
Welcome to Hip & Healthy’s 12 days of FITMAS! What is this, you might ask? For the 12 days leading up to Christmas day, we’re giving you a little insight into how some of our favourite wellness influencers are spending Christmas, their favourite parts of the festive season and little nuggets of wisdom!

On the 8th day of FITMAS, we’re taking inspiration from model and founder of Qnola, Danielle Copperman! 

What do you do to stay fit during the festive period?
I usually go home to where I grew up in Bath, and I’m super lucky to live in the quiet countryside with lots of space and fresh air. I try to keep consistent with doing yoga in the mornings, but I don’t force it if I don’t have the energy (often the result of late nights and an extra busy digestion). I usually go for a run in the fresh air along the lanes, and if I have some quiet time between family and other guests, I’ll try to do some bodywork workouts in my bedroom (usually a combination of resistance band exercises, squats and lots of ab work). We also always always always go on long walks across the fields with friends and families. Bath is pretty hilly so this keeps me feeling fit, but is also lovely and sociable too so it doesn’t feel like a lot of hard work.


How do you avoid temptations at Christmas parties?
I don’t! I try to be super flexible with my eating habits and so if I want something, I’ll just have it. I avoid certain temptations if they contain ingredients that I am sensitive to (such as dairy and gluten), but otherwise, I just enjoy it.


What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
My first book, Well Being, coming out in January. It’s been such a long project and I’ve literally poured the past few years of my life onto 300+ pages. The book is a collection rituals and recipes that I’ve discovered through my travels, teachers and own tribulations and is aimed to provide coping mechanisms to modern illnesses and intolerances, and the side effects of modern life such as stress, depression, fear, low energy and bad digestion. I’m most looking forward to sharing the book and hosting events and retreats based on the contents.


Do you have any new years resolutions?
I usually make resolutions all through the year, but at the forefront of my mind is to travel more next year. I also want to be more conscious about using less plastic and getting rid of old clothes and clutter that I don’t need, by giving it to charity or another good cause.