Juicing For Life – Sarah Cadji

Founder of health hotspot, Roots & Bulbs Sarah Cadji has created an easy to follow guide to incorporating juices into your everyday diet, with recipes for weight loss, detoxing, improving skin and more.

Pure: Juicing for Life by Sarah Cadji, Quadrille, £15

Five: 150 Ways to Eat 5+ A Day – Rachel de Thample

Prepare to eat the rainbow with this range of mouthwatering recipes designed to help incorporate more plants into your diet. With each dish detailing how many of your five a day it contains, there is no longer any excuse not to eat enough veggies.

Five: 150 Effortless Ways to Eat 5+ a Day by Rachel de Thample, Ebury Press, £14.99

Chocolate Covered Katie – Katie Higgins

On a diet but still want a sweet treat? Then this is book is your answer, with over eighty healthy twists on delicious favourites, meaning you can enjoy brownies, cheesecake and more minus the guilt.

Chocolate-Covered Katie: Over 80 Delicious Recipes That Are Secretly Good for You by Katie Higgins, Grand Central Life & Style, £11.56

Words by Harriet Tisdall